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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52796266 No.52796266 [Reply] [Original]

What will this mean for the markets?

>> No.52796284

Unironivally bullish

>> No.52796297

>80 trillion goes missing
Meanwhile plumber joe immediately loses his job if a dime is missing from the register eod.

>> No.52796299

We're back bull bros

>> No.52796303

It means CBDC.
For the markets: freeze on all trades or hyperinflation until CBDC is introduced

>> No.52796348
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thats like 8000 ftx rugs

where did it go

>> No.52796354

the pivot is in

based powell to the rescue

>> No.52796366

dos semanas mas

>> No.52796382
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5000bps rate hike soon, daddy powell to the rescue.

>> No.52796393

The FED are about to print $80T. Screenshot this.

>> No.52796399

Stop asking questions, goy.

>> No.52796461

So, deflationary? Sweet. Sounds bullish to me.

>> No.52796492

the missing 80 trillion is being ported over to USDC by blackrock. then they will control the digital dollar. screenshot this

>> No.52796539
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>Harvey Jones

>> No.52796586
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>> No.52796596
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>> No.52796654

Read this article it's a nothingburger


>> No.52797241

The Israel defense fund won't fund itself.

>> No.52797267

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.52797303
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>> No.52797326
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i'll still hang onto some USD though

>> No.52797345

Outrageously bullish.

>> No.52797508

Reported for hate speech

>> No.52797550

>80 trillion missing

But hey, look at this racial injustice!!!

>> No.52797556

>anon went to jail for this post

>> No.52798860

Wow, its over, buying more eth.

>> No.52798946

Basically it's from institutions owing each other money, right? A owes B $100 but B owes A $100 so it cancels out?

>> No.52798999

Pretty much. But since everyone is operating on a lot of leverage and the margins are thin someone will be positioned wrong and will be wiped out. That has some potential cascading effects which means that the central banks will have their hands full putting out various fires.

The dollar short squeeze outside of the western world will vary from somewhat uncomfortable to civil war.

>> No.52799298

There is no pivot

dollar is not coming back retards

do u live under a rock

do u know what cbdc's is?

>> No.52799324

antisemitism is not cool

>> No.52799383
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Unironically the Great Reset

They’re going to roll out CBDCs on a global scale after this “fiasco”

>> No.52799413

>Read this article it's a nothingburger

>> No.52799419

>The Israel defense fund won't fund itself.
Do you smelly worthless boring goatfuckers ever stop whining and talk about the topic at hand?

>> No.52799435

look at that disgusting soulless harpy. and shes training a horde of feminist zogbots in her image. its over

>> No.52799451

All of them unfuckable.

>> No.52799458

I don't know why I'm saving this photo.
I don't even understand it.

>> No.52799459

I found it. It’s in Israel stuffed in mattresses.

>> No.52799464

>80 trillion missing
what a clickbait title I hate journalists so much.
They probably mean that the global markets have dropped by 80 trillion

>> No.52799466
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>> No.52799525

Long Bug-farming, Sheev

>> No.52799563

Go sully another board, you sniveling anti satanist

>> No.52799569 [DELETED] 

Well if its missing and everything is going OK, then who cares

>> No.52799637

your biggest fear if you ever end up in prison

>> No.52799654

Nothing, theyll just print another 80 trillion innit

>> No.52799664
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>the most powerful people in the world
>the hidden hand
>the templars
>the kikes
>the satanic rulers of this world
mfw it's just some kike and goy womens

>> No.52799673

80 trillion fiat tokens burning from the total supply? Sounds bullish.

>> No.52799689
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>> No.52799699

its a nothing burger but im sure they are using it as a softening up process, predictive programming for the great reset

>> No.52799704

>there's more debt than all of the money in the universe combined but it's invisible to the naked eye
We're entering the timeline where economists will put "theoretical" in front of their title because they've given up on the physical world

>> No.52799708

Oh god I can hear it

>> No.52799717

Thank you Americunts, you just saved crypto.

>> No.52799732


>> No.52799754

This is why we need bitcoin.

>> No.52799789

it's not missing, it's just not on balance sheets. it's all short term, 6-12m so the chickens will come home to roost, at which point more debt will be issued. debt is basically how we create money and there's nothing stopping anyone from creating more debt.

The issue is that debt is a contract and contracts are the foundation of civilization, once everyone realizes this contract is a viable, nobody will lend to anyone else. CBDC doesn't help because even a smart contract can't save you if the person you lent to has no money. debt is reliant on a social contract based on trust. in a trustless system, you cannot have debt.

>> No.52799798

meant to say "this contract isn't valid."

Society can tolerate a certain amount of defaulting, bankruptcy and fraud, but there is a threshold after which you fundamentally break the social contract.

