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52827986 No.52827986 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52827996
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Source https://twitter.com/WhaleChart/status/1602078747532070914

>> No.52827999
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>> No.52828025

Umm... Bros... I have $1 worth of earn rewards airdropped for another 6 months...

>> No.52828029


>> No.52828040

i think i got banned on twitter, it wont let me sign in just keeps saying something is wrong

>> No.52828041

Bullish. Once all of the fake Bitcoin isn't being traded the scarcity principle will cause its price to skyrocket.

>> No.52828043

God, I hope so

>> No.52828065

Mr whale still has the delete his twatter as he promised a year ago if we break the 64k ath

>> No.52828080

big if nothing

>> No.52828095

is this the troll guy that kept saying bitcoin was a ponzi or whatever during the bullrun and elon musk retweeted

>> No.52828107

This faggot is shilling his telegram and changing the story

>> No.52828112

token not needed

>> No.52828127

<2% dump on BNB
Take your fud somewhere else shlomo

>> No.52828131

> source: my literally who twitter account

>> No.52828140

immense if verifiable

>> No.52828173
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The audit didn't fail because it wasn't an audit and the company admits that it wasn't and doesn't vouch by the methodology used. Kraken's CEO also said that an actual audit for PoR should have liability sheets which Binance did not provide and a shit ton of wallets were not included in this audit either.
Proofs: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/independent-audit-confirms-binance-bitcoin-194656680.html (ignore the title)

>> No.52828179
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Please don't do this to me bros. Post redditor or didn't happen

>> No.52828186

Immense if proportional.

>> No.52828187

Please kys

>> No.52828199

Impossible. If binance goes belly up it's literally fucking over. CBDCs 2023 eoy

>> No.52828209
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>> No.52828221

looks like bybit was the safest bet after all lmao, its even contributing over one billion to bitdao's treasury that's being used to build an unstoppable decentralized economy

>> No.52828236

BRB- gotta go hug my ledger.

>> No.52828254

>still falling to the CEX war
retarded as usual, biz.

Not your key not your crypto. simple as

>> No.52828277

withdrew all my funds from binance, took 1 minute to proceed. starting to feel dumb because I fell for it

>> No.52828278

fake news!

>> No.52828361

binance is done for

eat shit cryptofags

>> No.52828379

Realistically, if Binance went under in another FTX situation, what would happen to crypto? Would it drop another 80% or die altogether?

>> No.52828399

Mt.gox went nuclear and BTC is still okay.

Binance is nothing & bitcoin will survive, but yeah we won't see another ATH until 2025 or 2026 if that happens

>> No.52828487

>but yeah we won't see another ATH until 2025 or 2026 if that happens
We won't until 2025 either way.

>> No.52828497

>Binance is nothing
lol, binance is x100 the size mtgox was at it's peak

>> No.52828517
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>> No.52828536
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Binance has 10 years of cash reserves. Stop trying to fud a bank run, Sam.

>> No.52828544

binance going under would be a big big fuck you to crypto , I doubt they are insolvent but there is nothing that encourages confidence yet. seeing a lot of desperate fudders who got rekt on ftx turning around to shit on binance.

>> No.52828548

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.52828551

It would literally die. Some criminals and eccentric hipsters might start using it again when it's at like $10.

>> No.52828557

whats up with all the "trust me bro" attacks on binance lately?

>> No.52828571

It's okay if binance crashes because we still have crypto.com and ftx.

>> No.52828595
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They want to cause a bank run on Binance.

>> No.52828669

i see, i found this https://mishtalk.com/economics/binances-alleged-crypto-audit-failed-not-even-its-auditor-would-vouch-for-it
and this part made me realize this is a stupid campaign
>The above Proof of Reserves Claim is interesting. If you have assets 1:1 then you should not need an emergency fund for extreme cases.
so he is saying that having SAFU is bad news cuz reasons? what the fuck is this shit

>> No.52828697

every cycle has one popular cex which goes underwater after cycle.
2017 - bitfinex
2021 - binance
let's see what we gonna heard in 2024/2025. I am betting on thorchain-like cex+dex this time.

>> No.52828716

It's fine to buy and sell shit for fiat on CEX's. But if you are storing cash or crypto on them, you have learned nothing this year. You are hopelessly retarded and you will get no pity when the rugpull happens.

>> No.52828767

Bail out. We'll get paid by taxpayers money and we'll laugh at you

>> No.52828779

What country will bail out Binance my little incel?

