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5283715 No.5283715 [Reply] [Original]

Einsteinium reddit on suicice watch

>> No.5283774

this is just shit

>> No.5283789


>> No.5283804
File: 45 KB, 813x496, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes me sad

>> No.5283810

Lol wtf happened
Was the 'mind blowing' announcement something retarded?

>> No.5283844

lol i put 0.1 btc into this shitcoin every time theres a big dip, always up 15-20% in a week or two, same with IOP, complete and utter shitcoins but pnd groups love them, buy at -25-30% and set sell orders the same at +, easy money

>> No.5283849

I'm sad people this dumb exist.

>> No.5283862

>its a nigger

>> No.5283863

>twerking vines
>balding cope thread
lmao yikes

>> No.5283870
File: 6 KB, 180x180, frog cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened, it was an exit scam?

Everybody with common sense smelled this was a shitcoin from the beginning, even the name "Einsteineum" is not something I can take seriously

>> No.5283916

How long until a disgruntled bagholder actually takes out a crypto dev? My bet goes on Sergey being the first.

>> No.5283948

Typical cookie cutter porn addict

>> No.5284027

his power is maximum

>> No.5284059
File: 31 KB, 974x522, 1512530140907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at the reddit right now, holy shit, these normies got fucked. It's their fault for being retarded, they shouldn't blame the devs.

>It's an obvious scamcoin. No whitepaper, really shitty website design, obvious hyperbole and hyping in their tweets.

I wonder, if it was an "obvious scam" why the fuck would you buy it? normies are truly stupid.

>> No.5284099

probably a tattooed freak also.

>> No.5284130
File: 5 KB, 225x225, frog coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goes to show, Redditors don't really invest in what they believe in. Or maybe they do, but they believe in what others believe in - they follow the masses.

If you're going to go all in in some shitcoin, then be sure to do the fucking research. It aggravates me how nowadays everybody buys the coins of the community that screams that hardest and collectively shits their diapers (bro you gotta buy pedocoin bro this shit is the next ethereum!).

t. guy who went all in on Bitbay and was right

>> No.5284148

Greed, FOMO, etc. I'd guess.

>> No.5284163

you got lucky, dont let it get to your head

imo if the reddit guy holds long enough, this shitcoin will pump tremendously - thats always what happens

>> No.5284169

>broly confirmed canon

Lmao. We wuz einsten and shyeet

>> No.5284193

>twerking vids
>early balding
>invests in shitcoins

>> No.5284200

A fork... Yep retarded

>> No.5284251

Comment from reddit:
>There was supposed to be a mind blowing announcement. About a minute before noon when the announcement was supposed to take place, the price rocketed down as if everyone sold at once. By the time it was first posted in a place most people were not looking to see it, the price had dropped below 10000 Satoshi. Before most people could even find the news it continued dropping. It bottomed out at about 7000 after starting around 15000 Satoshi. Then started bouncing up and down.
The news was actually really good news, but not necessarily mind blowing. Still it was really good news on a number of things.
Clearly a big whale somewhere took advantage of the situation and planned to sell just prior to the news to take out all the stops and then re-buy at a lower price. There is no other explanation how the coin could crash at least 8 minutes before the news.
The other question is why did they release the news late? Earlier by a few minutes would have been better. Also, why didn't management say where the news would be released? So right now the coin is priced low and people are getting fire sale prices. I think with the good news that the price will go up soon. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an unexpected announcement tomorrow with more good news offered up from management. EMC2 still is the same coin but with even more potential with the good news. I like that they will make the coin available with ATM's.

So, someone sold before the news? That's what happened and these guys are crying like little bitches. It happens all the time in these markets.

They even say it's a "scam". Holy shit, now I'm glad they lost all their money, fucking idiots.

>> No.5284275
File: 103 KB, 1040x1217, moonmission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undervalued and better than the competition
>shit ton of updates were on the roadmap
>will btfo syscoin and particl and later Ebay
>dynamic decentralised pegging


>Promises based on nothing

>> No.5284315
File: 173 KB, 1080x1080, anon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was greedy
>gets BTFO
why should I be sad? the funniest part is how he talks about believing in the developers but we only bought recently.

