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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52780439 No.52780439 [Reply] [Original]

I have never done an honest day's work in my life, am lazy, and have no accomplishments to speak of, uncharismatic and autistic. Even in academics I have always received middling grades yet I feel like I am capable and deserving of a lavish lifestyle. Perhaps it is because I was described as precocious by my teachers as a child and regularly get between 120-130 on IQ tests.

There is just something that convinces me I am better than 99% of normies. Any /biz/sisters feel the same way?

>> No.52780529
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>> No.52780612

Yeah that why I’m buying Kaspa

>> No.52780621


>> No.52780640
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i've been working (barely) as a dev, am lazy and no accomplishments to speak of either
though i believe im pretty charismatic (and likely on the spectrum), same for the grades
I'm either going to be a multimillionaire (if Im as intelligent as people think I am), or kms for not being smart enough

>> No.52780639

Yeah but what are you doing to make money? Sitting around and jerking your penis without putting any effort isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.52780642
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Yes OP. You do and you will. Just keep working smarter, not harder.

>> No.52780659

Basically I feel the same as you, I just try to put up work (on my own) to make money, can't bear working for someone else

>> No.52780672

$ICP my fren

>> No.52780694

I was a multimillionaire last year now I am only a multi hundred thousandaire. I've always been smarter than the normies but that didnt stop me from getting greedy and not taking appropriate profits after making 1000x gains. Ah well, live and learn.

>> No.52780697

How high do you think it will go?

>> No.52780715

Very high

>> No.52780739

Is 1000 make it?

>> No.52780750

Do you have a degree? Is it worth it getting into coding if you're already in your early 20's?

>> No.52780821

No degree so to speak, I did study in a very specific (and renowned) school, but only did 1.5 year of coding there, then left to work on my own (I had prior dev experience from self-teaching)

>Is it worth it getting into coding if you're already in your early 20's?
Absolutely, but you have to enjoy it at least somewhat for it to be bearable, as it can be quite a demanding job mentally
But upsides are good: WFH, good pay, can pull off 2 hours days of work if you're performant, stimulating job, opens you to a lot of new things useful all over the net (as well as being a skill that you can easily profit from on your own)
For reference my gf (34 yo), moved from being an architect to a DevOp, only with a 6 months formation, it's never too late anon

>> No.52780843

For reference I'm 24 and I work 2 hours a day on average (employed full time of course), from home

>> No.52780865
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I have an IQ of 147 so I wouldnt know what goes on in the minds of simpletons like yourself.

>> No.52780915

I'm like this too, I have an IQ of 146 after taking an extra credit IQ test in my psychology course in college. I never cared for my score and always thought it was faggy to gloat about it, but I realize I am much smarter than most people. It just turns out I'm profoundly lazy. I mean I take lazy to the next fucking level. I'll do as little work as possible no matter what, I will optimize things to do next to zero work. It's fucking crazy and almost amazing. I'm a failure because I refuse to work or do anything of effort. I pirated a Discrete Math 1 book and watched the free class/lecture at 2.0 speed on youtube from MIT, skimmed most of it and learned the entire thing by making flashcards in under 40 hours (including 18 hours of sleep). My brain is fucking huge, I'm just lazy to an absolute extreme level and have zero interest and motivation in most things.

>> No.52780975

>>There is just something that convinces me I am better than 99% of normies.
Yeah, your ego.

>> No.52781016

Based and literally me

>> No.52781060

based and me, so I bought chainlink, and am now comfy knowing no matter what I will be a millionaire before im 30 as long as I just hodl LINK

>> No.52781096
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Don't underestimate me

>> No.52781097

Yeah I feel this way. But the older I get, the more reality disagrees with me.

I was never Light iamgaY, I was matsuda all along

>> No.52781108

What do you do now? Still in college or NEET or wagie?
What would you recommend to start with to learn coding? I have pretty much no experience or knowledge and am rather computer illiterate

>> No.52781190 [DELETED] 

I work 3 remote jobs that pay me 22-26$/hour each and I automated 95% of the work. I'm learning to code to do this on a much larger scale and make more money per job. I'm still not rich though, so I consider myself a failure. I have a biology degree that I bullshitted the entire away with a 3.95 GPA.

>> No.52781641

How long did it take you to learn to code?

>> No.52781747

Oh but it has

>> No.52781876

totally. in fact /biz/ inspires me to feel this way. i see how much the average wagie gets fucked over, and i start to believe ANYONE who works a real job truly cannot succeed. however, i need to advocate for the death of others like me (and you). the system cant sustain too many leeches.

