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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52788436 No.52788436 [Reply] [Original]

trying to figure this out. BAT's market cap is roughly $300m, and brave is launching BAT ads on the search engine in a few months which will be about $100m in purchases per year.

the thing i am trying to figure out is what effect it will have on price. the amount of BAT being purchased obviously won't just be equivalent to market cap increase because of liquidity and such. also, some people that earn the rewards will sell them. is it possible to figure out what kind of effect there will be on price like an equation or something?

>> No.52788554

Since the volumes pretty low on bat it would most likely do a 3-5x or something as long as not everybody sells when they get the rewards each month (which I doubt they would)

>> No.52788605

I sell my BAT for XRP then transfer it to my wallet every month

>> No.52788809

thats just a random number that you pulled out of your ass though

yeah i would assume maybe 25%-50% of people sell, maybe even less. its only a few bucks per month

>> No.52788974

>brave is launching BAT ads on the search engine in a few months which will be about $100m in purchases per year
Let's take a step back and ask what "math" you did to reach this conclusion

>> No.52789061
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I don't know how it is in other countries outside of US, but as a german i cannot sell my BAT, i simply cannot verify my wallet, the two cex's that Eich has a deal with aren't available in Germany. I suspect there is a fairly large number of users like myself who would use their rewards account, but they simply can't.
Why Eich doesn't allow to withdraw to trust wallet or metamask? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.52789700

This shitcoin is incredible. Will it ever pump?

>> No.52789769

Checked. $40 EOY 2023

>> No.52789827
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based off of DDG ad volume

i think so

>> No.52789828
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$40 marketcap, yes.

>> No.52790172
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> For users that don't want to see ads, Brave is also offering an ad-free experience: Search Premium. For $3 per month, Brave Search Premium users can continue to enjoy a completely ad-free Search experience
BATTies Keep getting SCAMMED

>> No.52790259
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Can i pay with my vBAT from the rewards wallet?

>> No.52790753

not at first, but after pay with bat comes out then yeah. they said thats one of their top priorities for this year is to let you spend from rewards wallet

>> No.52790811


>> No.52790920

Really? This year sounds a bit optimistic, after all there's only 3 weeks left

>> No.52791806

Where the thots @? TP owes me some sauce from yesterday.

>> No.52792140

What was the podcast/interview that Kanye mentioned brave? I need the source

>> No.52792377

When did that happen?

>> No.52792614

The MAU numbers and some of the crappy search results are concerning. Although I’ll admit, search is improving. Not sure how long it takes to get something like that honed in, but I do give feedback on the results sometimes. I still think they should run a traditional ad campaign. Billboards and AM talk radio. I also like the idea someone mentioned of running a YouTube ad stating “you wouldn’t see this ad right now if you were using Brave”, but that might infuriate Jewgle and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to rile them up.

>> No.52792813

by this year i mean 2023, *this* year is over

>> No.52792816

Still waiting on a sauce for that, bro. Not saying you're shitposting.

>> No.52792833

yeah one sec, i just saw it the other day actually

>> No.52792875
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>> No.52792878
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I only got .25 bat for November. I use the browser everyday and ads are set to max. Nit sure what I'm doing wrong

>> No.52793099

Wow. Thanks anon. First great hopium we've had in a BAT thread in months.

>> No.52793132 [DELETED] 

I heard that mRNA vaccines can travel through Brave rewards. It's a viral-techno proxy bridge that enables the behavior.

