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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 400x400, brave-browser-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52821660 No.52821660 [Reply] [Original]

$40 BAT is inevitable.

I just got 26.4 BAT for rewards this month. Imagine how much I'll get when search rewards start. Do the math, there are millions of people opted in and 1.5b total supply and all circulating.

>> No.52821695

Worthless shittoken.
A piece of shit, if you will.

>> No.52821699

Buggy ass browser that can't even handle as many tabs as basic Chrome before totally crashing
Couldn't be fucked to verify my wallet which had like 100 BAT in it which are now gone with the latest update, Brave doesn't even think I have rewards on when I've had it on since March 2021

>> No.52821715

you just want it to go up because you got it for free and you want more free money

thats a big reason why it will only dump forever, because it attracts a lot of really poor people who want to get something for nothing by dumping it.

>> No.52821760

With the amount of shit BAT has in the pipeline for 23-24 it’s gonna be tough to hold this token down. Took them long enough to get to this point, but even Brave can no longer suppress the price. Which I’m sure they did intentionally for the last 5 years. Now the supply is fully circulated. BAT can move in the bear market.

>> No.52821765

>100 BAT in it which are now gone
Bullish. Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.52821860
File: 50 KB, 547x456, 167012838104898263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$40 marketcap, yes.

Checked and sorry for your loss. It should be real on chain BAT in the brave wallet not tgat vBAT crap.

It was vBAT, wicth doesn't affect anything. It could've been 1 billion vBAT and it wouldn't move the price of BAT even a little bit.

And btw you all bought the wrong BAT

>> No.52821963

>I just got 26.4 BAT for rewards this month
Here is exactly why it will never be worth $40
Useless yield farm shitcoin

>> No.52822064

Did you verify your wallet. I still didnt.

Where can i read about search rewards / roadmap?

>> No.52822093

i got literally 32 bat on my desktop this month lol

>> No.52822094

>I just got 26.4 BAT for rewards this month. Imagine how much I'll get when search rewards start

search rewards? people use google for internet search, not this trash that they haven't even heard of.

>> No.52822100

>It was vBAT, wicth doesn't affect anything. It could've been 1 billion vBAT and it wouldn't move the price of BAT even a little bit.

sounds like this is all far too complicated

>> No.52822105

actually the fastest growing search engine of all time

its not, hes just a retard

>> No.52822111

how do you get so many? most iv gotten is 10 in a month.

>> No.52822117

>Did you verify your wallet. I still didnt.
i did mine on gemini it took like 30 seconds. you will be pissed that you didnt after bat moons if your shit gets deleted because you were too lazy.

i work online pretty much all day. i probably could have gotten more too, i dont open many new tabs and i never use the news feed.

>> No.52822121

>actually the fastest growing search engine of all time

oh im sure its gone from 10 users to like 100 very fast

>> No.52822141

>its not, hes just a retard

it clearly is too complicated. you are talking about vBAT but i can't find any references to vBAT on Brave's site.

It simply says you earn BAT for viewing ads that you can cash in. Is this not true?

>> No.52822143

its only a year old and its already at 6.82b queries per year and still growing fast each month. they are advertising it on joe rogan regularly. you are just coping. go buy google stock if you want some shit thats already been priced in for a decade.

>> No.52822163

>It simply says you earn BAT for viewing ads that you can cash in. Is this not true?
vBAT just refers to the technical term that the brave team calls BAT that is not held in a verified wallet. like if someone earned bat but never verified gemini or uphold. they hold the bat in a separate wallet for you, and they just call it vBAT to differentiate. but its the same thing

think of it like wBTC wrapped btc, its not direct BTC but its a placeholder for it.

regardless, it means nothing to the average user. normies dont ever need to hear what vbat is, its background shit.

>> No.52822214

Just verified on Uphold.

>> No.52822264

Don’t downplay it. Brave has no proof of reserves that vBAT and actual BAT are 1-1. Either way, it probably won’t matter because I’m sure there’s plenty of inactive accounts on devices that’ll never surface again. Is that enough to make them whole long term? Most likely imo.

>> No.52822278

well they have repeatedly stated that it is backed up 1:1, and also they are actively looking to move the entire thing on-chain. why would they be attempting to move the entire rewards system on chain if it would expose this alleged fraud that you claim they are committing (with no proof)?

