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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52798706 No.52798706 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't men working? Is it the economy? Or are they just a bunch of wusses?

>> No.52798867

the sacrifices (time, energy, youth, dignity) aren't worth the rewards (roasties, niggers, pods)

I'll get a job when the options for girlfriends improves significantly

>> No.52798882

you cant get what men want from a job anymore

>> No.52799199

>birth rates are at historical lows
>marriage rates are at historical lows
>homes are the most expensive they've ever been
>wages are the lowest they've ever been, when adjusted for inflation
>the country keeps importing more non-whites

pick from the buffet

>> No.52799261

Labor force participation is at all time lows all around. Boomers are retiring and the scales are tipping in favor of labor over management. The volcker shocks were so long ago now that neoliberalism is running on fumes

>> No.52799353

Why should i earn 4k as a dev in europe when i can get 3k for remote work while living in asia where there is lower tax and cost of living

>> No.52799355

Fucking boomers

>> No.52799368

>Why aren't men working?
Fire your HR and bought MBAs who spout utter shit out 'race' and use tech companies to attack established religions like the Catholic faith. Get rid of the Indians and Pakistanis with fake CVs before we do.

>> No.52799374

Everytime I see that word imagine a simpering pseudo socialist bum who heard it from a community college lecturer and though it was kewl

>> No.52799486


Modern woman :
> Sex work is work, 50$ / month to see pics of my bed and kitchen , 250$ for a 30 min chat with no sex

Natural answer :
> For 250$ I can coom all the night in a 20Y Philippina

Woman :

>> No.52799501

I mean it's an accurate descriptor for the general malaise we've seen post oil shocks. Austerity, debt, the bottom falling out on politics in favor of marketization, bailouts, extractivist trickle up theft, it has all come to pass

>> No.52799668

idk my gay country likes to import millions of subhumans for work, so ive decided that they are basically my slaves while i wait for a mass exodus of said subhumans through what ever means necessary

>> No.52799693

Dave stop shilling your channel here we all think your advice is outdated.

>> No.52800300

I doubt anyone wants to hire you in the first place. You come off as a delusional NEET.

>> No.52802812

dave is so out of touch

>> No.52802838

fucking boomers lel

>> No.52802852

i'll work when my work consists of euthanizing him canada style and taking his money

>> No.52802855
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No pussy no work.

>> No.52802893

>The average young man is worse off than Travis Bickle
>I know! Calling them names will help!

>> No.52803020

just read the wiki synopsis for this movie
looks pretty based, never heard of it before this comment.

>> No.52803054

Would you prefer crony capitalism, corporatism, or as I call it, psuedo-Fascism?

>> No.52803072

General consensus puts in the top 25-100 films ever made.

>> No.52803073

I think too many people see the game. When you see the game, you either give up, like the majority, because if you're going to be an economic loser anyways, why bother working? Or you act like us, trying to game your way up the ladder. Both aren't good for society, but the fact our camps exist in such large quantities should sound an alarm for our idiot overlords.

We're both dangerous in our own ways. We for instance are ruthless bloodsuckers who more than likely hate this system and will work against it using it's own game rules. They however, are physically dangerous. Idle hands breed resentment. Can they keep their anger misdirected via identity politics? I'm not so sure. The mass hypnosis is fading. Won't be surprised if we get more pandemics, war, terrorist attacks, etc to keep the plebs busy. Welcome to bread and circus 2.0

>> No.52803089


Just checked, it's 29 this year.

>> No.52803095

i'm honestly disappointed that I've never heard of this movie until now....and i spoiled it by reading the wiki

>> No.52803116

It’s just a shit deal. Like, hey you wanna bust your ass to make some fucker rich because his dad owns the company? Then you can spend all your money on tax and rent a shitty place. No? Well you are a wuss.

Well, fuck I’m a wuss but at least I’m not a moron. Better to be a parasite than work if you can manage it.

>> No.52803146

Why do you people always have to bring race into it? You know most people in the real world don’t obsess over demographics right? Hell white people especially are always going on about how great urban areas are and how much they hate parts of the world like Eastern Europe and Japan for being too similar looking all the time.

