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52836242 No.52836242 [Reply] [Original]

reddit will be liq'd at 25%

>> No.52836265

I can't wait until these things are beanie baby tier

>> No.52836266

No one cares. Go back

>> No.52836285

oh god, my funkoestimate!

>> No.52836302

Literally my thoughts, can't believe consoooomers fall for this shit.

>> No.52836420
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Why do renters love these stupid things so much?

>> No.52836448
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Unlike crypto I actually own a cute toy I can tangibly touch. I don't collect them for appreciation I just appreciate them as cute objects.
However, as they do seem to have value I never open the box.

>> No.52836452

>I can't wait until these things are beanie baby tier
It always has been...

>> No.52836477

Unfathomably based, cryptocucks btfo

>> No.52836670
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>I actually own a cute toy I can tangibly touch
A faggot = you

>> No.52836723

ive got a cowoboy bebop funkerino worth about $170 that I use to kill spiders. one day i'll sell it, but its job is not yet complete

>> No.52836746
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Implying renters want to waste the money and have the space for that plastic chink shit.
You're looking at chubby to obese fat fucks who still live at home, these are their "collectibles".
I personally just collect bullet casings.

>> No.52836760

>kill spiders.

>> No.52836783

I am convinced people who buy these are the same people who buy NFTs

>> No.52836850

Uh no, rentoids love to buy funkypops. I've had to clear them out every time I evict

>> No.52836864

>drag queen funko pop

>> No.52836893

Nigga buy gold and silver if you want to hold something important .
But faggots likevyou dont deserve financial freedom or life honestly. Fuck you

>> No.52836911

official 4chan faggot of the week

>> No.52836914

dont be an asshole some people are losing a lot

>> No.52837092
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Trixie is amazing. Women all over the world love her. I collect all her stuff.

>> No.52837219
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>> No.52837316

And they deserve it for parking their (presumably quite limited) liquid capital in dolls. Children's toys. Not particularly nice or fun children's toys, either.

>> No.52837348

kek ywnbaw

>> No.52837448
File: 59 KB, 392x590, 27AD8558-D68D-4C06-9936-6B15C36EACE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What part of NEVER FUCKING SELLING my funkypops don't you kikes understand?

>> No.52837498
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My limited edition first Keanu got more valuable while my brother in laws etherium means he can't retire.
Gosh I feel so dumb. Why did I collect this thing for fun only to find out other people buy it for more than I did.
Gosh I wish I had a computer pic of my doll to trade instead.
How sillt
I also collect small brand steel razors cause so cool. Idk if they go up. I know they are tangible and fun.

>> No.52837500

I've seen people make bank with funkos I can't say the same for nft fags

>> No.52837746

>small brand steel razors
cut the drag queen shit and stick with this. antique barber tools are more likely to increase in value than plastic bullshit that never served a purpose.

>> No.52837807
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is this post written by a shitty AI?

>> No.52837979
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They do seem to be very collectible. I had no idea. I just think they are so cool.

They just cost so much more to collect. I just collect things I like and find pleasing to look at.

>> No.52838424

Who even buys these? Appart from your mom, of course

>> No.52839332

use your hand or a hammer, pussy.

>> No.52840597


>> No.52840798

8/8 b8 m8

>> No.52841145
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>> No.52841176

>ages 3+

>> No.52841189
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Antique Dealer Anon here.

Feel free to ask any questions on the collectables/Antique market, funko/soi collectables/Ninja Turtles etc and I will try to help. I was just talking with several sellers regarding the possible market collapse on toys

>> No.52841216

imagine spending money on funko pops when you could build a warhammer 40k army instead

>> No.52841394

Adult baby

>> No.52841397
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They over printed the fuck out of funkos, the company went public and just mass produced EVERYTHING nothing is rare

I will admit I bought some in 2017 some niche stuff(pic related), but this shit is so overblown with the variants 10 inch, light up, scenes, posters, albums, artist sketch, board games, plush, sodas, cereal, ETC

we are approaching that very quickly

thoughts on Star Wars? i swear they are just reprinting the same shit (black series) every 2 years

>> No.52841505

thoughts on pokemon cards as collectibles? at least there is a anime/video game lore and hype behind it. 26 years of running strong

>> No.52841537

Which one is the most collectable, not counting prototype models that consumers had no access to?

>> No.52841554

It's a classic scam where a new "collectable" item comes out and nobody gets the supply vs demand issue with collectable things. If there were 100,000 copies of a particular item and everybody still has one, that's not worth much and has probably lost value.

>> No.52841559

The Titanfall 2 ones are pretty rare considering the fact that they are the only good figures of Titanfall out there

>> No.52841561
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This is the only one I own and ever will.

