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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52803405 No.52803405 [Reply] [Original]

This is big, right?


>> No.52803424

Super big. You have no fucking idea how many consequences this will have….

>> No.52803450

what does this mean? buy energy cheaper with the yaun currency?

>> No.52803459

We talking in terms of, how many weeks anon ?

>> No.52803464

They can't do that! Circumventing the petrodollar is illegal!
Sadam tried this!

>> No.52803472

at least 2 more weeks maybe two 2 more weeks at max

>> No.52803475
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It will end up just fine.

>> No.52803479

The evidence of an upcoming world war just keeps piling up.

>> No.52803485

Irrelevant. China has no authority or power over gulf nations. Everyone will ignore them except for 3rd world trash e.g. Russia, NK. Oil is traded in $ and that will never change.

>> No.52803488

nashi burger desu

>> No.52803489

>Saudis playing both sides
This isn't exactly news but ok

>> No.52803493

michael burry said the yuan will replace the dollar like 2 years ago

>> No.52803494
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Xi isn't Ghadaffi
Ironically, Ghadaffi's problem was that he was too nice and cared about his people too much

Xi would throw every china man into a gulag if it suited him

>> No.52803501

>what does this mean? buy energy cheaper with the yaun currency?

it means not using dollars. on top of that China will stop exports to the USA using lockdowns as an excuse.

Leaving the US out in the cold sitting on a pile of dollars that nobody wants

>> No.52803502

>le surprised emoji.png
wow.. yeah.. this is truly of an unexpected character, who could possibly have seen this coming

>> No.52803503

Truly a beautiful happening

>> No.52803511

It means the petrodollar ist kaput.

>> No.52803512
File: 3.37 MB, 498x280, putin and saudi's.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China has no authority or power over gulf nations
Saudi's and Russians are best friends
Simple as.

>> No.52803522

Saudi's are America's bitch.

>> No.52803524
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>> No.52803547
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>Saudi's are America's bitch.
Than why does Biden have to beg them like a lapdog?

>> No.52803557

holy cope

>> No.52803567

Nothingburger. What else would they use for yuan settlement?

>> No.52803592
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>gulf nations will take a currency whose value is decided by a political party
also nice source, literalwho twitter profile
just so you know, chinks still take dollars and euros for orders on their sites

>> No.52803593


Gadhaffi was too honest

try finding the uncensored speech if you can

>> No.52803614
File: 191 KB, 720x630, israel dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The petrodollar like they have been for 20 years.

The entirety of the middle east and Asia is moving away from the dollar
South Americans are getting killed with inflation so they're also moving away from the dollar
Africans are getting chinese cock in their ass, so they're also moving away from the dollar

Only retards who will be left bagholding are Europoors and Canadians

Even Americas greatest ally has been throwing away their dollars for the past year
Imagine losing fucking ISRAEL

>> No.52803628

You should let the adults speak.

>> No.52803631

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.52803633


>> No.52803657

Literally nothing every happens.

Plus it’s probably a fake and propaganda tweet. Can we please delete this thread mods. Please.

>> No.52803666
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>2 more weeks and rublyuan becomes global currency guys!!!

>> No.52803668

Bro I posted the Reuters link..

>> No.52803679

shut up satan

>> No.52803682

Maybe the boomers sending all your industrial park to China wasn't a good idea after all, huh burgers?

>> No.52803707
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wow rip the petroshekel

>> No.52803709

No one wants to be friends with a country that is about to be balkanized for losing in Ukraine. People will back the winners. Always. China getting desperate with this push without first making themselves favourable or putting conditions in place to force compliance. Sloppy and it's the first time Ive thought that about Xi...

>> No.52803729

Other way around

>> No.52803735

ye he lost it a year ago

>> No.52803746

Force compliance?
>sorry all ports reported atleast 1 case of covid so no exports for the quarantine period

>> No.52803752

>The petrodollar
The petrodollar isn't the yuan, retard.

>> No.52803769

Usd not needed.

>> No.52803816

Bro, Saudi Arabia did 9/11 alongside Israel and the US has to still beg and kiss ass to them. Your only worth as a human being is to pay taxes so that the money is redirected to these actual and literal pedophiles.

>> No.52803970

>1 shekel have been deposited in your account.