>> No.52782044

I'm going to far on you.

>> No.52782135

Armanite, the post

>> No.52782163
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literally me

>> No.52782175

Kek literally me but unironically.
I know I'm a trashbag, absolute degenerate piece of shit but I still can't help but feel like I'm better than other people.
Hell the entire reason I even workout and stay in ottermode is because my ego simply won't fit in a body that's not aesthetic.
I don't how to fix my mindset and I'm not even sure if I want to fix it.

>> No.52782179

Wow you're literally me.

>> No.52782191

Allow me to give you a nugget of advice, young man. I have met multiple people throughout life who are like you, genuine cognitive Ferrari's. All of them as grown men are fucking losers. None of them come close to me in any single metric of life and it's because they're so narcissistic they are unwilling to get their hands dirty. I'm richer, I'm more accomplished, I'm in better shape, I fuck hotter bitches, all because I put my ego down. Stay smug and you will be a fucking loser.

>> No.52782226

Same. I'm salty because I literally bought all the perfect gems from 2018, yet somehow fucked it all up. I even saw the may crash and november crash coming with macro ta, but I ignored it

>> No.52782268

post selfie
If you're not a body builder, you have a child body and if you aren't in 7-8 figs, you are poor.
Chances are you have an average face too

>> No.52782319
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Go ahead, attempt to outdo my perfect Dorito form

>> No.52782419
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you are beneath me

>> No.52782426

I am a big mikka fan. Smart guy

>> No.52782498
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Literally me entirely, except I am not socially autistic.
I make enough through various ventures but realistically I put in the bare minimum of effort and manage to enjoy life for what it is.

>> No.52782660

I'm here because I think I'm better than others
while everyone else is over there slaving away day after day I'm sitting here planning everything to create my token with xor, I just need to keep taking money from my uncle before he figures it out

>> No.52782671


Im over 150 and basically untestable and even lazier. I have never done more than the minimum to survive so its no surprise Im not rich. Id rather gloat in my self superiority and stare at the wall than do a single minutes work more than I have to.

>> No.52782700

This thread needs the webm of the guy from the gambling anime

talking about how people will keep waiting for their real life to start, and only on their deathbed realize this is the real life

>> No.52782718
File: 153 KB, 496x484, 9927A584-E466-4365-94E9-F575FCC3CCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag bobo made that anime

>> No.52782754

real life doesn't work that way, this is America nigger, insane shit happens here all the time people who risk nothing will never get anything.

>> No.52782767

It's called narcissism, it's a Cluster B personality disorder.

>> No.52782770

Yeah but at this point of your argument it's subjective
That's your personal idea of "beneath you", other people may not agree with this assessment, other people may switch that perception around. I do not believe that if 100 people met you and the other anon that all 100 would look at you and say "yeah that's the smarter one"
It only harkens back to the point of you being smug and narcissistic, and how even though you are hyper intelligent, you do fuck all.
So in all reality, the only person who sees you at a higher level of intelligence, is you. Nobody else would likely agree with that assessment due to your lack of tangible accomplishments.
So at the end of the day, does it really matter how smart you are if you literally never use it other than to say "ha I could be better than you"

Well, prove it?

>> No.52782787

Most of the mental health industry isn't based on science. They can literally make up a disorder for anything.

>> No.52782895

without skills you will never be able to exert your power over normies
for example, knowing how to code multiplies one's power thousandfold
t. 131 IQ who became a multimillionaire from making a shitcoin platform

>> No.52782905

I know I have to learn a skill although I fear it's too late. I'm already in my early 20's and my youth is running dry. It's over

>> No.52782966
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I've worked when I needed money. I was in the running for National Merit Scholar. I did as well on my ACTs as an Ivy Leaguer or an Oxbridge student, but I had gotten disillusioned with school because various factors made keeping my grades up unpleasant, though I still got A's and B's. My IQ was like a 149.

I do my art, which is writing. I sacrificed a lot to get good at it. I'm pretty good now, but there's always room to improve. I'm about to submit a book to agents and publishers. My first novel. I would be pretty happy if I made a living doing this. I don't want to accumulate money, except what I need, what a future wife needs, and what kids need. Instead I'd like to lead a rich life and die with few regrets.

We are not the same, but I wish you well.

>> No.52783209
