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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 939x546, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52789739 No.52789739 [Reply] [Original]

It's going to be full in a matter of hours boys. Did you manage to secure your spot?

>> No.52789841
File: 591 KB, 1125x2202, 1669058398329558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In for 500. Hopefully things turn around for this shitcoin.

>> No.52789994

I staked 60% of my stack, and I'm feeling supremely comfy, bros. We'll earn Link while we sleep...

>> No.52790017

holy fuck can you sperglords stop spamming this shit? No one gives a fuck about staking.

>> No.52790257

I just made .01 link during the time you posted your seethe comment for free :)))

>> No.52790268

poorfag here, staked 700 out of 1.3k

>> No.52790299

i double dipped with 14k

>> No.52790332
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>> No.52790389

Staked 1010 out of 1010.2441etc

>> No.52790444

just staked 1000 link just in time :)

>> No.52790460


>> No.52790477

Got in 80% of my shit on 2 wallets :) very comfy as well

>> No.52790480
File: 25 KB, 576x532, EcbxX8SXsAAYEGW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd worlder getting excited about 7 cents

>> No.52790502

It feels surreal. I've waited for this moment for years. I love you anons

>> No.52790539

PopAnon - Mystery About You (Ft LIL Link)

>> No.52790552

"Research and development is already underway for Staking v0.2, planned for release in approximately 9-12 months, at which point v0.1 stakers can unlock or migrate their staked LINK and rewards."

So its locked for 10 months ish ?

>> No.52790588

Inb4 early access get to dump 2 days ahead of general

>> No.52790611

after that you stack can get slashed.

>> No.52790612

Love you too anon

>> No.52790618

>$810* in the future

>> No.52790641

that's $810 faggot

>> No.52790640

Every time you bump a thread you claim to hate, Ari sends me more rewards

>> No.52790683

>desperate, poor, delusional
yep it's a brownoid

>> No.52790696
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>> No.52790741

we made it I <3 u guys

>> No.52790744


>> No.52790757

>we made it
>can't unstake
>4.75% apy
>down 0%

>> No.52790770

>No one gives a fuck about staking.
But there's a dozen threads about it right now? People care. I care. This is extremely important to me.

>> No.52790776

>down 90%*

>> No.52790785

Linkies are you sure it can stay above 7 american dollarinos? Because I am not :/

>> No.52790797

My average buy in is 80 cents so I'm actually up 90% and now earning yield on my stack which I was never selling anyway.
Please continue to cope and seethe for my entertainment, poor person.

>> No.52790801

This feels surreal; I am so happy.

>> No.52790812

>90% vs ETH**

There you go paid FUDder jeet, I did your job for you, go ahead and let sergey know the $.10 for that last post can be added to my staking rewards

>> No.52790814

Pool is unironically closing in minutes

>> No.52790831

24M staked in contract
gui is lagging bad

>> No.52790842

12 spergs spamming threads is not everyone. literally no one gives a shit about link but bagholders.

>> No.52790850

glad to share the joy fren I too lol when I think about how positive the points you made are

>> No.52790884
File: 3.47 MB, 380x380, 1667851761767759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my linkies in boys. LFG

>> No.52790886

yes losing all of your money due to being in a cult is so positive lmfao

>> No.52790887

What do you hold anon?

>> No.52790893

and apparently a bunch of fail trolls harvesting (you)s

>> No.52790915

I bought link just after ICO, sold near the top and have been in USD since. Never marry your bags or you end up spamming shit on /biz/ all day like the poor 3rd worlders in all these spam threads

>> No.52790946

glad you concur, i indeed have lost money and gained links long ago, my wealth would be much smaller had I not done this

>> No.52790965

Last 1%

>> No.52790968

i pussied out, i wanna know the freeze time, imagine if theres a bullrun this summer

>> No.52790976
File: 324 KB, 908x675, 1615415751482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are stake demons.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.

We have to impale them all.

>> No.52790977

there is nothing like a coping link bagholder to display just how mentally ill one could get when they are desperate and poor.

>> No.52790997

cope, seethe, rent free, YWNBAW

>> No.52791004

how much did you stake?

>> No.52791007


>> No.52791010
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Pool's closed. It's happening tonight.

