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52800329 No.52800329 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a government employee and I do literally zero work. On my WFH days I just nap through the entire day.

Then I go online and complain about zoomers on TikTok posting their “day in the life of x” videos where all they do is eat and shit.

>> No.52800367

is this state/local govt? i looked for fully remote fed govt jobs and they're pretty rare... and of course they get 10,000,000 applications because of how rare they are.

>> No.52800393

I do IT for the state Supreme Court.

>> No.52800572

so you're jewish, got it

>> No.52800592

state and local gov can be a goldmine as well, I do IT for a city and basically do nothing all day perma wfh

>> No.52800597

Nah I was raised catholic
Not really religious though

>> No.52800655

Trudeau leaf gov worker checking in. I think the federal gov is the best job possible in Canada, sad as it sounds

>> No.52800675
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are you a freemanson

>> No.52800709

Catholics are forbidden from freemasonry though I guess if he's "not really religious" (prodigal) he might just break that rule

>> No.52800721

Do you get reimbursed or have meal plans?

>> No.52800725

>Catholics are forbidden from freemasonry
interesting I didnt know that

>> No.52800730

What are you guys on about? The public sector is full of lazy normies. There’s no hidden agenda, we’re all just here for the easy bag.

>> No.52800742

what about Jesuits then, arent they catholic and extremely hooked up to freemasonry o am i confused about that?

>> No.52800747

Did you get forced to take the covid shot? It sounds cushy until I realized you are at the whim and mercy of whatever crazy shit the federal govt thinks of.

>> No.52800753
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This used to be me, sadly I was moved to another team and have a lot of shit to do. Enjoy it while you can anon.

>> No.52800759

suspicious masonic tier response

>> No.52800769

based to be honest

>> No.52800793
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>> No.52800877

umm. biden forced the shots on private companies as well

>> No.52800899

Given that the current pope is a Jesuit, I highly doubt that they're involved with freemasonry in any reasonable capacity. If they are, they really have no fucking clue about their religion.

>> No.52800949

I think I was getting it mixed up with the Knights of Malta in my head. I knew a lot of Jesuits and one of them was a Knight of Malta, thats what I was thinking of.

>> No.52800985
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For whatever reason, Canadians and Indians absolutely love bureaucratic government civil service jobs. Like they are super proud of their rank and service and show it off like an American would show off a family member who is a Military Officer.
Very highly coveted jobs there in MapleLand.

>> No.52800987

Anyone can work for the court dumb zoomer it's mostly minorities and the disabled. Literally a government job

>> No.52801035

>bidens handlers got a bunch of gullible retards to take the shot with empty threats

>> No.52801050

i work in accounting. i've checked state and local government jobs and the salary is an absolute joke. i'd be taking a $25k or more pay cut.

>> No.52801114

The order of malta is also a hardcore catholic org. If it's not been clear, the opposition of freemasonry in the Catholic Church is kind of a big deal.
If you join the masons as a catholic, you live in mortal sin.
You should let your knight buddies know, but I'm pretty sure they know it themselves and are either lying or simply willingly ignored their own teachings if they still joined the masons.

>> No.52801122

It's the same in large parts of the world. Because usually these countries don't have deep private wealth and companies the most stable and steady paying jobs tend to be working for the government or some extension of government monopolies - like in banking or public utilities.

Another reason the whole vaccine mandate was such a nightmare, it extended to every federally regulated industry in Canada I had to uproot myself early from a cushy banking job to get ahead of it.

>> No.52801144

nah they didnt , I was just confusing the knights of malta as being a high rank in the freemasons. knights of malta, rosicrucians, nights templar, freemasons. I kind of grouped all these together. If its against Catholicism tto be masons Im sure these guys werent though. That is just a new fact to me

>> No.52801224

back to the office soon for you

>> No.52801237

Where the hell does the public sector pay better than the private sector?
I took this route because I have always been fine with a humble life and the perks (low workload, lots of vacation, very flexible schedule, superb job security, etc) of civil service appealed to me.

>> No.52801313

Same here OP. I also have 0 cares for my job but I communicate with people really well. My boss is always happy with me. Good and helpful communication is the key.

>> No.52801318

On a per hourly basis if often does. Also given inflation in some sense the difference between wages in jobs is collapsed.

>> No.52801914

Ur joking right? Look up fi rates of pay in canada. Being just a manager in the gov gets you to over 100k cad just doing the bare minimum. In ottawa the average salary is like 60k or smthin

>> No.52801959

And how does that compare to a similar position in the private sector?

All I know is that I’d get like 20% more with my qualifications if I were to go private. And it’s similar with everyone else too.

>> No.52802138

>get paid 100k
>work maybe 2 hrs a day


>get paid 120k in private
>work like a dog with unpaid ot

Hmm I wonder what I'll take. Also a lot of jobs such as controller or upper manager here bring in at most 80k

>> No.52802359

In a country like Canada large parts of the private sector are in fact closely tied to the government through sanctioned or nurtured oligopolies - you have big 5 banking, big 4 telecom, even supermarket chains are owned by a few connected families.

>> No.52802372


>> No.52802573
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What a stupid name.
Tell your mate his name sucks.

>> No.52802664

Now I can tell you're hiding your identity. Saying mate when you work in the states? Right. Hi Dustin

>> No.52802706

I don’t work in the states.

>> No.52803173

At my govt IT job the PTO, retirement plans and never being on call more than make up for the cash difference. I wish it was full WFH but maybe I can move into a position like that one day.

>> No.52804340
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I work for the leaf government and they want us to go back in 2-3x/week.

>> No.52804541
File: 50 KB, 640x360, C322652D-79E0-431B-9119-8CD1B38F66B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on 3 days in-office but I share a room with 2 other mates. And since we’re in a different building than our main one where the rest of the department (and our supervisor) is we just come in when we feel like it.

>> No.52805089
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idk if the pope is a mason, but he is definitely not a catholic. he's pulled a lot of bullshit.
OP, this is all tech jobs, maybe i should get a government one it will be even more bureaucratic and workless.