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52836498 No.52836498 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what does it take to get a girlfriend?
I have a degree, a good job, I'm not too short, not deformed. Last year I hit $1M net worth with crypto, which has since gone down to $200k, and even then no girls cared about me at all.
It's easier to become a millionaire than to get a girlfriend in this clown world.

>> No.52836515

step one: be tall/attractive

step two: don't be short/ugly

>> No.52836552

Lower your standards and apply red pill logic with women. As in, show that you respect yourself first.

>> No.52836601

stop ejaculating for 3 months at least.
lift, eat a lot of animal protein.
don't be american.

>> No.52836639

get off the internet. stop browsing 4chan. it's making you social inept.

get some hobbies like a normal fucking person. if your young enough to go to college and take some courses again, join some college clubs.

but most importantly, get off image boards. they are rotting your brain.

>> No.52836673
File: 307 KB, 1242x1963, 9559F061-1A23-470C-A387-6E053E47C812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times in the past year have you actually gone out and asked a girl for her number. You haven’t? Well that’s why you’re fucking lonely. Use the things you listed on your post to boost your conference and go fucking talk to them. Who gives a shit if they think you’re a creeper, one of them is bound to budge for their number.
>pic related. It’s me and my bitch.

>> No.52836736

You need to have an Instagram account, 100+ followers
Don’t even bother if you don’t have one

You probably only your uncle and 1 coworker to follow there
Your autistic don’t bothe r

>> No.52836739

I have never asked a woman out in my life. Because they don't signal that they like me. The other day I was at a party and one girl came talk to me, I almost asked her number but I thought she was just being nice.

I understand I have to ask them out. I'm gonna try that. But where? Randomly on the street?

>> No.52836795

Are you somewhat /fit/?
Do you dress decently or are you wearing the same shit-tier clothes you wore in high school?
Do you actually meet enough girls and most importantly, do you aks them out?

You won't get a decent girlfriend when you sit in front of your PC all day and maybe swipe on tinder from time to time. Go to parties, meet new people and when you click with a girl, ask her for a number/to meet a again for a few drinks or a coffee.
Its not that hard, the problem is most incels here don't leave their house often enough and dress and behave like complete creeps.

Oh, and never tell any girl you hold crypto.

>> No.52836820
File: 19 KB, 708x708, 1606557249994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but most importantly, get off image boards. they are rotting your brain.
I wonder what's causing more brainrot: browsing imageboards or trying to fit with normies if you're an autist?
Too much browsing imageboards will turn you into a degenerate while too much trying to fit in will crush your confidence because you eventually subconsciously start to internalize their standards and measure your worth by their rules,so what's the fine in this?

>> No.52836823

No, not randomly on the streets, at a party. You are the man, you need ALWAYS to take the lead if you want to fuck or marry a girl

>> No.52836831

Unironically do this


Just don’t do it at a gym. That shit is annoying.

>> No.52836839

>what does it take to get a girlfriend?
literally just trying. everybody here who has troubles with girls just never overcame their fear of approaching them. if its a confidence thing then fix yourself until you're satisfied enough to be confident.

>> No.52837010

You can’t fix low self esteem

At best you fake it till you make it/ dissociate into another universe
It’s part of your being and how you think and manage your life

>> No.52837044

This, everything else is just a cope

>> No.52837045

it's not all that true
it may help, but there's some dysgenics now

>> No.52837139

Wrong board faggot.

>> No.52837209

Poor europoor here with gf.
Pay me and i'll help you with that.

>> No.52837263

That's dumb.
Remember how just a little more than year ago when bitcoin was at 69K,most of the people thought that 100K is programmed?The value of alts was super inflated,smart people knew what do to.
Look where we are now,most of these same people don't want to touch crypto when everything is close to a fair value.With what you said above I bet you are one of those people who think that value is fixed,but in truth it's all hot air with a little bit of inherent value mixed in or not at all.It's all the same inherent rules when it comes to self-esteem however expressed differently and it's up for autists to figure out those rules

>> No.52837284

If you have to ask youre a genetic dead end
Women ultimately decide if they want you or not

>> No.52837655

This. Your only problem with girls is you're not talking to enough of them