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52782676 No.52782676 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52782927

Somehow - and I admit I can't explain how - this dude is gonna be one of America's most hated enemies in about a decade or so
Just wait and see, it never fails

>> No.52782950
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>> No.52782952

So, their entire nation now just lives off the backs of wagies, they are essentially giganeets.
This is as based and redpilled as it can be.

>> No.52782956

This is America is know for something is in “investing” in countries that will make conflict with them

>> No.52783091

>American enemy
i have my doubts

>> No.52783100

Greater Israel

>> No.52783224

Kek. Based take

>> No.52783244

Is it too late to hope the Ruskies fuck with Chernobyl and irradiate what's left of Ukraine and Belarus?

>> No.52784645

that's part of the plan

>> No.52784654

literal false flag by (((Gorby)))

>> No.52784706

>sitting in a trench while getting shelled to death
Not the NEETdom they need, but the NEETdom they deserve

>> No.52784717

Complete fake and gay event, imagine regurgitating these blatant psyops 30 years later.

>> No.52784745

who the actual fuck has a Time magazine subscription lmao

>> No.52784868

Launders all the aid, sells all the weapons and still btfo of the ruskis. Kek the state of putin cucks.

>> No.52784877


>> No.52784882
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>> No.52784885

I would agree often but he's a Jewish comedian so the punchline was front loaded this time

>> No.52784898

> doesnt choose the gentleman's choice of Who’s Who over Times magazine

ngmi lad

>> No.52784912
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>> No.52784913
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>> No.52784922

he had to become a digital nomad tbf

>> No.52784950

Soon the vaxxed will start dropping dead and us pure bloods will inherit the earth as it's sole survivors.