>> No.52791017

How much chainlink have you staked?

>> No.52791022
File: 92 KB, 685x767, 550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I just repeat all of these stale, 2 year old maymays I will get my money back and fit in

>> No.52791035

yes I feel for the poor as well, mental illness is indeed rampant in the streets, I thank God for the opportunity Serg made to keep us lucky ones away from such unfortunes

>> No.52791038

if they wouldn't sell it anyways in that timeframe why does it bother you? 5% better than nothing

>> No.52791045
File: 187 KB, 742x982, 1565115572253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing that the roi will actually work out to only be 4.75% when all is said and done

>> No.52791049

3000 tokens of 4k staked. Superior comfort

>> No.52791055

Why limit it to 7k for general access? All you're doing is making it inconvenient if people can just move their link to a new wallet in 7k chunks. Am I missing something?

>> No.52791064

idk either. its not hard to create subwallets

>> No.52791067

yeah when you factor in the haircut in a year when they cant figure out how to unstake, and the price depreciation of the digital chuck-e-cheese token you are receiving your yield in it comes out to far less than 4.75%.

>> No.52791071

more keys that can be lost

>> No.52791077

The snapshot date you idiot. Unless you thought of doing this months ago it's too late

>> No.52791078

I am a future multi-millionaire lol.

>> No.52791081
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>> No.52791083

Turn off your computer screen and move on with your life. Find your self a nice clean home to live n get yourself a wife. Obsessing over things you hate is not the way to go. If it really means that much to you then you shoulda bought in low.

>> No.52791095

yes you and every pajeet subhuman shitting up the board are totally already multi millionaires! you made it ranjesh!!! what are you going to do with your new found imaginary wealth?

>> No.52791098

Nah he means general admission. You can literally just create a new wallet, deposit 7k Link and stake.

>> No.52791110
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>> No.52791127
File: 253 KB, 800x1257, 9e8c049c-7381-11ed-ba95-5254006eddd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7000 staked
>22.5M filled in less than 3 hours

>> No.52791139

>are totally already multi millionaires!
The irony. Learn to read, nigger. I said FUTURE multi-millionaire. I'm going to spend my new found wealth on a charity I'm going to set up specifically for White children. I'm going to teach them to be racist.

>> No.52791146

They probably decided that they wanted <25m LINK to be eligible for early access so everyone with early access had a guaranteed spot. 7k was most likely the sweet spot they calculated.

>> No.52791159

Seeing how long its taking the staking pool to fill up, who the hell does Sirgay think will stake when the pool expands to 75 million?

>> No.52791162
File: 83 KB, 1082x695, coozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

class of 2018 marine
>9k staked in general pool
>6k staked in the linkpool scam
>20k LINK to swing trade
>100k in stables
>100k in the bank
>house on 25 acres paid for
>six figure salary working from home
>tradwife secured

i madeit frens, and you will too. congrats to the comfy OG's and godspeed. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

>> No.52791166

This guy spent the last 2 hours sending 525,000 LINK to 75 different wallet to stake each one.


>> No.52791169

>12 posts by this ID

>> No.52791178

Lmao this same retard has been seething for days now

>> No.52791195
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1656352066508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.52791197

this was done in a panic by the team when it became obvious no one gave a shit

>> No.52791200

29K Link opening left. If I were home from work, I'd stake another 14K. Oh well.

>> No.52791208

I must confess, I fudded staking, to help ensure those that are not fully bought in chickened out.

>> No.52791221
File: 32 KB, 540x720, 1576189016948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega cope by trannies who kept spamming "2 more days chudlinkers! Pool won't fill!"

>> No.52791227

t. have some stablecoins stuck in c*lsius

>> No.52791234

I staked the entirety of my stack. 1000 link, it's all had. I'm going to make it :D

>> No.52791238
File: 16 KB, 423x421, ooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52791239

fucking hell looks like im missing out, cant figure out how to stake from coinbase wallet, i click coinbase

>> No.52791246

the pool is still not filled though

>> No.52791248
File: 71 KB, 924x914, Screen Shot 2022-12-09 at 3.49.58 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oohhhhhhhh I'm gonna

>> No.52791250
File: 260 KB, 1200x800, 1635832681439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be sergey
>staking doesn't seem to be a hit
>i'll use my personal wallet to fill the pool
>these idiots will fomo in
it worked

>> No.52791254

Whales cant fuck everyone by taking a huge portions

>> No.52791263
File: 16 KB, 425x425, 1more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

room for one more :)

>> No.52791264
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>> No.52791266

It literally just filled lmao

>> No.52791268

Someone quickly stake 133 link!

