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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52785717 No.52785717 [Reply] [Original]

Is MSM ok?

>> No.52785727

what's wrong with free speech?

>> No.52785738 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 642x424, Alex Wade, Caroline Ellison, Aaron Klein, Chelsea Voss, and Allen Yuan at the ILO 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with ___ you ___

>> No.52785749

>still drew her ugly with bulging forehead even when trying to do a fluff piece defending her

>> No.52785751

Why don't they use words like thief, fraudster, psychopath in the headlines?

>> No.52785760
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They are seriously treating criminals better than elon musk at this point

>> No.52785764

Crypto was bound for success. Then the kikes joined

>> No.52785768

this is the BOSTONGLOBE btw

>> No.52785791

>They censored the nose :D

>> No.52785795

Why won't journalists do their jobs and pin this weasel?

>> No.52785800

Im not one for conspiracy theories but the way mainstream media and left leaning politicians treats SBF/Caroline is just so odd and unnatural.

just keeping silent about it would be less weird than that

>> No.52785817

monero's still cool I guess

>> No.52785830 [DELETED] 
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Hometown... Jewton.

>> No.52785853

The old guard would be rolling in their graves if they could see the lack of tact being used by their successors. They don't know anything besides censoring dissident opinion and astroturfed concensus manufacture.

>> No.52785869

>the lack of tact being used by their successors
the audience just became more stupid

>> No.52785879 [DELETED] 

My make it goal is to fund a crusade against the jews.

>> No.52785893

>bound for success
you mean nepotism?

>> No.52785903 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1080x1242, 1657778632067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you KNOW why MSM is running cover for SBF, Caroline, and FTX giving them fluff articles. Maxine Waters who is the US House Financial Services chair is not even bothering to subpoena. It's because most of the user money was used as "donations" to the democrat party and also washed into the greatest money laundering event in Ukraine. You're telling me, Zelensky is getting billions of dollars in aid, more than Isreal, and they can't curbstomp Russia's B-team forces? Any outrage that leads to an investigation into a financial fraud more paramount that Enron and Bernie Madoff will lead to money going into the Democrat party, they can't have that so they astro-turf the whole situation into "it's not THAT big of a deal"

>> No.52785909

this is called propaganda

>> No.52785972

This.. u fags better pay attention

>> No.52786002 [DELETED] 

i hate jews so much it's unreal.
pure evil.

>> No.52786017
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dont believe their lies, she's naughty

>> No.52786036

>then she got into crypto
Oh it's crypto's fault, not because she's a greedy Jewess that gambled with customer deposits.

>> No.52786050

t. Boston fag

>> No.52786062

nonono, gliptu le bad! killing trees and sexing little childrens!

>> No.52786071
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(correct pic reuploaded)

>> No.52786077

>bound for success
>had multiple STDs

>> No.52786078

That headline is accurate. From her background, she is easily above average IQ for a woman. Getting into crypto turned her into a degenerate sex addicted gambler. It could happen to your daughter as well.

>> No.52786152
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>> No.52786196 [DELETED] 

The west is divided into two halves, the primarily male and productive half and the primarily female and extractive half. These two halves are heading towards civil war and the OP article is from the extractive/parasitic half- you're a bad guy for expecting them to work for their money, instead of praising them for existing.

>> No.52786205

i think both ends got dumber, honsestly.

>> No.52786223 [DELETED] 

they forgot to mention jew

>> No.52786260

This is Maxine Waters husband…notice anything?

>> No.52786275
File: 1.67 MB, 1170x2532, 1CF21EF5-6836-431D-AC90-6E8C10A82064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic lol

>> No.52786298 [DELETED] 

It’s real fucking simple, anon.

>> No.52786403


>> No.52786408
File: 72 KB, 602x602, 1666175776020801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTX is a blatant and grotesque displays of jewish privilege

>> No.52786455

Knoll's law.

When anyone reads a story in the media that they have firsthand knowledge of, they are almost always able to identify major flaws or outright lies in the story. Despite this, everyone continue to assume that all the other stories in the media that they don't have any knowledge about are factually correct. The field of journalism is filled with both incompetence related to complicated subjects and political bias

>> No.52786588

B-but you were supposed to attack crypto goy!

>> No.52786636

Says the NEET loser posting from his mom's basement.

>> No.52786641

lol musk and schwab are on the same side

>> No.52786716

this is so true. havent had many stories where I had first hand knowledge but the ones I had, where so wrong. they messed up alot of the facts and I didnt even think it was manipulation but just incompetence or bad investigation

>> No.52787215

>dumb down society
>forget that your kids are part of that society

>> No.52787478

Imagine being this autistic and socially retarded.

>> No.52787687



It’s all so tiring

>> No.52787718
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>anissa gardizy
Wait a second that nose

>> No.52787790

Will rape be legal?

>> No.52788130

>ad hominem
Not an argument

>> No.52788197
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privileged white-collar jewish scammers have more in common with other privileged white-collar scammers than they do with other jews

>> No.52788262

Anisa Gardizy is a jew and it's her religious duty to run cover for other Jews. Even if she's not religious it's her secular jewish culture and identity to play ingroup games. This is just how Jews work. She probably doesn't even know Caroline personally. She just instantly identifies with her and sides with her. The worst Jewish scammers will have dozens of high places journalists instantly and instinctively running cover for them. Thus is the power of Jewish privilege.

>> No.52788269

chill with the antisemitism!

>> No.52788287
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You're retarded and don't deserve to use Apu reacts

>> No.52788312 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 3222x3222, 22FE1F6D-F8A2-462C-A3C9-727B28340553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always the jews

>> No.52788341

(you) are complicit in your own impotence.

