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52784132 No.52784132 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to do it. Wish me godspeed anons

>> No.52784136

Looks great! Show us your work when you're done :)

>> No.52784145

Sure thing nigger

>> No.52784152
File: 188 KB, 1920x1920, cryptosteel-capsule-open-pimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do retards really?

>> No.52784153

make sure to post a pic of them when you're done so we can judge your penmanship

>> No.52784159

This was a pain in the ass for me, but took me about an hour

>> No.52784161

>uses a stock image
>doxing yourself by buying a shit device like this
>can fall off

>> No.52784164

imagine dropping that on the floor and your crypto wallet spagetti-ing all over the ground leading to the most expensive game of scrabble of your life

>> No.52784177

tell me how i know you've not actually used the product

>> No.52784203
File: 10 KB, 384x143, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically entrusting thousands of dollars to the structural stability of an overdesigned .01 cent bent paperclip

Moses tablets are the only way to go

>> No.52784417

Great anon

Plan on further securing it against glances? Where do you want to store it?

You could dip it in a fat layer of wax to make it not directly viewable, only needs a bit of heat to view it again lol

>> No.52784564


I am confused by this thread. Is this some kind of new fingerbox technology I never heard of?

>> No.52784583

>You could dip it in a fat layer of wax to make it not directly viewable, only needs a bit of heat to view it again lol
jumped the shark

>> No.52784602

Seed phrase in metal, moron

>> No.52784802


Good plan, anon. I would recommend saving yourself some effort by converting the words to their corresponding numbers, though. Then each "word" is only a 1 to 4 digit number.

In any future in which crypto is worth anything at all, you will be able to get your hands on a word list to convert them back.

>> No.52785129

Maybe a bit schizo but if someone wants to burry his coins like a treasure a bit of wax as a sealant would hurt lol

>> No.52785839

nice crack pipe bro

>> No.52787657

can you write "SNEED"?

>> No.52787694

There is no way it would ever bend the other way and allow the pieces to fall off unintentionally. You literally just have to not bend it open and it won't fail.

>> No.52787722

keked quite hard at this anon, ty

>> No.52787738

grug trust hammer on steel
grug no trust magic device
simple as

>> No.52787806
File: 1.12 MB, 2544x4000, 1662743441981975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao! Tell me, do you put this "capsule" inside your asshole too?

>> No.52787986

I got a small brass sheet that looks like it was meant for someones ssid I was thinking of stamping it but I wouldn't know where to put it.
Metal is only needed if youre keeping the seed in one location. I have my family holding copies where the seed is encrypted with a cypher and I have the envelope sealed in wax..

You guys are encrypting your paper seeds arent you?

>> No.52787998


>> No.52788021

some math genius could tell us how long this would take if you only have the letters and the amount of letters given so not total seed phrases available but only this shit

>> No.52788024

Literally just write them down in a bookmatched order or some shit.

>> No.52788105

why wouldn't you just do it in clay and then fire it inawoods? Porcelain lasts thousands of years and is exceptionally fire resistant.

>> No.52788131

you't just fire porcelain in a fire pit. you need a kiln

>> No.52788151

you just need the first 4 letters of each word, which is what most people doing this use. put those letters into a python script and you'll get all the matching wallets in a few seconds

>> No.52788175

It doesn't need to last thousands of years, just two or three lifetimes. Clay breaks easily

>> No.52788185

it could take years for someone to learn python tho

>> No.52788260

Old baking sheets are free. As opposed to this overpriced dildo.

>> No.52788286

There are still too many combinations

>> No.52788290

but you’re literally just going to be storing it away anyway, so the argument that porcelain is brittler is redundant. You’re just wasting your time and money so someone can sell you a solution for a problem you can solve independently on your own, Like a Real Man ™, if that’s what it’s REALLY about.

>> No.52789119

The letter punch set is borrowed and the plates are literally $6 for a yard which I cut up, filed and grinded down myself.

>> No.52789358

If you can get your hands on an anvil it will make the job easier.

>> No.52789380
File: 374 KB, 512x512, 1669649775088426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a money saving expert

>> No.52789439
File: 131 KB, 704x832, 1669179626491899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the compliment fellow scottsman