>> No.52828799
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I have 60k in BUSD
What should I do?

Tether and USDC?
Or maybe Hold some BUSD in case Binance doesn't go under and hold like 33% BUSD, 33% TETHER and 34% USDC?

>> No.52828801
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>> No.52828815

50% on DAI
25% on BUSD on ETH ONLY
25% on USDC

>> No.52828834

Your Picrel is what Sam’s soul look like

>> No.52828838

DAI seems sketchy as fuck to me, more sketchy than Tether, at least from my place of ignorance.
What makes you trust so much on DAI?

>> No.52828897

busd is not owned by binance

dai is just wrapped usdc

any combination of usdc/usdt/busd is fine

>> No.52828931

>busd is not owned by binance
How come?
I don't trust TrustWallet because Binance bought them, so if Binance goes down, I am afraid TrustWallet funds could be confiscated.
Yes I am that paranoid.

>> No.52829111

As another anon said, DAI is basically pooled USDC.
They (USDC) can freeze a single address for any reason, but it's harder to do it for a big player like DAI

>> No.52829112

>won't see another ATH until 2025 or 2026
Lucky for us Fidelity is stepping in to provide BTC
+ ETH trading that will 10 X Binance.

>> No.52829131

I see, thanks.

>> No.52829196

This is bullshit but I believe it.
Also, lots of retarded permabull trannies lately.

>> No.52829638

The actual dumb ones are those who have their assets in large volume on their shitty earn program, you have lots of decentralized options like AAVE and CRV where you keep custody of your assets and where you can manage your assets better with SpoolFI.

>> No.52829923

Greedy retards will greed.

>> No.52829953

who the fuck would people sell to, literally nothing would happen

>> No.52829980

fake bitcoin trading was the only thing that caused it to go above 1k
be careful what you wish for

>> No.52830004

>falling for randy fucking raccoon
I seriously hope that most of the retards ITT are trolling

>> No.52830424
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This is such a shitty larp. None of your pretend magical money is worth anything either way. CEXes are the only thing holding the entire crypto space up. If it wasn't for CEXes it would have collapsed long ago. Binance is the big one, once binance rugs, it's over. Should you have everything in binance? Probably not, just in case. Should you have lots of it in? Yes, unless you feel the ultimate end of days rug is about to come.

>> No.52830429

sounds like bs

>> No.52830435

you're fucking retarded, monero will never drop below 100 dollars,

if monero went to 50 dollars or 10 dollars the entire marketcap would be bought up in a day

>> No.52830445

The sbf shills are just screenshotting random twitter nobodies, Lol

>> No.52830449
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Please sell, retard

>> No.52830451


>> No.52830471

Why is there now constant binance fud? If anything I feel like putting all of my funds from other exchanges onto Binance and buying bnb.

>> No.52830478

It's SBF shills unironically. Sam is pissed. Angry jews always hold a grudge.

>> No.52830509

do some reading. Binance is just the brand but Paxos is the issuer and they're fully backed more so than any other stable. I agree though if on the off chance CZ fud materializes the BUSD peg could be hurt for a while.

>> No.52830516
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Because Binance tried to take everyone down and managed to take SBF out, who has ties to congress and you never fuck over America, chink is getting a taste of his own medicine… anyway you all should be on the audit proven Cro exchange

>> No.52830520

Bittrex bros... we're comin home

>> No.52830530

You actually blame Sam's fuck up on CZ? LMAO
Sam should take responsibility for what he did and you need to learn to analyze things properly instead of as a midwit

>> No.52830540

Doesn’t matter if his wrong , you don’t fuck over America

>> No.52830554

CZ didn't. Sam did, retard. Actual down syndrome

>> No.52830561

The XRP schizo?

>> No.52830580

Ok Groomer look forward to the binnance salt threads later

>> No.52830592

Kvetching skavens

>> No.52830611

That's not even relevant to what I said, you retarded fuck

>> No.52830649

2 more weeks

>> No.52831132

lmao. Then why do you sound so nervous?

>> No.52831150

Who is behind whalechart? Smells like a smire compaign by sam, none would word it like that unless they want to fud

>> No.52831163
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Not My Problem. I have my shit on my ledger out of chink palms and into my own.

>> No.52831166

The statement itself doesnt make any sense

The auditor doesnt vouch for its own audit? Thats literally his only job, an audit is supposed to fail if something isnt right, of course and auditor needs to vouch for that result too

>> No.52831178
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>smire compaign