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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 351 KB, 2000x1116, Bitcoin BSV 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52813783 No.52813783 [Reply] [Original]

Lot's of threads on the coming BSV short squeeze but do you know what you can do right now on BSV ?
See BSV is not like any other chain. One day a parallel internet will run on the Blockchain and it is just starting now.

Let me show you what you can do today on BSV Bitcoin and why so many of us have seen the light and become BSV proponents.

>> No.52813795

Can your Bitcoin do this ?

George Carlin Video on BSV Blockchain -
This is an API call that takes the video DIRECTLY off the BSV blockchain . Look how fast it loads

Casino Games with no registration - Payouts right IN the wallet

A twitter were you are paid to post

Instagram where you get PAID

Reddit Style board on-Chain (brand new this week)

A Brokerless ON-CHAIN Exchange - Where you can buy Stocks, Commodities and Crypto

A gaming platform where you play instantly without download, and gain BSV while playing

Another crazy Game where you literally buy your city on planet earth and advertise, get citizens etc. 24/7

This Modern Game is ON the Genuine Bitcoin Blockchain right now.

Slictionary - Define words and get paid - Compete against others to get the best definition. The Crowd Decides

Archive a webpage on the blockchain FOREVER

Add a money button to any website and get paid in 10 secs in BSV.
Money Button is a client-side Bitcoin SV (BSV) wallet in an iframe.

That's ALL on the Genuine Bitcoin blockchain

>> No.52813805

Just a few more things that BSV can do right now onchain.

"Youtube for BSV". An ad-free video streaming platform built to help creators monetize their content directly from viewers.

Create Bitcoin SV tokens in 3 steps.

Play a bunch of games on BSV and get paid

BEST NFT Game on ANY platfrom

Relayx.io is quickly becoming like an app store for bsv , a wallet provider and exchange
AND they have a Payment card that uses your in wallet funds with ZERO fees.

Upload anyfile to the blockchain

A BSV Exchange were everything is priced in BSV and transactions are instant.

Wechat in blockchain from China

Do you recycle ? Get paid to do so.

Index and retrieve climate data immutably stored on the BSV distributed ledger.

Comment on any URL without being censored by the owner.
Comments are stored on the Bitcoin SV blockchain

Decentralized Blogging

Get paid to define words

Get paid to post content

Get paid to fill out surveys

Buy almost ANYTHING with BSV right now

Uptime monitoring system: monitor your services from real users or run a node on your phone to start earning BSV

A Point of sale BSV wallet being used all over South Africa and allowing people to do things like become thier own UBER, right now today.

Sports betting on-Chain

Stephan Molyneux uploading his videos to the BSV Sphere. All these will end up ON the blockchain.

>> No.52813808

Github ON chain

Easily check trusted digital documents with absolute certainty in seconds.

The first public Bitcoin API micropayment platform.

Ai being built right now on the blockchain

Learn eveything there is to know about Bitcoin in serious Bitcoin classes, for free

Daily to the point Bitcoin news

More Bitcoin News

>> No.52813817

Bsv being in the toilet just shows how stupid most people are.
It's perfect; fast and cheap transactions, secure, and capable how housing any and all data in the world.
And yet, it's the definition of shitcoin.
This just shows that satoshi was dead wrong and bitcoin was doomed from the word go.

>> No.52813856
File: 185 KB, 1487x827, EtxmVc2WYAQfzlA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Satoshi white paper explains Bitcoin is intended to be a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system” that makes Internet commerce payments more cost efficient, including for “small casual transactions.”

Despite the clear intent of Bitcoin’s creator to scale the network and establish it as more efficient infrastructure for online payments, the Bitcoin Core protocol developers who assumed control of the Bitcoin project rejected scaling – limiting on-chain capacity to a maximum of 7 transactions per second, driving transaction fees sky-high; so now BTC is promoted as “digital gold” and a “store of value” reserve asset, rather than as the system of peer-to-peer electronic cash for daily use envisioned by Satoshi. The BTC network further strayed with the introduction of Segregated Witness (SegWit) which is a FORK!
Don't believe me ?

Bitcoin SV has almost entirely restored Satoshi’s Bitcoin protocol, with no default limit on the size of the blocks on its blockchain and thus its transaction capacity. It also restored many of Satoshi’s original technical functions—such as removing artificial limits on the size and capabilities of transactions, and restoring the full original functionality of Bitcoin Script (the programming language used within the Bitcoin protocol). With unbounded scaling, transaction fees remain minimal and predictable—the median transaction fee on the Bitcoin SV network in 2020 was generally less than 1/100 of a U.S. cent.

Read the original website and particularly Bullet 3
'Bitcoin transactions are practically free'

Bitcoin SV is doing a great thing for the block-space.
Bitcoin IS supposed to be peer-to-peer electronic cash and NOT digital gold.
Bitcoin SV has 4GB Block sizes moving all day long on the chain and 18,000 transaction per seconds

>> No.52813862

It's also under control of a single fucking miner which means none of your transactions are secure, but as the miner you probably know this. This shitcoin has less liquidity than bsc shitcoins I see shilled here but with perps. Fuck off.

