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52814736 No.52814736 [Reply] [Original]

Some latest developments this month

>Trust Wallet is integrating THORchain to allow cross-chain swaps in the app
>Ledger is integrating THORchain to allow cross-chain swaps in the app
>THORchain's goal is to become the hidden backend protocol for cross-chain swaps. People won't even know they are using it. It is already what is used on ShapeShift, RangoExchange, and others. Trust Wallet and Ledger are going to be the two newest integrations.

>THORchain Savers went live 2 weeks ago
>Savers is single-sided yield. You deposit bitcoin, and you earn bitcoin. You don't need to pair it in the liquidity pool, but you only earn half the yield compared to if you paired it.
>It is similar to how the scam BlockFi, except the yield from THORchain is real and comes from swap fees and is decentralized and non-custodial.
>To ensure the new Savers feature is working correctly, caps were placed on the vaults. The caps are almost full already.
>The reason why Ledger is integrating THORchain swaps is because they reached out and actually wanted to integrate the Savers feature. So it is safe to say Savers will be coming to other front ends
>Nodes are now voting to raise the caps. When crypto is deposited into Savers, it puts buy pressure on RUNE. This is going to be really good for the protocol and price long term.

>The next feature THORchain is working on is lending
>They are structuring it so there is no interest, no liquidations, and no expiration
>This one is a bit complex, but here is a video below from the lead dev explaining it:

>After lending, will be an order books feature.

>More chain integrations are being working on too
>BSC and XHV were voted on by the nodes to be the next chains
>Once BSC is integrated, dog bat will be available across all DEXs connected to THORchain. I know you faggots love dog bat, and this is bullish news.

>> No.52814738

>ThorSwap (TICKER: THOR) keeps aggregating to new DEXs and aggregators across all connected chains.
>Their goal is to create an API to seamlessly allow DEXs, wallets, and other aggregators to plug into their network. Again, users won't even know they are using it.
>THORchain recently integrated AVAX. Since then, ThorSwap has already aggregated into TraderJoe, Pangolin, and Kyber.
>The nice thing about THOR token is that 75% of swap fees are paid to token holders. They are focused on rewarding the community.
>A huge token burn is coming up soon. Only something like 97m of 500m tokens are circulating. 230m uncirculated tokens are in the community incentives pool. At least a 100m is likely to be burned. The community will decide this month.

>MayaProtocol is doing a liquidity auction (essentially an ICO)
>MayaProtocol is a friendly fork of THORchain
>When it launches, those who provide BTC, ETH, BNB, or RUNE into liquidity pools, will have the CACAO required to pair it given to them
>100% of the 100m CACAO tokens will be given away in the auction
>You can't sit on these CACAO tokens though. They will be inflated away if too many people sit on them
>If less than 90% of CACAO tokens are used in liquidity pools or bonding, the supply will inflate and go to the liquidity providers and bonders. People just holding CACAO idly will get fucked.
>If over 90% of tokens are being actively used, there will be no inflation.

>> No.52814835
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STFU faggot. I am still accumulating these. Everybody, all these projects OP is talking about are scams.

>> No.52815613
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so is rune or thor the better buy? been kinda interested in thorchain lately

>> No.52815761
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RUNE is the better project as the base protocol, but it already has a moderately large mcap. THOR is the front end for swaps and an api to for aggregation, but has a small mcap and lots of potential. I don't know. I like them both.

>> No.52816127
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low circulating supply for THOR tho, do you know what the release schedule looks like?

>> No.52816158

This is a complaint that has been brought to the team a lot. So they are burning a lot of the uncirculating supply this month. The community is going to vote exactly how much and which slices of the pie. They were doing a high emission yield from the uncirculated supply for staking, but they keep lowering it because they want the yield to reflect the real organic yield from swap fees, not emissions. So yeah, a big burn is coming within the month.

>> No.52816178

thx, will keep checking it

>> No.52816596

>Trust Wallet is integrating THORchain to allow cross-chain swaps in the app
such a chad move
integration with ledger is huge too

>> No.52816710

The Ledger news isn't even out yet. But the dev, Pluto, was on the weekly dev discussion I listened to. Pretty much said it, without saying it.

