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52786627 No.52786627 [Reply] [Original]

27 years old and have $130,000 in my bank account and it feels like I have literally nothing? Why?

Two reasons:
1. $130,000 in 2022 dollars is like $45,000 in 2015 when adjusted for HOUSE PRUCES (NOT the cpi, but instead indexed to house prices)
2. I live at home with my parents and I don’t ever buy anything or go anywhere. My lifestyle is pathetic and that’s the only reason I have any money at all, because I work and save every penny

What’s the lesson here if you’re a youngfag? If you don’t LIVE like you’re rich you’ll never FEEL rich, and $100,000 is literally fucking NOTHING in 2022

>> No.52786689

You're correct and I don't know. I feel less guilty about taking breaks in work though. I often take 3 or 4 months off between jobs now since I know the difference between busting my ass and just collecting unemployment for a few months just gets inflated away regardless. Couple years ago that would have stressed me out.
>t. Unemployed 28 year old with 130k liquidity

>> No.52786714

Stop whining.

>> No.52786786
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Same here but from a poor fag latin country
28 yo with 17K in my bank account and feels like nothing
I also live with my parents and save every peny.
I started working very late at 26 yo, I was a neet before 0 in my bank living from parents
Now I made about 30K a year and I'm trying to save everything.

Btw, I got addicted to prostitutes (it's legal here) and lost a bunch of money. Now I'm fine and tryign to recover from it.

>> No.52786825

If you can work and invest a little more and get into ~300k range, you could almost retire in SEA. Probably it would be advisable to continue working in a easy job from home until you get a more comfortable stack for when your medical bills at 70yo will be a fortune, but still you wouldnt have to worry about money anymore.

>> No.52786848

You are so lucky prostitution are legal by you fuck America

>> No.52786861

At least you have 130k. Better than most millennials. Just keep stacking

>> No.52786884
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Btw, I should have about 50K saved by now, But cheap women took everything from me (30K+ USD). I hate hookers now. never again

>> No.52786977
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Meh, I had good times, about 8 women fucked in total and about 20 more in expensive dates.
I got to have them in a trio (2 women and me) and anal sex, and other things I could just imagine in porn movies
it was fun but very expensive
>pic related

>> No.52786979

Your Pepe looks very Jewish.

>> No.52787002

You shame your family, sir. You should have fed village.

>> No.52787011

>27 years old and have $130,000 in my bank account and it feels like I have literally nothing? Why?
you're probably depressed
130k can do a lot of things
just because you can't sit on your ass and do literally nothing until you die at age 80 doesn't mean 130k isn't a lot of money
hope this helps

>> No.52787045

>1. $130,000 in 2022 dollars is like $45,000 in 2015 when adjusted for HOUSE PRUCES (NOT the cpi, but instead indexed to house prices)
also, houses are in a bubble, retard.

>> No.52787118
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Yep I know. I hoping to save at least 100K in the next years and keep some investments in real state, houses and land is the only thing you can safe invest in latin countries.
Happy gringos buy real state for 3x when they visit our poor fag countries, this is true for all Latinamerica
A big hourse can be around 50k for us. And gringos buy them for 150K or more

>> No.52787141

100% you are Brazilian

>> No.52787198

I have $500 and a dream

>> No.52787226

Awww boo hoo. You’re 27 and you only have $130k awwww :( you poor little baby. It’s so unfair that you weren’t given a million dollars, mansion, and a super model girlfriend just because you graduated college. Anon you worked so hard!
Stop being a whiny little bitch Jesus Christ. If you want something go get it otherwise shut the fuck up. You’re young, you have plenty of money, and you have a massive safety net since you have zero fucking overhead. Grow a pair of balls or at least stop bitching because you’re only doing better than 95% of people your age instead of 99%. Faggot

>> No.52787256

KEK the nigger is 27 if he hasn’t made it by then it’s over

>> No.52787294
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thats cause it IS nothing waggie
my crypto poortfolio alone is more than that
>$50k BTC
>$50k ETH
>$40k XMR
>$30k BIT

>> No.52787298

You’re NGMI

>> No.52787309


Don't feel bad. You'll be able to get a good entry price into 1-2 homes in a couple years once prices come down and the fed lowers rates. Owning 2 homes at 30 is respectable.

