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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 196 KB, 1079x968, Poolsclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52821063 No.52821063 [Reply] [Original]

Pic VERY related. Can be verified by a Companies House search. He's laughing at us

>> No.52821119
File: 162 KB, 628x360, 1670346229661555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As of 12/18, I’m now a member of the Chainlink team.

the fucker will bring Chainlink down as well.

>> No.52821128

link because OP is a fag

>> No.52821320

No fucking way lmao. He's here right now isn't he. Probably rugged everyone once he saw the horse rimming posts. Well he's in the UK right so won't be hard to pay a 'minority' a few quid to get even

>> No.52821340

>bancor will kill chainlink
>celsius will kill chainlink
>sbf will kill chainlink
>lpl will kill chainlink
just give it up lad

>> No.52821357

>$6 after 6 years
>He thinks it’s alive

>> No.52821361

kek, based

>> No.52821363

you had 2 years to buy under $1

>> No.52821375

this is problematic. this references a meme that is both racist AND homophobic. this man has been held up in the center of the chainlink community. chainlink must sever all connections after this nazi dog whistle.

>> No.52821387

you had 2 years to sell over $10
i won't be here anymore to tell you "i told you so"

>> No.52821389
File: 19 KB, 537x557, fyfbr5rzymp31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty funny tbf.

>> No.52821406

If he lives there I can imagine he does a lot of his shopping in Islington and probably drinks there regularly.

>> No.52821432

>Buys at $0.70
>10x when everything went 1000x

KEK your cope is dripping from your anus

>> No.52821454

where's your billions cuckie?

pathetic comeback
you had 2 years

>> No.52821479
File: 1.07 MB, 150x200, 1633968811043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
keep coping

>> No.52821486

you're the one coping poolboy

>> No.52821547
File: 1.48 MB, 328x328, 1666661952833323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52821631

post the link

>> No.52821655

I already did

>> No.52822019

Thanks m8

>> No.52822187

Looks like this is just a registered office address, not where Jonny actually lives

>> No.52822382

Ima slap the shit out of jonny if i see him irl and he wont do shit. Bet. Don't believe me? Come to smartcon 2023.

>> No.52822472

And here we see a wild linkPOOler in his anger stage.

>> No.52822507

FYI if you've staked your link in the SDL pool in a couple of years you'll be surprised migrated to the new PoolsClosed token at a rate of 0.25stLink to 1 poolsclosedlink, and you've signed a terms of service waiver saying you're fine with this.

>> No.52822518

I would like to remind you smug retards that the 12 biggest nodes of the network were also involved in this rugpull and that basically everyone that has ever been promoted by or worked with Chainlink has scammed.

What I see is a Linksister in the denial stage.

>> No.52822589

The other NOPs didn't know about lpl and the betrayal. Linkriver already said as much.

>> No.52822603
File: 63 KB, 971x565, FE4B5A82-6040-49DD-8C3E-FFF3684D8859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to remind you smug retards that the 12 biggest nodes of the network were also involved in this rugpull and that basically everyone that has ever been promoted by or worked with Chainlink has scammed.

>What I see is a Linksister in the denial stage.
This is gold coming from intolerable retards with their unwarranted arrogance from buying a third party shitcoin that is literally not needed. I’m so glad Lpl rugged. Definitely the most satisfying one.

>> No.52822626

That and rubic
Never touched either of them

>> No.52822637
File: 95 KB, 650x1024, 1640346527005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we didn't know
>why do they persecute me so
well if they say so then it must be so and they are of course absolutely innocent

>> No.52822667

I will come to con just for this

>> No.52822670

Either way it doesnt matter retard. We had the contract with linkpool, not other nops

>> No.52822716

>Stake in my pool m8 it'll be t' best
>Names company "Poolsclosed"
>Closes pool before staking
Like pottery

>> No.52822725

it does matter though. we know there is a bad actor in the network and 12 nodes are cooperating with him. something somethin super linear staking. that shit better work.

>> No.52822960


>> No.52823035

Yes that is what I said thanks for the link

>> No.52823348

Bump for the good info

>> No.52823375

where is his name? i don't see his name associated with this listing

>> No.52823405

Then Chainlink must give the stake.link shares back

>> No.52823505

would be sad if someone in minecraft visited that office

>> No.52824009

Linkpool is registered in the Bahamas im pretty sure. Same as link

>> No.52824033
File: 13 KB, 555x551, 58ED23C3-8877-4D3D-BD78-248D03D7463C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not your poop, not your corn.

>> No.52824063

look at the little stinky linky getting upset

>> No.52824287

Follow the link in >>52821128

>> No.52824864

righteous my man

>> No.52825197

Lmao another red flag. How the fuck did ppl held this coin for half a decade