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52799964 No.52799964 [Reply] [Original]

Hold up
This entire crypto industry is just built on lies and bullshit isn't it? Atleast 90% of this space is either solutions looking for problems and scams.
Meanwhile BSV ( The real Bitcoin) as of the Bitcoin Whitepaper, has been ticking along with hundreds of apps, High T/X speeds and Scalability.
Blockstream and their parent companies have almost everyone hood winked.
Guess I'm just trying to say,I'm glad I'm holding real Bitcoin for the closing of those shorts

>> No.52799982
File: 8 KB, 211x169, 1479102524268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine NOT holding bsv at this point, kek. Satoshi is back and is taking his invention back, it's the most epic thing ever happened and you can watch it happen in real time.

>> No.52799989

No shit, Sherlock
Case in point >>52799982

>> No.52800036

Not sure I'm following what your getting at anon sorry.

>> No.52800042
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Craig Wright is a liar and a fraud, this has been confirmed by judges in a Court of Law.

>> No.52800054

>this industry is built and lies and bullshit
>proceeds to lie and bullshit

>> No.52800075

It's all a Web of lies and glowing ID's

>> No.52800154
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Craig glows as bright as the sun. I still cant believe that these fuckos dont see it. He is selling everyone out.

>> No.52800200
File: 176 KB, 1272x1080, bis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.52800214

Of course he glows you fool. He just glows brighter than you

>> No.52800245
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How about you start looking at what Craig and his companies are doing, instead of looking at what he is saying. You autistic motherfucker. Why have i got to hold your hand through "How to not get taken by everyone I meet in life 101"

>> No.52800257

>solutions looking for problems
brainlet phrase
go back and hfsp

>> No.52800273

Give me 3 examples to the contrary without offering me bastardised bitcoin as an example

>> No.52800478

>unironic craig and scam vision posting in 2023
>a wifi pineapple

>> No.52800600

You there! Brave sir, thy font of knowledge doth surely overflow. Wouldst thou care, to bestow upon me, 3 examples of the efficacy of the current market?

>> No.52800667
File: 205 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20221209-090613_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is a game of poker. It's basically completely useless outside of that. You're not playing against the house; you're playing against the other scrubs at the table. You went all in with a pair of 2's and you're gonna ride it to a total loss.

The rest of us have made money last bullrun.

>> No.52801499

Your entirely correct with that analogy and making money is what I'm about I'm no bagholder.
To use your analogy
Bluffing is all well and good till Tony G calls your bluff and you realise those Helmuth hands are all for nought.
It's pertinent we have these discussions to remind ourselves where everything stands i