>> No.52787323

Keep coping at 27 he should have had enough money for multiple bullruns it’s iver

>> No.52787344

Bro i have less than 10000 and i'm badically tuling the world fuck

>> No.52787359

sounds like you're coping and naive
bad combo

>> No.52787401

Kek another old faggot who didn’t make it your post shows god if you’re over 25 and haven’t made it just die

>> No.52787407

Post your checking account

>> No.52787416
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in the same boat anon
29 yo
have $95k in bank
feels like pennies
No job
no real ambitions
Have a degree but its pretty shit (graphic Design)
Not sure where to go in life now

>> No.52787471

seething zoomie lol
i love your girls btw
no college debt, own a house outright, work from home, and im 25
post account

>> No.52787492

>muh house
Nigger stop worrying about buying a house. The government will simply take it from you anyway and give it to a BIPOC single mom.
Invest in dividend stocks and bitcoin. Live abroad and enjoy your passive income. Rent isn't a bad thing so long as you're not overpaying for it. It gives you flexibility. Don't buy land until we have established a country for whites only.

>> No.52787495
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>hnwi == happiness
Big Oof. Go blaze a trail and you'll feel like a pioneer. they absolutely hate that.

>> No.52787619
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the brutal redpill (well not that brutal, just accurate) is that in the last 30ish years real cost of luxuries have plummeted, while essentials have skyrocketed and this inversion has completely done a number on everyone's perception of money, work and reality.

50 years ago you could buy a house and a bit of land a car and whatnot but your life was pretty vanilla because technology was kind of shitty, so at best you went to see a movie or eat out. For my nan getting a coffee was an exciting thing to do with friends and most discretionary spending was on some form of social activity. Technology started to occupy more time and space with the rise of the tv and we are now living the consequence of this.

Now the absolute basics are like 50-60% of your post tax income. Housing, transport, food is super expensive while for the cost of a couple of weeks of work you can buy the most advanced piece of technology available to anyone i.e. a mobile phone. Outside of this other "luxuries" like travel have plummeted in real cost as has all entertainment and media so you can live a life that is 90% the same as the richest people in the world just by having a middle class wage.

Think about it, you can stream any film ever made, read any book, video games, chat with anyone in the world all for like $1k. I can assure you the biggest celeb or billionaire is spending more time on that same phone you have than in their McLaren or on their 100M yacht.

This is why the new flex and the new status giving things are all essentials:
>big house
>good food and produce
>health and fitness
>free time

Your money is meaningless and even if you tried to "live it up" you wouldn't actually feel rich, because being rich now means something different to previous times. It's not anymore what you can buy but how you live that defines if you are rich or not.

>> No.52787632

>dividend stocks
Should you invest in non dividend stocks first if you are youngish? Overall dividend stocks seem to grow a lot less than other stocks

>> No.52787776

Start doing meth and give blow jobs for money.

>> No.52787831

TheFutur on YouTube. Only losers make excuses.

>> No.52787912

I'm 30 and have 200k, a six-fig job where I barely work (IT) and no debts or anything to pay off.

I'm in the same situation as you OP. I think what we really want is the freedom to escape from having to work. To be able to go anywhere and do anything and not have to worry about going to bed at a certain time or wake up for gay retard meetings. The freedom to go to any country and see the world and not be a cuck to PTO. The freedom to be in charge of your own time - not be a bitch goy for your kike overlords. Work out, read a book, do some writing, learn some shit, own your day and not be a slave, live life as it was intended to be lived.

It's that escape we want, and it seems the only ways to achieve it are to acquire a strong passive income, or sell off an asset worth a fuckload, or own a company and put in like 10h a week from anywhere. I don't know man, I'm still trying to figure out a plan here.

>> No.52788047

So in my opinion you should max out your tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs. If you have choices, buy VOO or SPY. If you have a 401k with your job, contribute up to the maximum employer matched amount. If you retire early in the future, there are some backdoor conversion strategies you can use to access the money without getting hit by taxes or fees.
Income funds and dividends are more for when you approach retirement. That said, there is a dividend snowball strategy some people prefer that might help motivate you to save more and more. As you see the increasing payments coming in, you feel better and more conviction in your investments. The psych game is very real.
If you want a middle ground, SCHD has growth and dividends built in. It keeps up with the market like SPY and VOO pretty well too.

>> No.52788055

How do you have a six figure job, but only that little savings ?

>> No.52788171

Do prostitutes require condoms?

>> No.52788176

I got it this year so not enough time yet to throw at savings.

>> No.52788184

We had a whole thread on this yesterday but all the faggots making duplicate LINK / stake pooling threads with <5 replies got it archived.
Dividends portfolios are for for preservation, not growth.
If you can handle the increased volatility and even better if you can handle taking profits in overbought conditions and redeploying those profits in oversold conditions I'd recommend SPXL over SPY which is just 3x leveraged SPY.

