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52826559 No.52826559 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to teach myself coding? If not what is the best way? I’ve heard to do leetcode and watch YouTube tutorials. I’m determined to get a high paying work from home job. Ive already been producing music for 6 years and I know I would be able to pick it up quickly and be good at it.

>> No.52826603

you might be able to do a training (funded by gov) in some places?
otherwise codeacedemy or something could be good
the day you start coding you'll be learning forever just keep that in mind

>> No.52826615
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no but you have to be autistic and obsessed with getting in and take shitty thankless starting jobs on the way, neetcode on youtube catalogued leetcode->google pipeline in like 3 years but you can see he kinda went insane. Much behind people with cs degrees from good schools, especially now that people are getting in out of greed

>> No.52826616

I just need to learn enough to get a job and then I’m fine with continuing to learn

>> No.52826628

it's literally over for coding
AI is actually going to replace it dude
anything else is cope and seethe
the entire industry is about to become full AI or human assisted AI and it's gonna take away so many fucking jobs its insane

>> No.52826660

imo just youtube yourself a coding career, anything can be found online

>> No.52826668
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learn to mop

>> No.52826695
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"AI is going to replace it dude"
The AI in question:

>> No.52826697
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mechanical engineering bros wagmi

>> No.52826698
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retard, chatGPT is google search without jewish neutering. Imagine you're on a team with a proprietary backend infrastructure that no one outside the company has ever worked on. What''s your AI going to do with that?
How can you think that SWE will die before medfags or lawkikes when you're on a board that throws millions into speculative web3 products?

>> No.52826704
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oops wrong pic

>> No.52826713

dawg why is he muscly...

>> No.52826762

>dawg why is he muscly...
mechanical engineers dont just stare at some IDE all day

>> No.52826765

it's not too late unless you're dead
goes for pretty much anything

>> No.52826832


I hope you're right. I unironically got into coding because I think it's cool. I'm only in my 2nd year and idk whether or not I should continue.
I believe that i'm borderline retarded and my hope was to be a humble code monkey front end dev. So if they only keep the top 10% giga autists to throw prompts at the AI, i'm done for.
Do you think it's worth continuing my degree?
Is there anything else I could do if SWE does become automated?
Like one of those jobs that you can get with any degree, where they just want to see that you're able to get through 4 years of college?
I'm freaking the fuck out.

>> No.52826868

Dont present novel arguments to a retard that is a copy cat of inate troll pasta. He is just looking to bait because that is all he know to do with his time.

>> No.52826910

front end is low-barrier-of-entry and the most likely to fall to AI or bootcamp wageslaves. If you're in college learn as much systems design / database design as you can, anyone can self-learn webdev and it'll make you a more attractive candidate anyways. I work with a lot of guys from state schools who got a good GPA and know their shit and are now making mid 6 figures.

>> No.52826921
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>What''s your AI going to do with that?
Henlo chatGPT, could you please decipher this code for me.

>> No.52826924

Well so far ai is capable to solve simple tasks but if you were looking for easy ride, then yes, you should be worried. Swe isnt as easy as you are thinking. If i were college ages, id look into law intead of cs or swe. But does it really matter granted you are looking for path of least resistance. With layoffa happening and all things look like competition will get fierce

>> No.52826978

I'm not from the US.
How do i work remotely and make big bucks? I have been coding for 3 years already. Java, jquery and now angular.
Also I'm highly antisemitic if that helps

>> No.52826981

I'm far, far too much of a sperg to be a lawyer. I don't think it's easy. I was hoping to be at worst a mediocre programmer though.
Do you know if there's anything else I can do with my degree?

>> No.52827034

at this point degrees don't really matter. the stuff you usally get to do at the office is something any decent person could do if they sit down and learn it for a week or two.

>> No.52827048

I hope you're right. I wouldn't mind being a pencil pusher. But i'm sure that shit will get automated too.

>> No.52827054

All i know is programming. All i can tell you is fix your mindset and strive to push past mediocricy if you want to survive in the future. Regarding other fields, i got no clue. Idk how i would advise someone who only has entry coding skills

>> No.52827073

It just appear simple go you because you put in the time. Have good cs intuition takes years to master, not weeks.

