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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 366 KB, 1242x1525, 1666621738047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52806699 No.52806699 [Reply] [Original]

There should always be one.

>> No.52806718

kys fag

>> No.52806845


>> No.52806931
File: 382 KB, 1080x2107, folio 11 30 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52806945

@RetroXRP missing

>> No.52806957

I was op in the other poorfolio thread. I have 7k in cash that I don't really use and my job makes it so I don't pay for usual bills like rent, utilities, etc. What should I put it in rn?

>> No.52806966

what a waste of digits
stop shilling your rug scam, faggot

>> No.52806971

Yall need more bsv

>> No.52806979

xhe is typing through xer tears

>> No.52806998

This was my portfolio before FTX (86k). FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!

>> No.52807009
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>> No.52807016

oh fuck my boomer mind I uploaded the whole thing

>> No.52807033

>too fucking retarded to know how to upload a decent screenshot.

>> No.52807046

How much are you staking boomer friend?

>> No.52807050


>> No.52807071

Around 15% of it all, trying to stake more but it's being difficult

>> No.52807206

where’s your Matic bag anon? you won’t make it without polygon that’s working with global companies and brands, to accelerate mainstream adoption

>> No.52807265

charge your phone faggot

>> No.52807272

Why do you hold DPX?

>> No.52807309

Cuz gut project

>> No.52807339

It's the worst and most overhyped and overvalued DeFi options project...

>> No.52807380
File: 198 KB, 1290x1393, 37FF803F-ACA9-4DCD-AE40-CE5A11205B74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone still use blockfolio? Lol

>> No.52807393

Based boomer goy

>> No.52807564
File: 992 KB, 500x238, how about no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dos anyone still use FTX
da fuq... dis lil nigga serious?

nice rose stack tho

>> No.52807742
File: 365 KB, 1144x700, Juno9Dic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fine ;_;

>> No.52807749

XRP and XMR /thread/

>> No.52807771

Can’t read euro nonsense. Commas and decimal points all Fckd up.

>> No.52807778

larpfolio detected

>> No.52807780
File: 411 KB, 1080x1773, Screenshot_20221209-183518_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fren. I haven't bought JUNO yet. I sold my LINK bag though. Bought more RUNE and THOR and XHV. Unfortunately I am going to be dropping the ATOM bag too. There is an ICO coming up I need to parcipate in with funds. Good to see you though, fren. Our portfolio values are comparable. We are going to make it.

>> No.52807789

why do you have so much random bullshit tokens?
how much ETH/LINK did you waste on that shit?

>> No.52807798
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cope, etc

>> No.52807807

This is a poor folio champ

>> No.52807813
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>> No.52807825

I stand corrected. I guess you're just retarded instead kek. Please tell me you bought RVP at the bottom and will unload that steaming hot shit on the next pump, because otherwise I don't know who is dumb enough to have hodled that through this bear market...

>> No.52807850

I don't know anything about RVP other than they have a kino logo. Redpill me.

>> No.52807894
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What's incredible is that even if anons dumpsterbrain play somehow pays off, he's too stupid to leave enough ETH in his wallet to even pay for the transaction to sell.
He'll be one of those impotent beggars here in 8 months spamming the board asking for enough ETH to pay his gas fee as he helplessly watches his position crater.

>> No.52807895

Well, it's legit.. idk why you'd hold $50k in an actual shitcoin, but I appreciate the dedication.

WTF is Megaweapon and why do you hold it lmao.

>> No.52807904

Oh nice, remember talking to you about THOR.
Good luck with the ico :)

>> No.52807940

because it's tetranode or one of his friends.

>> No.52807965

team is based and mainnet seems to be in final stretch, led by trump appointee and ex-JPM/GS. Recently rumored to be linked to Elon and Twitter.

Shitcoin? It's had steady development throughout the entire bear market and is being built alongside Axioma. Don't fall for the fud. Megaweapon is a gaming project I like, so I went in towards the bottom. Well into profit on both.

>> No.52808075

I don't feel like opening it right now. I remember I had 200,000 DOGE, 50 ETH, and a few other tokens that I don't remember, my main bets are on DOGE and ETH

>> No.52808085
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Meh, maybe I was too harsh. I'll throw a few $K into it and see what happens. I'm mainly just bag holding all my ICO buys from years ago.

>> No.52808104

Are you sports gambling with crypto, fren? Don't do that.

>> No.52808141
File: 3.09 MB, 3000x4000, 20221209_201048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do that back in 2017 when I was a college degenerate.. Playing $600/hand blackjack and provability fair dice rolls on FJ (if that's still around?).. I don't gamble anymore. Just showing my bags on ED.

