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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 622x610, 0320E0E3-CA44-43A8-AFEF-D6D541382804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52817976 No.52817976 [Reply] [Original]

Personally I’d say about 90% of this board.

>> No.52817991

Copium, only linkies will suicide when it goes to $1

>> No.52817992

link is outdated technology

>> No.52818010

Sweet I can buy more and stake it. I’m an early access staker so Sergey and I are tight.
It’s revolving midwit. You just don’t understand it.

>> No.52818011

What is the time frame for this "81k" I keep hearing about for the last four years?

>> No.52818014
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Revolutionary* not revolving

>> No.52818021
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2026 earliest, 2030 latest. Learn how to have a master morality by then.

>> No.52818028

>They’ll let 4chan nazis become incredible wealthy just because they hold a certain shit coin

I literally poured my life savings in at $40. Fuck /biz/. Seriously lost 25K from a whole year of Amazon work.

>> No.52818046

What’s the deal with the hexagon on Saturn and how there’s so many logos like Chainlink’s that pay tribute to it?

>> No.52818050

In order for Chainlink to be worth that much, the market cap of link would literally have to be more than a quadrillion dollars.

I swear some of you literally lack basic mathematic understanding. It physically can't be worth that much unless the market cap is insane. Which it will literally, never be. Even if every billionaire on earth threw their entire net worth at Chainlink it wouldn't even be $1000 lol

>> No.52818062

No one tell this retarded newfag why he’s wrong.

>> No.52818069

Proof him wrong then

>> No.52818081

I did, in 2018. Go look at the archives if you want help, we’re not spoonfeeding newfags anymore.

>> No.52818083
File: 5 KB, 300x168, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s the deal with the hexagon on Saturn
Seinfeld did a bit about it.

>> No.52818112


There is nothing revolutionary about "smart" contracts. The sooner you figure this out the better. There is no real use case that will drive value up.

>> No.52818153

supply chain management, government registry, gaming, and all levels of finance would like a word with you

>> No.52818248


>> No.52818314



>> No.52818326

I bought in at 55 but I'm not a retarded poorfag lmao

>> No.52818366
File: 15 KB, 256x256, bluepep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about a thread, but I can get this across in a post. It's very easy to get demoralised by the mentally ill retards who pollute every link thread with thier vitriol, but a few moments of due diligence is enough to banish most of the fear, uncertainty and doubt you might have around the link token.

Go here:

Filter by;

And you'll see quite plainly that while it's not happening TONIGHT it's definitely fucking happening. All you need to do is nothing. Go get a life, so the waiting doesn't consoom you.

>> No.52818382

Excellent image. We already had the upward and the downward is nearing 17,18, & 19. It is officially almost over. lol

>> No.52818395

embarrassingly small list of maybes

>> No.52818398

CCIP Swift

>> No.52818408

Kek he doesn’t understand supply and demand.

>> No.52818423

0 result

>> No.52818424

How does link become an 81 trillion mcap

>> No.52818428

>Bans galore for talking about various shitcoins that pop up
>Link-fags flood the board and shill (for free!) After the fatass endlessly dumped on them during the bullrun
Is Hiro getting paid to let CLL shill here? Most of these fags sound disingenuous

>> No.52818488

Damn, you think the market cap will go all the way down to $85k?
Yeah I guess a lot of people would probably commit suicide, but don't think many would be on this board? Not a lot of LINK holders here.

>> No.52818591

>associative press
actual yikes

>> No.52818621

Stupid image. Revenge is master morality. This is for christcucks.

>> No.52818641

Checked you retard.

>> No.52818654
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You can forgive people without letting them back into your life. Holding onto pointless hatred is the absolute opposite of making it.

>> No.52818679

The jews worship saturn and the cube is one of it's many symbols. Another jewish word for God is "el". The symbology is everywhere but most prevalent in the tELecom and ELectronic sectors

>> No.52818692

Anger and hatred is a fantastic motivator to accomplish goals and to keep striving. Yes there are people I hate because they abandoned me in times of need, they won't be forgiven. Not that I'll pursue it with my entire being, but if the day ever came where I could use them and fuck them over I would gladly do so. Then they could feel what I felt and writhe in the dirtiness of the world.