>> No.52813865
File: 584 KB, 600x338, nolo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency 2009

>Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. >Advantages:

> * Transfer money easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
Don't you have to trust the lightning network ?

> * Third parties can’t prevent or control your transactions.
Lightning ?

> * Bitcoin transactions are practically free, whereas credit cards and online payment systems typically cost 1-5% per transaction plus various other merchant fees up to hundreds of dollars.
1MB Blocks and 3-4 transactions per second killed that dream.

Bitcoin transactions are practically free, Look at the original Bitcoin.org page. READ it.
BTC is not Bitcoin. Read the white paper.
BTC has LN network which is a 3rd party - it is not P2P as described in the Bitcoin White Paper.

>> No.52813877

Spamming a thread with walls of text isn't organic and you've been spamming bsv threads to no avail for a week now. Fuck off at this point

>> No.52813888
File: 90 KB, 593x593, Practically Free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know that Bitcoin is supposed to be ZERO confirmation compatible ?

Bicoin SV is tight now TODAY

>> No.52813902

Is it really any wonder Africa and the UAE have been working with BSV?
This right here is what it's all about.

>> No.52813904

Kek you guys are fucking retards. Even Bcashers gave up…

>> No.52813908
File: 2.56 MB, 2480x4134, Craig Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright is the person who has the biggest number of blockchain patents in the world. FACT.
What they don't want you to see about Craig Wright and BitCoin (BSV, Satoshi Vision)

He will start defending his patents.

>> No.52813913
File: 780 KB, 2949x4096, Satoshi Nakamoto - Deal With it BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder why you haters never bring this up

Craig Wright smacked down every developer on planet earth.
He was the only person on PLANET EARTH that knew that Bitcoin was turing complete.
He told everyone that Bitcoin is Turing Complete at a conference. Look at the reaction.
This went on for months on Twitter and blogs and forums. He's insane, he's a grifter.

and yet it turns out he was 100% correct.
https://twitter.com/sinoTrinity/status/1355577117619044352 (embed)

and people don't understand WHY that is important. Keep buying your non scalable coins. BSV Will have it's day in the sun DESPITE 15,662,247 BSV being actively shorted for over a year. If those shorts ever close their position that will be a 433% rise in price if not one coin is purchased.

Craig tried to warn people.

>> No.52813925
File: 51 KB, 1903x910, Blockstream_AXA_Venture_Partners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is implementing Lightning ?
Would that be Lighting Networks ?
Owned by AXA ? The Insurance company that is control of more derivatives on planet earth than any other private entity ?

Oh and they own Coinbase, Brave Browser, Coindesk, Etherscan, Genisis, Greyscale, Gyft, Kraken, Ledger, Ripple, Shapeshift,Z-Cash

etc etc etc...

>> No.52813937

It shows that crypto got hijacked between Satoshis silence and Segwit.
Transactions seem pretty secure to me.
Your right though it does low liquidity but you know exactly why that is.
With real Bitcoin how many scams and bullshit projects are dashed to atoms?most of them

>> No.52813954

You don't even fucking speak english

>> No.52813955
File: 104 KB, 1147x801, The Big Takeover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter WHAT Blockchain you follow, EVERYONE needs to read this.
This is a very long game they are playing and you are part of it whether you understand that or not.


>> No.52813978
File: 135 KB, 1201x903, 3752FC2A-B237-4E36-A7FA-2CC51AA45C73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think that there is a concerted effort to hobble the original Bitcoin that was meant to free the entire word with Peer-to-Peer electronic cash on a base layer with no premine ?

>> No.52813984
File: 360 KB, 576x506, STIFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your bags are worthless

>> No.52814004

Anon the last of /biz/ thankyou for the alpha. /nubiz/ may come to learn or forever mald

>> No.52814006

the US will fade into the 3rd world and the original protocol will finally thrive globally

>> No.52814025

Friendly reminder. The entirety of the crypto industry exists around pretending BSV doesn't exist.
>ETH,SOL etc
Redundant tech
Solutions for redundant tech
>Most everything else?

>> No.52814031
File: 97 KB, 738x330, Bitcoin vs Visa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is the ONLY Blockchain with speeds that are now, as of this month as fast as Visa/Mastercard.

It is NOT pre-mined ala XRP
All transactions are on the Base Layer unlike Lightning Network and BTC
It is Government and Jurisprudence compliant
Transactions are sub $0.01 and will only go lower
Can do smart contracts today
Can do anything that any other Blockchain can do, today
It is the original protocol set up by Satoshi Nakamoto

Look what the lead developer of BTC said this week

Let it sink way down into you. There was never a need for the Segwit soft-fork.
It was done to keep block sizes small and to hobble Bitcoin so it could never compete with Credit Cards.

