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52790305 No.52790305 [Reply] [Original]

>CNTRL + F Ampl Spot
> 0 Results

It's insane how biz is not able to grasp the implications of this.

Is it stupidity, is it too high IQ to understand? Is it being supressed somehow?

The implication of a new federal reserve has arrived, the solution to a centuries old human problem, all the way to shekels, the gold standard & such.

You really can't be that stupid to let this one pass biz, you're literally staring at the next BTC/ETH, do yourself a favour and educate yourself


You're welcome

>> No.52790454

This board gave me some helpful advice when I was underage, it helped me built a basic foundation of finance, although it always had so much noise to signal ratio, there was always someone who actually had a clue.

ETH was explained a hundred times by people who understood the real world implications of smart contracts.

I'm telling you, Ampleforth solves a critical problem of BTC, no other cryptocurrency does it, it's a foundational finance block that enables the creation of contracts that are stable on the long term, it has the same potential ETH/LINK has, a broader range of uses, it's not your shitty L1/specific use case token that will maybe pump, this is a guaranteed currency and the cat is out of the bag.

>> No.52790717

My forth air drop was worth 27,000 at one point. Still holding

>> No.52791299
File: 41 KB, 1008x720, spot - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo boys, check out SPOT, the inflation-resistant store of value that's backed by a basket of assets and can gracefully wind down without bailouts. It's transparent and accountable, and the diversified basket ensures stability in its value.

>> No.52791330

Whitepaper released today,
Minting requires AMPL.
USDT mcap is 60b mcap.

>> No.52791708

Still no replies, it's insane how blind /biz/ is

>> No.52793032

What exactly is the usecase for AMPL?

>> No.52793210

On-chain lending, on-chain borrowing, and the creation of on-chain derivatives.

For example, SPOT, an AMPL derivative

>> No.52793244

Buy, hold, lose your coins and all of your net worth due to negative rebases.

>> No.52793314

they should let each holder vote on inflation or deflation
miners will vote inflation and holders will vote deflation, if there is a recession balance will shift in favour of the miners, if there is a bubble in other sectors balance will shift to BTC holders

any sort of DAO to do it will lead to another central bank and any sort of math like AMPL will just cause the system to be gamed and not respond appropriately to human-driven, unpredictable market factors.

>> No.52793337
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>thinks rebases give/take your monies

Rebases are just a mechanism to mantain the unit of account, market capitalization increase/decrease is what matters for your net worth

Go read again and come back

>> No.52793349

>On-chain lending, on-chain borrowing
How is that different from any lending protocol on other chains?

>> No.52793350

DAO doesn't determine the target price, the oracles do

>> No.52793368

>bought 80 AMPL in 2020 for $100
>now have 5 AMPL worth $5
fuck this nigger scamcoin

>> No.52793375

AMPL has a stable long-run average price. As a result, borrowers can take out a loan, knowing that eventually the amount borrowed can be repaid by a value that doesn't change in some unbounded way.

>> No.52793393

based on what data? Oracles are similar to math and the data they use can be manipulated in the real world and be gamed. These are important considerations if you really aspire to have an actual currency.

>> No.52793402

So the stakers take on all the price risk in the entire system?

>> No.52793425

link whitepaper? where do we buy ampl spot directly?

>> No.52793429

you make it seem like you're interested in discussion so actually read my full post btw, I addressed AMPL as a different case than DAOs

>> No.52793443

oh my heckin ampleforth I'm OOOOOOLL INNNNNN

>> No.52793467
File: 31 KB, 900x518, E7GBNaMUYAEjNGx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lending AMPL on AAVE for example reduces exposure to supply changes in exchange for interest payments, so they are protected from rebases.

both borrower and lender can take advantage of AMPL


I think Manny explains it better than I do in thread, but

>> No.52793499

what am i looking at here

>> No.52793515

There is not a single oracle, its a combination of oracle rates to a volume weighted average

>> No.52793548

Satoshi Nakamoto describing that if he had oracles at the the time bitcoin was released, we would've had Ampleforth instead of bitcoin.

Bitcoin was supposed to be a currency, instead we got something more like digital gold due to the tech limitations.

He states 'if only there was some clever way', wich would be the weighted average oracle price target

>> No.52793555

you don't understand what I'm saying, I'm talking about the data the oracle transmits, not the accuracy of the oracle
sorry anon it's obvious you haven't really considered all this

>> No.52793559

son of a bitch im in whats the sui stack for this

>> No.52793673

I know what you're referring to.

Vitalik has talked about it, and my response is the same.
- There is no single oracle atm
- More oracles can be added to lower the risk
- Oracles work by penalizing bad actors

Chainlink would not work if we followed your logic, yes, bad data can be given as input, but there are measures to solve bad behavior

>> No.52793751

What? The point of your picrel is that Bitcoin is the one.

>> No.52793938


If bitcoin would be made from 0, yes, bitcoin would be the one, but it's not.