>> No.5284330

>hurr durr I can predict le crypto market cuz im an investor! no luck involved!

jeez anon, if you know whats going to pump all the time please let all of us now

>> No.5284355
File: 64 KB, 499x499, thinking frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I already told you

>> No.5284401

>About a minute before noon when the announcement was supposed to take place, the price rocketed down as if everyone sold at once.

Before the announcement? So the devs dropping their bags and pulling the exit scam?

>> No.5284468


>> No.5284560

They took advantage of the situation and claimed they didn’t lie and answered questions. Got out before the announcement.

Wish I bought the dip

>> No.5284596

was stupid enough to put some in on it at 0.00014000, do i hodl longer in hope to see it going up again or take my losses and put it in something else?

>> No.5284698

why?, you expecting it to rebound?, i bough at 9570, not sure if i should kill it now or let it ride out, desu i just saw the 30% dip and bought it thinking it will rise, now i know about the situation im not too sure..

>> No.5284701

FYI the announcement was the biggest joke ever to happen in cryptospace. The mindblowing announcement was a "mining algorithm change". Laughed my ass off after seeing how fucking incompetent they can be running a business

>> No.5284728
File: 517 KB, 115x86, 1424024696447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Never heard "Buy the rumor, sell the news."

>> No.5284762

>complains about greedy devs
>only bought this shitcoin out of greed


>> No.5284764

i feel like right now is gonna be one of those times that bad news shakes all the weakhands for a week and then it moons. look at IOTA

>> No.5284829


I laughed at their dev team when it was 0.50$, told myself it was a fail team

Price exploded to $2 and I regret not gambling my money

Now, seeing the early investors take out their cash for the bag holders and WOW, 2018 is the biggest year for suicide

>> No.5284898

Meanwhile XVG'ers out shopping for lambos right now

>> No.5284996
File: 80 KB, 169x200, 1504294565710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put my life savings into it
>am 18

Wow. How much? 500$?
Probably mad that all gains are gone though

>> No.5285051
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>> No.5285066
File: 220 KB, 320x238, BatmanRobinandHawkeyehavingaheartychuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New footage of the next arc. Broly confirmed cannon?
Oh god I lost it.

>> No.5285120

>redditor masterrace

>> No.5285130
File: 7 KB, 200x196, en235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not going to make it, is he

>> No.5285164


>> No.5285200
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>> No.5285234
File: 987 KB, 229x176, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5285326

How much EMC2 for a gf like jess?

>> No.5285511
File: 461 KB, 1059x962, 1450584750624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like he deleted his account.....

>> No.5285557

Obviously. Why else would you shill "MIND BLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT COMING BOIS" instead of just announcing something when the time comes? Unless of course you're attempting to pump the price and dump at the peak.

>> No.5285578

I guess he panic sold and kills himself when it is up again 20% next week.

>> No.5285636

lol what happened. can i get a rundown

>> No.5285686

seems like he delet'd himself

>> No.5285703

>shit coin shills "MIND BLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT" a month in advance
>brainlets get excited
>price is pumped
>crashes 35% minutes before the announcement

>> No.5285758

panic killed himself

noobs never learn

>> No.5285796


I fucking love /fit/misc memes

>> No.5285860

holy shit that sub is something else right now. one guy is braggingg about selling a big lose and trying persuade everyone else to.

>> No.5286359


>> No.5286443

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5286513

>normalfags buying into digital hype and throw life savings into it
don't these fags know to only spend what your willing to lose?

>> No.5286727

but it was only a 35% loss he's not broke

>> No.5287077

> Puts entire life savings into internet coins.
> Wasn't willing to lose entire life savings for glory
> An Hero
> Fagsteinium announced world currency 2025

>> No.5287815

Is this shitcoin the new digibyte? I can understand those in for the p&d but for fucks sake, who buys this shit because 'they love the team and the development'? Fucking deluded brainlets.