>> No.52788196


This is the true white pill.

Our society creates the desire within young men to be rich. Being rich not only means material wealth but means social/moral wealth (this is most strange because young people value moral wealth more than ever but our society is, partly, organized around wealth...so the wealthy are the moral and social elite despite doing little of real merit).

The girl who laughed at you in high school will like you. The bullies will kneel. Your dad will stop making fun of you.

The lie is that your life will change. Materially, the difference today is almost zero between wealthy and poor. And your social problems won't fix themselves. The truth is that it is all within you, you have the power to change your life, society needs you, you don't need society.

I was a money-hungry youth, I grew up and didn't earn as much as I thought I deserved when younger (realistically, no amount would have done that)...but I did discover that I was unhappy because I lived when a hierarchy someone else created to make me unhappy. My unhappiness was the only outcome and the goal of that system.

The only wealth in the world is happiness, and that can only come through self-discovery. I am older, I don't know everything, I haven't got far because I spent so long living someone else's life. But today I spend time thinking about what my experiences are telling me about myself rather than trying to force myself to do things I know I hate.

>> No.52788376

Fucking a prostitute without a condom is like giving your money to a jew with no insurance, you’re going to get burned

>> No.52788424

>be me
>2000 in bank
>9000 in crypto (peaked at 25,000 didn't sell)
>1500 in PMs
>3000 in firearms and ammo
How am I doing lads?

>> No.52788427

I find the amount of people recently got six figure jobs concerning.
A lot of people are doing great in the period right before a recession.

>> No.52788454

>SCHD has growth and dividends built in. It keeps up with the market like SPY and VOO pre
That's what I heard too. So far I have most in SCHD. Wasn't sure if I should also buy something with maybe more risk but more growth potential since I'm mid late twenties. I think I'll follow your advice though and not do dividends right now.
>If you can handle the increased volatility and even better if you can handle taking profits in overbought conditions and redeploying those profits in oversold conditions I'd recommend SPXL over SPY which is just 3x leveraged SPY.
I'm not sure what most of that means but I'll look it up. I assume you mean buy stocks that are being sold much more than bought the sell when being bought a lot more than sold, but I'm note sure what that has to do with SPXL specifically. I'll look it up
Do you remember the thread name?

>> No.52788537

If wearing a condom is required then it's not real sex.

>> No.52788553

six figs doesn't mean fuck anymore, I don't know why I even boasted about it. 105k isn't fuck, but maybe 200k, 300k would be worth bragging about. There needs to be a better word for six-figs or a new goalpost since most jeet retards can get there nowadays.

>> No.52788616

I'm not paying money to put a piece of rubber on my cock.

>> No.52789430

Literally me anon, except $80,000 and I live in New Jersey of all places. NOTHING IS AFFORDABLE

>> No.52789487

but not for the receiver

>> No.52790024

Put that in stocks and your retirement fund is done. 100k is really good before your 30s. Most people are broke.

>> No.52790471

the bank is literally going to take all your money in a bail-in during the next crisis. Get out now.

>> No.52790565

Tell me more about prostitute addiction, anon.

>> No.52790648
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I took the forklift pill and I am happy. In my free time I'm a passionate hobbyist.

>> No.52790682

In only a year of work I've saved up $30,000 and I have no clue what to spend any of it on.
I should be treating myself constantly but I get guilty about larger purchases.
Like I've done the math and it would only cost about $8,000 up front for me to be happy for the rest of my life but then what do I do with the rest?

>> No.52790697

Not great, not terrible.

>> No.52790707

It’s expensive if you’re doing it right

>> No.52790722

>when adjusted for HOUSE PRUCES (NOT the cpi, but instead indexed to house prices)
is there an online calculator for this?

>> No.52790729

>27 years old and have $130,000 in my bank account and it feels like I have literally nothing? Why?

Oh great, one of these posts where you make me feel bad because I'm much older than that and don't have $130,000.

>> No.52790745
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>tfw 25 and make $28k/yr in US
At least I have $4k and a car. I will however probably remain an alone alcoholic forever though so there isn't much real winning.

>> No.52790763

Invest in precious metals

>> No.52790764

Enjoy your STDs

>> No.52790821

What's your job and what state?

>> No.52791172

Are you me?
I'm 27 and have 129k in my account

I used to be like you and save everything, at 25 I moved to Europe. My current income is 1/5 of what it was in the usa, I work 1/5 as hard, and my expenses are 1/5 too. I travel around with cheap Ryan air flights every other month and explore new countries while working remotely. My job let's me work remote 4/5 days a week.