>> No.52804102


>> No.52804150

Have you seen the bit about the house of Saud being, inherently, cryptojews? That's a fun rabbit hole.

>> No.52804341

I mean they could do that if they actually wanted any yuan, which they don't, so they won't.

>> No.52804457

They will - the ruble already had a de facto gold floor this year and there's been articles about BRICS creating the foundation for gold back currencies.

>> No.52804495

>They will - the ruble already had a de facto gold floor this year and there's been articles about BRICS creating the foundation for gold back currencies.
See this is what you stupid morons don't get, US has more ships than everyone else, if you cut the US out of global trade by attacking their currency they're not just going to sit idle, they will use force projection to protect the petrodollar. It doesn't matter what russia and china try to do with to work against it, we'll just tax them in the shipping lanes.

>> No.52804609

Stop living in the 90s mutt

>> No.52804619

That worked against Libya, but won't work against all the BRICS countries when they've cut all the oil to the west and China isn't supplying pharmaceuticals, metals, textiles, chemicals, anything at all to America. The BRICS axis is moving right now precisely because they're acutely aware of where they have us.

>> No.52804621

>Stop living in the 90s mutt
let me know when you get a functional fleet or spend enough money to be naval threat europoor.

>> No.52804634

>we'll just tax them in the shipping lanes.

You're currently trading a tranny for an international convicted Arms dealer...

>> No.52804638

>You're currently trading a tranny for an international convicted Arms dealer...
and? They're both equally worthless.

>> No.52804688

Cool since the BRICS started their shenanigans years ago the DXY is up 30%. $100s of trillions of world wide debt denominated in US dollars will only make the dollar rise. Haven't seen any proof otherwise that the dollar will fall anytime soon. Dedollarization will take decades.

>> No.52804742
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this is where XRP comes along,

it will be the bridge currency, nations will use it even if they wanted it or not. Imagine using boomer ancient fiat and cash if there's digital currency available. the west will use it and it includes hundreds of countries and their collective gdp outperforms china easily. so all the bad countries can play with gold or other obsolete shit while the west takes centennial leap in the financial history

>> No.52804820

No it won't

>> No.52804857

Shalom : )

>> No.52804965

>No one wants to be friends with a country that is about to be balkanized for losing in Ukraine.
I'm sure Ukraine will still have friends after they get balkanized. Some countries see them as a victim and love virtue signaling too much.

>> No.52805052

Saudis will have more Yuan they need to find a use for, like investing in Chinese sovereign debt or Chinese tech stocks since they can't use it for anything else.

>what does this mean? buy energy cheaper with the yaun currency?
China imports energy, why would exporters give them a discount for the privilege of settling in Yuan?

And they're going to shut down all those factories or export to somewhere else and for what?

>> No.52805083
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B-but chyna was supposed to be losing? My favourite youtubers didn't lie to me right??

>> No.52805091

The USA is not going to start overtly attacking world shipping. That will start WWIII and the US government doesn't have the stones for that. What you WILL see is a bunch of covert shit go down - like the destruction of the Russian gas pipeline. But it is way too little way too late. The remonetization of gold is on the way.

>> No.52805200

Just answer the question, Shlomo.

>> No.52805266

You can buy everything thats produced in China with yuans.

>> No.52805269

What you are seeing is the opening salvos in the war to replace the USD as the world's trade and reserve currency. And the end game is not to replace he USD with the yuan as it currently exists. The yuan has as many problems as the USD. Maybe more. Although that is going to change.

The end game here is a gold-backed trade currency issued by a coalition of countries including the BRICS. This is why China is stacking gold like crazy. But they need functioning international commodity exchanges as alternatives to the existing US-dominated exchanges.

In short, here is the plan:
1. Accumulate gold
2. Divest from the dollar
3. Establish international commodity exchange and deals with exchange partners.
4. Launch a gold-backed trade currency.
5. Enter international agreements requiring gold-backed currency on the new exchanges
6. Meanwhile, dump dollars helping to ruin the USD.

I am very confident this is the plan and the BRICS plus the Islamic countries are on board already. The EU and Israel will throw the USA under the bus in a second. Japan will take longer, but it will dump its trillions of dollars also. The end.

>> No.52805272

>Saudis will have more Yuan they need to find a use for, like investing in Chinese sovereign debt or Chinese tech stocks since they can't use it for anything else.
It's not like, China is the biggest exporter in the world? right anon?

