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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5279302 No.5279302 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5279570

b-but why? i 3x'd before I cashed out

>> No.5279751


Fuck you

>> No.5279812
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>> No.5279814


More FUD pls. Just need to get to 200k then I'm going to go on holiday in South East Asia for 6 months.

>> No.5280612

great news sold 100k

>> No.5280637

just dumped my bags on this shitcoin, overall i didnt take a loss, but not by much

buying into XMR

>> No.5280658

chink link btfo
come for some real moons

>> No.5280713

Sure are a lot of biz people dumping today, and yet we can't get below 2000 sats...are you fags dumping 500 link or what

>> No.5280731

I want to KMS. How is this coin so shit when the idea and potential is so great. How are they fucking it up THIS bad. What the FUCK.

>> No.5280873
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fuck off

>> No.5280924
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>> No.5280946

whales are unironically accumulating

>> No.5280949


>> No.5281017

it doesnt matter how good the idea is if its run by an autist like Sergey

>> No.5281049

Someone explain why everyone coin is mooning except link.

>> No.5281112

>satoshi chart

>> No.5281143

Because link's team sucks. Not getting anywhere. Basically whales are dumping very slowly to try to maximize their outs. Idiots are still buying in thinking there's actually a chance of swift waiting a year to use this thing that might not even work.

Basically, cuz it's a shitcoin.

>> No.5281144

I feel you right now. I'm a day 1 linkie and I'm finally starting to doubt myself.

I have no doubt this tech is revolutionary- but that just doesn't seem matter in the market right now. Literal shitcoins that are all hype are performing better than LINK. It really makes you question your own resolve when your top pick get shit on my actual vaporware. The market will crash before LINK takes off.

>> No.5281236

With or without swift, chainlink is lightyears ahead of every coin right now.
For those who are new here, all this recent fud is a huge buy signal slapping you in the face

>> No.5281576

>everyone coin
Shut up pajeet

>> No.5281841

>but mummeh I want it nowwwuh


>> No.5282026


>> No.5282146

what makes you say that? teach me why

>> No.5282151

Everything is a fucking buy signal to you retards. Link crashes, people laugh at the bag holding shills, "huur fud means buy xD"

How is it more ahead of every single other coin? Because they already did a half assed poc?

>> No.5282192

>half assed poc

okay now youre just making up shit to flame people. Why?

>> No.5282262

am really about to sell everything. rip link.

>> No.5282406

It hurts bros. I wanted to make it. Every fucking day I'm busting my ass for minimum wage, with the hopes that ones day I can make it. I saved up and with the best of my ability, "accumulated" 10k LINK. The dream is dying. Crypto is gonna crash before the market wakes up to LINK. When literal scam coins are mooning left and right, it makes you question your resolve. I will hold these LINKs till I die, but the dream is dead. I will never make it.

>> No.5282446

>"accumulated" 10k LINK
At what price?

>> No.5282451

same, except i'm not poor. but it is irritating seeing everything else moon. i shouldn't be this attached to a shit team

>> No.5282536

Sergei is looking for a marketing director and hiring 3-5 more employees in total around the end of the year. Expect to see advertising by next year sometime Anon. This info is from the chainlink slack

>> No.5282606


>> No.5282679

I have bitcoin, eth and link. Link has been the biggest stinker so far in my investments, good thing im making bank on the other two

>> No.5282814

>caring about price of 10k link for under a dollar a piece

>> No.5282883

Nothing in this world makes sense anymore

>> No.5282896

They've been hiring a marketing director and developers for MONTHS. Sergey is a sociopathic nigger getting off on his bagholder's suffering. He could blow this shit up so fast with a couple of tweets. But instead he's doing everything he can to make sure this project doesn't gain traction.

It's getting really fucking frustrating having wasted all this potential on this shit token that Sergey held a premature ICO on so he could get a stack of ETH before it hits quadruple digits.

>> No.5282920

Link is for fuckers now. Look at that shit chart. Look at it

>> No.5283004

If they bought :

10k * 40 cents =4000
10k * 20 cents =2000
10k * 10 cents =1000
10k * 5 cents =500

To me this matters a great deal.

>> No.5283079

shut up dickhole

>> No.5283138

Your mother bang burgered my dickhole last night.

>> No.5283322
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>> No.5283329

║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut those who
║░▒║the sergey

>> No.5283364



>> No.5283499
File: 320 KB, 500x280, cri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-shut up

>> No.5283539
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>║░▒║with this blade
>║░▒║i cut those who
>║░▒║the sergey

>> No.5283548

Expect marketing by 2019

>> No.5283644

║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut myself
║░▒║cause i bought link
║░▒║and i'm gay

>> No.5283680
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>> No.5283728

It was a proof of concept for their proof of concept
They are releasing the actual poc q1 2018 apparently

>> No.5283749
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>> No.5283864
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I've been reading 3-4 whitepapers every single day and researching to find the absolute best projects, and have been proud of achieving 30% gains.

You know what netted me a 300% profit in less than 5 hours yesterday, and has netted me another 12 ETH today? Etheremon. A literal ponzi scheme where you buy a ethermon and receive a fraction of the cost every time someone else buys it.

And it's fucking blowing up. People are loving it, and the devs will add a battle arena for the ethermons, features to train your ethermons for battles and a trade platform to trade ethermons.

It's the dumbest fucking shit imaginable. But I genuinely believe that this retarded shit is what will eventually turn me into a millionaire, because when the Japs and Koreans notice this thing, they'll be all over it.

It's a strange kind of feel.

>> No.5284689
File: 187 KB, 1236x1252, tumblr_ow65bkjDZB1vmwzoyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marketing confirmed by 2025.

>> No.5284742
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>> No.5284878


This is a long term hold. Keep throwing your money around chasing moons and getting eaten by fees. Once I get $1,000 in here, I'm gonna sit on it and next year I'll buy a house

>> No.5284963


what the fuck is a whitepaper

>> No.5285072