>> No.52803161

So you're a homeless dumpster diver?

>> No.52803195

Go back to the real world then

>> No.52803216
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>> No.52803275

>brown hands typed this
also, noone has ever said the following
>how much they hate parts of the world like Eastern Europe and Japan for being too similar looking all the time.
either you have never travelled or you were dropped as a kid, several times.
>inb4 you tell me you travel all around the place and shit.

>> No.52803411


>> No.52803782

I’m 100% white. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.52803873
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I haven't come up with a way to make honest money as a skilless neet that doesn't involve working for someone else and end up going postal

>> No.52804014

fuck that shit. Just got the news I won't be getting promoted (from a company promotion board of course, my manager can't be arsed to talk to me) despite never having any negative feedback regarding my performance and meeting all criteria. Bonus will also be much lower than last year. So yeah, fuck that shit, will just cruise from now on.

>> No.52804224

God he is such a faggot. People aren’t working because wages are trash. /thread

>> No.52804234

the women are whores who arent worth starting a family with so there's nothing to work for

>> No.52805104

no house?
no wife?
no work

>> No.52805252

This just a narrative being pushed. If you are not working are you do it in a way that sustains your lifestyle?

>> No.52805281

But how do you survive without an income?

>> No.52805306

Gibs obv.

>> No.52805344

Do you create or build anything or are learning anything? Or do you spend all your time consuming mindless entertainment and hoping your bags pump? I'm not asking in a malicous way. I'm just curious becuase I've been neeting it up and after a while it felt like I was just wasting days before I imposed some limits on myself.

>> No.52805455

As much as you people hate to admit it, we're animals. We want to be with our people. When you force a bunch of foreigners into your land, you lose social cohesion and stability. People stop seeing their country as their own

>> No.52805561

How? Neetbux put you way below the poverty line at least in austfailure

>> No.52805662
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the cathedral

>> No.52805842

Essentially this, most men are willing to put up with a lot a bullshit so long as there is something worthwhile at the end, but in today's world this is basically a dream now. Why destroy yourself for people/country that hate you and your beliefs?

>> No.52805895

Really? Then what was world war 2 for?

>> No.52805945

Tension release from World War 1 and the Great Depression. Labeling people "white" and "black" is a stupid americanism that ignores tribal and cultural identity

>> No.52806021

Basically this, or rather that money alone doesn't get you roasties anymore and the pod you get isn't better than the one you get on unemployment. The basic bargain of any civilization has always been that beta males are tasked with doing hard work and to fight in any eventual war to maintain it, with the reward of a decent chance of pussy and some amount of respect. In recent decades both have been taken away but the bottom 80% of men are still expected to uphold their end of the bargain.

>> No.52807008

what do you mean "you people"

>> No.52807055

>boomer rambling about something

>> No.52807061

I'm happier working less hours and pursuing hobbies than chasing titles and clout to impress shallow vapid prostitutes, essentially

>> No.52807065

You've said it like a retard but you're right. Full-time work gets you nothing like it used to these days. Boomers on a full time job could buy a house and support a family, that's a fucking pipe dream for most people these days

>> No.52807073

What do YOU mean “you people”?

>> No.52807088

Based. No pussy no work.

>> No.52807093
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>You know most people in the real world don’t obsess over demographics right?

There's so many black people who make it their entire personality to milk out their skin color every chance they get. Work, personal life, online. Every interaction with them is deemed racist until proven not

>> No.52807094

He could be the biggest fag in the world, hes still right

>> No.52807436

Why not 18? You are domesticated too

>> No.52808829

LMFAO that faggot literally said “think about the restaurants!”


>> No.52808868

It's harder today to get what society deems as successful or valuable, compared to the boomer years, so the left side of the bell curve is of course just going to fuck off and not participate.
Most people still make it work, I've done just fine, I'm saying in the big picture there's a few more people getting left behind that subsist on parents, welfare, etc.
Some people are just going to naturally filter themselves out when the standards get higher, as they have. You won't every buy a house in populated areas on an entry level job, so they would just rather not try to work their way up.