>> No.52805282

zkrollups do 20k a second. kys with your bad investment.

>> No.52805300

well, dear anon, currently they are using dollars for energy imports.
and are discussing using yuan instead.
if you can't see the implications of the biggest energy importer not using dollars...

>> No.52805317

China has officially 32 trillion USD in corporate debt. It's entirely reliant on getting dollars in even if they strike a petro-yuan deal.

>> No.52805343

More or less how I see it, too.

>> No.52805349

It means the dollar is about to become worthless relative to how its valued now.

>> No.52805356

this, the demand for USD is created by debt, not trade

>> No.52805357

Only if they actually intend to repay that debt, and repay it in dollars.

>> No.52805362
File: 1.21 MB, 2437x3489, 1670506554958299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXY going to 60

>> No.52805404

You don't get to choose which currency you pay back bonds in anon. And defaulting on the loans is the easiest way to villify yourself to the international community, especially as that debt isn't all from a single source, it's owed to Indian, European, Japanese, Australian, Canadian, Brazilin and Chinese entities. It's just denoted in USD.

>> No.52805424

You are a dumb gorilla nigger. You are the blackest, dumbest gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

>> No.52805484

We'll see DXY 140 before 60

>> No.52805565

With the other steps they've taken, I don't think they would be too afraid to default. They're directly removing the west's ability to meaningfully retaliate. As for the denominations, agreed they're _expected_ to pay in USD, but could declare some sort of force majeur (real or not) and offer the creditors an amount in X currency or a 100% haircut. I think the creditors would take whatever they could get at that point.

>> No.52805590

>but in my maturation fantasy they'll declare force majeur and pay in monopoly money!

>> No.52805611

Your eloquence is matched only by your insight. I know how things are _supposed_ to work, but I've seen financial events that were never supposed to happen. 40 years ago negative rates were thought to be impossible. Do you remember when oil futures went briefly negative? But everyone just shrugged it off and went along with it because clownworld.

>> No.52805624

What do you mean by "corporate debt"? Do you mean foreign-owned private corporate bonds from Chinese companies? Because if that's what you mean, so what? The Chinese government is no more obligated to pay corporate bonds than the US government is obligated to pay Apple Corporate bonds.

The Chinese government is a dollar LENDER, not a borrower. It has more than a trillion dollars sitting around looking for a home.

In any event, once the wave of inflation really hits the USD, debts will be easy to pay.

>> No.52805632

>What you are seeing is the opening salvos in the war to replace the USD as the world's trade and reserve currency
Sure but there's no reason to think it can work. There's no reason the USD should work like it does.

>The end game here is a gold-backed trade currency issued by a coalition of countries including the BRICS
So you think something like the Eurozone except across even more geography and radically different economies.

>6. Meanwhile, dump dollars helping to ruin the USD.
That doesn't make any sense, America would be in the best position if gold became necessary for international trade because they have the most so they can easily manipulate it's price to fuck with everyone else in that situation.

>just consume 100% of your income

>> No.52805652

>It has more than a trillion dollars sitting around looking for a home.
it has accumulated those dollars to hedge the debt. since treasuries became less profitable they started lending it out for structural control.
but the whole reason why they have such massive reserves in the first place is to hedge debt.

>> No.52805658
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>Russia shits itself in Ukraine

>Europe is being raped by inflation and mudslims

>China is kneecapping itself for a policy that will never work

>> No.52805666

>The Chinese government is no more obligated to pay corporate bonds than the US government is obligated to pay Apple Corporate bonds.
I'm not saying they are, but a 32 trillion hole in the economy isn't something the state can ignore.

>> No.52805707


>> No.52805715

ooooooooh very ching chong nip nong 100 yuan directrly in account!

>> No.52805740

No, it accumulated those dollars as part of the massive twenty-year trade deficit with the USA and invested most of those dollars in US bonds. But it has stopped buy those bonds and is instead liquidating them and buying gold.

>> No.52805747

go post another "CHINA WILL COLLAPSE IN 24 DAYS" slop on youtube, glowboy

>> No.52805753

Russia won

>> No.52805762


Zk hasnt sucked as much regulatory dick as ripple has.

>> No.52805763

The consequences will never be the same

>> No.52805768

China needs to be able to offer top of line military hardware to buy with yuan like US does with dollars. If they cant do that, no place for yuan users to spend the large amounts they get by selling oil in yuan.