I plan on doing this till summer then go back to the USA and work for a year to save another 50/60k. Work for two tax years, but one year total to keep income taxes much lower.

Basically, start figuring out what to do to enjoy life, for me it's working my ass off for a year, then working a super chill job, working on personal projects, and traveling for a year. I've met a lot of digital nomads with similar lifestyles.

I technically don't even need to work in Europe, but I like socializing 1 day a week and it keeps me learning new things

>> No.52791193
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It's funny because I'm 27 and lost around 120k$ trading futures, and I feel nothing

>> No.52791242

What do you do for remote work?

>> No.52791293

130k is a ton of money for anyone at any age. Assuming no kids, it’s enough to literally sit on your ass and rot for 4-5 years straight and still have money to get started after

>> No.52791439

That's it. Also there's a lot of advertisement going on atm to keep people in the mill. The times when most people made there living in agriculture are only a few hundreds years ago which is nothing. And since I work on a farm I can say that if you're not growing your own organic vegetables you eat poison.

>> No.52791507

It is nothing because it doesnt liberate you from wagecucking. You need a solid 5mil to actually maintain a decent lifestyle from relatively safe gains from investments.

>> No.52791573
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Wise man. Enjoy your time on earth.

>> No.52791578

If you put $100k into 4wk treasury bills every month, you could net a safe ~$4,000 each month
Rates aren't coming down soon, if anything they'll keep going up

>> No.52791641

That's good.

>> No.52791977

If you can work smart you will earn more.
I'm also saving while staking my funds as stablecoins on SpoolFi for some nice yields

>> No.52793058

Well the poison isn't killing us, so we good

>> No.52793088

Nice strategy there, wealth preservation is something we should all be doing.

>> No.52793116

Never thought of this but you're right. Like how every pajeet has a cell phone but most don't have toilets

>> No.52793129

Nope, you either added a zero or misunderstood the yield. Wrong math. You'll get under $400 a month. I just bought a $1000 4wk t-bill for $996.91 about a week ago.

>> No.52793160

Def ngmi

>> No.52793162

can i have 1k?

>> No.52793230


It’s insane how many normies have 100-200k liq these days. I have about 200k give or take at 28, not including retirement and home equity. No fucking wonder we have so much inflation, every 20 something retard and his dog has 6 figures in cash lying around. Make normies poor again

>> No.52793247


Very subtle merchant

>> No.52793755

Wait until you learn how much cash the PPP small business owner boomers have. COVID was probably the biggest looting in world history.

>> No.52793788

world salad, there's only one spiritual truth and everything else ranges between cope and delusion. you know what i mean, you always have

>> No.52793822

>I live at home with my parents and I don’t ever buy anything or go anywhere.
There's your problem champ. You're not getting any younger. It's better to be poor and have a normal life than sitting on six figs and wasting away. Living on your own may be more expensive but you have freedom and an actual chance at getting a gf and being respected lol. And I'm not trying to be a dick either, I moved out at 24 cuz I was saving money so I feel your pain. I'm so happy to be on my own now though.

>> No.52793856

trust me. you are doing 80% better than the average american. just keep it up bro. don't start getting comfortable yet.

>> No.52793902

yep, to give you an idea of how much money is out there, people with no special skills lucked into hundreds of thousands/millions from crypto, didn't even need the money, didn't redeem, lost most/all of it, and they're still not homeless.

>> No.52793963

The only thing i truly enjoy is having sex with hot women and to do that i need to have a high paying high social status job. So for me there is nothing but the grind.

>> No.52795708

What's 4% of 100,000

>> No.52795802

>Your dad will stop making fun of you.
You're all more fucked than I thought

>> No.52795831

literally the faggots arguments in the 80s. kys degen

>> No.52795840


>> No.52795851

in the 80s during the first HIV epidemic*

>> No.52795924

Blessed posts

>> No.52795932
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I'm a housekeeper for a motel in southern Florida. Uneducated and largely unskilled. Not particularly smart or competent. No family or friends or safety net. I'm working and saving cash but it all feels very pointless.

>> No.52795944

Oh no no look at this dude

>> No.52796007

Are you fit? Construction or landscape might pay better, but it might be tough on the body and I guess you would need some sort of competence

>> No.52796012

Wise words.

>> No.52796076

I did not even know the hire people who can speak English for this type of work. You can probably do almost anything else and make more money

>> No.52796078

>$8,000 up front for me to be happy for the rest of my life
lol are you going to buy land in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.52796109

Are you a comely woman?

