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5276570 No.5276570 [Reply] [Original]

Historically speaking, what is the WORST coin in the history of crypto to be shilled here?

I'm just looking for horror stories from the past year or two.

>> No.5276596


>> No.5276604

Confido was pretty rough

Digimarines are part of our history forever

>> No.5276605

confido is an ez end of the year runner up

>> No.5276618

Confidio hands down, followed by Black Moon.

>> No.5276652
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>> No.5276701

Kidz coin


>> No.5276727

ARK was pretty bad bunch of bag holders were created that held for months and still haven’t seen their Satoshis back.
Looks like it’s happening again right now again to all the newfags who joined us this month

>> No.5276765

This 100%

It was literally a hustle

>> No.5276810

>Tfw your whole portfolio is confido

>> No.5276834

Blackmoon crypto confido link

>> No.5276844


>> No.5276887

Blackmoon Crypto

>> No.5276888

All the pajeets saying link weren't capabable of holding for 2 months and meme traded by buying high and selling low, thank you again for 25k link under ICO in that dip tho guys

>> No.5276936
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>> No.5277505
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You newfags probably weren't even there. The tears were unmatched

>> No.5277535


>> No.5277573
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>> No.5277618


>> No.5277623

POSW was pretty bad. It recovered just recently in USD though.

Minereum is another one.

Confido obviously.

Chaincoin was a disaster.

Also as >>5277505
said, shit like this and Milocoin.

>> No.5277655
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>> No.5277658
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>> No.5277704

Dgb literally went 150x over a few months and it took months for it to crash aswell

Literally nothing wrong with it, just retards who had to buy high

Cfd was rough tho

>> No.5277707

"Sorry what? We don't have a cryptocurrency"

That was fucking hilarious

>> No.5277710

Don't talk about CHC. It still hurts

>> No.5277756

SIGT was a good one. A nice scam

>> No.5277778

Old school. Used to mine that piece of shit back in the day. It was more profitable than DOGE at the time

>> No.5277805

this. Made good btc gainz with DGB this week

>> No.5277814

Mooncoin was pretty funny for a while.

>> No.5277843

Signatum, fuck those guys.

>> No.5277851

Signatum scammed me, so that

>> No.5277860

I fuckign warned you guys that SIGT would do the exact same thing as POSW.

>> No.5277863
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this chart is a textbook pump and dump

>> No.5277882

a day ago

>> No.5277921

Link hands down

Honorable mentions to ark, req, fun

>> No.5277926

Hahahaha there was some poor bastard new to crypto who sunk his savings into it. Couldn't even cash out at 1/10 of his investment because there were 0 buy orders.

>> No.5277946

>It's a "Buy and HODL" Revolution!
kek those youtubers
>"We're going to build a WALL OF SATS! A wall that nobody can sell through! Buy now!

>> No.5277966


>> No.5277988

Did you find us last week?

>> No.5278034

easily digibyte

>> No.5278068
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>Mfw Mooncoin went from 1 sat to 10 sats and back to 1 sat in a couple weeks and I only 3x off of it.

>> No.5278150

esp on yobit sirs god buy

>> No.5278228

Oh my fuck I literally got into crypto to buy Trumpcoin, forgot about it and missed the moon to $.50 during the election, recently logged back into Poloniex and found $2300 worth of MAID, DGB, and SYS

>> No.5278338

What happened with SIGT? Also, what was Kidz Coin?

>> No.5278383

To be fair, the Blackmoon crypto roadmap clearly states basically nothing will happen until well into 2018.

May still turn out to be decent there was just no point in investing in the ico

>> No.5278490

numeraire comes to mind. sia near the top

>> No.5278522


>> No.5278550

Salty nocoiner

>> No.5278557
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>tfw bought 12 nmr at $160
>sold at $9
>not even memeing

>> No.5278610

As far as ICOs go Bancor went pretty badly. There was nonstop shilling here for weeks.

>> No.5278811

im impressed

good think it wasnt large amounts of money

>> No.5278830

confido probs

>> No.5278910

for whatever reason dgb is going up again. in terms of sats its nowhere near its 2kish high but in terms of $ its almost at its highest again

my votes for posw coin that shit stinky

>> No.5278976


>> No.5279024

Signatum & Confido probably.

I made some good $ on SIGT though since i mined shortly after it released. Feel bad for people who actually bought it.

I never had any Confido so no personal story there.

>> No.5279055
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Eboost was one of the more hilarious shills. There's a lot to say about it.. The website, the dev, the claim of a six company consortium led by eboost that was worth multi billions dollars which in the end
turned out to be 6 unknown startups and ICOs to serve a multi billion dollar industry.

>> No.5279119

for a retarded wage cuck it is a lot of money, friend. at least I got to impress some random fucking anon with my retardation.

>> No.5279181

well we've all made some shit trades. hopefully you've made some good ones too

>> No.5279190

Anyone else been here long enough to remember PND?

>> No.5279241

i remember pandacoin

>> No.5279253

Just because you don't know how to trade doesn't mean that the coin is a shill. Everybody always said ARK was a long-term hold. I've already almost 3x my investment that I put in months ago.

>> No.5279326

Digibyte is nowhere near as big of a scam as other coins, and I say it as someone who got -50% from it even though I bought somewhat low.

Signatum was probably the biggest farce, there were countless threads of it for a time.

>> No.5279372


>> No.5279421

link and bitcoin

>> No.5279459

also, chaincoin

>> No.5279475
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>hopefully you've made some good ones too

>> No.5279497
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What happened to yobit threads anyway ?

A few months ago there where tons of them, 1sat coins were shilled a lot.

>> No.5279550

It actually went to 2sat today. I'm more surprised at that than verge hitting 900 sats

>> No.5279574


>> No.5279575
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poswallet, swarm city token, bancor
kek you fell for the meme

>> No.5279607

Does anyone still have the screenshots from the kidz coin scam?

>> No.5279617

Confido. That shit stunk from a mile away but shills screamed out their anus about it.

>> No.5279708
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>> No.5280474

An old times classic p&d. Do you also remember the auroracoin pump to $90? That was insane back then. Now its ben under or around $1 for years.

>> No.5280483

DGB no question. SIGT and Confido up there too

>> No.5280530
