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52812602 No.52812602 [Reply] [Original]

Did you inherit anything from your grandparents?

>> No.52812607

only the white man's burden

>> No.52812620

my grandma is 102 years old. my dad and mom are in their 70s and are helping to take care of her all the time, like every day. totally fucked up their golden years.

>> No.52812638

Apart from god awful genetics, no.

>> No.52812648

Morals and a good work ethic

>> No.52812673

Papa taught all his grandkids diy skills and gave us 10k each, best Papa

>> No.52812683

My grandparents had some money but most of it went towards bills for my grandmother's hospice care after she developed dementia. Choose loved ones over money every time anons, wealth is temporary, family is forever.

>> No.52812699

If I ever get like that shoot me, I don’t want to be a burden on my family and it’s also not even me anymore just my souls trapped in a malfunctioning body

>> No.52812701

da da da da da da da da, da da da da da. da da da da da da dada dadklajklfjalkjlakfejklfjlfjlakjealkfjlksjfsflkjef
da da da da!!
dun dun dun dun da!

>> No.52812723

Nope, my grandparents had a massive farm property but sadly he had 7 boomer children 6 of which were women. My dad was the only son and as his oldest son there's a strange pressure I feel sometimes toward carrying on some sort of family legacy, but I was left with nothing. When he died his daughters claimed 6/7ths of everything he owned and spent it all on what you can imagine boomer women do when they come in contact with money

Boomers are retarded, all of them without exception

>> No.52812727

naw, my grandparents are fairly poor, but i dont give a shit, they've been great to me and love me to death, that's all i can ask for from them. its possible that had i been spoiled by them i wouldn't have worked as hard as i have. i believe that coming from a poor family and having ambition really sets up better for success more than anything else can.

>> No.52812742


>> No.52812820

I feel the same way, anon. Near the end she didn't know who anyone was. She called my dad by his father's name and me by my dad's name. She was violent with my grandfather, who was also very old and feeble at the time. Obviously it was out of her control, but things like that change your perception of a person, no matter how hard you try to stop it. Sometimes I regret not visiting her as much as I could have, but from my pov she was no longer my grandmother after she made it into the later stages, she was just a collection of improperly routed memories from my grandmothers life that fired off in completely random succession, and I wanted to remember her as the person she was before she got sick. I will gladly kill myself if I'm ever diagnosed with dementia, I refuse to live as a shell of my former self.

>> No.52812824

I live in my Grandparents home

>> No.52812952

Family is forever until they die
Money is forever until you die
That said I'd still trade money for family, but why not have both.
If I have to spend 100% of my savings for a few more years when im old i hope my kids will abandon me in a forest or mountain

>> No.52813143

It's always funny to me when people say they want to live to be old. Being old sucks ass even when you're not out of your mind.

>> No.52813252

Mine and my father's got stolen by his brother so no
Taught me how inheritance turns everyone into a game of thrones backstabbing nigger. Also people are delusional if they think they'll get much of anything from their grandparents or even parents, because all those hospice/end-of-life-care (Even if you don't go with a retirement home) are salivating like wild dogs at the idea of the boomer generation getting old.

The real question is what constitutes 'decrepit old'. It's naive youthfulness to think that say, 67, is old and geriatric. I see 85 as the "just check out" age. Up to 70 you're fine. Up to 80 you're fragile but still generally lucid. Post 80 is diminishing returns and post 85 is just yeah gg no re.

>> No.52813261

my grandpappy left me a truck made in the 1990s

>> No.52813486
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Mental illness, the genes predisposing me to alcoholism and a few random bits of furniture and electronics.

>> No.52813558
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My dads mother died after living as a widowed house wife working minimum wage after her husband passed in the 70's.
My grandmother on my mothers side spent every last penny on drinks. We had to chip in for her rent so that she would not become homeless. She was also scammed by her husband when he left her for a new woman.
My grandfather on my mothers side is currently traveling the world with his new woman, presumably leaving little to nothing when he expires.
However, my parents are currently drip feeding their inheritance to me as a form of tax avoidance.

>> No.52813572

>The real question is what constitutes 'decrepit old'.
The way I think of it is like this, if you can't wipe your own ass then it's time to go. 67 definitely isn't that age unless you treated your body like absolute shit in life. But being old in general sucks ass, I know cause my Dad is 85 and tells me it sucks ass but he can still wipe his own ass and has all his marbles with no major health issues so no need to check out yet.

>> No.52813595

A beautiful antique rocking chair. I use it every now and then to nap in.

People living that long is just unnatural and unfair.

>> No.52813779

Leather jacket, that's about it.

>> No.52813792

>family is forever.
Well I mean, your nan is gonna die, along with your parents and you yourself.
So no, Family is temporary.

>> No.52813857

Nope, my grandparents had a lovely big miner's cottage that they bought for peanuts in the 40s, then my cunt of an aunt bought them out before sticking her recently widowed mother in a home and selling it off.

>> No.52813881

Nope. All my grandparents were fucking retards and ended up poor.

>> No.52813909

Nope my grandpa probably inherited 5 mill+ from his sister (who was worth north of 20 mill thanks to her husband) and I didn’t see a dime. I think he had 2 condos, a sail boat and who knows how much in stocks and whatnot. Toward the end he developed Parkinson’s and had to live with my brother for the last year or two of his life awful and to my knowledge didn’t leave anything to him either. I think he left my dad enough to retire though since my dad hasn’t worked in like 3 years. Oh well I’m not entitled to shit but 10-20k would have been nice when you had at least a mill+ when you passed.

>> No.52814491

my grand dad didnt even leave a will

>> No.52814561
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My grandpa left it all to my boomer parents, who he assumed would divvy some up to his kids.
They didn't. They kept it all for themselves, retired early, remodeled their home and yard and bought a brand new condo in Puerto Vallarta. I rent a one-room apartment in the ghetto and barely have any savings, despite having a university degree and working 48hrs per week. No wife, no kids, no gf, no friends - nothing.

>> No.52814585

no, but my wife inherited $50k from hers which we used as a down payment on a house at the time. so I guess I too got something like an inheritance from grandma. she was a fucking strange old women though desu

>> No.52814628

Nope. On one side of my family my grandpa died 25 years before I was born and my grandma had to continue raising 11 kids by herself. Plenty of her kids (boomers) have money now but obviously that wouldn't flow to me in any way except for my parents.

On the other side of my family my grandpa is still alive at age 89 but in assisted living so money go poof. I know American healthcare is a scam but I can't even fathom how Euros are going to pay for all of the old fucks in another decade or two.

>> No.52814680
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No because they are boomer retards that pissed it away on cruises and useless shit.

Everyone over 70 years old should be shot and ground up for goyslop. Useless fucking leeches on society.

>> No.52814690

kek. imagine wage slaving your whole like just waiting for your retirement...so that you can finally relax and enjoy yourself outside the cage.... only to be shot and ground up for goyslop cause your tranny grandson doesn't know how to take care of himeself

>> No.52814700

many such cases dude, sorry to hear

>> No.52814734

Oh and an important point I forgot to make is that I don't really care. I would have loved some cool family heirloom at least though

>> No.52814755

No. However there was a little bit of cum in my blood a couple weeks ago and then when I jacked off last week, my cum was green. Got a urine and blood test done - everything was fine. Got an ultrasound of my dick n balls yesterday and I won’t know the results for another couple of days. Wish me luck lads

>> No.52814856

probably a prostate infection. Does anything hurt while peeing/cumming/having an erection?

I'd have a cum culture made in a lab if I were you.