>> No.52814038

Reminder BSV is all in house.
Oracles/Rollups are useless to the king.

>> No.52814073
File: 177 KB, 1284x1143, Nigeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigeria just made it illegal to withdraw over $45 from an ATM.

Meanwhile in Nigeria.
https://twitter.com/NITDANigeria/status/1600435492062830592 (embed)

Connect the dots.

>> No.52814080
File: 170 KB, 1487x808, Bitcoin-Scaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 100% on the BASE layer. Faster and cheaper than lighting and you don't have to trust a 3rd party lightning node

>> No.52814124

Somebody needs some liquidity bad it appears. How.mu h you trying g to dump?

>> No.52814140
File: 273 KB, 668x322, Wiil the REAL Satoshi please stand up AGAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base layer transactions
Big Blocks
Proof of Work

I dunno if you have ever seen those videos of the BTC lightning network on BTC where they send BTC to people from one person to another 5 times in a minutes. BSV can do that right now on the Base layer. The problem with using a second layer is that it's a third party who who have to trust.

So to me it is laid out in the first page of the white paper.
BSV can do 18606 transactions per second, right now on the base layer and every coined was earned through proof of work. Visa is 20,000 transaction per second.

The picture is from February 7th 2021
Today that 2,847 TPS is 18,606 Transactions Per Second
I'd say they are doing what they promised.
Come be part of it.

The BSV Centbee Wallet let's you buy gift-cards right in the wallet instantly.
Buy a Gift card with BSV instantly, show the QR code and walk out of the store. Takes seconds.


Here is a list of the Giftcards in the US.

There are many more in different countries and they are accessible right in the wallet.
I have no financial interest in Centbee. It started in South Africa to allow people to not carry around cash and to be able to run their own business and get paid in their phone.

That is the whole essence of peer to peer Digital Cash

>> No.52814146


>> No.52814153
File: 79 KB, 1353x603, BTC-BSV-Bitcoin-SV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump ? I am buying
Here is a buy yesterday
Go look on Bittrex. I have a buy in for another 100 BSV

>> No.52814180

Imagine selling your Bitcoin before the vast majority of shorts get closed
>The perfect crypto
lol,lmao even

>> No.52814195

i just hope the courier arrives soon, with that delay he's not getting any tip

>> No.52814214
File: 251 KB, 999x598, BSV is Fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about to have the biggest short squeeze in Crypto history and it's pretty much a given.
4M coins short. That's $170m is short on BSV. these positions will be settled by the 19th or shortly there after…

https://twitter.com/Deadlochcom/status/1600346136371687424 (unembed)

Now simply do the math
Bitfinex proof of reserves, according to them, indicate that all they have is 100 bsv in a hot wallet (see lines 21, 24)??:
Line 21 wallet: https://whatsonchain.com/address/19PYCUcpLsUSFUeLt4u9a1z8QyJYQMyGqB
Line 24 wallet: https://whatsonchain.com/address/14BMRtbwkhFME8pjPkn17hKesesD99EVKs

>> No.52814234

Can you prove they will close all the shorts? It's down 90 bucks what's stopi g them from shorting again and covering thier lose that way? Force it to 0 with billions. I've never seen a short squeeze work after gma

>> No.52814243
File: 152 KB, 675x1200, Bitfinex closing BSV shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you prove they will close all the shorts?

>> No.52814255
File: 132 KB, 1497x714, Bitfinex current buy-sell positions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52814273
File: 66 KB, 478x1270, Bitfinex shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ALOT of shorts to unwind.

>> No.52814275

/nubiz/ malding with the same old tired fud.
Meanwhile those blessed few of us with a STIFF stack care for the fud about as much as Africa and the UAE do apparently... Tick Tock Tick Tock.

>> No.52814298

Yeah Nigeria started schools just to teach people how to program on BSV.

Anyone that can read through the lines can easily see that BSV is going to be Nigeria's CDBC
Once Nigeria is a go the rest of Africa will follow.

>> No.52814301

The inheritance anon has answered you more succinctly than I could have.
Either way the vast majority of all shorts will have been closed come the 19th.
Bitfinex have already been forced to delay the closing of those trade options, the original date was the 11th

>> No.52814308

perhaps it was the courier that saved kraken and coinbase from going bankrupt, that's why he's late. he probably used a wifi pineapple to steal the keys of the hackers, what a hero

>> No.52814328

Nigeria is a window into the future for those that can see it.

>> No.52814360

What do you hold anon?

>> No.52814371
File: 93 KB, 1350x802, BTC-BSV-Bitcoin-SV-Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not telling anyone else to buy but I did yesterday

and am almost filled today.

>> No.52814385

Exactly. The one thing Satoshi underestimated is human psychology

>> No.52814451
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Christen Ager-Hanssen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new as of last week head of BSV ( nChain)
Richest man in Norway.
That's now 3 (multi) billionaires directly involved in BSV

>> No.52814461

Good job all normies need is to be told.
Tptb can change the narrative over Night.
Expand your horizons anon you might just notice something.