>> No.52805770
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i like how youre showing your chinky hands by only focusing on China when I mentioned 2 other of Americas geopolitical rivals. Post hands.

>> No.52805785

>No, it accumulated those dollars as part of the massive twenty-year trade deficit with the USA
they're related, anon. the trade deficit accumulates dollars, but you don't keep them on your balance sheet if you don't also have massive USD debts, because USD is a currency that you short, not long. then you buy bonds so that you at least get some interest back.
now treasuries trend towards negative interest, so you start investing them elsewhere (this is btw the big move, not gold). country you loan to pays back usd - great, your hedge is safe, and with loads of interest to boot. it doesn't - now you at least get the security backing the loan, also ok as long as your hedge is still strong enough.
all of this fuels the USD debt machine. the rest of the world is usually glad to have the USD, because it means that they don't need to provide the currency and the resulting deficit themselves. trade is pretty insignificant in comparison

>> No.52805815
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No, I think like the Latin Monetary Union. Most of the Western world was on a gold standard until two world wars threw everything off kilter.

>> No.52805827

Fortknox is empty bro.

>> No.52805861

>the trade deficit accumulates dollars
surplus, not deficit ofc

>> No.52805864

Not sure what you mean by "big move" but China buying three hundred tons of gold last month (on top of already being the world's largest gold producer) is a pretty big move and not an accident.

>> No.52805888

300t of gold is nothing compared to chinese USD debt, reserves or their shift to foreign investments since like 2012

>> No.52805889

Why is it a hole? Are you saying that is all bad debts in failed enterprises? If you want to look at a hole, look at US government debt. Commercial enterprises at least have the possibility of paying off their debts.

>> No.52805892

Hypersonic missiles make short work of naval fleets.
We’ve been rethinking the carrier strike force paradigm for years.

>> No.52805910

What debt are you talking about? The US government is in debt to the Chinese government.

>> No.52805958

anon, are you retarded?

>> No.52805971

So as an American living in the US and being paid in dollars, what do I do? :(

>> No.52806015

The chinse government is about 11 trillion in debt (read in comparison to GDP, c71%). As for private enterprises they're at close to 29 (earlier post I said 32, that was a mistake) trillion in debt or c170% of GDP. US is about 24 trillion with corporate debt to 23 in GDP. Both are trash ratios, difference is it's almost all in USD for both parties, and as shitty as it is the Federal Reserve while not technically beholden to the Government does give them preferential treatment.

>> No.52806051

no it's not almost all USD for china (they learned their lesson during a past short squeeze), but it's still a shit ton of USD debt in their entire financial system regardless that needs hedging

>> No.52806052

Japan isn't a competitor to anyone, its just a forward base for zogbots

>> No.52806102

>not almost all USD for china (they learned their lesson during a past short squeeze)
No they really haven't. The government's debt is in Yuan, businesses don't receive preferential treatment from overseas so are forced to take on USD denominated bonds.

>> No.52806112

oh yeah i thought you were talking about gov debt specifically. my bad

>> No.52806121

Countries would be insane to trust China for anything centralizing monetary control.

>> No.52806155

Imagine being this clueless and retarded.

>> No.52806162

No problemo, the issue is that in order to nationalize businesses the government has to shoulder their debt, or provide a decent form of social security for it's citizens on top of a drop in revenue should their businesses actually fail as a result of this debt problem. Not saying how the USD operates is fair or productive, but China is bound to the American economic model.

>> No.52806226


>> No.52806454

One fortnight hence!

>> No.52806477
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Yeah bro totally like they could like imagine this print so much money to triple the supply in two years

>> No.52806544


>> No.52806626

gold for oil will be the biggest trade the rest of the decade
the biggest losers will be the u.s. and link marines

>> No.52806778
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>> No.52806893

I have 500 CNY cash am I gonna make it

>> No.52807059

When social credit will roll out in America you'll start with an edge

>> No.52807190
File: 112 KB, 1209x975, 1668135632893847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they just set themselves on a path to eventual military conflict with the US? Or at least more than they already were?
The way my retard brain sees it there are two ways this can go
>US has to smack down China and make them settle all oil deals in USD
>dollar demand erodes over the next decade hurting our (US) overheated economy even worse causing a possible legit depression
How retarded am I?

