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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52836860 No.52836860 [Reply] [Original]

>the housing market is just really bad right now
>the job market is just really bad right now
>the dating market is just really bad right now

It's never going to get better is it?

>> No.52836871


>> No.52836880
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It will suck until 2026.

>> No.52836889

It will get worse and worse and worse until there aren't enough young people to keep the boomer population afloat in retirement 2030.
Who knows what will happen after that. Fingers crossed everything just works out lol.

>> No.52837004

the boomers are also doing some scorched earth shit on the job market too

>> No.52837023

welcome to the great depression 2.0 except this time everyone can see it coming and was deliberately caused

>> No.52837035

this train has no brakes
just buy weapons ammos and be ready to take back everything they stole from our generation

>> No.52837200
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>It's never going to get better is it?

>> No.52837215

So this is what happens to a country that's "too" wealthy, just the old eating the sick and the young getting more Nasty or cutthroat.
What a society!

>> No.52837309

It's the feeling of waiting anxiously in line for a really scary roller coaster, forever

>> No.52837326

We saw the top of our entire civilization.

>> No.52837352
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I'm a doctor and the job market is amazing and i can get girls pretty easily. Maybe you have a problem with motivation?

>> No.52837442


>> No.52837459

Everyone under 40 instinctively knows things are just gonna get worse for them. Boomers on ther other hand, who went through their formative years where recessions were short speed bumps on a consistent path to prosperity can't conceptualize it though. Like last year when I was looking to buy a car and my boomer dad telling me that was a bad idea and to wait until the high prices went down. Of course prices have only gone up since then and he couldn't understand the isea that things were just going to get more expensive and never go back down.

>> No.52837464

The only option is revolution.

>> No.52837507

i really wonder what the effects on the stock market will be when all the ameriboomers withdraw from the S&P500

>> No.52837509

Boomer minimum wage was equivalent to like 30USD/hour today. It's insane how easy they had it.

>> No.52837579

Many of them won't. I know my Dad won't. He has a pension that pays his full salary until he dies. He's got 900k in Schwab that will probably never get withdrawn, simply rolled into the children's IRA when he passes.

>> No.52837582

You're right, i just need to stay litty.

>> No.52837628

>It's never going to get better is it?
After WWIII everything will be better.

>> No.52837670

>short speed bumps on a consistent path to prosperity can't conceptualize it though.
Well said.
I got into an argument recently with a boomer uncle that can't seem to understand how fucked real estate has gotten. Sure he paid 13% interest in 1983 to buy a home, but the home cost $80,000 when he was making $40,000 a year. This ratio has gone off the rails since, and he just couldn't accept it. I usually respect the guy otherwise, but this is a blindspot endemic to their age. It's astounding.

>> No.52837671

The job market is the best its ever been in all of our history. At least here in the US that’s the case.

>> No.52837760

Maybe for you. The job market has never in human history been more favorable to job seekers than it is now .

>> No.52838487

It's ok. The job market dies in a recession. The recession comes next year

>> No.52838769

Boomer bewilderment syndrome

It will always be 1985 in your uncles mind

>> No.52838791

The material realm was never your standard of happiness. It is your standard of suffering. The inner realm, however…

>> No.52839123
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 5D181CEB-A92B-435B-908E-74B87B0735D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, now I wanna rewrite the lyrics to the bowling for Soup song to match the attitudes of this thread towards boomers and the economic downturn. Can someone help me?

>> No.52839132

Not in your lifetime. Fight them.

>> No.52839239
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If you don’t like it, just disappear. What are they gonna do, hunt you down?

Pray for my nigga, he’s stuck in Oh la la land.

>> No.52839293

Did Algerians make him into kebab?

>> No.52839346
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I certainly hope so. Anything’s better than dealing with the French.

So 1985 is a song about regrets, something /biz/ is all too familiar with, but these are the regrets of a suburban white woman in the 2000’s. Can the song be refitted to match the attitudes of /biz/? I’ve seen so many other songs posted here do the same.

>> No.52839397

ever heard of the lost decade in japan? you know what the called the next decade? the other lost decade

>> No.52839431
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It’s been “the lost decade” for 30 years, man, they need a new tagline. How about “the point of no return”?

>> No.52839498

Yep, this.

>> No.52839509
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It's only gonna get worse, and I for one can't wait.
I have come to peace with the fact that I was born in a terrible time, it just sucks that it's so clear it's all coming to an end but everyone is still acting normal.