>> No.52808162
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R8 bros

>> No.52808171
File: 384 KB, 1768x2122, Screenshot_20221209_202357_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual centralized portfolio that's not a larp.
Not putting $'s, but I'm going large on DEX and L1's.. as well as Roll-up tech.

>> No.52808186


>> No.52808191

What's the ico coin? I never ico bought anything before is it worth it?

>> No.52808193

9.7/10. You will make it. Finally someone that gets it.

>> No.52808247

MayaProtcol is doing a liquidity auction. It is like an ICO legal loophole. You probably wouldn't be interested unless you are into THORchain. It is a friendly fork of THORchain. 100% of the CACAO tokens will be distributed to liquidity providers in the ICO.

>> No.52808325

Also it is worth mentioning CACAO isn't a token you can just hold. They have it programmed in to be limited to 100,000,000 coins. However, if less than 90% of the coins are being used in liquidity pools or bonding, they are going to inflate the supply to punish to holders who aren't using them. The new inflation of coins will only go to liquidity providers and bonders until 90% or more are being actively used.

>> No.52808337
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Will there really be another crypto bull run?

>> No.52808349
File: 510 KB, 828x1792, A2EF9CBC-B108-4C4A-BB9C-067984FE5267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna raise my rose stack to 100k and continue dca into btc.

>> No.52808437

yeah im trying to get to 100k rose.

i'm starting to believe that 100k rose is the suicide stack.

>> No.52810107

I got over 7k juno now. Should probably up it to 10k.

>> No.52810247
File: 204 KB, 1321x373, 2021 bull run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate ETH so fucking much

>> No.52810306

What was your folio at peak? 700k?

>> No.52810509
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DOGE is an awful one, kek. Mine is on ETH, BTC and maybe alts with small mcaps like ALBT

>> No.52810538
File: 8 KB, 175x347, midnighttalesofabizlurkerspholio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totals to a bit over 50k mostly gayfarm and xmr
I also own a small real farm

>> No.52810577
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made a grand of bao then 80 grand off shib so i am very partial to biz shilling. lost 10 grand with online poker and ethcrash kek
>new bizshilled buys
ID and the other one

>> No.52810612

I just went into the bao discord for the first time in like a year and we're actually getting a migrated token trickled out now. My entire locked stack is worth like $1k and baoman has basically rugged as a dev

kek I really enjoyed defi szn

>> No.52810628
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yeah glad I sold back in the day
cute little locked stack looks nice at the bottom of my holdings

>> No.52810798
File: 23 KB, 486x227, My portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52810843


$35000 usdt
$25000 eth
$22000 btc
$17000 grt
$15000 premia
$5000 rose
$2500 bnb

>> No.52810886
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>> No.52810941

no two baggies ever spend their money the same way, do they?

>> No.52810951

what are they doing now? is the bao token gonna be worthless?

>> No.52811013

>what a waste of digits
Cool, my Rose bag is around 80k (receiving yields on oasis network), I hold a good number of Ride that I'm staking on Maiar dex
if everything works as planned, I'm gonna raise my Rose bag to $150k just increase my staking rewards

>> No.52811339

Nah, I think I got in rvp at .02-.03, and loaded up a lot more during the sub.007 days in the summer. WEAPON I got in around 25-30 cents. RVP will run hard while the rest of the market waffles

>> No.52811371
File: 120 KB, 1311x1002, My portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will add 40k USD into Chainlink soon

Will i make it?

>> No.52811420

BTC/ETH/LINK $100K/$100K/$100K and I'm set.

>> No.52811435


>> No.52811441


why would we give a fuck nice folio

>> No.52811554
File: 2.37 MB, 1128x1366, D367ADE4-9035-49B0-B7C7-B7158023C49C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not seeing too much ICP in portfolio threads, even tho ICP Jews spam the board up with their threads. Why is that? Are they larping?

>> No.52811659

Do Kwon?

>> No.52811672
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Am I the only nigger here with more than 1btc?
jesus, your portfolios are disgusting

>> No.52811709

the people who bought ICP here are eternal baggies because they bought at the top

>> No.52811747

>Shitcoin goes down 1 cent
>Lose half your portfolio
Anon you better pull out fast

>> No.52811825
File: 195 KB, 1289x1195, F278F161-4035-4394-BD20-A9A948DB77BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.52811966

Which app is that

>> No.52811991

À scam

>> No.52812582

i was thinking about xhv a while ago , that's the moero type chain but with stablecoin minting right?what's the rundown on how they are doing?
the base idea seemed good to me

>> No.52812622

check out coingecko. Recently delisted from CMC for some reason.