>> No.52807231

Bros, help. This shit is making me anxious. I don't want to die in a trench in Southeast Asia

>> No.52807281

you came in her to try and derail the thread. your satanic trips have called you out

>> No.52807851

Why would you have that saved on your computer?

>> No.52807902

/qa/ lost

>> No.52808249

The consequence free games wallstreet play are over.

We got at least a decade of consolidation as America learns how to manufacture at cost for internal trade because importing is going to get really expensive.

>> No.52808658

You will

>> No.52808666

Big, if true.

>> No.52808673

DXY sub 100 for sure in Q12023

>> No.52808761

christ I was right when I converted all my USD back to my local currency

>> No.52808827

Imagine thinking China will cave to Israel like the US does.
Yuan over the dlar being the world's top currency is bullish for humanity
They aren't perfect but imagine pretending the US isn't more evil.
As long as American civilizians keep their guns I hope Xi btfos American in international relations

>> No.52808863

>Yuan over the dlar being the world's top currency is bullish for humanity

Holy shit - no it won't. China is a backwards bughive country with no regards for life and cheat on everything.

>> No.52808910
File: 15 KB, 332x184, dxy weights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the index that's weighted 90% against other USD derivative meme currencies?
Where is demand for EUR or GBP going to come from?

>> No.52808923
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>> No.52808924

Here's some music for consolation : )
Allah, w Muammar w Liiiibya w bass

>> No.52809053

Yeah, the performance of DXY is almost entirely dependant on EUR, GBP and JPY. I don't see how energy deals being done in CNY affects DXY. There's no increased demand for the basket of currencies that weigh the DXY and the interest rate that their central banks offer is also still lower.

>> No.52809093

>As long as American civilizians keep their guns I hope Xi btfos American
You seem to be somewhat bothered, friend. Is there something I can help you with? Being less jealous perhaps?

>> No.52809138

>if you cut the US out of global trade by attacking their currency they're not just going to sit idle, they will use force projection
lmao what decade are you living in? This isn't a Palestinian Children's hospital, it's the superpower that built cheap furniture and electronics for you mutts in exchange for your economic sovereignty.

>> No.52809178

US would be seen as a very blatant aggressor against a country that can fight back and has allies. It's not like picking on some tinpot dictator. America ruined itself by pursuing 20 years of "War on Terror" for literally no gain.

>> No.52809184

There exists a massive power gap between the US military and the Chinese. >Superpower
You're being generous. We are in a one-power hegemonic paradigm. China is a regional power at best. That's not to say the war wouldn't be costly. But, the US would stand king of the ashes. Of that I have zero doubt.

>> No.52809202

You need the political will and balls to do anything. America is spent and tired, no one wants fucking adventurism overseas. People don't even give a shit about Ukraine outside of reddit.

>> No.52809236

Michael Burry also successfully kek'd 872 of the last 16 financial crisis'.

>> No.52809237

The Imperial Japanese believed similarly.

>> No.52809259

US wasn't getting out of 20 years of depressing COIN warfare in 1941. China hasn't militarily attacked the US. You're comparing apples to oranges. The PLAN could surround Taiwan and most Americans wouldn't even be able to find it on a map and wouldn't give a shit other than wanting to increase the rate of US chip fab buildout. I remember the feelings in the air during and right after 9/11, where you just fucking *knew* shit was about to go down. We don't even have anything remotely approaching that, people are just fucking blanched.

>> No.52809290

>US wasn't getting out of 20 years of depressing COIN warfare in 1941
No, just a little thing called the Great Depression.

>> No.52809300

That's not war weariness. Zoomers aren't rushing to the recruiter to go fight anymore. You don't have the supply of fresh bodies to wage war and leadership is aging the fuck out quick.

>> No.52809350

As fucked up as it is and as much as I'd like to agree, I actually think this is wrong. They outnumber us. The only thing we really have over them is number of warheads, which pretty much just renders land fucking useless for years. At the point we are using those types of weapons not much of either country is going to survive desu.

I'm an amateur at this economics stuff, but this seems like it will push housing costs in the US up a bit.

What made the US interesting in the first place was our media, I think. Like in CIV our media was the thing that reached people overseas, but now that TV and movies have all got to be predictable cashgrabs our sympathies have faultered, since the tech to create movies, music and all that is really global these days. Anyone can make something amazing on the internet so we're just not the same influential powerhouse.