>> No.52791277

It's full. Congrats Marines. We all made it.

>> No.52791279
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>> No.52791282
File: 57 KB, 587x538, 1668534653553577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were all in this together, thanks for the fun years guys.

>> No.52791283


We’re all the good kind of mkultraed

>> No.52791286

Nice pic bro, well timed.

>> No.52791290
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>> No.52791292
File: 19 KB, 444x439, 43254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we made it

>> No.52791298

> it's now 1 year of ;OOOOH Stake sisters we can't unstake what do we doooooo

>> No.52791303

Well done bros, we’ll make it.

>> No.52791307

Perfect. Now Sergay can dump in peace & all you idiots can do is watch.

>> No.52791305
File: 202 KB, 1440x1290, Screenshot_20221208-125041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I caught it too. I wonder what the gas fee was for that last link.

>> No.52791312

let the dump begin

>> No.52791313
File: 7 KB, 230x219, 1401122998081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats bros, shame i am too smoothbrained to figure this out

>> No.52791319

8819 crazy people have donated their link to sergey

>> No.52791334

Trannies ruin everything. Jews are parasites. Link is the key to defeating the WEF and forming our own ethnostate.

>> No.52791337

also €6,66 at full pool
wht did they mean by this?

>> No.52791341

y-you mean lpl?

>> No.52791342

and I am one of them! :)

>> No.52791348

Does this mean the fudders will finally leave us alone now that we're physically incapable of selling?

>> No.52791352

I actually am really fucking scared this is gonna turn into another FTX and we'll lose everything, meanwhile the institutions don't give a shit and keep chugging along developing the network. I only staked 90% of my stack just in case Sergey really does betray.

>> No.52791372

They never will. They're either mentally broken dysgenic freaks or paid or both

>> No.52791379

That's an average of 2551.3 link per staker.

>> No.52791387
File: 2.06 MB, 957x1182, 1565340503416104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait. one of them is sergey, so its 8818 people
Heavy Nazi gets HH AH

>> No.52791400

If that happened the token price would go to zero anyway. Who is going to buy it? I have no idea how your brain arrived at that decision. I kept a few out for spending money, should it moon, but that's it.

>> No.52791414

The institutions still would, that would probably be even better for them knowing we all got rekt

>> No.52791429
File: 217 KB, 603x276, 1628880779886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies, this one's just for you, especially for the stakers since this affects you the most. i was very inspired by your story and the psychological damage inflicted upon you, so i wrote this song. Here goes:
Somebody once told me that link is gonna pay me
I ain't the sharpest poo in the shack
He'll be looking kinda dumb when Sergey starts to dump
In the year 23 on his forehead

Well, the dumps start comin' and they don't stop comin'
Fed to the wolves and he hit the ground stakin'
Didn't make sense not to stake for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to lose, so much to stake
So what's wrong with Serg's brapheaps?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow!

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, Serg' gets paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder
You're bundled up now, wait 'till you get older
But the Chainlink cucks beg to differ
Judging by the hole in their ETH cipher
The LINK they stake is gettin' pretty cheap
Sergey's gettin' warm and dumps a big heap
My LINK's on fire, how 'bout yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored

Hey now, you're a paypig
Get your stake on, go pay
Hey now, you're a linkpig
Get the stake on, don't get paid
(And all that glitters is gold)
Only linksisters pay in full

>> No.52791443
File: 87 KB, 1948x1096, poolsclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't stake now you missed out on legacy OG reward when transferring to v0.2 etc. Sergey loves loyalty. He wants his holders to be as loyal as he is to the Big Mac.

