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52795748 No.52795748 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going from behind a total need of 5 years to doing an IT job 9 to 5 six days a week starting tomorrow. Unironically what am I in for? I'm scared I will kms.

>> No.52795753

Have lots of sex

>> No.52795767

its about the same thing as being a neet 95% of the time

>> No.52795773

But I cant do comfy things because it's in an office with boomers who will hassle me.

>> No.52795787

>in office job
Im so sorry op you must really need the money

>> No.52795801

I dobt know if you are telling me to have dec or saying I will have sex. I doubt the latter because a friend who works there and helped me in through nepotism is a permanent virgin and has never even kissed a girl.

>> No.52795821

I really dont, at least not right now. I just feel guilty neeting forever in my mom's house, even though I dont leech financially. It just dances on me sometimes how many years I have been doing it. I think the job will help build character and if I dont kms I will be more hardy after.

>> No.52795923
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Basically same here, but it's an IT job at a school/ranch in the middle of nowhere for troubled teenage boys and I already overheard one of them calling me a "goofy looking guy."

>> No.52795973

>Goofy looking guy
Lol. Not the worst insult at least. I am afraid when I go to work at this place they wont like me. I am undiagnosed but hightly autistic and I have an avoident personality when it comes to stress so I worry that I will ignore people and piss them off.

>> No.52795988
File: 89 KB, 295x229, 1552403893006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you neets finding IT jobs? do you have degrees? also how old are you guys? All the fucking jobs near me, even simple help desk want a 4 year degree & 2 years experience and won't hire you if you're >25 it feels like

>> No.52795993

>tfw a scruffy, jocky looking guy with caveman brow

I can't get a job working at a computer no matter how hard I try.

>> No.52796010

I got the job through pure nepotism because a friend of mine works at the job. How did he get the job you may ask?.. He knows someone st JP morgan. Not even joking.
Just bee yourself

>> No.52796014

I am anxious about it too, but its normal to be anxious about that stuff in an office setting as the new guy (assuming you aren't a chad). I sort of lied because I have had a job in the past 5 years that was pretty damn socially oriented (realtor), but nonetheless it was very incongruous for me given my personality.

>> No.52796023

Read bible verses to them as you molest them. This will teach them to respect and fear you.

>> No.52796026

Jesus. I'm jealous. and how old are you? I need to know how bad of shape I'm in compared to others.

>> No.52796029
File: 102 KB, 800x850, 1670122073914327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there new guy. You'll learn the ropes soon enough.

>> No.52796032

I went through a temp agency. I told the agency rep that I wasn't qualified for the job and she told me to apply anyway. And lo and behold they didn't really need someone with all those qualifications and the job is very much within my competency as a lifelong computer screen starer.

>> No.52796044

I'm 22 and have never worked in my life. What's your status?

>> No.52796063

and how old are you? are you enjoying the IT shit?

Honestly 22 isn't THAT bad. I'm 30 and haven't worked in north of a year.

>> No.52796068

It comes in my head from time to time, what do full time wagies actually do? I'm only doing such an intense job to get my foot in the door of work and I will do part time 2 to 3 days a week for the rest of my life. How does a human being work 9 to 5 every day and have time for an inner life? No wonder boomers and 90% of parents are lifeless husks infront of the TV when there not working.

>> No.52796093

Since you have worked before then I dont think there is a problem. If you were 30 and had never had a job in your life then that would be a bit of a problem. I see myself having employment gaps at your age because I want to make historical documentaries and fuck waging if that gets in the way.

>> No.52796100

issue is my jobs before were bullshit jobs, and I haven't really done anything cool/interesting/productive in my year off kek

>> No.52796113

I'm 32 and I was a pseudo-neet previously. I didn't work since the start on 2021 and I have a spotty job history prior to that. I am enjoying it, but I am still in training and only coming into the office twice a week. I think I will like the job and it overall aligns with my long-term goals for various reasons.

>> No.52796120

This industry is a shitshow. You wont have anything to do for several weeks.

t. sysadm who started new WFH job 3 weeks ago and still doesn't know what anyone looks like

>> No.52796240

Good to hear you're enjoying it so far anon. You have any degree? I should give a placement agency a shot.

>> No.52796253

>This industry is a shitshow. You wont have anything to do for several weeks.
Sounds like a dream job really. I'd like to have that job, unfortunately I'm too technologically inept for such thing to happen

>> No.52796282

I have two liberal arts bachelor degrees.

>> No.52796327

Nice. I have none.

>> No.52796402

Keep trying, man. I got this job and its in a super rural region. Get your comptia A+. Use professor messers free vids and shell out for his practice exams.

>> No.52796692

Thanks anon. I've heard of the messer vids. Worth paying for? And the A+ certs are worth getting to get a foot in the door?

>> No.52797492

>I'm going from behind a total need of 5 years

I'm going from being a total NEET of 5 years


>> No.52797522

Art degree fags used to hate on me whenever I had classes with them because 'graphic design isn't real art' but now I get paid for my "not real art" and they all work at Fast Food restaurants.