>> No.52839514

It's worse than that, they are too attached to it. My dad has been losing money non stop since it started droping. He keeps saying "it will go back to green, I'm used to the market, it's up and downs'

He's gonna get liquidated, he's not even listening to my FUD. The trust in the system is so strong with the whiteheads, how could they format them so good ?

>> No.52839603

Based. My first concert was bowling for soup. Something something yellow suv but, "her ZILLOW ESTIMATE/IS NOW IN NEGATIVE" She hates rates make it stop, and when did Austin, texas start to pop?

There's my best.

>> No.52839615

Sometimes I wonder, what if nothing happened ?

>> No.52839649

I'm not blowing money like the country is gonna collapse in a week or anything, so I'd still be fine. I guess it'd just be disappointing to continue witnessing the slow decline of our country, and honestly slow decline somehow seems even worse than an actual collapse.

>> No.52839672

>Zillow estimates
You did fine pinpointing an aspect of mid-life, roastie financing. I just wish I were as fluent in that kind of understanding, I just can’t understand the female brain. Might need to do some research, maybe reference those daycare consulting jobs.

I wanted to rewrite them to reflect/biz/ attitudes, but that’s been done before and roasting roasties for their poor life decisions is something that never gets old.

>> No.52839681

It is worse
If you were being raped, would you break your arm to get out of it and make it stop instantly, or would you let it go on for a looooong time till he inevitably stabs you to death?
You would break your arm. Society needs to break its arm within the next year if it wants to continue.

>> No.52839692

how does breaking your arm get you out of being raped

>> No.52839715

Allows you to get out of the grasp, obviously.
The point is, we need to have really tough times for a very short while in order to get out of it better.
This constant dragging on and on only makes things worse especially because people won't have any children. A long protracted birth decline is worse long term than everyone being in chaos for a year or two and restabilisation with a new economic system

>> No.52839719

That’s because in a slow decline, you don’t get to take vengeance against your enemies or try to rule over the ensuing ashes. You’re stuck watching your life burn out as the dweebs and snakes you would’ve punched into next week get to enjoy a lifetime of opulence. Keyword, lifetime; because unless these scammers repent before our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, there’s definitely going to be payback for all these misdeeds. Keep that in mind as you’re slaving away, it won’t be for nothing.

>> No.52839726

rapist will feel sorry for u for having a broken arm, so he'll let you go coz uve endured enuff

>> No.52839741

>Allows you to get out of the grasp, obviously.
he's still gonna have a hold on your limp arm and now he's gonna be pulling it and hurting you more

>> No.52839746

Alright well maybe the analogy wasn't the best in retrospect. You obviously understood what I meant though.

>> No.52839835

I would much rather shoot my rapist in the fucking face, but contemporary politicians are trying to convince me to give up my guns and liberals are telling me not to be racist or homophobic.

All the ills in society exist because we’ve become lovers of ourselves as a whole. We hold onto too many abstract ideas that we think define us. Sexual orientation is a relatively new concept, I assume people back in the day fucked to make children with some pleasure in between.

I can see where you’re going with the analogy, but you gotta ask the harder questions: why is a rapist after me in the first place, should I take preventative measures, and how can I rid my community of rapists entirely?

>> No.52839914

Stepping aside from my retarded attempt to sound profound, you are correct that the love of the self is a major problem but it isn't the main reason for it I don't think. Allow me to ramble:
Men do not love themselves. It is the women that do. Why? Because this new world is catered towards this inbuilt narcissistic desire in women to be pretty and wanted. Men also desire to be wanted but it's for other reasons. The mere desire to be lusted after is a fantasy of man but in reality, he wants to be loved and cared about. That is very very different.
Men are naturally disposable which is a harsh reality but it's true. Women are not disposable and are an asset, the most lucrative asset in the world. Young women especially.
It is female narcissism which as turned society into a living hell. Everything else stems from this, the only reason a male will become a lover of the self is if? That's right. he is loved by women and gets their attention.

I have a theory that the garden of eden story was actually very simple. The apple was not a fruit or some mystical object, it was Eve discovering the orgasm from being raped by Satan. Eve then showed Adam the orgasm and so, human beings are slaves to sex. This is why we are in the state we are in.

>> No.52839937

Job market is great for everyone except code monkeys

>> No.52840100

That would explain the painfulness of childbirth punishment.