>> No.52827088

Should i learn kubernetes and all that devOps shit, or should i stick with 100% coding if I want a good job?

>> No.52827185

Devops is good path. It is more difficult. Coding is a must know for it. Cybersecurity is another good option. It is also tougher than bare coding.

>> No.52827201

>Cybersecurity is another good option. It is also tougher than bare coding.
how come?

>> No.52827246

It kind of like skill that builds on top of it. If you want to be good at cybersecurity, you need deep understanding of protocols, how netqork work, you gotta know to read code, find exploits, etc

>> No.52827477


>> No.52827888

It’ll fuck over pajeet spaghetti code thats been an utter plague on everything tech related for well over a decade, but there’s still plenty of proprietary special snowflake shit thats going to require someone who actually knows what they’re doing to keep working on. Granted those jobs will pretty much exclusively go to hyper autists who do nothing but code all day every day, but they’ll still be there.
I personally am still pursuing a degree, but thats more on the network end of things as opposed to coding. The real redpill is that there is no easy street anymore to take, whether its Alaskan crab fishing or the meme degree of the week you’re gonna have to bust your ass at shitty low tier spots for a bit before hitting the gravy train, so IMO its better to focus on something you can actually see yourself doing for long and not just because you’ll make a bajillion goybucks from it.
Pajeet coders and diversity hires gave cyber the motherload of job security since we can’t go a single week without a massive data breach somewhere, and even then it’ll always be an uphill battle where nothing is ever truly 100% secure. The flipside of that means that cybersecurity professionals absolutely need to know their shit and how networks and all sorts of other interconnected things work, with code also playing a part in it.

>> No.52827932

That is literally what everyone is doing. Why are you making it so hard for yourself? kek. Are you the type to ask questions without attempting to solve it yourself first? That is literally the telltale sign you are not fit for any problem solving skill related job not just in tech. Please stick to slaving away your creativity for money. It suits you better honestly.

>> No.52828279

>Is it too late to teach myself coding
Unironically yes.
Market is now flooded with 5+ year experience SWEs laid off from Google/Microsoft/Amazon. Most of them have a bachelor's in CS or masters. Self-taught/bootcamp coders are a dime a dozen. Everyone can stitch together a react app copying code from StackOverflow and GPT has just made this even easier. Companies that need that level of garbage would rather pay upwork pajeets $5/h than pay you.

>> No.52828369

> Devops is good path
In most companies, DevOps means being on call 24/7 and dealing with infra failures. If something breaks at 3am on a Saturday morning, you're the person who gets woken up and shat on. Don't fall for DevOps, you will hate your life and wish you were working at mcdonalds instead.

>Cybersecurity is another good option. It is also tougher than bare coding.
Cybersecurity is a good option, but you have to be good, REALLY good so you can score bounties. That requires years of practice and a baseline of talent/creativity that most people just don't have. I've briefly worked in red teams, and most of it is grunt work (run automated tools, check out boxes, write reports).

>> No.52828660

This, tested in the field and the results are like the pics: something is always off

>> No.52828708

>Companies that need that level of garbage would rather pay upwork pajeets $5/h than pay you.
And then it's absolute garbage ending up being more expensive long term than paying a real dev unless the project is trivial

>> No.52829146

Of course, but very few decision makers are technical enough to realize this or think about the long term. Those who do will pay 6 figures for an actual engineer with years of industry experience, not OP who watched a few tutorials on YouTube.

>> No.52829221


This is the biggest meme itself.
Front end/web dev only seems "easy" to snarky devs of other disciplines who only experience of it is 15 years ago, barely touching it, or not at all and bandwagoning.

In reality the only reason it has a "low barrier of entry" is because anyone who has a laptop and internet connection can start learning it. Also, in reality, most people who even start trying get filtered by the very first mention of a javascript operator or operand, let alone something like CSS which isnt even real coding yet.

The Odin Project for example. something like 86% of people quit before they even get to javascript

>> No.52829232


no its not.
6fig work from home remote, do fuck all jobs are flooded

>> No.52829292

>Ive already been producing music for 6 years and I know I would be able to pick it up quickly and be good at it.