>> No.52822314

I’m not saying they’re committing fraud. Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m saying there could be some possible accounting errors that were made, but overall they’ll be made whole when they go completely on-chain.

>> No.52822322


>> No.52822347

themis will also give the on-chain metrics a huge boost too, which a lot of people analyze. if they see an incredible amount of activity and volume flowing on chain people will take notice

no normie ever needs to hear the word "vbat"' to understand how bat works anyways.

>> No.52822434

>no normie ever
But i know and i say as it is right now BAT cannot moon.
They say that they're working on solutions like themis, but it can take years. Best example is the play list feature, they launched it mid 2021on iOS and said that android will follow soon. Well, it's almost 2023 and there's still no play list on android. How long will it take them to implement on chain rewards? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.52822457

BAT is old tech. MASQ will wipe the floor in the next bull run. It's everything BAT promised to be but failed to deliver.

>> No.52822487

>no normie ever needs to hear the word "vbat"' to understand how bat works anyways.
And how do you explain to them that in order to spend those couple BAT that they earned they have to open an account on one of the two exchanges that brave has a deal with and do kyc?

>> No.52822492

Oyster, Decentr, Opacity, Adshares, Verasity, Impervious, Carbon, Toshi, Puma, Swash, Gener8, Crowny, Braver, Badger, Crypto tab browser and now Masq and likely many more came and gone that are forgotten. Good luck though.

>> No.52822508

>in order to spend those couple BAT that they earned they have to open an account on one of the two exchanges that brave has a deal with and do kyc
thats how you explain it. by telling them. why are you asking questions that contain the answers?

>> No.52822523

haha i forgot about the incessant VRA shills from back in the day.

>> No.52822527

>but i have those BATs right there in my browser. Why can't i use it?

>> No.52822543

because laws

>> No.52822548

How you do it isn't explaining why you have to do it. If you want to explane why, you have to bring up vBAT.

>> No.52822558

>If you want to explane why, you have to bring up vBAT.
no you dont. you explained it in that one sentence without saying the word vbat

"if you want to spend the bat you have to kyc because its the law"

at what point did i mention vbat there?

>> No.52822599

>if you want to spend the bat you have to kyc because its the law

It doesn't explain the need for two differend kinds of BAT thogh

>> No.52822623

Shit is gay as fuck. They want to dox me to withdraw my shitty rewards. Fuck this gay token pushing for internet identity.

>> No.52822695

stop pretending to be retarded. its unironically making you retarded.

>> No.52822699

I have had over 12,000 tabs open at once on android and hundreds on desktop.

>> No.52822709

>12,000 tabs
thats obviously a joke right?

>> No.52822769
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>> No.52822793

No. Seriously. Well over 12,000. 90% were old 4chan threads or youtube. This was about 2 years ago. There was an error whe. I tried to close all, it would just timeout. So I had to close them manually by tapping the x. I tapped about 5 per second for like 45 minutes or something.
Since then they have redone the tab close all option and now it works well with more tabs. I had probably about 2000-5000 a few months ago and the close all worked really well with no glitching.

Btw like 5k+ tabs in it would still bring up the YouTube or whatever page I was at if I tapped on it. It didn't save the data on the page it was probably just saving the url, like a fresh load and I think maybe a thumbnail screenshot of what was on the page.

>> No.52822870

Yeah right now I'm sitting on ~650 tabs, first one looks like it was about September 15th from the last time I cleared them, with no problems. Still shows the images of what the pages look like but if I tap on them to open it does a fresh load.

>> No.52822907

When you clear them and your history you’ll get more rewards

>> No.52822996


>> No.52823435

but also 1pbu

>> No.52823446

lmao is this true?

>> No.52823462
File: 3 KB, 238x195, 58273985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get so much rewards? I only get anywhere from 0.5 to 2.5 per month

>> No.52823661

thats literally a screenshot of a post in this same thread

>> No.52823726

Is it true or not dumbass

>> No.52823907

Just put it in your girls name if you’re so concerned

>> No.52824005


>> No.52824231

I'm neither fudding nor shilling though
Also the frequency with which three or so fud replies kickoff a thread, or are fairly early, is a very noticeable trend.

