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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.29 MB, 1784x995, thefatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52791508 No.52791508 [Reply] [Original]

...and it's not a good look, oof.


>> No.52791518

hes about to die from bloat

>> No.52791547

he looks genuinely shocked that linkies locked up so much, you can see hes imagining how much better it will make the dumps

>> No.52791655
File: 1.31 MB, 1006x1223, Scamface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When they ask to withdraw their LINK from the staking pool

>> No.52791669

Fuck guys he looks ill, I'm gonna unstake

>> No.52791688

Uh guys, how do I unstake?

>> No.52791691
File: 2.84 MB, 640x360, 1667534115293852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you hear this shit? Sergey is saying FTX blew up because there was a "bank run". What a dishonest cocksucker. Truth over trust huh?!

>> No.52791721

anons, I...

>> No.52791733

Dude SBF apologized, Sergey's a real prick to keep harping on about FTX like this. Really petty

>> No.52791769

why does sergey keep going on these guys channel if he clearly hates them?

>> No.52791772

If FTX was using Proof Of Reserve and everyone could see he was selling their BTC/ETH as soon as they deposited it, Sergey's body would be floating off the coast of Puerto Rico right meow.

>> No.52791777


>feeling pitty for a bloodsucking jewleech

go fuck yourself

>> No.52791784

Interview not needed.

>> No.52791809

What's with wearing a plaid shirt all the time? Kinda weird and autistic.

>> No.52791827

he's like sbf
all of his clothes fit into a backpack

>> No.52791857

>timestamp 28:22

uh holy shit what the fuck? why didnt they shill the fuck out of this? i held LINK for 5 years and don't actually know that... adelyn the marketing retard again

>> No.52791878
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wow this is a long one, im excited! thanks!

>> No.52791900

ok, where the hell is the unstake button???

>> No.52791922


>> No.52791940


>> No.52791944
File: 46 KB, 546x502, 1661614487708058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell he keeps getting fatter how the fuck do I unstake my tokens???? I thought not being able to sell was just FUD??

>> No.52792005
File: 2 KB, 124x121, 1608491683911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently forget he shilled for FTX all along and even had SBF as special guest of his (((smartcon)))
>"customers engaged in a bankrun at an inappropriate time for the platform"
>t. Betraymoto
Fucking obese russian grifter, it's customers faults if they were scammed if you listen to this piece of flanneled shit.

>> No.52792064

Sergey looking pretty Jewish here.

>> No.52792067

>proof of reserve
>doesn't prove solvency
what's the point then?

>> No.52792173

listen to the rest of the interview, he says it's just the beginning, they will ship many more "proof of x" oracle services. also proof of reserves could've solved FTX because people started running for the gates when they saw the asset side only (majority in illiquid FTT shitcoin), if they had proof of reserves from the beginning only, they couldn't have even started the fraud. in that case proof of reserves wouldve been proof of solvency essentially

>> No.52792222

I too noticed this victim blaming. Won't be surprised when the same happens one day for staking

>> No.52792250

checked anon

>> No.52792276

>the euphoria is wearing off

>> No.52792292

>Ash Bennington
The dopest financial news host

>> No.52792308
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>samefag checking yourself

>> No.52792339

KEK this guy must have a hot dog eating contest every night for dinner, what the fuck is the point of wealth if you can't take an hour with a personal trainer?

>> No.52792380

I think all the staked linkies are stored in his stomach as a part of the chainlink, beautiful sergey steaklink

>> No.52792430

It's allowed for quads and beyond.
Yup, he's preparing the narrative for his own scam.

>> No.52792537

how about just posting the chart, loser

>> No.52792555

yeah but none of that increases Link token price, so other than being in a tech cult, how does that help you

>> No.52792558
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he truly is a kike puppet

>> No.52792580

The philosofag can't even control himself and gorges on food, but keeps harping about self improvement

>> No.52792618

He's the tech equivalent of Juden Peterstein kek.

>> No.52792803

Its over. Just unstaked 100k

>> No.52792948

at least it's only goyslop and not pharmashit. although i think it's possible too, it would explain his emotionless demeanor.

>> No.52792975


>> No.52793229


>> No.52793248

Self checking is never allowed and doing it nullifies the digits. I've sat on unchecked quads and gone about my day.

>> No.52793286

Proof of Reserves has been in existence since whenever. How did you not know about this?

>> No.52793316

>ccip not fully live
>because too many hacks
how long do we have to wait?

>> No.52793335

he cant afford the chainlink backdrop anymore

>> No.52795561

Insider here. No, literally, I'm INSIDE Sergey's stomach right now. He's eating everything. I'm seeing all kinds of things around me covered in gastric juices from severed heads to big macs to link cubes. Before I get fully digested, I just want to let all my fellow marines know that I can hear Sergey saying that the link token was never meant to be priced over $1, and that he is yelling at Ari and Evan to add it to the whitepaper. Goodbye frens

>> No.52795578
File: 85 KB, 1200x630, 24c51813-45cb-4d25-b44e-64547d98d2a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look like Saruman?

>> No.52795654

Looking more and more like some early beta L4D3 infected day by day

>> No.52795678

he's right though, without stirring shit up. cz sounded the alarm and everyone withdrew and ftx wasn't solvent. no reason to go into alameda over leveraging and all the money sam and his cronies took.