>> No.52793197

Dude what the fuck???? Pay with BAT isn't going to support non-kyc brave rewards payments anymore? That was literally the entire point of it. How the FUCK are they going to pretend that on-chain BAT payments or Gemini/uphold BAT (basically same as on-chain) for their own fucking products and services is something that takes an entire god damn year to implement??? Post a fucking ETH address and tell people to send the money! This is fucking ridiculous. Honestly I'm fucking pissed. I've been holding 620k BAT for 4 fucking years and them admitting that they aren't even going to allow purchases from reward wallets aka vBAT for their own products anymore is the final straw. I'm dumping this fucking coin once it hits 40c. The opportunity cost that I have missed out on for putting $142k in this 4 years ago is unbelievable. They have been telling us for YEARS that pay with BAT will include NON KYC BAT PAYMENTS

I literally cannot even tell you how disgusted I am with the progress on this fucking shitcoin the past years. This is literally the final straw. I'm so over this god damn bullshit. Brendan can literally fucking get fucked and kill himself with the vaccine that stupid fucking lazy piece of shit god damn fucking fucker. 4 years of my fucking life wasted for this stupid fat nigger to jack me the fuck off and waste my fucking time with bullshit. Fuck this cock sucker.

>> No.52793232


>> No.52793259 [DELETED] 

I swear to fucking god if I ever see Brendan Eich's faggot ass in public I am going to punch this stupid fucking faggot in the face and knock his god damn teeth out. I'm so sick of these fuckers lying and cheating us for all these years. The BAT roadmap was a fucking LIE, none of it happens - brave swap reward, IPFS rewards, BAT utility in the wallet....NONE OF IT


>> No.52793260

Bruh, Luke wouldn’t even confirm it’s 1:1 for vBAT. It’s clear it’s not 1:1 and they were never going to accept vBAT. It even sounds like a pain in the ass to include non KYC user’s vBAT for Pay With BAT. Why are you surprised?

>> No.52793281

Honestly, I'm not surprised at all. I'm so fucking over it. I can't believe I fell for this fucking scam. What a waste of my god damn fucking time, 4 years dude. 4 FUCKING years I held this stupid shit. Ultimately I have nobody to blame but myself, but I promise you if I ever see Brendan Eich in public I am going to knock his fucking teeth out.

>> No.52793311

I’ve held 150k BAT for 3 years. Not as bad as you but I feel your pain. Honestly, it’s a shame that BAT has such devoted OGs who lost potentially millions in opportunity cost with absolutely nothing to show for it.

>> No.52793317

hmmm..pay with bat was supposed to be for vBAT/brave rewards wallets that werent kyc'd...that was the entire point of it

hopefully he misspoke

>> No.52793338

i didnt even catch that part of it where he was alluding to the fact that it wont include vBAT, i just looked at the time table aspect of his post because they have been saying that pay with bat would include vbat forever

>> No.52793370

why would you believe anything from any of the scammers in the crypto space?

its nothing but Ponzi schemes and lies.

>> No.52793419

You have got to be shitting me...pay with bat no longer will support brave rewards wallets? What the fuck is the point of it then? What's the point of bat at all honestly if they can't have that?

>> No.52793687

you retards thought you were going to be able to book flights and shop till you drop on amazon because you watched a few adverts?

>> No.52793971

Fuck off nigger

>> No.52794096

>Fuck off nigger

no you

>> No.52794610

That double chin… absolute king status

>> No.52794635

What does this do for the bat token price?

>> No.52794650

token price?

>> No.52794699

If this is true I'm literally going to market dump half of bats daily volume all at once. There's no way that pay-with-bat won't support vBAT.

>> No.52794758

as a LINK marine this is rlly sad to see. not a huge fan of a lot of projects but BAT is something I've always supported despite not being invested. Hope things turn around for you guys

>> No.52795094

Where do you live? I'm in Canada so I get quite a few. Also how often do you use your browser? I'm on my computer all day pretty much and between my computer and phone that I use Brave on, I earned about 9.25 BAT for November (but actually received 17 BAT on today's payout.)

I think there was only one month all this year that I got fewer than 10 BAT. So far in December I'm already at around 2.8 BAT on my computer and 2.2 on my phone.

>> No.52795188

dump now or this is a blatant LARP

>> No.52795191

Kek this has to be a joke otherwise they were stringing their investors along for years

>> No.52795288

you guys are overreacting. i don't think that chriscat is saying that PWB will no longer include brave rewards wallets.