>> No.52824317
File: 39 KB, 1383x425, Screenshot_20221211_134109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? I feel like I get less ads/ rewards than other people, even though I'm in US. But my browsing isn't very varied.

>> No.52824669

>someone complaining about a broswer that still feels like it's in beta is organized FUD
You're a legitimate schizo and a retard and I say that as someone who has used Brave since 2020 and will keep using it despite the massive problems the browser still has cuz fuck Jewgle
3 windows, 100+ tabs uses almost 2 gigs of my memory, you retards can't compare your water-cooled masturbation stations to the average consoomer laptop

>> No.52824758

>browser that still feels like it's in beta
In what ways? Be specific. The first three comments are, in order:
1. "worthless shittoken"
2. "buggy ass browser" (claims it cannot handle as many tabs as vanilla Chrome, not remotely true)
3. "attracts a lot of really poor people"
And yet none returned to elaborate more because they can't because it's a relentless VPN-hopping faggot in every thread

>> No.52825044
File: 37 KB, 334x436, brave_7B5qSv2aKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never withdrawal this shit.

>> No.52825101

There are two github contributors and it launced like 3 months ago. To give you some perspective of how fucking retarded you are, Brave has over 150 employees and it still takes them this long to rollout new features. The employees have much more pedigree too. Good luck on your scamcoin though. As for me im not going to be your dumbass exit liquidity for your $3k pajeet comeup.

>> No.52825419

Yea I was listening to an Eich interview from a couple weeks ago and he sort of implied that clearing your history about once a week would serve more ads. At least that’s how I interpreted it.

>> No.52826930

I'm going to buy more BAT because of threads like these

>> No.52827697

>Buggy ass browser that can't even handle as many tabs as basic Chrome

Coomer detected.

>> No.52827850

Search ads soon. Also, can’t talk about off topic shit anymore because you faggots get me banned.

>> No.52827983

Im glad the search ads are already out in the wild in beta. Was thinking it would be another 3-4 months before that happened. Hopefully we get BAT rewards for them in the next couple months. Would be awesome to see an incentive pushing search volume up to 20% growth per month. 6-7% is already pretty damn good considering. 20%+ would be bonkers

>> No.52828049
File: 43 KB, 720x404, This is my answer BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be neat to see some marketing for search and search ads. Like regular marketing for more users but market on crypto platforms to drive maybe users that way too. Some sort of media blitz if it would be possible.

I feel like there is still an opportunity for this to be an impetus for a large pump.

>> No.52828106
File: 485 KB, 512x512, 1668921208940831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52828144

I just started using it yesterday and I only have 0.125 BAT. Why? I'm online 12+ hours a day. I set my ads to 10 an hour and turned of donating/tipping.

>> No.52828154

We have yet to see Brave do a big marketing push for search or even the browser. Everyone likes to shit on Brave for losing like 1.7% of its users in the past 7 months after growing at 200+% every year for the past 5 years. The search engine has grown to what took Duckduckgo almost 8 years in just 1. All of this with extremely minimal advertising.

Brave has nearly 3x the amount of users than Crypto.com which is in every fucking bus stop, sports stadium, and fast food franchise in the world. Brave hasn't gone viral yet either. It may never go viral, but we all know they didn't blow their wad early like others.

>> No.52828189

Just a reminder that you have to KYC to claim your BAT.

>> No.52828190

>Everyone likes to shit on Brave for losing like 1.7% of its users in the past 7 months after growing at 200+% every year for the past 5 years
to be fair though, its not encouraging that the growth rate has completely plateaued.

>Brave has nearly 3x the amount of users than Crypto.com which is in every fucking bus stop, sports stadium, and fast food franchise in the world.
crypto.com makes money, therefore has money to advertise. hopefully brave will make money soon with the search engine

>> No.52828214
File: 366 KB, 1575x2038, 1654051063880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the same person on a vpn that says this same exact shit over and over again. in fact, i saw a reddit thread about brave or firefox a week or 2 ago and someone referenced the "brave is spyware" neocities site or whatever the fuck that stupid thing is that the one guy used to spam on this website over and over again in every thread. in fact i think that was a john faggot aka parker created site.

all the brave fud comes from just a handful of dedicated people and its really fucking weird. did brendan unironically fuck their mom?

