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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52834293 No.52834293 [Reply] [Original]

Car bubble has popped. I have held off buying a car for the few last years and now my time has arrived. I have $20k.

What should I buy /o/ chads? I need something that screams artsy hipster chad from Salt Lake City, Utah or from Portland, Maine so I can pick up art hoes and normie college hoes.

Subaru? Mazda, maybe Mazda3?

>> No.52834319

good choice

>> No.52834334

20k cars don't impress roasties, you have to have a personality to fuck with that level of income.

Buy hatchback Mazda 3.

>> No.52834380
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Just take the fucking Lexus Pill
Cars don't get you laid, they signal your status to other men
You'll have Toyota quality but comfier and higher status

>> No.52834401

2015 Subaru WRX, stock. Zero modifications.

>> No.52834411

wanna pick up girls with a mazda.... just kill yourself

Cars for pickup:
Benz, BMW, Porsche, Exotic Sportcars, Bentley, Rolls

Never get a Pussy cars (Desert dry edition):
Hyundia, Mazda, Subaru, VW (beside GTI Fan girls), Honda, Toyota Prius, Electric cars at all.

>> No.52834654

>I need something that screams artsy hipster chad from Salt Lake City, Utah or from Portland, Maine so I can pick up art hoes and normie college hoes.
Triumph Bonneville

>> No.52834861

Yeah til something breaks, and it eventually will. Lexus are albeit more reliable than some of the other foreign cars, like Audi, BMW or Mercedes’. But parts and labor are still more expensive. I work at a dealership, I see what those things can cost to keep up on. If you buy a 20k Lexus, you’ve got some problems coming up sooner than later. If you’re in the 20k range Look at a Honda or Toyota if you want something nice and reliable. And stay the fuck away from any Nissan with a CVT transmission.

>> No.52835035

Just curious are you gonna finance or pay cash ?
I'm in the exact same situation, although seems like dealerships near me are keeping inventories artificially low I'm order to keep the goys from noticing the bubble pop.

>> No.52835065

depends on what kind of financing i can get desu. i have the cash to do it, but would much rather keep it to buy upcoming dipperinos.

>> No.52835151
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>Lexus FUD
I had an old IS250 over 160k miles and it ran flawlessly, I loved that fucking thing until I could afford to upgrade to a newer IS350, also running flawlessly
It may cost something to fix it up but it never fucking breaks in the first place, that's what makes them based
Get lowest interest loan from credit union and drag it the fuck out as long as possible (Like 7 years or something)
by the time 7 years is up the interest you paid will be covered with the erosion of your currency

>> No.52835206

i feel like it hasnt popped at all, prices look about the same as they were a year ago... and it was already overinflated jew

>> No.52835241

For me it's my 1998 green Toyota 4runner

>> No.52835360

Hey cool man, that’s the exception not the rule. All cars even new can have problems. Also, even credit union rates are high. Feds have raised rates how many times this year? Again, I work at a dealership and I see this shit everyday. Average rate is 6-7% best rates are under under 63 month term. Stop giving bad advice. 7 year loans are fine, the rate won’t be that much higher but it is going to be higher. Now talking out of your ass frog poster.

>> No.52835452

Love my Mazda3, get a good sized engine

>> No.52835510

Low mielage w212 or w221

>> No.52835792
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Also, /o/ chads, is it true that newer cars are all built with planned obsolescence?

Dealership chads, do most normies trade in after 2-3 years? I hear that's the consooomer trend and from a manufacturer's perspective, why bother making a car that survives
longer than 3 years...

So from a goycuck's perspective, a leasing deal with maintenance included actually makes more sense, if the option to own a reliable repairable vehicle is getting taken to the grave along with the boomer economy. I guess we really are going to own nothing and eat bugs.

>> No.52837592

Most normies take absolute shit care of their cars. That said, it is against a company's best economic interest to make long-lasting cars these days. Governments also want to keep debt-slaves on the hamster wheel.