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52781761 No.52781761 [Reply] [Original]

The free market, anti-regulation ideas that you all have on this board, and others like this board, eventually culminated in so much chaos and shit that you collectively destroyed the public perception of your own favorite asset.

Because you all vehemently resisted regulations, because cryptospace has all been colonized by republican libertarians, you eventually had the inevitable banking collapses that happen in a free market system. And all of the inevitable financial fallout, which devastates normal, working class people's lives far more than it devastates the lives of the wealthy (this is why we had bank bailouts in 2008).

You know, you all did this. You all caused this. By being such a toxic community. By stringently adhering to a set of far right, insane political ideas that are 1) objectively false 2) objectively don't work 3) universally hated by all because most people have at least some small semblance of an education and thus know exactly why "free market libertarianism" is faulty

Anyway, the result of your own toxicity is now that you've tarnished your own asset class. You've got a currency that you turned everyone off of. Everyone hates it now. Because they associate it with you, and they associate it with the financial pain that your "le free market" ideas have caused them.


This is why we have the federal reserve. This is why we have government agencies. This is why we have regulators. This is why we have central planning, and bailouts. Because your ideas and views are simply false. They do not exist or work in the real world, they cannot, and they cause real working class people tons of pain.

Thank god I was smart enough to sell a year ago

>> No.52781766 [DELETED] 

There's never any way to talk sense to any of you on these boards. I know that. But at you'd think at some point if there's anyone, even one person, who is genuinely rational on this boards you'd have to have a "wake up and smell your own bullshit" moment.

>> No.52781776

PS There's never any way to talk sense to any of you on these boards. I know that. But at you'd think at some point if there's anyone, even one person, who is genuinely rational on this boards you'd have to have a "wake up and smell your own bullshit" moment.

>> No.52781777

No a Jew did it

>> No.52781888

Yea you're right so much better to just live indefinitely with constant inflation and live off the teat of unelected insider trading partisan scum "intellectuals." Asset bubbles and bailouts and
the exponential growth of the money supply are all the results of competent decision making by highly qualified important people. Commodity and food shortages in the 21st century are totally natural and aren't caused by political fuckery and economic planning at all.

>> No.52781912

This post is a bullish, bottom signal.

>> No.52781939

This is the sort of stupidity crypto is associated with in people's minds now. Some dumb internet nazis saying "a jew did it". That plus people who openly advocate for tax evasion, and the dumbest rightwing ideas that every sane person on earth knows simply don't work.

It's definitely not something I'd want to be invested in these days.

>> No.52781941

Oh I meant to add scrupulous.

We have HIGHLY QUALIFIED VERY IMPORTANT SCRUPULOUS PEOPLE managing our economy for us and that's why everything is so affordable and dandy in today's world.

>> No.52781963

But the problem is your comment is an uneducated schizo comment. You have no education and learned everything you learned about "economics" from nazi memes. And your views on everything are wrong. And people know that. For example, people in the real world are educated enough to know that inflation exists to help the working class achieve livable wages and low unemployment. Real world people know that. Autistic internet nazis, all of whom think they're more knowledgeable than everyone else, are the only ones who don't know basic things like that. But that's who crypto is associated with now. Your specific brand of ignorance

>> No.52781969

Monero is so fucking based. Ive been feeling a strong urge to go all into monero.
The old crypto was pure ancap. It got taken over by retarded zoomer moonboys shilling scam nfts and making dogshit scam shitcoins.
Crypto used to be so comfy when it was niche. Now every random thot and 20 year old tiktok zoomer larp as big shot traders and analysts

>> No.52781988

Yeah it's real bullish when a guy who was in on crypto as early as 2012 is finally throwing up his hands and saying "that's it, stupid people ruined this space, it's over". Real bullish when all of the early adopters who got rich off of investing in crypto are finally fed up and giving up on it because it's colonized by stupid rightwing morons

>> No.52782008

You know, there was nothing "ancap" about crypto back in the day. Speaking as someone who was in this community for a real long time, I assure you it used to be all lefties. Lefty, educated people. The polar opposite of everything crypto is today. And you all ruined it. You just ruined it with stupidity. With babyboomer, nazi, republican, rightwing stupidity that the whole world is put off by and disgusted by. And none of you have any self-awareness of how badly you're all hated.

>> No.52782031

Are you referring to the 2% target, which hypothetically accounts for "controlled" economic stimulus to lower unemployment? Keynes was uneducated and an exposed pedophile.

You sound like a troll but you might just be an authentic grade A retard.

>> No.52782034

>You know, there was nothing "ancap" about crypto back in the day. Speaking as someone who was in this community for a real long time, I assure you it used to be all lefties. Lefty, educated people. The polar opposite of everything crypto is today. And you all ruined it. You just ruined it with stupidity. With babyboomer, nazi, republican, rightwing stupidity that the whole world is put off by and disgusted by. And none of you have any self-awareness of how badly you're all hated.
And PS Monero is literally a cryptocurrency that exists purely for the sole purpose of buying drugs, childporn, hitmen and slaves on the internet. I mean that's literally it's only usecase. That's ALL it exists for. And now the community is just full of retarded republican rightwingers who unironically believe all of those things should be legalized, even as they self-righteously whine about #PizzaGate conspiracies that "all tha democrats are pedos!" out of the other side of their mouth. And you think nobody notices, but they do.