>> No.52828248

Bit holders will unironically make it, mainly because the token increases in value and gains more utilities with every new project that joins BitDao's ecosystem

>> No.52828259

gee thanks i will check that out!

not. get out of our thread faggot.

>> No.52828641

The growth has plateaued but its not as bad as people are making it out to be. Firefox is going on like 7 years of negative growth and people are calling it dead. Braves like 4 months of -2/+2% growth. Search engine is still growing strong.

It could be a lot fucking worse. Coinbase is getting ass raped, crypto.com is getting ass raped. Opensea getting fucked, TVL on most l1-l2s sinking like a rock. Liquidity drying up everywhere. On chain transactions drying up. Then theres Brave which is basically flat. Yeah it sucks, but considering all else, it could be way way worse.

Also crypto.com blew through their Monaco war chest on advertising and subsidizing rewards on their cards. I used their services for a while until the rewards dried up. Would not be surprised if they are currently strapped for cash or will be soon. They went from like 2m users to 30m and are probably back down to 5-10m after spending probably $2B in advertising and subsidies. Thats damn near $200 per customer. Horrible ROAS and retention.

>> No.52828759

>Would not be surprised if they are currently strapped for cash or will be soon.
They’re absolutely 100% strapped for cash to say the least. They laid off something like 2000 employees and It recently came out that they could just barely fund their customers before other liabilities. They’re hanging on by a thin thread. Haven’t seen Brave’s balance sheet, but they haven’t spent a fraction of what CRO spent. The stadium ad has been a curse ie; FTX, Crypto.com, SOFI stadium etc. BAT will survive because Brendan is a frugal boomer.

>> No.52828835

>BAT will survive because Brendan is a frugal boomer.
a catch 22 at times. we could be doing SOME advertising. also, as frugal as he is, i imagine there is a lot of dead weight in that 150 employee team. there must be, since nothing ever gets done.

>> No.52828951

I think his experience running a successful publicly traded company in the middle of the dotcom bubble is paying off. No other crypto CEO has his level of experience running a company.

>> No.52829004

>his experience running a successful publicly traded company in the middle of the dotcom bubble
and what company was that

>> No.52829010

pretty sure he didnt run netscape

>> No.52829043


>> No.52829065

Yeah he definitely has been paying attention to burn rate and everything. Crypto.com likely doesn't know what that word even means.

His frugality is both a blessing and a curse. Slow growth and sustainable growth rather than a flash in the pan. Hes probably seen 100's if not thousands of tech startups outgrow their capital and either go bankrupt or give up all their control.

It might not be a sexy business at the moment but its got a stronger foundation that 99% of crypto companies. A couple bad gusts of wind have already toppled thousands of structures.

>> No.52829106

I am laughing at this obvious shill thread lmao

>> No.52829184

not publicly traded

life is a shill thread dumbass

>> No.52829902
File: 50 KB, 313x500, 167011616136170335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when more rewards inflate the supply, it will be worth more
??? ??? ???

>> No.52830057

it was runescape

>> No.52830085

im going to buy more bat now

>> No.52832171

fucking piece of shit

>> No.52832173

21 cents and dumping

>> No.52832291
File: 1.41 MB, 314x320, 1656618444977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offtopic pepe
>temperature checks (this thread)
Pick your poison. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.52834527

Caught another bottom this morning. If it hits .20 I’ll buy more. Getting close to 250k BAT

>> No.52834602
File: 51 KB, 586x653, 20221207_082045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could bang in the next bull run.
>bat matic vra and ride are my go-to bags for the next big pamp

>> No.52834612

fill those bags kek

>> No.52834827

Have you noticed you always have 10.00 USD value in BAT despite receiving rewards all these months? Funny, isn't it?

>> No.52834974

holoride metaverse hype is insane
hyped asf on the product powering in-car entertainment.
bobos ain't seen this one yet

>> No.52835163
File: 306 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20221212-123212_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always convert mine into cosmos

>> No.52835266

Where do you do that?