>> No.52808878
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>> No.52808884

yeah it sorta boils down to this and it's a vicious cycle. before you ask, i'm married.

>> No.52808900

>let women into the workforce
>compensation decreases for everyone
>jobs are no longer a masculine thing so ask themselves why would they even bother

>> No.52808904

Overweight pampered Boomer sells out his kids future then complains why nobody wants to prop up the society around him to give him the comfortable retirement he deserves. Nobody is going to be there to serve you drinks or cook you fancy meals by the time your done squeezing every last penny from all generations below yours.

>> No.52808907
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>Be Adam and Eve
>Eat bad fruit
>Men are cursed to work
>Thousands of years later
>women get their curse AND have to work now
HAHAHAHAHAHA and not only this. Now men don't need to work KEK stupid women

>> No.52808911

ding ding ding
labor supply up wages down

>> No.52808930

that's the most boomer insult ever

>> No.52809525

Without even reading the thread I know people will just blame "muh crumbling western society" or whatever justification they use for having quit on the world, but realistically speaking, the people who come to 4chan aren't the people dave is talking about. People here talking about how the world is beyond saving have given up on life and shouldn't be included in the "7 million american men aren't working, we can't figure out why", because they wouldn't be working now anyway. They would be doing the same thing

The driver of the 7 million unemployment statistic is something small but common sense that changed recently, something with a simple and logical explanation. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to guess it's something like all the people that took early retirement during the covid stock people + all the people with long covid + some misrepresentation of employment statistics during PPP to take advantage of the loans --- basically, we think we have more unemployment now than usual due to faulty data from the last few years.

People don't have the means to be wussing out on their bills right now, I don't think this is really the time for a rousing "GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND WORK, THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER" speech, most people need to work very hard just to afford food.

>> No.52809988
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dear amerigolem,
i write to inform you that the legal age of consent in the phillippines is 16 years of age
kind regards, anon

>> No.52810096

Personally I took some time off to go from hostel to hostel and fuck dirty euro sluts who are backpacking on daddy's money. Thanks dad's ;)

>> No.52810171

The amount unironic incel seething in those comments is hilarious. You actually have guys saying “victim blaming” complaining about muh wokeness with no self-awareness. Seriously, why are American men such pussies these days? My mom has more test in her system than these idiots whining about women and feminism when men hold all the power in society.

>> No.52810194

Women were working in the 40s you dumbass. Wages are overinflated as hell anyway, the average American makes over 40,000 a year easily now and 1/3rd if them eat overpriced fast food several times a week. 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day and barely survives on grains and rice all year. America is the only country where the homeless are fat in the ass.

>> No.52810206

Yeah I’m sure you’re such a catch, women must be falling over themselves to hear your latest factoids from the Trump General threads on /pol/.
Your Pope is a pedophile and so are most of your clergymen.

>> No.52810218

I'm a wuss. What are you going to do about it you old faggot?
Yeah, that's what I thought. You lack the fortitude to enslave me you circumcised, demasculined fool.

>> No.52810393

Kek. Half of us have earned more from crypto and shit like that to ever work for a wage again, faggot. Even with markets like these, I've been getting more safety under stables (staked on middlewares like SpoolFi or Pancakebunny) than a normal fucking job

>> No.52810460

Why do you always name countries that are whiter than America as nicer to live in than America?

No surely if we don't use any words about race that fact just magically disappears

>> No.52810506

Guys need help. Where should i work? I need a job now more than ever! I dont want to work a food place tho

>> No.52810539

basically this. more people are just going to throw their lot into crypto and hope for the best while they work their minimum wagecuck jobs subsiding on basically nothing with nothing to go home to.

>> No.52810615

>I dont want to work a food place tho

>> No.52810632

I dont think it fits well with me.

>> No.52810715

Thoughtful take. I beleive it about data getting messed up. We have all these numbers these days built up on numbers from yesterday. Nothing seems real though. How could we even know what the statistics really are on the unemployed? There is literally billions of people in the world. Its not possible to keep track of who is doing what acurately. Add in the fact that numbers like unemployment have been fudged for years now and nothing is reliable or facual about the data today.