>> No.52782040
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Yeah that's great Cletus. Republican economics lectures are fictional jokes that nobody takes seriously though, in the real world. You're a people who collectively lack an education, and yet constantly consider yourselves to be overeducated, and somehow more educated than others who do have educations.

>> No.52782064

Ancap is literally left wing dumbass. Libertarianism is the complete opposite of fascism or right wing.

Back then the consciousness of the planet was different, it was right after the fallout of the 2008 crash, occupy wallstreet was on everyones mind, schizos all around the internet were exposing the elites, julian assange, aaron schwartz, normal people were waking up to the rothschilds and elites etc.
The internet at the time was libertarian af even 4chan was libertarian.
Liberalism completely lost its meaning, now it means crazy tranny freaks who want to tell you what words you can use

>> No.52782085

Anarcho Capitalism is a far right, rightwing extremist political idea to privatize government and essentially end democracy. That's what it is. That's all it is. If you thought it was something else then you're misinformed or intentionally spreading idiotic propaganda

>> No.52782093

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.52782094

I just want to say Austrian economics has been validated at every turn. It presents a scientific model of a functioning economy which can be used to make real world predictions and the consequences of the western central banking system have all been predicted accurately. All competing economic theories are complete bullshit and serve one single purpose: to justify stealing and hide it in plain sight. Normies are too fucking stupid to understand muh economics and the scam goes on and on and look at the fucking state of things. Look at the state of the propaganda even. Putin and "greedflation." And people actually believe it!!!!

>> No.52782111

I’m free market capitalism, a bank can completely collapse, leading to depositors losing their money. In our current banking system, all banks will fail at the same time, triggering bailouts (doubling the money supply again) causing ALL deposits of ALL banks to lose half of their purchasing power, triggering the psychological horror of hyperinflation. This will happen in the United States. Stock up on tangible goods.

>> No.52782112

Thats stupid to say about monero.
People buy all that stuff with cash all over the world. Monero is just anonymous digital cash as bitcoin was intended to be.
Its not the currencies fault what people choose to use it for, the point is it can be used for anything thats the whole point of currency

>> No.52782118

No, quite literally you are the one who has no idea what you are talking about, apparently. Especially if you, like the other anon, thought anarcho capitalism was something "leftwing". Jesus christ, hard "lol" at the lack of education among rightwing 4chan hillbillies. And that's exactly the sort of uneducated stupidity I'm talking about in the OP and in this thread. Your lack of education and terminal stupidity seriously turns masses of humanity off

>> No.52782125

How many books have you read in your life mr education? Can you count them on two hands?

>> No.52782142

Yeah see how your answer is "stock up on tangible goods" and "hahaha society will collapse and everyone will starve"? See how that's literally the end result of your libertarian, rightwing ideas? And the whole point of them is to cause mass starvation, and pain, and suffering, and unemployment, and violence in the streets? People don't fucking want that, you retarded psycho

>> No.52782149

Nope it's a cryptocurrency intended to be used to buy and sell drugs, people and childporn on the internet. And that's why libertarians and republicans support it and it's also part of why crypto is looking so unappealing to people these days

>> No.52782154

Not reading anymore of your extra chromosome drivel. That anon was right, you are wrong. Simple as.

>> No.52782168


>> No.52782173

>That's ALL it exists for
you can literally do the same with cold hard cash. monero's sole purpose isn't for crime, it's to imitate cold hard cash as much as possible in a digital format, in other words, it is trying to be fungible, and therefore it must be private.

inevitably, that privacy attracts criminals. but more importantly, it will also attract people who don't want to get buttfucked by the irs just for moving up the ladder.

if you were truly a "left-winger", you'd realize that monero enables the working class to increase their wealth and shit on the bureaucratic government that hates them. however, we all know that you're, more likely than not, a pathetic transvestite that thinks anything to the right of Stalin is "le fascist" LARPing as a communist intellectual.

kys. you'd be doing the world a massive favor.

>> No.52782176

It's almost like to the point where nobody can figure out if you're intentionally saying things you know to be untrue, or if you're all genuinely so uneducated and low-information on the rightwing that you genuinely don't know the difference between "leftwing" and "rightwing". And that you people genuinely would all think the retarded shit you say like "nazis were leftwing" or "anarcho capitalism is leftwing". I mean these are statements that everyone in the world knows are false. But on the rightwing there's a plethora of grossly uneducated hillbillies who say these things ad nauseam and it's extremely offputting to humanity

>> No.52782178

Anarcho literally means "without ruler" Lmfao its the exact opposite of fascism which is totalitarianism.
Anarchists are all left wing.
The classical meaning of liberal is someone who is for personal freedom of choice to do anything they wish

>> No.52782180

Ok now I see that you’re trolling, you

>> No.52782181

Absolutely incorrect.
Do you even know where the terms left wing and right wing come from?

