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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52794563 No.52794563 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52794767

probably getting his dick sucked and then getting a nice juicy Burger at the local Donmak.

>> No.52795382

Back to running guns. Oh so smart of Biden to release the worlds greatest gun runner of all time when Russia is having a problem with gun and arms shortages kek.

>> No.52795544

Big dump of N. Korean bitcoin incoming

>> No.52795572
File: 588 KB, 750x918, 65C47688-4C5B-4404-9F06-92621F3062E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’ll arm the US natsoc movement. Blm gets its tranny back and white males get their revolution . Thank you Putin

>> No.52795645

I dont care what crimes he committed, he looks based so I like him. I don't get why everyone is mad he got freed

>> No.52795825

Fucking kino moustache.

>> No.52797750

I second that motion. He's merely a businessman.

>> No.52799698

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52799957

Literally this

>> No.52800172

I hope he allows the purchase of Ak-12 and AK-15 platforms for civilians. It's not fair that glows get the best stuff.

>> No.52800502

You're a retard
His entire business was smuggling guns OUT of ex-soviet states and into african/middle eastern shitholes
He can't do shit to procure guns or ammo for russia, all his trafficking was in the reverse direction

>> No.52800757

Contacts is the most important aspect which he has A LOT of.

>> No.52800774
File: 222 KB, 478x480, seele-glitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is mad based. Check his wikipedia profile.


This guy's life sounds incredible, speaks 5+ languages, travels around the world selling weapons, sounds pretty based

>> No.52800782

imagine if he re-reverses everything.

this guy literally is the face behind the movie "war dogs"?

>> No.52800797

I was thinking that. He sounds like Coopers character

>> No.52800812
File: 423 KB, 1466x1980, 7817543_so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that fat piece of shit Jew Efraim. Viktor is more like Nic Cage in Lord of War.

>> No.52800878

that movie was so motivating to make it big in biz it's unreal.

>Lord of War
check yourself, in that movie cage had jewish roots and got his first weapon trade sourced from a Synagogue.

>> No.52800907
File: 1.00 MB, 977x1300, Jonah_Hill_-_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course Jewish traits help you succeed in biz -- I just hate Jonah Hill because he is a privileged hollywood faggot

>> No.52800917

Where can i buy that shirt? Cant find it

>> No.52800989

It's worth thinking about why the Russian government wanted to get this guy out, when they probably have various spies and shit in custody in the US. Everybody shits themselves over Griner but what does the Russian government get out of trading for this dude?

>> No.52800990

>that movie was so motivating to make it big in biz it's unreal.
That’s The Big Short for me. Always rewatching clips on yt. Shits mad comfy

>> No.52801038

>The Big Short
it has good scenes but I can't find myself liking this movie because of christian bale playing fucking burry, then there is pitt, gosling etc. sounds like a girly movie with male eye-candy for me.

>> No.52801090

Trade a useless WNBA player for a traitor that probably squealed to kill. Seems like a good deal?

>> No.52801125

bit first and bit above all.

>> No.52801153

Yeah Russia gets all the practical benefits, Biden gets good goy points

>> No.52801272

He probably still has a lot of African connections
Now he is going to take guns out of Africa/Middle-east into Russia

>> No.52801395

Traded a fucking international arms dealer for a low IQ america hating bull dike gorilla nigger. Biden is a fucking joke

>> No.52801422

wow hes hawt

>> No.52801460

Coopers character was supposed to be him

>> No.52801490
File: 105 KB, 180x320, 1647205964513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats his first investment

Probably selling Strela missiles and RPG's to southern seccessionists

>> No.52801525

Search Indian kurta shirt

>> No.52801549

>implying the US government didnt cut a deal with him first
he'll be selling missing ukie arms to ughyur separatists in 2023

>> No.52801568

Sounds based

>> No.52802430

If he's sensible enough, Privacy would be the next investment.

>> No.52802620


>> No.52804129
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Maybe something more modern like investing in Aztec, Railgun or Dash.

>> No.52804586

The stache sold me, he did nothing wrong