>> No.52795295

We can't even receive BAT on this fucking Brave Wallet

This must be a joke

I won't KCY to get 50 cents per month

To be fair, this is pretty much a larger issue, regulations have killed crypto

>> No.52795351

well the presumable problem is not that we can't receive bat on the brave wallet. the problem is that we presumably could never spend that bat on literally anything ever without KYC.

>> No.52795776
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You've got to be kidding me -- God, these threads are depressing as fuck lol

>> No.52795962

Yes, what does all this do for the token price? Do the tokens used in pay with bat get burned or something?

>> No.52795997
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>have 67 BAT on Gemini from Brave rewards
Should I keep it there and HODL, move to my Ledger, or move to Coinbase to convert to something else?

>> No.52796009
File: 29 KB, 885x363, Screenshot (463).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$BAT $4 next year

>> No.52796064

I get mine through Uphold and I just move them to Trust Wallet (just in case Uphold gets JUST'd even though I don't think they will.) My plan is to hope it gets back to $1 BAT and convert it to USDC or a different ERC20 token. It's not like I'm even sitting on a ton of BAT, but I think selling now would be too early and it's free money I'm playing with.

>> No.52796108
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>token price?

>> No.52796112
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>but I think selling now would be too early
Alright. Thanks for the advice fren.

>> No.52796199

would be amazing to recover some sats.

>> No.52796206

yeah sad BAT was one of the few eth coins that didnt pump last run
MANA OMG DNT and so many shitcoins mooned very hard

>> No.52796460


>> No.52796506

Where are all the people that said they'd HODL for a decade if thats what it takes for jewgle and friends to release their grasp?
Seriously it seems like all thats left is pajeet moonbois with <100 BAT hoping they make enough to buy a goat.

>> No.52796671
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i will get some answers for us on tuesday

>> No.52796819

Pls be true

>> No.52796843
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give me some questions to ask on the community call next tuesday. here is what i have so far.

1. What the fuck are you doing
2. Where the fuck is the bat roadmap from 2+ years ago
3. How are you fucking us with bat search rewards
4. How are you fucking us on pay with bat
5. How are you fucking us
6. Are niggers still even black?

>> No.52796902

no effect
in long run it will start eating out the supply faster and then bat should have stedy rise indefenetly

>> No.52796906
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i asked chriscat about his comment here on reddit and this was his response. he says it is a much heavier lift to complete. he says that people are asking about on-chain utility? yeah, dude, that would be nice, AFTER you give us some fucking non-kyc BAT utility.

saying that what we have been promised is a "heavy lift" is not good enough. i think its time we start to put some fucking pressure on these assholes to deliver what they have promised us.

>> No.52797064

i told you fucks to raid the community calls but noooooo you all are too pussy

>> No.52797179

I’m about to get coffeezilla involved. This shit is getting out of control. There’s no way vBAT is 1-1 backed

>> No.52797340

And where the fuck have you been? Are you still holding?

>> No.52797380
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>And where the fuck have you been?
im always here i have eyes and ears everywhere. this pay with bat scandal is the first real fud i have seen in a long time. and yeah im still holding.

>> No.52797385

Can someone DM coffezilla about vBAT situation and gave him the link and time to the community calls? Hopefully he pops in next week and starts holding this company accountable. I’m so sick of the bullshit. There’s obviously some shady shit going on with this token. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.

>> No.52797403

>can someone nigger my nigger nigger before i nigger my black nigger nigger

>> No.52797410
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and yes, i will see you on tuesday thanks

>> No.52797437


There are many benefits and events. I want to be rich

>> No.52797540

I just bought another 20k BAT while you homos are crying about some dumb shit lol


I'm still stacking hard. Thinking about buying the ENS name "bat40dollars.eth" what do you guys think?