>> No.52814469

His first newsletter for BSV. Just came out minutes ago

This guy was worth 2.5 billion in 2005.
He stopped everything to run BSV. What does he know that we don't ? Probably alot.

>> No.52814498

Interesting times we're living in anon.

>> No.52814599

"It is my privilege to be the new CEO and to lead nChain into what I firmly believe will be an
unparalleled period of growth that will see the group leading the delivery of ground-breaking
blockchain products and solutions and to be the fastest ecosystem to reach a $1 trillion market
valuation, and through this success, achieving our goal of becoming the leading social impact
enterprise for the good of humanity."
--Christen Ager-Hanssen December 12th 2022

This guy has never failed at anything he has done.

>> No.52814742
File: 35 KB, 594x680, FjomeATUoAEFWis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are sending 10s of 1000s 1 sat transaction for less than a penny in total.
They are all rec-vied in the receivers wallet in SECONDS.
Micro transactions just like Satoshi said.

Imagine how much it would cost on BTC to send 1000 1 sat transactions.
This is why BSV will take over Africa.and then the world.

>> No.52814824

All the pieces are falling into their respective places.
This is greatly overlooked.
Micropayments open up a door of nigh endless possibilities. You cam almost guarantee we will see a future where a retweet will garner you Sats.

>> No.52814841

If only I could code I'd make a digital pachinko machine on BSV 1 sat=1 ball.
Guarantee we see micropayment millionaires

>> No.52814877

Dude talk to https://app.hastearcade.com/
and https://peergame.com/..
They have LOTS of programmers. Maybe you can just supply the artwork.
I'd play! GREAT idea.

>> No.52814946

>You cam almost guarantee we will see a future where a retweet will garner you Sats
Oh that is going to happen quickly
Twetch just said they are making preformed super modern websites with BSV built in.
Think Weebly


Elon already mentioned Twetch (which is a BSV on chain Twitter)

>> No.52814963

>Twetch just said they are making preformed super modern websites with BSV built in.
>Think Weebly
wrong tweet

>> No.52815137

Op is a high value man and this is a high value thread

>> No.52815183
File: 594 KB, 853x360, BOP-Bitcoin-On-Paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52815220

I will,thanks OP.
It's honestly incredible just how close to everyone's gaze it is and yet it is so far removed from what they see.

>> No.52815238
File: 680 KB, 849x453, BOP-Bitcoin-On-Paper 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving new people money if they can figure it out. People already in BSV please don't scan them.
Make some wallets. Spread the love.

>> No.52815240
File: 22 KB, 365x326, Fb--swTXoAAxVUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only the starting of engines, in five years you have the same tx in second on bsv.

>> No.52815256
File: 124 KB, 864x473, BOP-Bitcoin-On-Paper 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52815309
File: 359 KB, 831x406, BOP-Bitcoin-On-Paper 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the real Bitcoin

>> No.52815335

What website is this?

>> No.52815343
File: 112 KB, 785x594, Macus Aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52815356

Realistic max pain short squeeze price?

>> No.52815429

Heaven on Earth, Lagos is the city of the future

>> No.52815495

There will be many deciding factors overall. However, over 80% of short positions placed on BSV are on Bitfinex. It's asif Atlas has been granted a reprieve

>> No.52815508

Is there a difference between "BSV Blockchain" and "Bitcoin SV"? I don't get why there's two different websites etc. for the same thing

>> No.52815564

same thing. One is just NChain

>> No.52816142

>4M coins short. That's $170m is short on BSV

Uh... Where do you get this 4 million coins number from?? You just made it up?

>> No.52816171

170 Million /40=4.25 million
10k btc is shorting last i checked bsvbtcshorts

10k x 17,000= 170 million

>> No.52816186

Oh I was wrong

Only 9700 BTC now.
So only 166 Million now or
3,860,46 BSV short....

Hours matter I guess

>> No.52816261

Opps wrong again.

need to add in BSVUSDShorts

That's 12,865 BSV short
12,865 (BSVUSDSHORTS) + 3,860,406 (BSVBTVSHORTS) = 3,873,271 BSV shorts.

Good news is that according to Bitfinex's proof of reserves, according to them, it indicates that all they have is 100 bsv in a hot wallet (see lines 21, 24)
Line 21 wallet: https://whatsonchain.com/address/19PYCUcpLsUSFUeLt4u9a1z8QyJYQMyGqB
Line 24 wallet: https://whatsonchain.com/address/14BMRtbwkhFME8pjPkn17hKesesD99EVKs

>> No.52816265

>Uh... Where do you get this 4 million coins number from?? You just made it up?
Any more questions about me making it up ?