>> No.52791467

nevermind, a few transactions are the upkeep bot and some staked multiple times. Too lazy to find a way to count how many people actually staked
anyway 8819 tx until pool was closed in 2 days and 2 hours

>> No.52791501

So you hold nothing but usd and you spend your days fudding link on /biz/

>> No.52791517

You just know now theyre gonna pump the price to fuck with stakers who can only watch like cucks

>> No.52791539

so when can we expect the pool to reopen/expand?

>> No.52791543

Why would institutions buy worthless tokens for a failed project?

>> No.52791549

That's why you leave a little bit unstaked. You did do that, right?

>> No.52791551

if it goes to 1k+ in the next year then being locked up may save alot of them from themselves

>> No.52791569

why? didn't you stake all you wanted to?

>> No.52791572

Because it wouldn't be failed, that's my point. They would just do that fuck over retail holders like us and make sure nobody wants to buy anymore.

>> No.52791586

nope, got the news too little too late and i had issues connecting my wallet.

>> No.52791591

Sometime next year. But first chainlink labs needs to keep funding its operation which is going to require another 200M link to be sold, but dont worry this time there is going to be demand for staking next year

>> No.52791604

>*dumps back to 60$ before they can unstake*

If it was actually pumping to 1k it would no doubt top in the 900s and have a severe correction

>> No.52791620

I don't think anyone staked all their link for this reason though. Everyone who staked is desperate for a pump. I staked half which is the amount I'm never selling anyway.

>> No.52791633

thanks, guess i just need to pay better attention... i have a laughable amount of link anyway so it's not like my life will change regardless

>> No.52791635

its literally IMPOSSIBLE for you nostakers now

>> No.52791638

I can now finally relax and not give a shit about crypto prices for at least a year
It's all out of my control
I'm 100% in
I will continue my monthly buys as usual in preparation for when it's bumped to $75m

>> No.52791645

I'm financially ruined for one (1) year

>> No.52791651

I havent been exposed to Link for a year, only doing long and shorts on it

>> No.52791663

My sell target for my sell stack is unironically $900

>> No.52791740
File: 18 KB, 480x360, sr6fh5mihuf51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasn't eligible god damnit. fuck you.

>> No.52791789

was open to everyone today since 9am PST. Filled in 2h thou

>> No.52791874

Damn sucks I missed out on staking for a few percent. I bought in at 3 bucks at sold at $30. Make it big guys, do it for those of us who can't.

>> No.52791897

The israeli military just kicked down my front door! They know I staked guys! Get out while you still can!

>> No.52792105

It was open to anyone today sorry bud

>> No.52792271
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>> No.52792353

holy shit sergeys paypigs truly are pathetic. you are like onlyfans girl simps.

>> No.52792438

You missed out on tens of thousands of dollars in airdrops kek.

>> No.52792511

due to aids

>> No.52792517

I've staked the full 7k. Easy 350 link. This is like mining bitcoin in 2010. People were mining 1btc a day with their laptops back then, though it seems unbelievable to us now.

>> No.52792636
File: 172 KB, 843x908, template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your staked tokens make brown people so mad that they spend several hours of their lives in any threads discussing it just trying to fud it
>the fud never worked before, but now it's just an impossible battle for this low iq piece of shit because now he's talking to people who literally don't give a shit if they don't see their returns or even a way to cash out for 1-2 years
the worst part is is that there's probably some mentally ill linkie out there who actually wants to find and kill you in minecraft and soon he will have plenty of money to do so

>> No.52792698

>couldn’t connect my wallet for some reason
>will be forever poor instead

>> No.52792802

I missed my chance bros, when does the 75m open up?

>> No.52792814

If were getting 4.75% thats 47.5 LINK per year per 1000 link staked.

Personally ill be making about 75 as only staked 1.5k

Is this really worth it for a full year?

I guess 7k stakers are making 330, but even that is only over €2k.

Then again if price appreciates a lot it'll be way more.

I guess we'll see folks!

>> No.52792864

75 Link is literally $75k eoy, anon.

>> No.52792873

it was to manage flow I think and give small holders a good chance of getting in, some more hoops for whales to jump through and prevent at least some instant +1 million LINK deposits. and it worked pretty well, pool filled up steadily, probably some whales depositing multiple times over 3 hours in 7k chunks

>> No.52792874

Except its just not though is it

>> No.52792898

why didnt you come here and find out you had to use your seed phrase on a PC wallet instead. fool.