>> No.52841569

uhm dog isn't that a nendo

>> No.52841580

Same shit to me. All I care about is how awesome it is

>> No.52841586
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>thoughts on Star Wars? i swear they are just reprinting the same shit (black series) every 2 years

The original figure line (1977-1985) will NOT disappear, too many people who have a lot of money fight over those and they are seen as an investment. Modern resellers will suffer moving mass produced modern items if not sold quickly. The 1995-1998 figure line was so heavily made that I can still buy a carded figure for $5-10 on average or less. Compare that with a 1978 mint Chewbacca for $5000

>thoughts on pokemon cards as collectibles? at least there is a anime/video game lore and hype behind it. 26 years of running strong

Pokemon isn't going anywhere, lots of people collect the games, cards, advertising etc. Again, newer mass produced stuff will get hurt, the absolute top end early stuff will hold a lot of value.

In general, hold on to the absolute best quality early stuff and you should be fine for most collectables.

>> No.52841815
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>> No.52841881

the muppet ones are very cute.

>> No.52842034

nendo are actually high quality and based as fuck

>> No.52842132

Reddit tier faggot detected

>> No.52842528

man I was so mad I got like 20 beanie babies ready to re-sell as a kid and they just evaporated

>> No.52842558

worse, they are such ugly plastic shit. Beanie babies were at least inoffensive stuffed animals. I still see them around, meanwhile funkos are all going straight to the landfill where they belong.

>> No.52842580

>funko pop
This stuff is literal trash. Actual E-waste.

>> No.52842581
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20221212-223505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike crypto I actually own a badass 1/1800 scale model WWII ship I can tangibly touch. I don't collect them for appreciation I collected them so I can recreate the battle off samar or the battle of the river plate. I can learn insights to how great men like Nimitz or kurita were thinking when their heavy cruisers were crippled by a wayward torpedo or panic as a five bomber scores a one in a hundred hir obliterating my flagship

However, as they do seem to have value I take them to cons and teach people my scenarios

>> No.52842608

goodsmile shit are not funkypops. You're a landchad not a renter

>> No.52842643

Go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.52842659

He's retarded, right? Like legit medical retarded.

Please tell me this person isn't normal.

>> No.52842708

Unfathomably based.

>> No.52842725

How much is a WWII era katana? Can I find one for 100 bucks?

>> No.52842785
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Just turn your brain off and stop noticing, jeeze, bigot

>> No.52842803

>went to a FYE because they have some great Japanese-import drinks that I cant find at a better price, decide to grab 2 cans since its bogo50%
>me and only one other customer in store in front of me at register
>literal image of a soijak, bald with shitty beard, glasses, and of course fat.
>came to the store to pickup his preordered funko pop
>goes on and on with girl behind counter
>she is definitely acting nice and smiling answering his consoomer rant with simple answers
>literally 5 min to get this guy rung up
>I try my best to give the girl a smallworded fast checkout so she can take a break
>she either must have been tired from the ordeal or felt sorry for me waiting for a while behind Mr. Formula-raised infant, because she instead gave me a full buy one get one free on my cans.

>> No.52842961

funkopops are so weird to me because me and 99% of the people i know can’t fucking stand them, then i go on 4chin and see them get shit on non-stop. so i’m left wondering, who the fuck likes these things and who is driving the price up? just literal reddit NPCs?

>> No.52842978

>just literal reddit NPCs
Yes. And retarded manchildren who like superhero movies.

>> No.52843144
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What do you think is a good buy now that will likely appreciate well? Most stuff I see or use regularly is highly mass produced.

>> No.52843185
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i'm a UPS truck-cuck driver, and last year someone ordered an ENTIRE box of funko pops to their door. why would someone do this?

>> No.52843199

Did you do the delivery dance?

>> No.52843494
File: 265 KB, 1280x953, niceyoumademeuse1percentofmypowereeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much is a WWII era katana? Can I find one for 100 bucks?

Thread seems dead but anyway, the cheapest WW2 Katana (read NCO's sword that was produced mid 1940's pre 1945, machine made and serial numbered) is $500-800 now. If you want a Kai-Gunto or Shin-Gunto (Navy and Army swords) a good one will be $1000-1200 minimum based on condition. For an actual decent blade prices go from $2k to infinity, there are books on sword makers on the handle (hidden by the wrapping) and the Japanese faked certain makers for 400+ years.

A nice condition NCO sword from pre 1945 may be a good start for you. Otherwise, get a new display one at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.52843516
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There are worse investments, but not many.

>> No.52843534
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>What do you think is a good buy now that will likely appreciate well? Most stuff I see or use regularly is highly mass produced.

I would recommend quality of quantity, as well as buying into established fields. Example: Graded rare coins (silver/gold), vintage Star Wars toys (Also graded), graded video games, Military items of rarity (this is a lot harder.) The problem is that for one good item there are 10000+ bad ones, so you need to check out auction sale closing costs/sale costs for desirable items and do your homework. Look into popular categories, then choose the most popular/well selling items in those fields.

Most importantly, you need to buy at a price that at worst will ensure you at least can get your money back if needed quickly, and hopefully will provide a good margin.

>> No.52843679


>> No.52843921

>most are white
racist much, eh?

>> No.52843939

dumb nigger buy gold

>> No.52843956

kek, my grandmother gave me a special princess diana one because she was sad that diana had died, I thought for sure it was going to be worth something one day since it was a special edition, thought it was going to pay for college or a down payment on a house one day, it's worth like $15