>> No.52809361

The US would walk China like a chow dog. The US Navy alone has an *insane* amount of hardware to throw at them, but if you want to beat China you don't even have to do it on their land or even in their 9-dash line, you choke them out where they get oil.

To do so would basically catapult our economy as we know it, given American addiction to Chinesium.

>> No.52809406

>defaulting on the loans is the easiest way to villify yourself to the international community
you dont understand. the ones issuing loans have already exposed themselves as villains. the world is reacting.

>> No.52809453

Is there ANY metric to measure the true strength of the dollar relative to every currency?? Why is the only chart the DXY?

>> No.52809454

it depends on a few factors, the war goal being the key, and its a conversation best reserved for /pol/ or /k/, but honestly the US has the upper hand atm in terms of force projection, technology, and experience. that numerical superiority is meaningless without the ability to deploy and supply them, under competent leadership. i dont think the US would be able to take china though. US has no stomach for that kind of war and i reckon theyd fight tooth and nail to defend beijing.

>> No.52809537

this is some of the hardest noguns seethe i have ever seen.

>> No.52809570

Is the human rights violation shit true?

>> No.52809640

>Leaving the US out in the cold sitting on a pile of dollars that nobody wants
Is that why DXY has been fucking flying since summer 2021?
>inb4 but it's going down right now
Zoom out

>> No.52809969

China considers choking supply lines to be strategic, like bombing three gorges. Basically, anything that would damage China as much as nukes is considered the same as a first strike against China.

At this point there has to be either a US civil war, or a world war. My guess is civil war, the elites are doing their best to collapse things so it ends in civil war because even in a bad situation, they can keep their position and wealth. In a world war, it is less certain. Hence all the trannies in the military.

>> No.52810003

The first three decades of 20th century in America was literal class war, you dunce, and the US has plenty of fresh bodies, they’re just brown

>> No.52810037

Glowniggers are satanic pedophiles confirmed

>> No.52810057

Its the complete opposite. With a world war, the US has the edge in terms of geography, resources, force projection and population. And if things went nuclear then the privileged (((few))) have their bunkers and Patagonia.
With a civil war its way closer to their backyard.

>> No.52810067

>With the other steps they've taken, I don't think they would be too afraid to default.

You need to think who the creditors are to understand that they will never default.

I keep thinking back to the Bretton Woods conference and how the Soviet Union did not understand what was happening at all. And right now it is obvious that everyone at the FSB analytics and propaganda departments don't understand the basics.

>> No.52810091

Nobody trusts Chinka.

>> No.52810095

this anon is partially correct. there are a number of naval chokepoints that could be blockaded to deny China oil and other necessities, and they know it. but it would tank the trade relationship overnight not just to the US but to Europe and everywhere else, it would be an immediate economic crisis. that's the CPC's hedge, I think, that they're too valuable to global economic stability to mess with, at least for long. they're also watching what's happening to Russia very closely. they know that they can't make any aggressive military moves right now. if the US is the aggressor, however, then the CPC could appeal to nationalism and it would probably work despite how unhappy people are about the zero-COVID bullshit. could easily spin it as the West trying to keep China down.

the idea of the US fighting a land war in China is downright apocalyptic. US technological superiority is the bare minimum for it to be conceivable, let alone factoring in the nukes and what would be required for a sustained campaign and occupation.

>> No.52810399

token(usd) not neede

>> No.52810588

History repeats itself in blocks. We’re in last 20 year block of an 80 year cycle, 80 years ago World war, 80 before that civil war, 80 before that revolutionary war. (Look up the 80 year blocks on YouTube). Society is collapsing as we know it. We will all be microchipped and using CBDCs in 1-4 years. Doesn’t even matter if you’re rich. I’m in bed with two Filipinas tonight in Manila. Enjoy the last days of free and open society. China is Klaus Schwab’s test market. Drones and digital identities they can shut off are coming for all of us.

>> No.52811105

>warlord knows his time is up
>starts showering the populace in money drained from countries natural resources
>people everywhere paint him as some kind of benevolent hero who ran his economy in a brilliant way
Why all you normies fall for this so easily.