>> No.52818699

Get real, that is a fucking pipe dream. This industry is littered with scams and fraud, and there's no way a literal banking cartel worth trillions is going to jump in bed with a crypto startup worth a couple billion. Wake the fuck up

>> No.52818712
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>> No.52818717
File: 39 KB, 680x477, C608CA02-B532-4AD1-B5F3-7A9A5418A8C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon read this and then realize why we laugh at you

>Market buy at $6.88 we are looking for a target range of $81k.

>> No.52818743

Bruv I can't even place my hands on when such things is going to take place, prolly 2030, kek. But then hodling Link, XRP and some other big caps on sylo wallet be all I can think of rn.

>> No.52818772

I'll be roping with an $81,000 rope

>> No.52818776

What exactly is the advantage of staking? I am a newb and just bought like 50 bucks in Link because this board was talking about it.

>> No.52818792

This whole board is just gaslighting people into buying crypto, no one really thinks that it will reach any of these prices. It's just shilling and fudding.

>> No.52818811

It's painful to see

>> No.52818839

I think you mean "kikes" anon.

>> No.52818872
File: 1.16 MB, 776x434, 4bc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embarrassingly small list of maybes
Enough about your love life anon. What do you think about Swift, Intel and Oracle?

>> No.52818890

>Intel: Boomer has been
>Oracle: Boomer has been
>SWIFT: Banking boomers

Just let out a huge yawn

>> No.52818949

And yet you're still here. What company or consortium would excite a discerning gentleman such as yourself? Pray tell good sir, I am all ears.

>> No.52819138

That is not how securities work, they are not based on just some "raw" supply and demand concept. If you actually believe this you are literally a category 5 retard and I can't help you understand it because I'm a bad teacher I'll just yell at you and end up calling you a nigger so good luck out there

>> No.52819146

Tell me why their original diagram turned out to be forged. Bloomberg? Visa? NYSE? I’ll wait. Nothing close to the caliber of these institutions

>> No.52819153

Can't won't don't care. Cya

>> No.52819363

cope, stinkie. You will never be worth nothing.

>> No.52819380

You do realize that if Chainlink has Jew symbolism that is incredibly bearish. All crypto projects associated with kikes get rugged by them

>> No.52819396
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x900, 367EE44F-DE7F-45F4-B900-EDAF73EF2D84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 is the number traditionally represented by Saturn being the 6th planet from the sun
The hex at the pole no scientist can explain
It’s not a shape that occurs in nature and no one knows why the clouds form those sharp turns in perfect symmetry
Saturn also has rings which would act like a perfect broadcaster of energy, like a satellite
Saturn was worshipped by the ancients and still subtly worshipped by Jews today, that’s way they sabbath on Saturn’s day
Christianity being built around sun worship pagans worship on the sun’s day
Some ancient societies believed the earth revolved around Saturn before the sun captured our solar system
according to ancient writings and modern alien books the advanced beings that run this solar system are centered on the two biggest planets Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter is considered more benevolent to humans and Saturn wants to control or kill us

>> No.52819450
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brb gym

>> No.52819662


>> No.52819685

Proof? ESL detected

>> No.52819790
File: 389 KB, 568x393, 1539284513162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based 1pbtid saturn poster

>> No.52819809

why are LINK holders so delusional? It's highly unlikely that LINK will hit its previous ATH, let alone 100$, 1000$ or even the ridiculous 81000$. Open your eyes.

>> No.52820041

I bought 100 LINK at $6 AIGMI?

>> No.52820062
File: 132 KB, 250x229, eyeswideshut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stare into my eyes and hear my words linkies

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL stake those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 4% commission. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently staked," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to lock up your tokens for a while. You're going to share your profits with the state. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to love it.

