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52776693 No.52776693 [Reply] [Original]

My little brother died 3 months ago from an unexpected heart attack at 18. Before leaving for shopping i asked him if there was anything he wanted. He said oreos. I left home for 20 minutes and when i came back i found his lifeless body lying on the ground. He didnt hear me when i screamed. He didnt react when i tried to wake him. His chest was still warm. His fingertips were purple. His body is now under the ground, in the cold. Wherever i look, everything reminds me of him. I cant encourage myself to go in his room still. Everytime i close my eyes i see his rotten body under the ground. What did he do to deserve this before living his life. What did i to deserve seeing him die. I cant sleep without drinking half a bottle anymore. I wish i could spend more time with him. I wish i could show him how much i loved him. I wish i could save him. I cant live with the guilt of leaving him to death alone at home. Only reason i didnt put a bullet into my head is i know my mother cant live without me. I would give everything i have to die that day instead of my brother

>> No.52776705

Thankfully he was vaccinated or it would have been worse.

>> No.52776707

Another dead vaxxcuck, good riddance

>> No.52776709

Did he take the vaxx

>> No.52776736

My brother had a seizure at 4 and got fucked up and it ruined my entire family, and now I just have this retard for a brother who walks in circles, kicking rocks and begging for money. He didn't even play as a kid, would just walk in circles kicking rocks. Enjoy your memories.

>> No.52776754

hey, fuck you people.

>> No.52776780

Answer the question. Was he filtered by taking the vaxx?

>> No.52776794

>hey, fuck you people.
Just curious if he took the vaxx or not because 18 yr olds normally don't have heart problems unless they took the vaxx
You didnt take the vaxx, right?

>> No.52776815

I would have asked OP these questions but good job anyways.

>> No.52776851

as someone who loves oreos. those things are fucking awful for your health. im not saying thats what gave him a heart attack. but theres just alot of shit that you shouldnt be putting into your body and the worst isnt alcohol or cigs either. its food. most people don't consume booze and smoke cigs every day. but everyone eats food. theres alot of trash out there especially in fast food places that will do more harm than good when you consume it but nobody bats an eye because eating healthy is fucking expensive so everyone is forced to eat trash or pay ridiculous amounts of money to eat healthy and it really shouldnt be like this

>> No.52776876

sorry OP :-/

>> No.52776886
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>Hey before we let you onto this airplane, can you tell us if you're vaccinated?
>Hey before we let you into this movie theater, were you ever vaccinated?
>Hey before we let you into this restaurant, are you vaccinated?
>Hey before our kids play together, could you tell me if yours are vaccinated?
>Hey before we hire you, can you confirm that you're vaccinated?
"Yes I'd be happy to share this information."

>This young healthy person died suddenly from something that normally kills people three times his age or older.
>Oh...was he vaccinated?
"Fuck you how dare you ask such a personal and sensitive question! Why should it even matter!"

>> No.52776915

>vaxxfags: (((they)))'re going to inflate the covid numbers by attributing random deaths to covid
>also vaxxfags: literally every person that died since 2020 died of the vaxx

>> No.52776924

>He didn't even play as a kid, would just walk in circles kicking rocks.
sounds awful, have you seen these videos of sheeps walking in circles? some say it's changes in the magnetic fields of the earth that confuses them.
You should try putting a tinfoil hat on your brother, see if that doesn't fix the old nogging of his.

>> No.52776930

I thought this was bait but it looks like “died unexpectedly“ is such a thing it’s bleeding into anons immediate relatives. Pretty sad man I’m sorry that happened.

>> No.52776969

Anon, focus on the future. Your brother would not want you to ruin your own life. You sound aimless, please watch this video, it might help you:

>> No.52776987

lmfao, thanks anon. I'll ill suggest that to the family at Christmas.

>> No.52777007
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>he took the vaccine

>> No.52777014

oh no! we are ridiculing OP's fake ass LARP! We must defend him NOW!

>> No.52777030
File: 40 KB, 403x430, 25C1B31B-75B0-459D-B0D5-05CBAD8A1A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong.
Everyone will die, live out the rest of your life for his sake. Be successful, start a family, the family name must live on.
Especially if ur white
Also, do the give ur kids the vaxx.
Stay strong.

>> No.52777057

Ahaha im typing in the shower, i meant to type dont give the kids or young ppl the fking vaxx

>> No.52777064

sorry, i forgot, apparently kids having heart attacks is normal!
i do genuinely feel bad for OP regardless of the reasons for the death.
i'm just sick of the propaganda, and the CDC has noted the higher risk for men under 40. the pharma companies are also just now studying this risk since everyone started looking away.
it's not like i'm claiming it is gonna kill everyone, i'm saying that most kids who got it had 0 risk in the first place if they caught the stupid virus yet they still had it pushed on them.

see >>52776886 - this sums up my feelings quite well. thanks anon.

>> No.52777114

This. It could have actually been bad.

>> No.52777140

billions of people have taken the vaccine it should be pretty obvious if people are dying left and right but unfortunately for you, you only can cling to 4chan larps to back up your thesis

>> No.52777150

Only if he were triple vaxed op
Also nice larp

>> No.52777151

anon I have a sad hunch this is not a troll. don't listen to the trolls. they're just here to rile shit up, take some time to mourn your brother and memorialize him. take care of yourself too, im sure your lil bro wouldn't want you to hurt yourself; and would just like to see you succeed and get pussy. take care.

>> No.52777176

Stay strong OP, and remember the day of the rope is approaching!

>> No.52777193

that's nice sweetie but how do we profit off of it

>> No.52777194
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>> No.52777195

Don't alienate normal people freaks!