>> No.52796239

All in Standard and Poors 500

>> No.52796265

I mean congrats that is a good chunk to have on hand, but you are correct, that really isn’t much. I have about $500k and it isn’t much. Need about $3-5 mill to start feeling secure.

>> No.52796346

Was but I got messed up in the infantry and now my shoulders/back/knees have serious problems. I tried working trades in the beginning but it hurts so fucking badly, and it made all my injuries worse. It's not the end of the world but it's not an ideal situation.

>> No.52796365

Housekeeping at this place pays $16/hr. The only other jobs that I've gotten accepted to offer $12 and under (retail/sales/dish washer)

>> No.52796674
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4% APY you retard. You'd net 4k a year @100k invested, not per month.

>> No.52796765

You could turn that into so much more money. With a little elbow grease I could turn 30k into 100k in a year. Think a little outside of the box. Start working for yourself.

>> No.52796770

Ppp was such bullshit

>> No.52796821

Once you get past 45 years old, hot women don't mean a damn thing and that's a great feeling.

>> No.52796957

So are these threads supposed to demoralize me into ever having 100k so i cant invest into something promising and escape the cage?
Just continue living paycheck to paycheck and consoooom everything the goy box tells you to.

>> No.52796958

this is an interesting post, and a good thought.
>you can live a life that is 90% the same as the richest people in the world just by having a middle class wage
wasnt this true 50 years ago as well though? What were ultra rich able to do then, that completely changed their lives?

>> No.52796985

I just got the estimate for materials to build my house and it came out to ~$130,000

>> No.52797453

No but chasing dollars isn't the answer. Being a useful, good human being is much better and that leads to freedom

>> No.52797470

23 $900 in my account and it feels like I own the world

>> No.52797597

What kind of retarded shit is this, the difference between a millionaire and a poor is millionaires can live far away from blacks and poor's can't, kys

>> No.52797615


>> No.52797628


>> No.52797636

I was in exact your situation and bought a cheap apartment. My portfolio had a restart, but at least if I get rugged for 10k it wont kill me inside since I still own my apartment unlike 130k would rip my heart.

>> No.52797638

>If you don’t LIVE like you’re rich you’ll never FEEL rich

Go on and live like you're rich then. Rent a room in Vegas for $2000 a night and spend $1000 more on alcohol. You'll blow your savings real quick. But hey, at least you felt rich right?

>> No.52797695

Because its digital 1s and 0s. Convert that to 65 oz of gold and you will be singing a different tune

>> No.52798035


Listen up faggot OP and everyone else this will be the best advice you will ever receive. Think of the real world like a RPG. You are correct, 130k is nothing, but at the same time you are only level 27 out of 80 (the max age of all players according to the bible, which aligns with average life expectancy). You're expecting to have end game levels of wealth but you're not even half way through the game yet. Why are you in a rush to have end game levels of wealth when you have done nothing to deserve it?

How many achievements have you unlocked? (What have you done with your life)
How many quests have you completed?(How many job items have you submitted? How many businesses have you sold)
What level is your main profession skill? (Being a NEET isn't a profession)
How big is your guild (How big is your network? How many player characters do you know?)
What level is your gear? (Are you still wearing Walmart tier clothing? Are you able to wear higher level raid gear like nordstrom so you attract higher level players or pass Gear checks for harder quests? i.e getting into higher social circles?)

Answer those questions first. If the answers are LOW then you need to get back to grinding and get the fuck off of this board.

>> No.52798143

I'm out of the early farming grounds and have an easy path to advance my class skill tree, but kind of unmotivated atm. I'm hanging onto some n00b who just sticks to the safe zone but is getting some uncommon raid gear dropped on them in the future. Plus the skill tree forks and I can't really turn back from my subclass choice. I amassed a decent amount of GP and have a potential payoff in the future from some in game items I expect to dramatically increase in value but who knows if that will pay off. Right now trying to min/max speechcraft/mercantilism.

>> No.52798557

If I turn 27 and only have 130k I'm killing myself

>> No.52798835

It’s a 4% annualised yield, you’ll get 4,000 dollars per year

>> No.52799055

You’re wasting that money away to hyper inflation.
You need to invest it.
How you invest is up to you.
Certainly a portion in the S&P.
Definitely buy some land on the more affordable “ edge “ of the rural/urban divide.
>t. Bought cheap house lots in 2006 for 24,000.00 and just sold them for 140,000.00.
I retained two lots for my kids so they can build a house or whatever down the road.

>> No.52799089

put that 100,000 in one risky options trade .