>> No.52811236

>>warlord knows his time is up
>>starts showering the populace in money drained from countries natural resources
>>people everywhere paint him as some kind of benevolent hero who ran his economy in a brilliant way
so - he was literally orange man?

>> No.52811260

holy fcking based, fuck dollars

>> No.52811270

Why are you posting numbnutz go enjoy your nice girlfriends

>> No.52811842

dont bother. this thread is flooded with shills of all colour

>> No.52812783

Kinda curious, who are they?

>> No.52812792

>This is why China is stacking gold like crazy.

that could be interpreted as a hedge against sanctions
I'm a midwit, but is completely torpedoing your main customer a good way forward? Wouldn't it be something less extreme

>> No.52812814

westoids will produce their own iphones

>> No.52812818

Nothing ever posted here ever means anything

>> No.52812822

kek, never happening

>> No.52812881

Lol, westoids are already living paycheck to paycheck and 90% of their goods is chinesium AKA slave labor.

A basic iPhone at 2.5K ? Never gonna happen

>> No.52812973

Nothing ever happens. The Chinese are cucks to the U.S. Navy and a few (((Yemenite))) militia missile strikes on oil refineries will end this farce.

>> No.52813046

You're right, and the pain is only going to get worse if we rip the bandaid off later

>> No.52813051

I kind of doubt it. Cars yes, iPhones probably not. Margins too small

>> No.52813793

Can I start a business in the US and only take YUAN as payment?

>> No.52813894

your brain on NAFO kids.

>> No.52813912

America lost.

>> No.52814822

Can someone elaborate for me:
--> does china have repercussions from the US in doing this? --> wasn't russia trying to undermine the petrodollar as well with a new gold-standard... so what is this news going to do for russia?

>> No.52814840

i will answer this question

>> No.52815589

America was fine until they broke the petrodollar over this Ukraine boondoggle. Now that everyone knows assets can be frozen by decree how can the US dollar remain the reserve currency? Bad actors with oil (and there are many) are forced to go their own way.

>> No.52815811

they dont realize china will be printing fuel within 3 years

>> No.52815861

Plot twist: the ((elites)) are all in on SEA and need the West to go nearly bankrupt so their investments increase in value.

>> No.52815922

aka burgers will all of us into ww3

>> No.52815942

>where you just fucking *knew* shit was about to go down
lol aint that the truth

>> No.52816175
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>> No.52816256

stack more dollars

>> No.52816292

Doubtful, American politicians are both incredibly weak and incredibly corrupt. Biden just swapped an infamous arms dealer for a literal basketball American tranny, sent more than $100b in taxpayers funds to Ukraine who then sent a percentage of that money back to US politicians via FTX, they spent fuck knows how much creating a virus in a Chinese lab and unleashed said virus globally so they could create a fake vaccine to again steal hundreds of billions of dollars from the US taxpayers, when lawmakers demand oversight into Ukraine spending you have other lawmakers accuse them of working for the Russians and spreading propaganda.

America is finished and the politicians are raping it before the whole thing collapses and nobody in the rest of the world will shed a single tear.

>> No.52816389

Saudi Arabia are joining BRICS and have basically laughed in America's face ever since Biden took office, they've been talking with China about trading oil in Yuan for months now, the US is a banana republic ran by pedophiles and kleptomaniac trannies.
They can eat shit, anyone putting a gun in my hands might as well turn it on themselves first because I wouldn't lift a finger to defend Globohomo.
>The petrodollar isn't the yuan, retard.
He never said it was, retard.

>> No.52816521

>He never said it was, retard.
He literally did, retard.

>> No.52816554

>nobody in the rest of the world will shed a single tear.

Well, for what the USA stands for, I'll do. Last bastion of the free man.

>> No.52816574

>I wouldn't lift a finger to defend
Same here. With WW1 and 2 people had no internet, they were all buying the narrative for a 'greater good'.

Now there's NO fucking way I'll go kill an innocent man for Schlomo's profit.

>> No.52816577

omg I have 500'000 barrels of oil, what should I do?

>> No.52817161

>more history books of giga happenings than you can learn in a lifetime
>loads of happenings in your lifetime that you misses because you're retarded and/or lazy
>nothing ever happens

>> No.52817454
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Nothing ever happens and Israel is real deal with it

>> No.52817943

It's going to be a slow process.

>> No.52818003

For now... an eastern bloc is forming.

