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5278945 No.5278945 [Reply] [Original]

I develop on NEO and do videos on smart contracts, and yesterday I made a little more basic intro do how dApps work and such

Thought I share and I'm also open for discussion

Here's one where I explain Turing machines in detail and implement an interpreter (last 30 minutes)

>> No.5278974

NEO 500$ in 2018 or nah?

>> No.5278996

Are you part of CoZ?

>> No.5279005

why develop smart contracts when they're limited to data within the blockchain? if only you had a way to meaningfully use off chain data. Until then "smart contracts" are dumb contracts and fucking gay.

>> No.5279013

I know some Python and I'm looking into becoming a developer for the Neo blockchain, do you by chance have any good resources that I might find useful?

>> No.5279027


What do you think about LINK?

>> No.5279123

new discord https://discord.gg/sFKjeSP

>> No.5279430
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That would be 7x and a market cap of what Ripple has now.

We say 20x of bitcoin this year, so I consider it possible. When it comes to smart contract capable platforms, and assuming internal politics and whatnot will hinder scalability of Ethereum, NEO is the most capable platform, and you can work with Python and C#.


Well yes, I agree. Smart contracts right now are only really good for money focused issues. But, for example, I work on a decentralized voting app and this sort of thing can work as well.

Join the CoZ discord and go to the python-developer chat there. The python project on GitHub is
and comes with the compiler
Both have docs

If I could, I wouldn't even mention any project by name in such threads. People get ridiculously emotional with the projects they invested money in. I think Sergey knows what he does and I think oracles are hard but super important. I've taken a look on oracle solutions before the LINK ICO. I personally think other projects will moon more, as this (important) projects has too many dependencies on the quality of other project. >in4b people start to arguing about LINK here

>> No.5279852

As a smart contract developer, what is lacking currently in the crypto sphere to you? what problems are you running into without a solution? What projects offer solutions to these problems? Where do you see smart contract tech/platforms in 2 years? What is preventing smart contracts from mainstream adoption?

>> No.5279894

What do you think about Dragonchain as a competitor to the smart contract arena?

>> No.5279907

Oh, this could be a cool thread. I'm a programmer looking to get into smart contacts. I rarely see other devs here. Was NEO your first smart contract platform? Have you used any others enough to compare? At a glance writing contracts in a general purpose language doesn't seem like such a good idea. Principle of least power, yada yada. How do they deal with the security implications and the huge attack surface? Or do they just compile a subset of Python to their VM's bytecode?

>> No.5279926

fuck off back to lereddit no one cares fag

>> No.5280426
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I'm only doing this in my free time.
The question is hard to answer. It's the wild west were if you know a hello world on a blockchain platform, you're spammed with LinkedIn request from people who want their idea realized. Or worse, they just want to do an ICO. I personally think that the ecosystem would be healthier if there wasn't that much money involved. Right now you just have a few competing platforms and there's enough to do and so I lack time more than anything. There's no good resource to find people except by asking repeatedly or stalking people on github, but people work on the ecosystem (e.g. this project https://moonlight.io/, also on NEO). If generally sounds like you want to know which projects I think are good investments and to that I'd say that in short term, the quality of a project seems only loosely related to how well it will do on the market.
"The oracle problem" mentioned is of course a real problem. I can make you an app in which you can store your diary in encrypted form and ambitious people work on decentralized trading platforms, but this is all just things on the network itself. If I were to make a dApp which tells a user the weather Vienna, there's no way to do this in a decentralized fashion - none that doesn't have a huge overhead.
A simple way to get funds on the blockchain (buying with $) and lack of knowledge of people what a dapp can an can't do. But hey, this is exactly the content of the video I posted above.

I looked at that months ago when searching for other blockchains using Python. It's a blockchain by the Walt Disney marketing web service crew, no? I don't see them doing anything globally relevant.

Yes it was. First I wrote in myself. Pretty sure it's the simplest and broadest one to get into too.
My youtube channel was really me explaining dependently type functional programming languages, but this stuff caught my attention in August.

>> No.5280513

When do you think China will clear up the FUD surrounding crypto and Chinese ICOs

>> No.5280659
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been a /sci/ poster since 2008 and was never on leddit

I'm pretty sure a custom language the nobody tested for anything else before is a bigger security risk.

Zen Protocol use the dependently typed F* for contracts, which is a sweet idea. I interview them here

Cardano also want to do something strongly typed and - last I watched - even a custom language. And while I love people doing projects in my meme languages, Using Java/Python/C# is simple the way to go if you want to build an economy.

EOS and Stratis did that too.

I don't see the biggest of security risk, given that I've never seen a contract with more than 1000 lines.

>Or do they just compile a subset of Python to their VM's bytecode?
The virtual machines are very compact and don't use any libraries. This would be pretty much madness anyway: The NEO VM is similar to the Java VM and if you were to write a most general compiler from Python to that, you'd effectively have to translate Java libraries to Python first.

And "they" is just guys you can talk to on discord. The Chinese pretty much worked in C# and a bit Java. Then CoZ jumped on board with Python and lots of javascript on the cli side.

Donno. I'm not optimistic things will develope super positively on the official side. On the unofficial side people will keep on caring less about it. But I mean I don't really know anything about Chinese politics, so..

>> No.5281383

Off-topic, but how practical is Idris today? I'd really like to find a better Haskell, with an unfucked default Prelude, strings and strict evaluation.

>> No.5281607

what do you think of ZRX and people developing dApps off of that? I saw a couple threads here today shilling for them

>> No.5281742
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Well, I think it's usable if you don't need libraries for anything :P

Where do you take issue witih the standard Prelude? Tweaking this will probably be less work than Idris. But anyway, use Idris. Someone's gotta start :P

As a matter of fact, if you're actually interesting in blockchain stuff with Haskll or Idris, and for a long time project to test the waters, I've wanted to write a compiler to NEO smart contracts for quite some time. You may reach me here