>> No.52835326
File: 2 KB, 125x105, 1670234717580431s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that hype talk and I've hardly seen any effect on token, a project backed by fucking Audi and it's almost rugging? Kek

>> No.52835348


>> No.52835492

Uphold wallet, when you hit to verify I believe it's the first one on there to create an account

>> No.52835540

have fun getting rekt

>> No.52835647

It's down bad tbf, won't blame anyone who's pissed off and fuds it at this point.
Still got a bag tho, been staking and think it could make a major comeback.
they've been building through the market too.

>> No.52836019

>staking in 2022
ngmi dumbass

>> No.52836123
File: 33 KB, 480x480, B2B93789-8289-4255-A341-8CAE872E2393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you lot are so into guerrilla marketing why not pay someone to write a botnet that scrapes every discussion forum for the use of google as a verb and have them reply with “google it? why not brave?”
fucking dumbasses

>> No.52836216

>Hopefully we get BAT rewards for them in the next couple months.
that is never happening
>We have yet to see Brave do a big marketing push for search or even the browser.
>muh marketing
shut the fuck up. they've been on Rogan since 2017. it doesnt matter.
>The search engine has grown to what took Duckduckgo almost 8 years in just 1.
this is my favorite cope. le heckin growth! this is exact level narrative that gets sold to normies during peak bulls. pure plain text snake oil. THIS DOES NOT MEAN WHAT YOU THINK IT DOES please look up epistemology and understand that the things youve heard and what you extrapolate from them is 100% retarded
holy cope. all those other services/companies you mention are things that cost money. brave is free and still eating shit lmao

>> No.52836317

Unstake your BAT and put it in a private wallet before you lose it.

>> No.52836322

you sound like a jordan peterson fan. and no, that is not a compliment.

>> No.52836384

>he only associates epistemology with canadian kermit
please open a book, any

>> No.52836433

MASQ scammed me, stay away from that jeet reject project.

>> No.52836892

Shkereli thinks Bitcoin won’t stand the test of time and only likes BAT, RLC, GRT, FIL, STORJ etc. https://youtu.be/-7JRwe_n8tk
00:45 mark

>> No.52836919

Oyster + Opacity same project, Oyster Pearl fucked over everyone I believe. Opacity project has gone silent atm

>> No.52837177

oh, i just meant that hes a fucking faggot and so are you

>> No.52837199

who gives a fuck what this nigger thinks

>> No.52837208
File: 168 KB, 828x475, 31B51F44-7300-4647-90C4-05F3DE8ED3E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes a solid argument

>> No.52837279
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thanks for this shill thread just bought 100k bat

>> No.52837295

He has a successful track record. Why don’t you listen to his full argument before you criticize it.

>> No.52837359

>He has a successful track record
hes a literal criminal

>> No.52837406
File: 111 KB, 622x896, 4E2167DD-89EF-4B98-803C-3DE1B30203F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s only a criminal in the eyes of the faggot criminal kikes. You sound like you’re one of them. Can’t wait till Ye gets in so we can begin to eradicate all of you.

>> No.52837844

this nigger is controlled op by the commie left to split the vote on the right. the most engaged right wing supporters that incessantly troll online will now be spending their energy on a worthless nigger. good job falling for the scam though, dumb fuck.

>> No.52837955

I've been off /biz/ for a while now, pretty fucking tragic to see this delusion still presists

>> No.52838159

>this nigger is controlled op by the commie left to split the vote on the right
No shit, but he’s still getting my vote. The snake has to loosen up before it can squeeze us tighter and in that time more normiods are forced to awaken

>> No.52838578 [DELETED] 

This shitcoin is nothing but a disappointment.
Fuck Brave.

>> No.52838647
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>> No.52838678

Why would BAT go up when it can be minted at any time?

>> No.52838699

Where the fuck you hear that. Supply is capped at 1.5B and it’s fully circulated

>> No.52838722

Supply is user adjusted, not capped. This is from the guy himself. It’s why BAT never mooned in 2021.

>> No.52838725

BAT is one of those coins that is cheaper when more people hold

Its to your advantage that you are on your own, OP

>> No.52838758

i have over 200 tabs + multiple users and it has never once crashed or bugged what are u on about u retard

>> No.52838803

>Supply is user adjusted, not capped.
What? They lied to me

>> No.52838926

It’s capped until it’s not. Don’t know if that helps you.