>> No.52788370

man i hate jews

>> No.52788374

We will know the truth in maybe 40 years when they're all dead and none cares anymore.

>> No.52788411 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 512x512, 1DE87334-022E-4DB7-A8FB-54EFCFBB599C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow SBF, Caroline, Zelensky, Madoff, Yellen, Gensler… It feels like they have something in common…. Maybe just a coincidence.

>> No.52788600
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this. never EVER trust mainstream medias


>> No.52788660


>> No.52788792

I fucking knew it!

>> No.52788857

It's a factual claim. He doesn't understand how the social world operates and takes everything at face value like a mark.

>> No.52788923

Checked. I did this hard with Ukraine lmao
>Russia is losing it's over!!!
>they'll be dead by June!

>> No.52789077

Sam is getting away with it by pinning it on the weasel.

>> No.52789096

I agree. I could do a way better job than they ever could.

>> No.52789139

The polycule does have that effect

>> No.52789157

Alright, what the actual fuck is up with all the suckfuck pouring out of the legacy media regarding these two? This is fucking horseshit.

>> No.52789178

hi /pol/ !

>> No.52789219

wishy washy psyop as always

>> No.52789379

Remember, women have no agency. Even "feminists" treat women as though they have no agency and are little children. And it's correct to do so.
Never criticise a woman. It's always the fault of a man who duped her or influenced her or otherwise made her do the bad thing.

>> No.52789505

Go back

>> No.52790110

Blaming Karens is a great way to deflect from Jewish influence

>> No.52790187

Because goyim like you are clueless.

>> No.52790233

Who is the Chinese spy on the far left?

>> No.52790469

Wait, isn't that Trump or whatever that Heartstone streamer was called?

>> No.52790551
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enough time
gradually begin to hate them

>> No.52790567

Aaron Schwartz downloaded some research papers and they were ready to fucking nail that guy to the cross over it so much so that he "killed himself." These people basically pulled an Enron and the media apparatus is bending over backwards to justify it. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.52790586

>math wiz
>lose $10B trading
seems contradictory

>> No.52790750

You still have not made an argument

>> No.52790911

So you know how balls deep the (((gubmint))) was in this shit.

>> No.52791409

Sex tape real or a red herring?

>> No.52791595

Lefty journalists protecting the adult children of elite Democrats

>> No.52791953

This kek

>> No.52792226


>> No.52792344 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 512x512, 1670193901163303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bankman gave half his customers' money to (((MSM))) so they could shill for him when the SHTF.
And they kinda are forced to do so. And you know why? Because any respectable human being would refuse money they know was stolen, and send it back to the pool allocated to the refund of FTX's customers. It's basic deontology, and it's ESPECIALLY important if you are a journalist.
Have you seen a single (((journalist))) propose to give back the millions they got from Alameda/FTX so far?

So if they admit it was a fraud, they also admit they accepted dirty money. It makes them complicit of the crime. It is thus capital for them to rewrite the narrative so Bankman wasn't a fraudster.

>> No.52792483

Kek fuck off Vatnik, those are the best Russia can offer in an offensive war.

>> No.52792562

Look at all the kikes and libshit trannoids seething at you enouncing simple facts. The US is by far the most kiked and corrupt nation on earth. Not a single african banana dictatorship can even begin to compete with this level of infinite talmudic grifting and corruption.

>> No.52793537

Russia is getting curbstomped

>> No.52793646

You have to wonder just how deep in it. What little schemes are they trying to work behind the scenes that we are only getting bits and pieces of?

>> No.52793659
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>bound for success

>> No.52793684

He's black. That means he steals stuff right?

>> No.52793690
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>> No.52793689
File: 1.19 MB, 2228x1158, you_fucking_idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does the government let you use the internet?

>> No.52793692

I like how they drew her eyes all retarded sloopy poop like that. very accurate.

>> No.52793784

Middle girl is top qt. Who is she? Is she being investigated as well?

>> No.52793883
File: 67 KB, 440x994, 20221208_175027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember this kid from hey Arnold? this is what Caroline reminds me of.

>> No.52793922

I'd investigate her pussy with my penis if you know what I mean. I'd really dig in (with my cock) if you know what I'm sayin'

>> No.52793961
File: 1.46 MB, 1627x1135, MIT iGEM - Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52793968

Oy vey

>> No.52793975

Did the video memory consent to such imagery?

>> No.52793985

Kek, its great isnt it?

>> No.52794059
File: 90 KB, 1036x794, 358F434B-71ED-46DC-A5B5-72CCF2BAFB43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proven to lie about literally anything
>but you must trust him on this single claim

>> No.52794073

Way out of my league these days

>> No.52794123

The psyop is to get crypto normie fags seething. Working well so far. Imagine thinking Caroline is some kind of Bernie Madoff V2 and not a naive kid who got caught up with a scammer.

>> No.52794136

No not really. Colleges and universities are a massive joke and they were always a joke for rich people.
Colleges & universities just like schools don't you jackshit and only put you through hell to make fun of you while the rich people get 10/10s on tests for knowing the right people or paying the right people.

>> No.52794216

He donated it to RINO candidates. You can influence politics on both side of the table.

>> No.52794412 [DELETED] 

I’m sure you have a lot of things in common with jews AHAHAHAHAH

>> No.52794487

Why did the AI make WTC7 into a merchant?

>> No.52794542 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 494x234, 1665339294545900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT has to go back to >>>/pol/ this thread is off-topic and the tranny janny should clean it up.