>> No.52782192

This low iq seethe is hilarious.
Post more, inbred.

>> No.52782194

Yeah it's not a matter of argument. Monero's sole purpose is to buy and sell drugs, childporn and humans. The end.

Write another wall of text seething and pretending it's not. Your idiotic walls of text are never going to change reality.

Just like "anarcho capitalism" is never going to be "leftwing" as other anons in this thread are saying.

The endless repetition of idiotic things on internet message boards, by nazis, doesn't make them true. And that's why everyone out there in the real world hates you and can't stand any of you. That's why none of you have friends, or girlfriends, and you lose elections

>> No.52782205

I’m convinced this is a bait thread, he is replying fast and saying the opposite of what is obviously true. He is taking advantage of the fact that libertarian types are very frustrated with the world right now. Coming to an anonymous part of the internet and trying to get a rise out of people sure is fun, isn’t it?

>> No.52782217

I'm just going to repeat what I wrote here >>52782085 "Anarcho Capitalism is a far right, rightwing extremist political idea to privatize government and essentially end democracy."

That's objective reality, no matter how many times you complete, abject morons on this site say otherwise. Whether you genuinely are so low-information and uneducated that you believe what you're saying, or if you just think it's some propaganda line is a mystery to me. But either way it's quite cringe and you're humiliating yourselves quite badly

>> No.52782229

Anarcho Capitalism is a far right, rightwing extremist political idea to privatize government and essentially end democracy.

That's what it is. It's a far right psychotic political idea to empower the ultra rich and enslave the working class, essentially

>> No.52782240

i knew this was bait the moment i saw "10 PBTID". i'm leaving the thread, just making sure none of the retarded lurkers fall for it.

>> No.52782241

You can't form a complete and coherent sentence, no one is going to believe that your single mommy isn't your sister lol.

>> No.52782252

Trips of truth

>> No.52782256

OK well "anarcho capitalism" is a far right political idea to privatize government and end democracy. That's objective reality no matter how much stupid, knowingly false rhetoric you try to spread.

And I can only assume you know your rhetoric here is false, because nobody could be stupid enough to think "anarcho capitalism is leftwing". I mean really now, fucking lol morons

>> No.52782267
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You talk like a fag and ur shits all retarded
Good luck with your bait thread incel

>> No.52782274

Not everyone on here is a frog posting lunatic at McDonalds. I appreciate the effort to have dialogue but I will abstain from saying everything in the space is fucked. I do think the usual cyclical cleansing is needed at this point but I doubt we ever return to what it was before. Selling was the right move but you know as well as I do it will return. This board was ruined by illiterate working class shmucks and children who know nothing about the real world and feel empowered by blaming their genetic and social failures on the Jews and Blacks and whatever other bullshit they can muster.

>> No.52782298

No, retard.
The terms right wing and left wing come from the French parliament in which the individuals who believed in more power to the king and the monarchy would sit to his right while the people who believed in liberty and power to the people would sit to the kings left. Small government is traditional liberalism. It is, in the classical definition, leftism.

>> No.52782323

It could work...if the entire community totally changed into something entirely different from what it is now. And if regulations happened that were intelligent, informed, and ultimately leftwing. Barring that, crypto will never be stable enough to be of any use to anyone. And all of the libertarian rhetoric in the world about "oooooo ending le inflation" isn't going to change the fact that non-inflationary currency is a nightmare dystopia for the working class, and results in gross wealth inequality, high unemployment, low wages until eventually all of the assets are accumulated in the hands of a small handful of people.

There are ways to change that through crypto protocols, through voting and stuff. But the protocols would have to be changed from what they currently are (where the people with the most money have the most say) and the community and laws around this technology would just need to be so fundamentally leftwing and different on every level to ever make it practically applicable

>> No.52782332

Nobody cares about this autismo history lesson that every stupid far right nazi on this board repeats ad nauseam. Nobody. Nobody cares about it and that's not what "left vs right" mean. You don't get to just randomly make up your own definitions of words to your whim, and turn them around and twist them to mean things that are the total opposite of what they actually mean IRL. God damn autistics.

>> No.52782359

You know what? I am really stupid because I try to talk to you people as if you're adults. As if you're sane. As if you're rational and capable of rational reflection and seeing the error of your ways. But each time I post and try to interact with you, your responses just prove literally everything I said in the OP 100% correct. It's always something entirely, unspeakably stupid. "Anarcho capitalists are leftwing!" or on /pol/ it's "nazis are leftwing!". It's always the thing that's the most intensely insane, and backwards, and clearly opposite of reality. And it proves everything I'm saying in my OP. You people honestly killed crypto with your toxic stupidity

>> No.52782379

Why is this repulsive kike posting so much ITT? The more people like him leave crypto forever the better it becomes

>> No.52782399

I genuinely can't tell if you're larping. Please don't breed.

Oh wait you're a tranny no worries. Carry on.

>> No.52782401
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>> No.52782446

OP just kill yourself and take the entirety of the middle east with you you dirty lying conniving gypsy jews. All jews are gypsies. All gypsies need to die.