>> No.52838956

What on earth are you talking about? Just that less BAT needs to be purchased as the USD price goes up, or something else?

>> No.52839054

Wasted digits. When the fudcucks have to manufacture bullshit to trash on a coin, you know you're onto something.

1.5 billion is the cap. Always has been. Always will be. Suck my left nut

>> No.52839062

As the 1.5 billion cap is fixed. Stupid larp

>> No.52839157

hes trolling, obviously. you can even look at BAT's contract on etherscan. 1.5b supply minted at the execution of the contract aka the ico

>> No.52839174

I am saying that the cap is not really capped, the supply is adjusted based on user growth. Currently only 500m BAT tokens are in circulation, if that. The 1.5b number stems from the claimed cap stated by the devs. If user growth reaches a milestone, supply is added from the remaining 1b supply of the 1.5b. If user growth reached max milestone, all 1.5b tokens are finally circulating. This is not what has occurred yet. This is why the cap is user adjusted, there may be a finite supply but token supply is NOT fully circulated, it’s a bomb waiting to be dropped on users every time the dev team reaches their arbitrary thresholds to dump more. It’s why LINK is having big issues as well, because the dev teams still hold over half the supply, and dump whenever they want. I was in BAT in 2019, I’m not fudding saying it’s a shitcoin, but I am telling you that there are a few years left of pain. Not worth it to me, maybe to you. Do you understand better?

>> No.52839182


3. totalSupply
1500000000000000000000000000 uint256

just stop talking retard you already lost

>> No.52839193

and brave has 34m tokens left out of the 1.5b total supply. their wallets are marked.

>> No.52839220

The officiated wallets are marked, but many of the 1.5b are otc wallets. You can go through the transactions yourself for that - I did. The devs still hold huge reserves, it’s just unacceptable in terms of time because the US is going to regulate the shit out of crypto after a final bull run. Many cryptos will fail because of that. I can’t waste the last unregulated bull run on BAT.

>> No.52839233

yawn. your fud is gay and it sucks. i wasnt gonna say anything originally because it was funny but then you kept going on about it. also, you fucked up by saying that brave had 1b tokens from ico out 1.5b. they have 500m to start with, which is also in the smart contract code and the white paper etc

// crowdsale parameters
bool public isFinalized; // switched to true in operational state
uint256 public fundingStartBlock;
uint256 public fundingEndBlock;
uint256 public constant batFund = 500 * (10**6) * 10**decimals; // 500m BAT reserved for Brave Intl use
uint256 public constant tokenExchangeRate = 6400; // 6400 BAT tokens per 1 ETH
uint256 public constant tokenCreationCap = 1500 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant tokenCreationMin = 675 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;

i have watched the UGP wallets since the beginning. they have 34m left. you can go look at them yourself if you want. your fud is just boring and gay. kys.

>> No.52839349

You are malding about semantics, you aren’t arguing about what I am saying, and personally, it doesn’t matter if you hold BAT or not to me, I hope you do actually make it. Try to find these arguments in the archives - you won’t, they don’t exist because this is the only time I’ve ever posted in a BAT thread since 2020. But, to the point: It doesn’t matter about amounts in what wallets you can point to, because the dev team has access to plenty of unofficiated wallets ready to dump and which they have been doing for the last three years. You say the team only had 500m, maybe officially, in reality they control almost all the supply or have sold some of their supply otc. The point is you don’t actually know how much is controlled for dumping because you are only looking at ico and official wallets, completely meaningless when transactions have been occurring for years.

I will say one more time, and then I will leave you alone for rest of however many threads you guys make - There is only one more bullrun that will be unregulated from this point on. After that, US, EU, SA will all regulate the fuck out of it, and Brave may be labeled security, like many, many other coins. Security as in USA definition. CBDC and digital identities are coming, huge success in Scandinavia and China already. If you believe Brave will truly moon, more power to you. But will it moon this bullrun, or in the hypothetical “next”? I can’t take my chances, and since devs dump every ducking month, it’s not a coin for me. Good luck, you won’t see me post again out of courtesy.