>> No.52792939

Yes. I'm annoyed you own Chainlink and have managed to stake it. You don't deserve what's coming, negative bitch.

>> No.52792945

damn, now he has over a million LINK in aave earning him yield

>> No.52792960

I made some calculations and I earn whatever Link's price is for the day in pure profit a day. Basically 1 Link profit every day.

>> No.52793007

I'm supremely positive but 1k eoy midwits have ruined this board.

>> No.52793010

Imagine not staking Link and got getting airdrops. Topkuckingkek.
Smug as fuck once again

>> No.52793052
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oh yeah I forgot about this very nice

>> No.52793068
File: 4 KB, 217x88, dumpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey about to dump the other 49% all at once. Kek

>> No.52793083

Maybe in a year, gl

>> No.52793117

Where's the UI for BUILD airdrops in the staking dapp?

>> No.52793158
File: 47 KB, 369x368, 1304938223524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well, have fun out there kids, so darn proud of you.

>> No.52793235

only sensible thing to do was to stake all my link and short it on binance at the same time.

>> No.52793268

Hedgies do this all the time, it's very common unironically

>> No.52793450
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>pic related.

>> No.52793599

Into our wallets, yes.

>> No.52793781

I figured I won't be selling anyway so it's free link. Staked just under 50%

>> No.52795163
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>dump in peace

>> No.52797324
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You wouldn't get it

>> No.52797347
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>> No.52797357
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brb gym

>> No.52797376

Source on pic?

>> No.52797388

I staked 1100
$81,000 a week is fine by me

>> No.52797406


>> No.52797415


I think the exchange here has a lot of events, so I want to be rich Have a good day, everyone

>> No.52797419

Oh no I won’t be able to sell 50% of my stack during a giga pump oh no I’ll only have 7k to sell at $100 oh no what will I do??

>> No.52797461

LINK swings 5%-10% daily. All you had to do was wait for a pump and then sell and rebuy to get a 30%-40% gain in a few weeks. Linkies are absolutely retarded to lock away up to $50k in opportunity cost for a year in exchange for a measly 5% (and since LINK isn't a stable coin even 5% isn't guaranteed). I truly don't get the hype for this.

>> No.52797571

post trades

>> No.52797692

Probably playing the lottery on the build shitcoins. If linkpool was like Lido, liquid staking would take off. But they’re scammers who don’t Offer 1:1 so stay away

>> No.52797727
File: 6 KB, 300x168, B068D5B6-62EB-4A5D-BB1A-7DBCCBAC5AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the price just please start going up?
I’m getting extremely tired of coping day after day

>> No.52797774

Just got home and realized I missed out on staking. Oh well I only hold 4k.

>> No.52798401

WTF that's my Ledger pincode

>> No.52798734

The difference is I am getting 4.75% APY on my entire stack. Nobody in their right mind is going to swing 50k LINK every day to sell high and buy low retard.

>> No.52798752

Oh boy, my first daily free linkies

>> No.52799843

anyway to check how much you've earned without connected my ledger?

>> No.52799871

This is huge. They are pulling a 51% attack and they waited for the EXACT time it would cause maximum pain. Linkies are retarded. This shit is going below a dollar before New Year

>> No.52799969

>I paid real money for fake token
>I locked up fake token for more fake token
>after the team had announced they would dump twice as much
well, not so smug anymore after this 2 day dopamine high you retard.

>> No.52800022

>hates all of crypto
>somehow focuses on Link

many such cases

>> No.52800039

>hates all of crypto
i don't
>somehow focuses on Link
literally a third of the board was LINK in the past week. it could not be ignored unless you just weren't on here.

>> No.52800045

>crypto tokens are fake
>i don't hate crypto though

>> No.52800251


>> No.52800265

You called tokens fake.

>> No.52801085


Oh fuck kek

>> No.52801115
File: 63 KB, 570x612, soijak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my previous more elaborate and accurate post was flagged as spam no matter what i changed. i have a suspicion a mod/jannie is paid by Chainlink but that's just my two cents.

>> No.52801186


>> No.52801533

I had my ledger connected to my Metamask to stake but I don't need it physically connected to the website to view my rewards or how much I staked.