>> No.52812681

Exactly man! The dumb retard shilling useless shitcoins and not focusing on project with actual utility. Project that offers products like the DeFi terminal and Data Tunnel.

>> No.52812686


>> No.52812729
File: 59 KB, 705x257, 82E2DA3B-BFAC-4818-8C7A-B08F327DC57B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty bro here. I’m trying to build my portfolio after having to start over for a 3rd time. Mostly in stables atm

>> No.52812852
File: 200 KB, 828x1792, Screenshot 2022-12-10 at 17.40.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No debts, no real estate, no rich parents, no gf.

>> No.52812991

I have never heard of data tunnel but talking about project with utility I think privacy focused projects should be giving their flowers for holding down in terms of security.

>> No.52813000


>body checked by a goyim

>> No.52813032

the worst portfolio on biz today
it should have been two way split btw bitcoin and ethereum, and balance in crypto you believe in, personally I'd go for either kaspa coz of it’s capacity to facilitate high block rates or sylo, that endures that data sent thru it's messenger is not exposed of hacking.

>> No.52813061

im an incel and thinking of wageslaving for a 7% boomer stock folio wants me to put lead bullets through my head

congrats for being the dork that can accept this reality to himself

>> No.52813077

Small caps are based, I have my eyes on GMX and RAIL, ALBT is kinda cool too.

>> No.52813101

I'm trying to get 1 btc. Or atleast .75

>> No.52813105

You are on the wrong side anon.

>> No.52813156

I am not wageslaving, I get pretty decent salary comparing to my expences and taking into account the country I live in.

I don't see much sense in crypto investing rn, taking into account how much shit happened during 2022 and upcoming regulations.

Taking into account 1st point, there is no much sense for me to gamble with crypto, if I can achive comfy retirement/FIRE/NEET/whaterver_you_call_It in ~15y.

>> No.52813184

Math says March 2023

>> No.52813275

Yes. It is a Monero fork. Monero devs are helping them. The reason I bought though is because THORchain is in the final stages of integrating them. Once that happens, you will be able to permissionlessly swap into a privacy coin. You will be able to clean KYC off your coins. I am assuming volume will be high for that reason alone. The reason why XHV, as a relatively unknown project, is being added to THORchain is because the XHV devs took the initiative to work on the integration code themselves. Once done, Monero will be the same process. A Monero dev reviewed the integration code and is now building a new DEX based on THORchain but on RUST, called Serai. So hopefully soon we will app have multiple DEXs to trade in and out of privacy coins.

>> No.52813287

I like this portfolio :)

>> No.52813333

nice, i am mostly in eth but wanted to switch some to monero . i think i will get a small bag of this as well. somene needs to shill it to darkweb marketplaces

>> No.52813437

Cool. It's a fairly high risk play compared to XMR though. So be careful. THORchain nodes still have to vote to make XHV go live on mainnet, and some node operators are scared. They think the government will come after their servers and shut them down, and they will get their bond slashed. For this reason some TC nodes and moving away from AWS and other cloud providers, and onto bare metal nodes, which is pretty based.

>> No.52813589

boomer stock portfolios starting to show up on biz means we're getting closer to the bear market bottom

>> No.52813609

Only if you understand the the idea data tunnel is built on. It basically powers the data economy and allow users Monetize and standardise their own data. Allianceblock is working on this.

>> No.52813719


>> No.52813730

t-thanks anon!

>> No.52814107
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I only trade with it, it's kinda making me smile these days, and
Got a load of this hanging on Trustwallet >>52808162
Our path seems to be similar except for the absence of Ride that has grown to be a significant participant in the automotive industry.
But wtf is Xhv?

>> No.52814132
File: 269 KB, 1080x1840, Screenshot_20221210_142829_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what to expect peak bull run in 2025 faggots

>> No.52814173

another good portfolio

>> No.52814213

Ty man

>> No.52814366

Did you buyed more? I can't remember

Also what are the matic stacks?

>> No.52814374

Can you post the math?

>> No.52814384
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>> No.52814571

Checked. Just been buying more BTC as of late

>> No.52814665

yeah , i only intend to buy a little. or maybe i will try and mine some>>52813437
>For this reason some TC nodes and moving away from AWS and other cloud providers, and onto bare metal nodes

>> No.52814675

What app do you use?

>> No.52815366

this guy fucks

>> No.52815448
File: 52 KB, 680x512, hayes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portfolio thread
>only like 10 portfolios posted because everyone is too embarrassed about all the money they lost

I think we legit hit the fucking bottom.