>> No.52816288
File: 457 KB, 948x2486, kick_twetch_out_of_bsv_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon already mentioned Twetch (which is a BSV on chain Twitter)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMgBRlpNlA [Embed]

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this Elon audioclip is faked. It is AI generated voiceclips made and circulated by the scammers at Twetch.

They always pull fake stunts like this. All they do is create fake hype and fake followers to shill their ponzi NFT products, sell hats and hoodies (lol) and astroturf twitter to make them look like they have a successful product.

Remember when they celebrated 50.000 user landmark by sending out an NFT taco to all their active users?? Only ~2k tacos were sent out, revealing how small their their true userbase is kek

>> No.52816298

Checked and good to know. Thanks for bringing that information.
Going to be some scammers involved in any tech I'd assume.

>> No.52816300

BSV is cool and all but it's more centralized than Solana which was faster. So.... it still kinda sucks as a DISTRIBUTED ledger.

>> No.52816310


>170 million usd
Bro, it's 10k BSV... = $440,000 usd

>> No.52816331

BSV is shorted by 9700 BTC

>> No.52816352

I like BSV, it's amazing tech, but Twetch are fucking scammers with no future in this ecosystem. They are remnants that are more aligned with the crypto-ponzi space of other coins. Why do you think they are so anti-Craig?

Their business model is selling clothing and hype. I bet next big launch will be Christmas socks!!! LOL

They prefer writing on Twitter because it's just better than Twetch and they know it. Once serious companies start getting interested in BSV, Twetch will simply die out.

Nothing to do with Bitcoin SV though, there will be good and bad companies built on it, just like any normal economy.

>> No.52816371

Updated list of wallets in the other thread from anons making deposits/withdrawals:

>> No.52816372
File: 693 KB, 1142x647, S5-E42-Trailer-Significant-January-Dates-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once price moves back up other miners will switch chains.
Last year TAAL wasn't the majority miner. All the other miners on BTC where also on BSV.

>> No.52816392
File: 15 KB, 307x351, BSVBTCSHORTS-9701-6026-▼-−1-15-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro, it's 10k BSV... = $440,000 usd
You are either incapable of understanding a chart or just lying

>> No.52816394

I see now. Can't they just print tether and cover the loans that way?

>> No.52816401

>miners with infra designed for 2mb blocks will just switch on over to 2GB blocks
lol, no

>> No.52816411

>I like BSV, it's amazing tech, but Twetch are fucking scammers with no future in this ecosystem
I've never bought any of their NFT's and I don't post there.
I think NFT's have a place when it comes to recording sales of real property but we aren't there yet.

>Once serious companies start getting interested in BSV, Twetch will simply die out.
I'm in agreement. It is however neat to see new things on chain.

>> No.52816417

God knows they can't afford hard-drives.

>> No.52816421

Twetch shillers are the lowest carbage, so cringe it hurts my brains. It will never be other than circle jerk of the cringelords.

>> No.52816437

No you have to cover with the same Coin that you borrowed to short.

>> No.52816465

All the shit about BSV ITT looks like a scam.

Team doge all the way.

>> No.52816468

Here maybe you can help them out. poor miners.

>> No.52816474

>Another crazy Game where you literally buy your city on planet earth and advertise, get citizens etc. 24/7
Kek I own a load of these cities. It's not a "game" though, its an information hub based around cities. Unfortunately there's been no development for over a year because the price of BSV has just carried on bleeding nonstop which means the developers haven't had the incentive to carry on building anymore and have had to work other jobs. Hopefully if BSV ever pumps like it should though they'll be able to commit more time to it again, it has a lot of potential. These cities are basically the first NFT's ever created on BSV (creation date: July 2019).

>> No.52816479

Potentially but they still need to find an avenue of acquiring those coins without massively jacking the price up.

>> No.52816486

I'm a bit retarded when it comes to trading, that's why I misunderstood the short position. My bad. But tell me, do they actually need to come up with 4 million actual BSV tokens before the 19th?? Surely there has to be another way to close the positions.

>> No.52816490

Ah I never bought any. I thought it was a game. Thanks for setting me straight.
It is a cool idea. I see alot of Chinese are/where buying. I wanted to buy my birthcity but its not for sale!

>> No.52816499
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1504399390039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh corecuck, what is 2mb block designed infrastructure?
1gb hdd? sounds really difficult to fix that issue...

>> No.52816508

>I'm a bit retarded when it comes to trading, that's why I misunderstood the short position
No wrries anon

>But tell me, do they actually need to come up with 4 million actual BSV tokens before the 19th??
Yes because when you short you borrow someone else's BSV. In this case the exchanges.
Now if Bitfinex allows them to cover with BTC or USD or USDT that is a crime.
They would lose ALL 100% trust from the market that their reserves are real.
but.. it's is China so who really knows...

>> No.52816523
File: 276 KB, 750x1219, Satoshi on Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but so as not just to be toxic. Let's see what Satoshi said about this very problem.
Seems he never meant people to store the blockchain on thier raspberry pis.
How big do you think the server farms for single banks are ?