>> No.52816724

If anyone has any questions, I follow these projects really closely and listen to all the dev talks and updates. I can fill you in.

>> No.52819023

Are they ever going to enable IBC?

>> No.52819124

No. They were talking of doing it. Then they looked into it more and it would break the security features they've implemented and wouldn't be safe. I believe the plan now is to integrate into OSMO. This will be mutually benefical as THORchain can earn fees from the cross-chain swap, and Osmosis can earn the fees for inside Cosmos. A lot of people in Cosmos feel like ThorChain isn't part of the ecosystem, but fuck em, they are crybabies.

>> No.52819485

One of the only non jeet DEX out there but biz is too busy losing money on dog memes and anime tokens

>> No.52819490

biz hates alpha
this place is mostly paid trolls anyway

>> No.52819500

most dummies here are selling the bottom and will buy back in at ATH
that should tell you everything about what biz thinks
RUNE is a smart long term play especially collecting liquidity fees

>> No.52819532

THORchain swap has always had the best tech too
No DEX does as many on chain swaps as THOR

>> No.52819661

Going to be crazy once BSC is integrated and all the dogmeme tokens are available for retard degens to buy. Volume should increase a lot and bring a whole new class of swapper in.

>> No.52819832

Maybe some of them will actually take profit outside the meme casino on BSC

>> No.52820719

Make it and Sui stacks for rune?

>> No.52820984

Is it still in the works for thorchain to support XMR. I used to hold RUNE a while back and used the DEX a few times and it works quite nicely. If this thing had XMR on it and the devs don't shit the bed AGAIN with vulnerabilities in the protocol then this will go crazy.

>> No.52821008

How much are they paying you to shill this erc20 shitcoin here?

>> No.52821928

Yes. The cryptography is difficult for XMR and they didn't have time to focus on. XHV is a XMR, and the XHV devs came in and built the integration code themselves. This is why XHV is being added first. However, once done, XMR will then be the same process. Also a XMR dev reviewed the XHV Integration code. He is now building a DEX based on THORchain, but in RUST, called Serai DEX.

>> No.52821934

XHV is a XMR fork*

>> No.52821946

>1. RUNE is not an ERC20, it is built on Cosmos as its own native layer 1
>2. 200 rupees per post

>> No.52822142

So I guess that's a yes? Whatever makes trading XMR easy without having to go through a centralized *spits on floor* exchange is worth investing in. This is the sleeping giant. Just look at the XMRUSD and XMRBTC charts it's crazy. As soon as I can just swap BTC or my other shitcoin for XMR the way you can for other coins on thorchain you'll see the capital roll in. That will be the ultimate test for RUNE too since a hack stealing XMR will be harder to trace than nabbing BTC.

>> No.52822249

Agreed. Permissionlessly swapping to XMR is how I first heard of THORchain and got me interested. Looking forward to it too.

>> No.52823189

I can’t wait

>> No.52824678

Did this thing get hacked a gorillion times is was that FUD?

>> No.52824881

It got hacked in beta phase. No user lost funds. It. Hasn't been hacked in mainnet. 9 realms came on after and implemented a bunch of security protocols.

>> No.52825581

Does it do off-chain swaps?

>> No.52826431

that’s next update

>> No.52826689

Another swap called this out as a scam but I looked into it and their team rugged a nft project.

Thor all the way.

>> No.52828523

thor has the best tech of any DEX with tons of on-chain swaps, that’s what has my interest

>> No.52829459

whats the make it stack for thor and rune?

>> No.52829668

5000 RUNE, obviously

>> No.52829712

New interview with the lead dev just dropped. It's a good one to learn about it more


>> No.52829901

is this vechain thor?

>> No.52829905

Go to 18 minutes in this video and the lead dev talks about the hack and the new security measures.

>> No.52829909

No. ThorChain (RUNE) and ThorSwap (THOR)

>> No.52830132

How could anyone not be bullish on RUNE after watching this?