>> No.52795691


>> No.52795967

except he didn't say that ftx blew up "because of a bank run," you disingenuous piece of shit
he said that ftx had dishonest practices in regards to their balance sheet and what they claimed to have, and when it was revealed that they were full of shit people commenced a bank run
the argument is that if ftx was honest from the start (and had cryptographic proofs that it was being honest) ftx would have been forced to act honestly which would have been a much more sustainable business model than dishonesty leading to dissolution and burned end-users

>> No.52796003

You think sam is the only one

>> No.52796025

i'll never forgive sergey for this interview
now where is the unstake button
i cant find it

>> No.52796040

fuck man I always respected his hairline

>> No.52796045
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>> No.52796075

uh oh stinky

>> No.52796105

>it was an inopportune bankrun, you see...

>> No.52796134
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>> No.52796140
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Deep down Linkies know what's coming, they just struggle admitting it to themselves.

>> No.52796143
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>> No.52796147
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>> No.52796155
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>> No.52796161
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Thanks for playing my game, bagholders

>> No.52796166
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>> No.52797066
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>> No.52797071
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>> No.52797078
File: 103 KB, 335x506, 1611718613231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry marines, I failed you

>> No.52797118

Thanks for sharing. God what a fat bastard he has become. Watching him wipe off BigMac grease from his beard in between talking points is just unsettling

>> No.52797141
File: 128 KB, 800x800, 1670558699701629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb gym

>> No.52797203

cant believe this dude passes you guy's physiognomy check

>> No.52797239

I’ll tell you why, before they new FUD becomes
>le sergey jewish meme

Jews hate the classics. They will never read Plato, etc. They despise it, and western civilization and it’s foundation.

You think Bankman-FriedDNChicken ever read Republic? Nah he just pinned the weasel and sent his customers money to biden

>> No.52797487
File: 27 KB, 559x527, 1646451037150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52797641

Dem digits

>> No.52797698

I fucking told you guys not to stake your link. Hes going to NWO you SBF style.

>> No.52798886
File: 768 KB, 280x182, 1657813451337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this im unstaking

>> No.52798895

How do I unstake?

>> No.52798902

you have to reset the contract data from your wallet, newfag

>> No.52798912

Ah got it, thanks my dude

>> No.52798956

He's a philosophy major, he probably practices stoicism. Also he's just being professional, it's not supposed to be a crypto influencer link is going to the moon video.

>> No.52798957

You have to call 1-800-SER-GHEY and place an order.

>> No.52798960

>Werner von Braun was a refugee :)

>> No.52798972

Honestly i didn't know about that either, I knew that they have stablecoins and goldcoins but all I knew about had tiny microcaps and volumes, WBTC is fucking huge though

>> No.52799027

This. Sergey has a legit cult of personality around him, unlike Sam. Sam was a highly marketed retard, meanwhile Sergey back in 2018-2019 made like 3 appearances per year and they were all insane. He got to the core to the issues without mumbling like a retard such as Sam, I think what made me a legit link cultist was when he was asked by Pomp what the most important book he ever read was. And Sergey's reply were 2 specific dialogues of Plato, not some "rich dad poor dad" shit. Also his Lex Fridman interview is the only lex interview i ever watched and it's filled with redpills, schizo clues and legit wisdom about life. One line that still rings with me is
>If you're smart, enjoy your youth and do what you want, you're gonna make it anyways.
None of the work hard and anybody can make it bullshit, no. Just stating reality that intelligence is a major success factor.

>> No.52800534


>> No.52800573

Well, you should be happy to know the creator of the WBTC, Ben Chan was headhunted to lead CCIP development.

>> No.52800693

>>If you're smart, enjoy your youth and do what you want, you're gonna make it anyways.
>None of the work hard and anybody can make it bullshit, no. Just stating reality that intelligence is a major success factor.

"If you're not, you're screwed"

Holy shit. He had me sweating when he dropped this. Technically, we're gonna make it since we own link, but man, I can't feel any real pride in investing since I'm not the one contributing to the production of these innovations.

>> No.52800754

I'm not saying link is a scam...
But one of the most solid signals in crypto that something is actually a scam is if it's shilled by link and/or Sergey himself.
The list is IMPRESSIVE.
Yes, I hold link and do not think it's a scam.
Yes, I have lost money as a result of 'partners'.
No, I am not selling my link.

>> No.52800756

guys you are part of an experimental project. be patient. sergey might change the tokenomics devaluing your investment but thank god you didn't stake your stack, right?

>> No.52801584

not your keys not your coins

>> No.52801877

Are you implying that the only customers that Chainlink have are paid for by them ? You know, like nodes, exchanges (ie. Binance), Celsius, Bancor etc

>> No.52802171

the face of betray

>> No.52802588


It's the other way around, silly.
The only one who can betray in this relationship is you. By not buying more LINK.
Buy as much as you can afford.
Then borrow and buy and more than you can afford.
Then commit some crimes and buy more LINK.
Anything less than that is simply a BETRAYAL...
on your part.

>> No.52802697
File: 55 KB, 1054x526, singingapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a song I wrote about the little linkpiggies. Little paypigs for Sergey Nazarov. They're just so adorable.

1 a 2 a 1 2 3
Somebody once told me that link is gonna pay me
I ain't the sharpest poo in the shack
He'll be looking kinda dumb when Sergey starts to dump
In the year 23 on his forehead

Well, the dumps start comin' and they don't stop comin'
Fed to the wolves and he hit the ground stakin'
Didn't make sense not to stake for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to lose, so much to stake
So what's wrong with Serg's brapheaps?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow!

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, Serg' gets paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now, wait 'till you get older
But the Chainlink cucks beg to differ
Judging by the hole in their ETH cipher
The LINK they stake is gettin' pretty cheap
Sergey's gettin' warm and dumps a big heap
My LINK's on fire, how 'bout yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, don't get paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

>> No.52802718

anon i think he was joking..