>> No.52816547
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Right, and they became exponentially more annoying when they created the "Twetch Jobs" astroturf campaign, where they pay idiots literal cents to create absolute nonsense spam under peoples tweets and boost it with fake likes, retweets and comments.

37 clowns under a tweet posting bot responses like:


Like, just fuck off you absolute parasite faggots.

>> No.52816591

no he underestimated jews and their evil

>> No.52816637
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All you need to do is look at this shitcoin getting pumped and dumped every bullrun to understand its at the mercy of BTC .. craig is a liar who gets assblated at every outburst he has in court .. delisted off binance and barely any use .. 1 miner controlls the network .. only a retard would buy this shit

>> No.52816682


>> No.52816689

There is/was a page where you could submit requests for new cities but I can't find it right now. They introduce new ones via auctions. You can also request them via twitter, but like I said they haven't developed anything in over a year now. There are/were a lot of Chinese buyers yeah, but the biggest whale is a white Aussie guy.

>> No.52816733

what do you use those stupid indicators for if you can't read the divergence
i bet you own chainlink

>> No.52817007

It was organized through tswap.io telegram that basically has been scamming BSV from people for two years now

>> No.52817028

This. I always thought twetch was shit and the CEO is a fucking idiot. Now theyre asking for $9 per month to use their shitty platform kek

>> No.52817067

>>Most everything else?
it's amazing how one of the most legit coins in crypto has been delisted from so many exchanges while thousands of scamcoins get to operate freely. it's exactly the glaring inconsistency that anons would normally pick up on as a possible opportunity but as someone else in this thread said I guess it's nu/biz/ now and those autists are long gone

>> No.52817263

Didn't cz delist bsv because of his personal opinions of csw?

>> No.52817548

I wouldn't put it past him

>> No.52817780

Its twetch.com now, twetch app is their legacy site.
Also now its not just a twitter clone, its a wallet and nft exchange too

>> No.52817808

Thanks for the info. I'll change it

>> No.52817971
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This is a known UI bug, just check the xrp shorts, pic related

>> No.52818108

BSV has 20(?) miners, it's so incredibly insecure it's amazing nohing worse has happened yet.
It's a centralized shitshow and has no reason to be a blockchain.
BSV baggies will cry and link more facts about how Satoshi it is

>> No.52818169

>20 miners

So which central location do you need to take out to prevent the network from operating?

>> No.52818187

20 independent miners, 99% of the rest is Craig being a faggot

>> No.52818269

>So which central location do you need to take out to prevent the network from operating?
That's not how you do it. BTC and BSV are both SHA-256, do you realize how easy it is to attack and disrupt bsv? When bsv is 0.0000001% of the hashrate?
At least if they went with their own algo this looming terror wouldn't be so real

>> No.52818270

Centralization means controlled from 1 location or by 1 entity.

If there are 20 nodes, there is no central base of operations that leaves the network vulnerable to attack or outage, so the system is decentralized. Anything else you need help understanding?

>> No.52818283

Doesn't work like that, read the white paper. Honest nodes control the Bitcoin (ticker: BSV) network, which is why BTC faggots can't do shit no matter how much hashrate you have. Cope and seethe.

>> No.52818290

BTC is centralised under blockstream. BTC majority mining hash resides in one legal jurisdiction. Actual mining nodes for BTC is measured in the tens, and less than 5 have over 51% of the hash power. but muh decentralisation.
What is the purpose of decentralisation if not to restrict changes to the protocol by one external party. Well blockstream already locked in segwit and small blocks while culling all advanced scrypt functionality. Anyone who thinks BTC is decentralised is completely ignorant of its history,
> imagine being a btc midwit

ETH is worse, its proof of vitalik and backed by the WEF. How do you think ETH Classic came into existence? They didn't want to follow the centralised control that vitalik has over the project.
BSV has real world value too, its a payment network that operates more cheaply and efficiently than any other payment network around. A huge competitive advantage over visa, mastercard, paypal, everything. these companies can move their entire back end to bsv and save billions per year, or they can become obsolete as a competitor does it first.

>> No.52818302

Oh then controlling 51% of the hash rate isn't centralized since it isn't 100% :)

>> No.52818320

>Hey the BTC folks control 99% of our hashrate, but at least we got our 20 nodes! What stops BTC folks from noding themselves?

>> No.52818388

This is my thread now, BSV is gay

>> No.52818405

Its software miners use to build and display trust to other miners. They do this by mining with a provable public key. Obviously the more blocks mined under this key demonstrates a higher level of trust.
A new miner has no trust, no blocks and no reason for the trustworthy miners to connect to them. This makes attacks on BSV almost impossible.

>> No.52818425

>A new miner has no trust, no blocks and no reason for the trustworthy miners to connect to them.
Doesn't seem very decentralized to me.
A mafia cartel who decides who is allowed to mine.
BTC wins again.

