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52794886 No.52794886 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone here wanting to become rich just so they can become NEETS?

>> No.52794914

I just don't want to have to worry about money anymore

>> No.52794935

best thing money can buy is financial freedom
just want to hit 500k which would allow me to neet off for 1k a month in 3rd world

>> No.52794936

I'm already a NEET
I just wanna perma-NEET

>> No.52795322
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I want to make it to be a rich NEET and have a baby boy with a tall 10/10 so my legacy will be superior. I'll runaway with him if she ever gets too crazy. I'll have my entire networth in XMR and run to South America and raise him to be extremely alpha.

>> No.52795360

No. I'm building a Star Fort.
Yes, complete with cannons.
Theres nothing in this country other than a tank that can take even grapeshot so there won't be a more safe spot in the country.

>> No.52795655

Already a NEET. Need money to continue NEETdom

>> No.52795676

i don't want to be a neet. i just don't want to work for someone.

>> No.52795744
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I already did

>> No.52795750
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Same. If I made enough to NEET I’d honestly find something else to do. Most degenerate thing I would do would probably travel the world for a year and get a sports car. I’d go stir crazy being a NEET. Though it was fun trolling troons back in the bullrun telling them I was going to cash out to become a NEET.

>> No.52795872

Precisely. WAGMI

>> No.52795976

Nah once I hit my number I’ll probably do some comfy community college classes.

>> No.52795987

I was going to say yes to OP, but I would probably do this too. Just a couple classes per semester.

>> No.52796016

This. I'd have a fun, maybe part time job at a restaurant or something and bang zoomer chicks who work there at my nice house that I own or downtown apartment.

>> No.52796042

you would just keep working there with them after you banged them or you would find a new job every 2 weeks?

>> No.52796070

i'd keep working there most likely, server turnaround in restaurants is so high most of em probably wouldn't stick around too long anyways. If it got weird or something though I could quit without worry because in this fantasy I am rich.

>> No.52797559

Hooker money.

>> No.52797575

at this point trading crypto is something ill do for the rest of my life, markets are so interesting. it's like playing the greatest game ever invented.

>> No.52797577

Yes. My final height is 5'5". For that reason alone I shouldn't have to suffer the same hells a normie does as a wage slave. I DESERVE better. I DESERVE to be rich for enduring my hell.

>> No.52797591

Why don’t you just do this now? Is it because you’re an unfuckable retard?

>> No.52797592

Why tf would you do that when you could just self-study for free/cheap at your own pace?

>> No.52797642

I still want to have a job but I want to be able to quit at anytime and know that I have six figures in passive income without working. In theory anyone can do that within about a decade depending on how much they can save each month to invest, I'm about 10% there in 10 months of working full-time at 25 myself but I'll definitely keep one wfh job in my 30s so I don't go stir crazy.