>> No.52818061

full uncensored text transcript video? please someone post I miss watching it

>> No.52818117

The US will just cut out the US Navy, who protects the shipping lanes... and let piracy handle the rest. Fucking obliterate their trade.

Personally, I can't wait until BRICS get the non-US future they talk about.

>> No.52818123

Do you guys genuinely believe this magical shift to the east is coming? When Russia is NK status and China is welding doors because of the cold? The west is in a better position than it has been in 10 years. even if we are failing horribly, we’re still collapsing slower than our enemies. Don’t need to outrun the bear, just be faster than the next guy.

>> No.52818165

Globalization is dead.
Biden killed it with signing that taxbreak 400bil bill for companies to move production to US.
This can be considered an economical terrorism, but US is not a stranger to inflicting terror on the rest of the world.
The difference is - countries are reacting to it this time.

>> No.52818182
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>Do you guys genuinely believe this magical shift to the east is coming?
Of course not. Fucking pussies can't do shit without stealing everyone's technology. Literal and figurative frauds. China got rich and lazy stealing IP- they can't develop anything and are hooked on the cheap money to fuel their "economy." Shame they took such a shortcut.

>> No.52818210
File: 540 KB, 541x834, case of shiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that, like Ocean's XI but they're all chinamen? Do they have a guy like Brad Pitt who eats food in every scene?

>> No.52819087

I believe that America and the West in general has basically been slowly hollowed out since the end of WW2. Now they have ridiculously high debt exposure, high levels of political corruption, a cult-like ultra-decadent elite obsessed with nonsense like climate change, equality, diversity and gender non-conformity their enemies will use it to end them once and for all.

>> No.52820360

>a cult-like ultra-decadent elite
they're obsessed with power and wealth, anon. they just love using woke shibboleths to veil their avarice.

>> No.52821040
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Cool it down anon

>> No.52821985

>Wants to get off the gold standard
>No noes he's so bad and evil let's help those poor good rebels and bomb him
>Open air slave markets return among the ruins of their civilization and quality of life never returns
Oh boy we sure saved the day there!

>> No.52821998
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>> No.52822042
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>> No.52822045

The article doesn't mention an actual deal with the GCC, just that
>China and Gulf nations should make full use of the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange as a platform to carry out yuan settlement of oil and gas trade.

>> No.52822097

That's so passé.
Don't you know that equality is racist?
It's all about "equity" nowadays.

>> No.52822150
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>they will use force projection to protect the petrodollar
>credible threat

>> No.52823120

Well noted

>> No.52823421
File: 320 KB, 322x363, v0yx9Nk5c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means BRICS is going to be the major economic bloc for this century. Russia and China won. Look into investments in BRICS economies for there you will find riches as the West struggles with gender identity and other memes. France will defect to BRICS in a decade.

>> No.52824096

Ah, that's the one I meant.

>> No.52824104

W-whay are the two on the bottom? Is this real life?

>> No.52824253

I have grave doubts over the ability of the US to project power in 2022. Sure you have a massive fleet of aircraft carriers and great tech but you also have a government and nation that I would wager around 50% of the nation would not be prepared to die to defend, the US military is already struggling to recruit, a draft would likely be difficult to enforce under the current circumstances. Record numbers of people hate their government and see them as illegitimate, the US isn't like China where you can force people to do anything you want down the barrel of a gun, the citizenry have their own guns. All those aircraft carriers, planes and submarines need people to crew them, competent people and not mentally ill trannies and drug addicts who are just as likely to turn the guns on themselves.
I think this may have been deliberate.

>> No.52824269

Amen. Americans are delusional at best.

>> No.52824338
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Yes, i'm afraid it is. If this is what's backing the US dollar (aside from endless debt) it's no wonder Saudi Arabia wants to get rid of it and join BRICS ASAP.

>> No.52824440

They want the oil so they can continue shipping to the US. What are Saudis supposed to do with yuans? They aren't fond of Dollar Store items.

>> No.52825614

Kind of serious question.
Should I start learning Chinese?

>> No.52825778


>> No.52826164

Good take, Canada is the same at a smaller scale.

>> No.52826189

>He doesn't at leas, speak a little chinese already

NGMI brother, in two weeks PLA agents will be knocking at your door saying 有多少種性別 and you better answer quick

>> No.52826244

Mutts are lashing out