>> No.52818435

I mean, if you put your ego aside and your thoughts about csw, bsv clearly has "btc" beat in terms of technical specs. Faster, cheaper, and scales, all of which were the fundamental factors in satoshi's paper. From there it becomes fairly obvious to connect all the dots around the drama/shenanigans around btc's early days and who stood to gain the most by hijacking its course—the elite of the legacy financial system. Seems though most of this board is adhd-riddled zoomers who likely bought their first "btc" in 2020/21 and have no memory of anything that even happened back then, or just willfully ignorant anons who don't care and refuse to believe they were duped. I say all this as someone who bought btc back in 2013.

>> No.52818459

Craig claims to be Satoshi, I don't believe him
For that reason I trash bsv

>> No.52819569

the truth doesn't need you to believe it

>> No.52819590

Thanks to patient og anons explaining BSV's potential. Certainly opened the eyes of retarded anons like me. CSW fud by may stream media is a strong one.

>> No.52819596

anyone can mine, just be an honest node and mine and you can join the network. If you spin up a node, throw hash at it and attack the network the other miners who've proven that they're honest actors can tell that new miner to go fuck themselves. It's a great system, economically incentivized to force honesty, just like bitcoin's economic design, almost as though the guy who created bitcoin had a role in this miner id system, i wonder who that was.

>> No.52819597


>> No.52819613

Well put

>> No.52819644

Hypothetically, if a majority of trusted miner ids managed to change face and attack the chain, what's the protection mechanism? Please explain like I'm retarded.

>> No.52819655

BSV sui stack?

>> No.52819668

>Casino Games with no registration - Payouts right IN the wallet

unregulated gambling means this is one of the first things governments will attack

>> No.52820864

economic incentive, miners are the most invested into the infrastructure that secures a chain. Why would they torch a potential revenue stream that they've specialized into?

>> No.52820980
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>> No.52821138
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>> No.52821349

Unregulated gambling exists on every chain, every crypto

>> No.52821444

>bro someone could just steal his keys, therefore if Craig were to sign a message with them it would prove NOTHING
>the underlying tech principles which enable modern cryptographic currency, bsv included, CANNOT be trusted for one of its primary functions, proof of ownership
>what really matters is what a bunch of tech illiterate lawyers and laymen think in court
kek, bsv threads are always good for a laugh.

>> No.52821468

How do I buy BSV as an amerifag?

>> No.52821492

Centralized shitcoin, guy behind it advocates censorship and loses court cases and even the cases he "wins" the judges are through his shit and award him 1£. If I want censorship on the black chain and centralized scams i'd go with eth.

>> No.52821526
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You mean the only decentralized system?

>> No.52821646

Seems pretty centralized when it had 30 nodes around this time last year, like only 9-10 fully synced nodes back in July and Blockchair dropping them last month. Blockchair dropping them was funny because the admitted "99% of activity on this Blockchain are garbage transactions"

>> No.52823118
File: 701 KB, 1179x1066, D6D31D3C-411C-4257-B0BE-4BB53C99B3C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig lawsuit on YouTube

>> No.52823248

Do you know how to read? Nodes doesn't matter, set unchangable protocol does.

>> No.52823264

wait a second, is this a blatant joke or are there actually courts in the developed world where officials wear ridiculous 18th century wigs, and without even the barest attempt to conceal the true hair color underneath?

>> No.52824116


>> No.52824203

Retard here.
What is the simplest way to trade & store BSV?
I'll buy a bit, hoping biz provided good advice.

>> No.52824445

i used kucoin w/o kyc

>> No.52824483
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the world is slow to rectify it's stupidity. The promise of bitcoin was lost years ago and hardly anyone noticed. muh "store of value" was never a function of bitcoin. The original excitement revolved around creating a fair monetary system that could provide near free global exchange.

The new promise of bitcoin is running nearly every digital interaction/transaction in the world on the BSV chain. If that happens the price of BSV will be millions of dollars a coin.

>Micropayments open up a door of nigh endless possibilities.

that's would people don't understand. micro fees allow people to utilize the chain for all sorts of software and programs. The world may one day run on the BSV chain.

>>You cam almost guarantee we will see a future where a retweet will garner you Sats
>Oh that is going to happen quickly

that's exactly how twetch works- liking or retwewtching earns you BSV. There are many websits that have integrated BSV micro tips.


twetch is an impressive project. KYS

>> No.52824501

>simplest way to trade & store BSV?

robin hood. I wouldn't long term store cores there.

handcash is the easiest and best wallet.

>> No.52824539

Are we currently breaking out of a years long trendline while "btc" crabs? Dare I say, bullish?

>> No.52824552

Kucoin, mexc

>> No.52824559
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token not needed

>> No.52824610
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>Nodes doesn't matter
Someone needs to let Craig know so they can take down their node software then.