>> No.52839468

i was going to respond to each piece of this and pick it apart, but instead i will just say that you are wrong and gay. dont even get me started on how retarded you sound saying that brave now owns MORE than the 500m allotment they got from the ICO.

low quality bait post...must...resist...the urge...

>> No.52840536

thoughts on rose?

>> No.52840937
File: 145 KB, 1600x900, brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat chads we can't stop winning

>> No.52840940

how do you get so many rewards? I get like 1 bat a month lol, I have all ads turned to max as well

>> No.52841032

Yeah this is bait and you are a gay nigger from outerspace.tm

Most of us here have kept an eye on Braves reserves since the beginning. There is even a thread from last week discussing how much capital runway brave still had and whether or not their reserves could keep up with their burn rate. You are a stupid gay fag and the other anon was right about the 34m BAT left which is a drop in the bucket.

For all and tents and purposes, the supply is fully circulating. Exchange reserves are also at historical lows. Theres even a few anons who are dealing with major slippage issues building positions currently. Stay poor and gay and black.

>> No.52841328
File: 483 KB, 1125x2436, 619B4146-3E16-46A8-B50A-19C9EB085B94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump goddamnit wtf is wrong with this token

>> No.52842144
File: 1.77 MB, 661x485, BATz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$40 BAT is literally written into the smart contract.

It's truly inevitable

>> No.52842486
File: 255 KB, 1080x1207, brave rewards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52842519
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>> No.52842533
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i saw. its over dude.

figures. fucking scammers.

>> No.52842553

I’m sure it’s just because they’re running out of BAT to buyback and the entire supply is in circulation. This would be the best move they could make.

>> No.52842563

Uh, bat bro, um, hate to break this to you but…


>> No.52842576

no. there is no "running out of bat". they buy it off an exchange and if its running low then the sellers raise the price and the price of bat goes up. thats the entire thesis behind investing in it. its the same as btc, or any other shitcoin and the scarcity metrics.

face it, brave absolutely fucking screwed us because this is going to drive down bat usage to nothing (not that they need it anymore with search ads)

>> No.52842577

What's funnier is how this bad news still doesn't do shit to BAT price. No one cares about it.

>> No.52842594

BAT raped my sister and Brandon will never reach $0.25 again.
Enjoy your BNB shitcoin, Luke's exchange is insolvent.

>> No.52842618

JFC this is really fucking bad. Does this mark the end of BAT?

>> No.52842632

It doesn't change anything. BAT was always a shitcoin and no one cares about it.

>> No.52842885

What's the difference? You couldn't move BAT without verifying in the first place right?

>> No.52843297

I put in a report but still another back yet. Half my fucking BAT isn't in my new wallet.

>> No.52843366

they dont answer reports dude. your shit is gone.

>> No.52843467
File: 180 KB, 1597x914, Bat_CEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EVEN THIS DOESNT EFFECT THE PRICE FUCK. I'm glad it isn't going down but........ idk

Old FUD meme I made more relevant than ever.

>> No.52843484

they havent announced it yet, or made the actual change yet. you know how many jeets complain about wallet stuff every day? imagine the sheer panic when they find out that their BAT is going to be fucking gone and brave doesnt even have an exchange partner that supports their country

>> No.52843514
File: 370 KB, 1294x712, Screenshot_20221212_232117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's going to be a shit show. Picture is a seething comment from a user in a recently unsupported country. They are getting Fuuuuuuuucked.

Also I guess reddit know about this 2 days before us.

>> No.52843565
File: 43 KB, 365x170, 2022-12-13_00-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all for browsing the internet. not much but ill take whatever i can get

>> No.52843591

the amount of complaints will be biblical. bat will take a huge hit from the publicity, and the decrease in bat ads.

>> No.52844363

How don’t they need it with search ads anon?

>> No.52844531

>selling what ElonMusk is trying to build with Twitter


>> No.52845770
File: 71 KB, 1553x747, Screenshot (435).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan

>> No.52847279

>verified and moved my money to gemini
>gemini announce they will stop supporting my country
>lost access and have all assets frozen there
they basically swallowed my coins and not giving them back to me
what a fking joke
that is theft and there is nothing i can do about it
so much for decentralized shit
fuck gemini and BAT man