Yeah, when I typed that, I meant “identities”: people, but especially women, love how they relate to this wretched society too much because of all this unfettered narcissism.

Coming back to the rapist analogy, I feel as though women want protection from a rapist, but not preventative measures. Prevention would imply standard, and standards means submission to a higher authority; not even god in this case (although you should always submit to him), BASIC reality. Just the reality of situations is enough to break their fragile egos
>are you saying it’s my fault for walking home in the dead of night in this cute outfit? I shouldn’t have to be HUMBLED!
>why would I need a gun? I shouldn’t have to learn DISCIPLINE, just teach rapists not to fucking rape!
>just because the rapist was this race, doesn’t mean they all are! (which to be fair is true, but rapists also dress a certain way and have an attitude about them) stop using JUDGEMENT and just be tolerant of all lifestyles!

It’s a crying shame that our birth givers are this spoiled.

Of course, crypto bros have trouble with those three virtues as well, but in a different way. They want to ESCAPE from their impoverished lives while roasties try to convince themselves that they already deserve theirs.

>> No.52841630

>blindspot endemic to their age
it's not a blind spot. they know exactly what's going on.

>> No.52841726

> ...and i can get girls pretty easily
That's hardly better considering most of them are death vaxxed.

>> No.52842099

>>the dating market is just really bad right now
Is it actually? I've been married since 2010

>> No.52842210

not for this generation, no. had this realization early on in 2020 that all our institutions were just going to keep breaking down and everything will continue to get worse and worse.
houses, cars, food, etc. will continue to become less affordable.
people will continue to become more mentally ill.

>> No.52842275

kek. that's exactly what you have to look forward too. a steady decline...not some big cleansing event.

>> No.52842316

Every person in every town is to earn 20 grand a month... how else can we support the tax base, the insurance industry, the consumer economy, and the landlords? it should be obvious

>> No.52842325

you have no fucking idea, anon

>> No.52842346
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I'm going to be a propertycel my whole life, a slave to a landlord with ever-increasing corporate-board-set rent that my meager raises only barely compensate for. I feel hopeless as fuck.

>> No.52842497
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>The job market is the best its ever been in all of our history.

>> No.52842552
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>> No.52842673
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Take the Balaji-pill. We can't change the current system, we need to circumvent and make better ones. Support good businesses and starve out bad ones. Become ungovernable.

>> No.52842775


Wendy's is paying $17! Take that Putin!

>> No.52842826
File: 515 KB, 3840x2160, medieval-gallows-3d-model-low-poly-obj-3ds-fbx-blend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arm ain't gonna cut it.
how bout a neck?

>> No.52842856

Accelerate the process. If you're self employed/neet/trade. Don't contribute to group plans. If you work for a company that has a pension, minimize your contributions. If you quit, unlock your contributions and cash out. Fuck those boomers.

>> No.52842906

Hopeless is an extension of how eager you are to play within the rules
(hint: the haves don't give a fuck)

>> No.52842927

tell me

>> No.52842981


And funnily enough the rules are set up to favor the people on top. Weird how that's the way things are eh?

>> No.52843052

Absolutely crazy innit

>> No.52844346

Doctors make like 1200 euros a month in my country and work like dogs while taking care of non-europeans the whole time.

Yeah actually they should be treated like dogs for that

>> No.52844365

doctors are the ultimate slaves to the system

>> No.52844377

No, boomers are just the most spiteful and entitled population on the entire planet. It didn't have to be this way, but boomers will burn everything to the ground before they let Millennials/Zoomers have a well paid job market in a high trust society.

>> No.52844406

How is it sticking your fingers up boomers ass all day?

>> No.52844415

My dad seems pretty smart and wants us to be careful with that shit, he only makes like 50k a year and he works like 50+ hours a week and knows how shit it is out there

>> No.52844600

Yeah, the entire market is down even fundamental projects are bleeding excessively. But I think the next bull cycle would see widespread in payment projects. In this aspect, I welcome the progress made by Coti and Xpress Network.

>> No.52844679
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I'd rather be a crypto investor than a wage slave.I've been using the Rainmaker, Uturst, and Xpress apps for my transactions While I wait to make the most from them

>> No.52845753

Agreed. Absolutely need a gun in these crazy times. Don't know how Eurocucks or Canuckcucks will survive honestly

>> No.52846131
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If it's so shit why don't you guys move to other countries? Real estate is cheap af in plenty of european countries.