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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52832031 No.52832031 [Reply] [Original]

Can you get a time increase on a credit card? I'm trying to look this up but all I see is shit for limit increases.
A month is an almost pointless amount of time. I don't see why credit limits increase how much you can spend which is near worthless as opposed to how long you have to pay it back. Well I mean I do see why, so they make more money, but there should be some avenue to increase the time you have instead.

I'm between jobs right now, and while my salary is high enough to pay whatever I need to off quickly once I get a new job, it might take a couple months for me to get something good.

>> No.52832049
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>A month is an almost pointless amount of time.
I bet you already owe money that you borrowed knowing that it was due in a month, don't you. But you only just now are complaining that its too short of a time. This isn't like american universities where you can just beg the professor for 5 extensions. No, the credit card company owns you now thanks for playing.

>> No.52832234

What the fuck is wrong with people coming here and making weird ass assumptions out of nowhere based on nothing. I've paid off my card in full every time, have as good a credit score as I can have, have never missed a payment and have a high credit limit. I don't know if your projecting because borrowing first and asking questions later is the kind of stupid shit YOU would do, but obviously I'm asking now if and how I can get an extension BEFORE I decide to borrow using the card.
Lucky you're the only post or I wouldn't have replied. Dumb wojakpoaster