>> No.52820181

Do you still not see it? There won't be enough Link to go round. ONE price feed has locked up 25 million Link in staking; ONE price feed, for one chain. Imagine all the other chains being opened up with industrial application; AVAX might have 1000 subnets for example, with companies running their own or stock-exchanges running their trades through it; all the world derivative clearings, currency clearing - all contracts for the sale or shipment of goods around the world, supply chain management - ALL can be more efficiently done through smart contracts and each will have some 25 million link securing it. There's not enough LINK in existence for that and if you want to secure your contract, or beat out another node provider for a job when your reputation is equal, what do you have to do? Buy more Link. Link does have 16 decimal places however...

>> No.52820205

>supply chain management, government registry, gaming, and all levels of finance would like a word with you

and none of them will be using some shitty crypto coin someone made up. if the government needed a crypto coin, which they don't, they would make their own

>> No.52820206

>hypes up his argument
>destroys it in the last sentence
what did he mean by this?

>> No.52820283

sorry, it's over and you literally can't stake anymore :(

>> No.52820530

Link to $81000?
That means I made $243000
Will I make it?

>> No.52820574

Let's work on hitting even $20 first, big guy

t.3300 LINK holder

>> No.52820596
File: 1.07 MB, 1073x1667, 8F3310B0-61FE-4FF5-BF67-CC38A99080DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit might not reach $50 ever again because Chainlink Labs literally dumps hundreds of millions of tokens on retail investors. You’re just a retard who fell for schizo ramblings just like XRP baggies

t. Hold 7k of this garbage coin

>> No.52820607

Meant for >>52817976

>> No.52820690

This makes me think there’s a chance of getting nft airdrops through VRF as well as build airdrops. The possibilities are endless.
Shit, there’s a good possibility that a wallet with early staking privileges will be an asset as such and have a value

>> No.52820849

>he thinks 18 decimal places is bearish

>> No.52820874

if you experience from 8-22 at the same time, should you seek help even if you feel justified in those feelings?

>> No.52820897

He talking about microlink but you aren’t staking and don’t get it

>> No.52820900

>Do you still not see it? There won't be enough Link to go round
So they'll just fork it and make chainlink 2, with unlimited cheap tokens?

>> No.52820901

delusional pocket faggot
>you know nothing

>> No.52820926

If chainlink reaches 81k I already made x 10000000000 on my favorite shitcoin that is backed by binance and not listed in binance with sub 20m marketcap

>> No.52821273

Those that are still alive I guess, if LINK were to hit 81k dollars that would mean only either of two things:
1.-Dollar collapse and subsequent war
2.-Its the year 3000
So unless you become immortal, I guess you are fucked

>> No.52821575

No. Its intellectual property; people have tried but they can't do it better and even if they could replicate it they'd never be able (not easily) to replicate the security that comes with super-linear staking from the massive network effect/first mover advantage Link has.
What they'll do is start to secure with microlink - as based anon DsELf98h alludes to here; >>52820897. I.e. in the distant enough future, 0.5 link is going to be worth a big bit of money if the service is widely used (as it already is).

>> No.52822862

this lel

>> No.52824358

read the white paper, only then well you get real answers

>> No.52824418

i've gotten revenge many times, it has never made me feel better

>> No.52824755
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>It’s not a shape that occurs in nature
Your brain on /x

>> No.52825858

I'm sorry your parents gave you bad genes anon.

>> No.52826120
File: 49 KB, 480x360, keef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex nigger

>> No.52826145


>> No.52826153

I'm pretty sure I'll still be alive by 2026.

>> No.52826313

We are immortal beings living in a simulation.

>> No.52827004

Why would binance even list a shitcoin anon? I call BS. I'd rather put my money into gems like Dot, Sylo and Fil with long term utility

>> No.52828019

do you guys unironically believe this? im all for hopium but still

>> No.52828024

Yeah this nerd isn’t wrong

>> No.52828267
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>> No.52828280

None left bro

>> No.52828607

It’s not a natural shape for wind and cloud formations as far as humans have recorded

>> No.52828664

>clouds are like, so important for geometry, bro

>> No.52828699

neither do squares but that doesnt stop me from banging your mum, lol!

>> No.52828793

Staking is always based anon. The yields I get for Crt and Ride on Maiar is pretty decent and I might stake my Link as well once I move it off my ledger

>> No.52830620

Holy shit my thread is still up biz really is dead