>> No.52829316


I feel so blessed bros. I met a small prop trading firm at a career fair at my school over the summer, and I gave them my resume, essentially I did a bunch of funny network device programming shit as my master's project, and tldr they fiend stalked me down, interviewed me, no code no nothing, just 4 c++ schizos grilling me for an hour about a bunch of things to do with the internals of OS/CPU architecture/memory/networking etc. Its stuff that no amount of leet code can prepare you for.

I started part time work with them a few days a week during my last semester(this past one) and a few weeks ago they offered me full time starting at around 130k.

I think im quite literally one of the last to make it this easily from the CS gravy train in the remaining history of mankind. Idk what id be doing right now if i had to do all the leetcode/interview bullshit. God bless you all.

>> No.52829654

Would you niggers offer some alternatives?

Let's say I'm 30 years old, saved up $700k from tech and tech gets insta rugged tomorrow

What are we doing next? I see the recommendation of law and it is appealing, but I see the reservations some autists here have . My undergrad GPA is 3.0 lmao

Anyone ever considered becoming a therapist?

I might just move to a cheap country and grab random online remote jobs and cruise off into the sunset. CoastFIRE or whatever

>> No.52829683

if somehow tech gets rugged and I had $700k, yeah I'd retire to a low cost of living area
though my target is $2mil, so with only $700k I'd probably hold all cash and hope for the recession to hit
then put it all in to vtsax at the bottom

>> No.52829782

So ya you'd at least want like a $50k income while waiting for VTSAX to do 200% lol

>> No.52829833

Why can't I just learn to code the AI then?

>> No.52829922

You can get that appslaving for uber/lyft

>> No.52830106

> In most companies, DevOps means being on call 24/7 and dealing with infra failures. If something breaks at 3am on a Saturday morning, you're the person who gets woken up and shat on. Don't fall for DevOps, you will hate your life and wish you were working at mcdonalds instead.

Fuck anon, as someone who was looking into DevOps this hit hard because I hadn't considered this aspect.

Is it possible to "get good" at cybersecurity or is it something that you can only get good at from experience?

>> No.52830192

It's too late dude

>> No.52830244

Back to r9k, demoralizing incel faggots

>> No.52830491

Is there any room left in AI/ML? Or is that field hopelessly oversaturated?

>> No.52830519

>all the seething codemonkeys being triggered by the truth

>> No.52830593
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>Don't fall for DevOps, you will hate your life and wish you were working at mcdonalds instead.
That's pajeet tier work. If production goes down devs will be woken up as well, so not exactly a good comparison. Proper automation and failovers means that you will be sitting on your ass most of the time.
DevOps/SysAdmin vs developer roles is fairly simple. DevOps/SysAdmin has a very steep learning curve in the beginning and coasting later on. The hard part would be creating an environment where managers would think that you are constantly working because if you do your job right the only real work for you would several hours a week during deployments/backups/rollbacks.

Developers have smoother learning curve, but you will be always learning new frameworks/tools/languages.
I would not say that one is better than the other, it depends on what kind of career you want.

>> No.52830871

Dude let him FUD away the NEETs, we don't want newcomers during a recession.

>> No.52831004

Unfortunately there is no other way than just spending a shitton of time doing it. You can start with some online resources and work on some hobby project, try to enter a hackathon or something like that. But the truth is that the only way to get good at it is to spend thousands of hours writing code, looking for bugs, reading documentation, rewriting code, testing, writing more code... there is no silver bullet. I wrote my first code when I was 11, but only started feeling like I know what I'm doing after working commercially for like ~5 years around the age of 23. My best advice would be to do you best to land a junior dev job as soon as possible

>> No.52831752

look up automate the boring stuff with python. if you go through it and you don't like it then don't bother learning programming any further. if you do like it then look up mit ocw computer science classes on youtube and then learn the meme framework you want to use at work.

>> No.52831796

>How can you think that SWE will die before medfags or lawkikes

because no one dies or goes to prison if your gay dating app for HIV+ 8 year olds fucks up. also your "proprietary" back end isn't novel. most codenigger work is perpetually re-inventing the wheel.

>> No.52832814