If you're implying one should hold BTC instead of Ampl because the whole bitcoin network could somehow change its entire consensus system and integrate oracle support, then I'm not sure I can take that stance seriously

>> No.52793983

No, you misunderstand. Satoshi is not looking for an oracle to determine the price of something that Bitcoin can be pegged to. He points out that what would be needed to make Bitcoin price less volatile is an oracle that could determine Bitcoin issuance rate. He also points out he knows no way to program such an oracle, which is the real point he is making, he is not lamenting the lack of general oracle tech at the time or expect that to be unsolvable. So no, a stable coin using oracles was not what Satoshi wanted for Bitcoin and your picrel pretty much proves that.

>> No.52794060

We agree though?
Picrel is not related to SPOT.
It's related to AMPL.

In essence it related to supply elasticity, what Satoshi is explaining is that if there was some way (oracles), bitcoin supply would be elastic, and Ampls supply is perfectly elastic

>> No.52794078

that means its working

>> No.52794161

Can someone explain for a retard like me how the fuck you invest in this thing? Do i buy AMPL? Ill be getting rebased but does the amount of tokens in my wallet increase or something? Obviously i dont buy the governance token FORTH right....

If i buy 10k AMPL right now and this project takes off, does my amount of AMPL held stay the same or increase?

>> No.52794236

ok help me out. does it have moon potential? do you trade it? or does it just fluctuate to do magic economy things?
is this a bot?

>> No.52794250

it can go down because of supply elasticitiy
look into rai for a neat algo based on demand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDCqiZd4xkI (someone compare rai to ample please)

>> No.52794464

RAI requires automated bailout mechanisms.
SPOT is bailout-free.

>> No.52795071

buy & focus on mcap only

>> No.52795255

this is exactly like LUNA UST lol it will fail

>> No.52795859

or just buy wampl to make things less confusing

>> No.52796133

i lent AMPL on AAVE. you know what happens? when it's rallying the interest rate doesnt make up for the rebase. when it dumps AAVE will actualy decrease your holding. DO NOT LEND AMPL ON AAVE unless you are doing quick swing trades

>> No.52796198

Not buying on a 90 day high

>> No.52796252
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0.03125% supply amplchad checking in.

>> No.52796316


So what do i buy? AMPL? AMPL GOVERNANCE or SPOT?

Which one will give most returns in a 3 year timeframe?

>> No.52797031

Anons, just please know this about AMPL, YOU DO NOT HOLD IT LONG TERM! You must trade it, as it always goes back to its "level" price of what ever it is (I think it's $1.09)

So right now, it's $1.57

I typed it in fucking caps so you all at least see it and read it

>> No.52797109

Kind of right buuuttttt
The real way to wealth with ampl is to buy the dips in MC and ride the rebase train to financial freedom. Ideally getting both a major multiplier on your ampl stack as well as a juicy premium on ampl spot price. Example

>You bought 1000 ampl at .90c last week at 30mil mc
>Rebase party.jpg
>A month later ampl MC is now 250 mil and price is 1.20 and you sell How much did you sell for?
>$11k ish
Will ampl always be a 30 mil supply shitcoin? I personally believe the chance we see an ath in supply again is greater than ampl going to zero. 750mil supply is a 30x from here. If ampl takes off future buyers won't have the opportunity to ride the great supply tsunami but ampl will still be good for trading due to it's price volatility.

>> No.52797158
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>only 10 million wampl can exist

>> No.52797370

wait its actually not like Luna lmao

>> No.52797456

i just got tired of ampl faggots shilling their bags to try to relive the 2020 rebase season. remember the 1M% apr lending scam on aave? kek

>> No.52797521

Thanks for the tip, anon. I'll check it out later.
Applefarts.. I'll remember this one.

>> No.52797581

It’s a piece of shit

>> No.52797626

You fuckers only shill this shit when it pumps
I don't even need to look at the chart to know it's guaranteed to dump as soon as you rope a few anons in
yeah it's a great usecase but simple fact is people DONT LIKE REBASING

>> No.52797864

The team looks like faggots. Not one Russian, German or nord autistic in the bunch. Good luck

>> No.52798443
File: 280 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221209-000924_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething, but wht

>> No.52798704

Why do the staking rewards seem so outlandishly high???

>> No.52800090

it seems one of the founders worked at Google and uber

>> No.52800185

>weighted average oracle price target
>determine Bitcoin issuance rate.
>Buy, hold, lose your coins and all of your net worth due to negative rebases.
What does this mean exactly?

>> No.52800187

1/100000 of the supply. ATM that's only 322 AMPL.

>> No.52800384

again, you don't understand what I'm saying brainlet

>> No.52800449

Are you referring to SPOT staking or AMPL staking on geyser or AAVE?

please clarify anon

>> No.52800761

You choose to shil after x2, ampl had the same technical shit you Say before x2, but now you need validation that its worthy, not to sell yourself, no, i will not buy your bags, this is a shitcoin, like everything else. I will buy when its 0.80 maybe.