>> No.52799816

see: >>52799732
the people who are going to freeze the financial markets, take all the assets, and instate a CBDC, are not people who give a shit about "muh social contract", they want to own you like a slave

>> No.52799833

You're retarded. Nobody cares how you feel, schizo.

If everyone stops lending, I can't even begin to explain what a clusterfuck it would be.

>> No.52799841

CBDC is also not a bad idea. Fuck money launderers.

>> No.52799862
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>knee-jerk emotional reaction to the facts
let me guess, you're a woman?
too bad the facts remain the facts no matter how much they hurt your precious emotional feelings
>I can't even begin to explain what a clusterfuck it would be
better start to wrap that cute little mind of yours around it, because the financial markets are about to go picrel
can I interest you in some more boots to lick?

>> No.52799883

I think BTC could use the healthy competition, but I still would use BTC. And I don't like money launderers or white collar criminals. They typically are the ones wearing the boot anyway.

>> No.52799908

BTC is literally their prototype, retard
BTC is going to zero, it's useless bullshit
man, you truly are dumb
enjoy your bags, act surprised when the financial markets are all frozen

>> No.52799921

bullish for link

>> No.52799923

anyway, you were warned
closing this tab now, enjoy replying into empty air, I won't ever read it

>> No.52800139
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Nothing burger that will get retail to sell, while VC's buy cheapies

>> No.52800358

oopsie doopsie

>> No.52800426

Trump gave Israel 104 dollars PER SECOND from the U.S Taxpayer , Biden and congresses almost unanimously upped it to 104.20 per second

>> No.52800840

literally not a single cute one. white sisters....

>> No.52800872

It didn't go missing, it never existed in the first place. The world economy is based off fairy dust and promises, this is just a margin call on the human race.

>> No.52801032

Kek snuck in Link like we wouldn't notice.
bullish news is good for everyone anyways, would definitely love to see my eth ftm vra and sylo bags pump

>> No.52801041


Average leftist understanding of the working class

>> No.52801043

Cbdc's are dog shit

>> No.52801063

>obvious shill is obvious
Don't feed (you)s to paid shills.

>> No.52801071

Love from Kazakhstan

>> No.52801249

>They probably mean that the global markets have dropped by 80 trillion
That's not what they mean, retard

>> No.52801283

Only a retarded jeet wouldn't want to see them bags pump hard lmao
FTM to $2 in the next run?

Sylo got their network incentivisation update that could set things going smooth, hyped on that. .

>> No.52801293

full blown retard lmao

>> No.52801309
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>> No.52801428

they shouldn't exist in the first place

>> No.52801457

do banks and financial institutions just not do paperwork? how are you supposed to audit them?

oh... oh wait

>> No.52801459

been looking to run a node, just not fully convinced yet on what's in it for me.
not a good time to waste a single kw of electricity on some no-profit shit

>> No.52801517

>be small business owner and file taxes and get randomly audited every 3 years and EVERY dollar gets accounted for
>top tier banks whoops 80 trillion dollars missing
how the fuck do you expect us to believe its not built into the system for shit like this to happen?

>> No.52801531

>xrp schizos were right

>> No.52801540
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>> No.52801593

Why do some people get so butthurt at the thought of there being any hope in the future?

>> No.52801639

If they do that, you might as well start using Zimbabwe dollars.

This is financial systemic collapse if real. Who in the world is able to provide an 80T loan to the FED? Not even choina at this point...

>> No.52801652

get an old pc with good specs you don't use anymore, set up software and it runs.
contributors would earn good once network reward goes live.
little to no electricity consumed

>> No.52801673

>BIS annual report on fx swapsy4yhos

>> No.52801729

That’s some shit tile work

>> No.52801854

Filthy rat antisemite

>> No.52801871

>destroy the privacy and freedom of the people to get at the evil "money launderers"

>> No.52801945

to ukraine

>> No.52801948

AI bots made by the alphabet men to sow sorrow and make people give up.

>> No.52802053

been like 8 years since that

>> No.52802060

Is another 9/11 coming?

>> No.52802076

Stop it with the antisemitism

>> No.52802118
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you mean you don't have off-balance sheet currency exchange derivative swaps?

>> No.52802132

Cool it down with the antisemitism goy.

>> No.52802182

Nice try rabbi

>> No.52802256
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You showed urself, parasite.

>> No.52802277
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>> No.52802286

Just remember that Bitcoin is imaginary internet money.

>> No.52802300
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>> No.52802304

Why are you on /biz/?

>> No.52802410

not cool anon

>> No.52802435

>he doesn't bring his plumbing system in to be fixed

>> No.52802638

So like... what do we do? And how do we profit off this 80 trillion dollar disappearance?