>> No.52824641
File: 203 KB, 1200x769, What is a node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go teel him

>> No.52824645
File: 62 KB, 733x237, BTC White paper What is a node.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and maybe reread the white paper. it's not that long

>> No.52824828

That's quite different from "nodes doesn't matter" in fact, he references in n the link he posts that a payment processor would need many nodes to protect against double spend attacks in that Bitcoin snack machine thread. Again, you need to tell Craig to take.down.his node software if you don't want any nodes.

>> No.52824838

Thanks, can you offload to a cold wallet in Robin Hood, or handcash?

>> No.52824867

BSV's chart is beyond bullish. Little pumps and solid consolidations

>> No.52824890

Read the Whitepaper.
5. Network
The steps to run the network are as follows:

3) Each node works on finding a difficult proof-of-work for its block.
4) When a node finds a proof-of-work, it broadcasts the block to all nodes.


>> No.52825162

And that's why your shitcoin has been 51% attacked multiple times.
It gets easier to that with less hashpower. And it gets easier to keep those attacked blocks on the blockchain the fewer nodes there are.

>> No.52825167

Keep that mantra going

>> No.52825208

you can transfer using both robin hood and hand cash. hand cash is a non custodial wallet and should be secure.

>> No.52825227

miners are nodes. a nodecuck running a rasberry pi has never once done a damn thing and has no power to do anything.

>> No.52825455

What about an orphan block attack?

Bsv midwits can never answer that.

The reason BTC and Eth have not increased blocksize is because it limits node operators and decreases security. In a trustless system security is above all else. it's above speed and gimmicks. Get this shit out of here

>> No.52825571

Huh this seems very interesting.. are we onto something?


Bitcoin.de says customers have until December 19 to withdraw their BSV... cant be a coincidence, whats going on here? Are shorters really fucked this bad?

>> No.52825795

small blockers spent millions attack mining bsv and failed

>> No.52825802


Im pretty dumb so i dont understand butthis is my addy

Also how am i supposed to scan that if i only have one device?

Ill be honest im a skeptic because of the satoshi claim but these threads have been getting to me

At the very least the squeeze seems imminent for real

>> No.52825852

You have to scan the code with a wallet that scans wallets like simply cash.
Don't worry though. i got you bro.

>> No.52825881

Sounds like a shittier ICP.

>> No.52826377


Radiant beats BSV
Now shut up baggie

BSV has the tech but no one wants to be involved with it because of Craig, who is not Satoshi and the more he pushes it the less appealing BSV is. BSV is fast and "secure" but not decentralized. And not even secure, there's virtually no one mining it

>> No.52826489


>> No.52826520

>No one wants to be involved
South Africa,Nigeria,Senegal & the UAE beg to differ

>> No.52826591

Creme de la creme.

>> No.52826682

Have no idea how to use this.
I only have an Exodus wallet


Sorry im a newb.

>> No.52826699

The money was gone from those Paper Wallets a few minutes after I posted them

>> No.52826727

All good I am gonna get a couple of these on payday. Thanks for the information in this thread.

>> No.52826790

i dont care monero better not reading that essay bye fuck you

>> No.52826873
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guy over here lays out the case for BSV being all a scam fwiw

>> No.52827616

go away samefag

>> No.52827957

Easiest money bought 2000 BSV in coinex and withdraw in my handcash wallet wait for it to go x100 ez money boyz

>> No.52828450
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make me

>> No.52829074

easy, bsv node software tracks orphaned chains until a survivor with more proof of work is decided. The mempool keeps track of all transactions whether they have or have not been included in the winning chains blocks. Any transactions from the oprhaned blocks gets included in the winning chain.
Miners get paid by fees from transactions, they're incentivised to include as many transactions as possible.

>> No.52829140

core trannies are relentless with their "theories"
instead of all this to steal satoj bags, he could have just developed tons of different erc shit coins and made bank like everyone else. you must be really stupid yourselves to think that calvin is stupid. stupid people don't retain wealth. stupid people win the lottery and waste it all in under a year. stupid people don't make billions from online gambling business
calvin and craig are the only legitimate and smart people in this market. they've developed thousands of patents (that ironically a bunch of the actual scammers grouped together to invalidate i.e. steal), spent a ton of money in a hash war to save bitcoin from cashie scammers that subsequently wanted to add a developer tax on miners and to top it all off have never promoted that anyone should buy bsv
when people say it's a scam, it's laughable because...where is the scam, even that stupid op blew out his whole theory by indicating that btc would tank if they implemented the coin retrieval on btc. so they're what now? doing all this bsv stuff and patents and lawsuits to steal something that would become worthless
come on...
in reality, everyone else is scamming; printing tokens, printing nfts. lying, cheating, market selling, pumping and dumping with VC early buyers and secret deals with lawyers and devs etc.
i hope they can pull it off and nuke this shithole market to the depths of hell

>> No.52830130

Stop trying to portray RXD as an anti-BSV coin when its not. I'm balls deep in both.