>> No.52811082

You ain't getting that lower tax code unless you denounce your citizenship. Also stupid because Asians aren't white and you'll never be accepted in their society.

>> No.52811162

Im not American so thats not true.
We can just sign off our place of living, hop in plane and the next day cash out everything even when not signed up another flat yet

>> No.52811297

Its bad for the economy when slaves get uppity

>> No.52811315

none of these picky boomer assholes will hire

>> No.52811961

go back moshe

>> No.52811999

Get into Dirt work.. learn excavation, thank me later faggot.

>> No.52812266
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>> No.52812449

>only dark elves can rule AKA Jews.

>> No.52812817
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Well when you make it about destoryinf the white race...then yea, its about race you nigger faggot retard. The united states was founded by white men for white men

>> No.52813307

You've never heard of Taxi Driver? It's every /pol/ poster's 'literally me' movie character

>> No.52813429

>7 million men are out of work
>9 million millenials moved back with their parents
>I can't figure out what the reason is
>people don't have the means to be wussing out on their bills right now
It's people who are living at home and not paying any bills whatsoever who don't want to work a job paying $16/hour and are having trouble landing a basic job paying $50k/year

>> No.52813476

That's for boomers, Ryan Gosling is ours

>> No.52813633

Keep crying and coping lad.

>> No.52814476

Not him, but I'm on welfare.
Imagine not gaming the system, couldn't be me.

>> No.52814494

Found the roastie/nigger/pod

>> No.52814548

You are delusional

>> No.52814936

>Your Pope is a pedophile and so are most of your clergymen.
Post nose moshe.

>> No.52814978
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I was told we'd be given housing pods but these shits cost like $1200/mo and only exist in the jeet section of California

>> No.52814993


I'm so sick of seeing this fuckhead. Stop posting him.

>> No.52815345

this jewish fucker went broke then got bailed out by his dad fuck him and his faggot ass 100mm net worth go retire already faggot nigger jew boomer

>> No.52815526

I'm expected to not just pay for my education or training, but volunteer until I have the experience to get an entry level job which pays 2-3 dollars more than fucking Kroger does. Why bother?

>> No.52815541

Given? You appear to have misunderstood. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

>> No.52815563

imagine the smell

>> No.52815787

I build life units. The only thing God demands

>> No.52815796


If you don't care about race move to Nigeria.

>> No.52815822

Labour force participation rates are 1% lower than pre-pandemic. At about the level of 1976, much higher than anytime before that.

>> No.52815836

>Women were working in the 40s
Yeah as nurses, operators, secretaries, and maids.

WW2 is an outlier and they quickly returned back home to prevent wages from dumping for servicemen returning home.

>> No.52815856
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Fuck off chaim

>> No.52815882
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are semenskin zoomers really this pathetic? call me a spic, but my white boomer foreman keeps trying to hook me up with his daugther. He sees the masculine and work ethic I have. Meanwhile, what do you do? Coom to JAV and anime.

>> No.52815884


WW2 was to give complete power to the Jews

>> No.52815901

>be me
>think I found decent gov job in le trades
>le management fucks up my paperwork
>expected to work for weeks straight with no days off for le epic shit bucks because le epic manager thought I wouldn't quit on the spot

>> No.52815930

>all the people with long covid
you're fucking with me right? are you really that retarded or is this bait?

>> No.52815946

Millionaire boomers are dying

>> No.52815957

>Boomers are retiring
That's one way of putting it

>> No.52816134

Only whites don't obsess over demographics. Any other race will constantly bring up the lack of their particular race.

>> No.52816184


>> No.52818771
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I am working (on myself). Not slaving away so I can buy goyslop and the newest goy gadgets .

>> No.52818783

>Is it the economy
its society

>> No.52818818

if you make less than $100,000 per year you don't need to renounce your citizenship

>> No.52819000

>life units
Can you elaborate or are you just being facetious?

>> No.52819028

Literally everything you said is a result of neo-conservatism. Literally all of it.

>> No.52819217


>dis nigga thinks there's two parties


>> No.52820024


>> No.52820093