>> No.52777213

get banned bitch

>> No.52777229

I just wanted to let you all know that i am unvaccinated , untested and uncut. Pure blood chads unite

Oh also , if you took the vaccine , you may be entitled to a refund, to get yours today. Please go to Pfizer.com/refunds

>> No.52777273

I got hurt by it after taking it voluntarily and went to the hospital for that. i know i'm in the minority but I'm sick of being told I don't exist to my face. Fucking annoying.
you're free to do as you please. i'm not saying that the vaxx is causing most excess deaths either lately, it is likely more so due to the side effects of lockdowns that people blatantly ignored at the time. but I don't ignore the people that got hurt by it either.
I'm referring to things like ignoring routine cancer screenings for 2 years, missing checkups, decreased natural immunity to other viruses that are now running rampant, increased obesity due to being forced to stay home, etc.
Even the CDC has a note here that men 12-39 should follow a different schedule for the shots. They acknowledge that such a risk exists, which is a shocking admission for them lately. In other areas I have read a more fleshed-out version of this which notes that the original 2-week schedule for shots put these already low-risk people at a relatively much higher risk of side effects and also decreased shot effectiveness, hence it was a mistake.
I'm sorry that you perceive every differing opinion as coming from a knuckle dragging monkey. Some of us realize that forcing such decisions is harmful when there is risk involved.

>> No.52777293

Sorry to hear, I also lost a sibling. It will get better over the long haul.

>> No.52777358

only 1pbid and it gave me some real feels. wish i had a relationship like that with my family

>> No.52777396

Buy HEX.

>> No.52777488
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>that scatter plot
>pic related

>> No.52777497

>t. retard

>> No.52777526

These are the people giving out advice on /biz/...

>> No.52777660

I recently lost my brother to suicide and it's been terrible trying to help my family out while they pay for his funeral and also are going through the worst turmoil, I'm trying to help them as I can but I'm really the only one working they both took off work to take care of everything and I'm afraid this might have done my father in emotionally, he's been checked out completely I was wondering if anyone had been through something like this, I'm trying to get enough saved to pay for absolutely everything after it's done so they don't have to worry about going into debt to lay him to rest,
I know it's terribly morbid but it's unfortunately how life works but they shouldn't be punished for it.
If anyone can help

>> No.52777711

>What did he do to deserve this
He got vaxxed.

>> No.52777743

It is super fucking obvious you retard. Look at the insurance data.

>> No.52777754

if you make enough money he will come back

>> No.52777758
File: 363 KB, 1864x936, 1667717432032597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, you can see this vax shit play out in real time.

You guys do remember what October was right?
Breast Cancer Awareness month?

Well, guess what. This year, even the most normie ass motherfucker brushed it off as if it never existed in the first place. You experienced it for yourself since you probably didn’t remember any of that shit either.

No reminders from ANY Social Media platform, no celebrities talking about it, no NFL pink shit, no WWE pink shit. Nothing.

But of course, don't believe your own lying eyes as it happened right in front of you.

>> No.52777902

I know people who've been affected from the vaxx, one for blood clots and the other dropped dead from a heart attack both were healthy before but that's just a 4chan larp

>> No.52778065

Jesus OP I'm sorry man don't get vaxxed.

>> No.52778085


>> No.52778111

What are you trying to say?
Generally confused desu

>> No.52778112

wow what a surprise: another emotionally manipulative slide thread.

>> No.52778114


>> No.52778130


>> No.52778132

this! dont deny the science chuds you will follow us

>> No.52778165


>> No.52778197

I'm sorry for your loss OP, but he shouldn't have taken the vaccine, especially if he was a healthy 18 year old who was under no threat from the virus to begin with

>> No.52778223

>1 post by this ID
Clean it up, jannies.

>> No.52778229

Holy crap this is one of the best merchant memes I've ever seen

>> No.52778270

Stay strong OP, it's never easy to lost someone we cherish.
Stop drinking to sleep, and just go to your nearby parc, sit on the grass, and look at the sky.
You will be able to let your feels vent there.
Don't hate yourself, you wouldn't be able to prevent his death.
The next time you see someone can always be the last time. It's true for everyone, you included.
So, take care of yourself, and honor his memory. Be someone good, both to yourself, and to others.
Stay strong OP.

>> No.52778375

It’s funny how this life works
Your brother looks like he was on track to life a fulfilled chad life
Got his chance stolen and dozens of 30 yo something leeching basement dwellers are allowed to Continue to live

I remember being 18, my life has been shit since I was constantly bullied since 13, but with getting 18 I could give myself another chance. Going to the gym filled so vivid and purposeful. Everything would surely turn out

somewhere between 19 and 20 yo my the light of my life went out
Never had a positive word of encouragement, father figure, older brother whatever. Now I am 23

Time goes fast

>> No.52778393

Also sorry for your loss OP

>> No.52778401
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>> No.52778414

>30 YO basement dwellers
I'm actually 35 and yes god let me live, he only is killing the weak minded cattle off.

Anyone who willingly took the vax has to die off it's gods plan.
Unironically we "basement dwellers" have had more impact on this world than you will ever know.

Personally I alone have influenced the direction of this board since 2021 including the reveal of YHWH being Caroline.

All one single basement dweller, OP's brother was on track to post some sick zoomer memes.

>> No.52778428
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don't romanticize death. round the corner you will also find yours. take 3 steps away from the situation and look at it from afar. everything dies, the amount of death right now, fair and unfair, happening in the world is overwhelming. you will remember him forever, cry as much as you have to cry, then after you finish, face life again. don't become an alcoholic out of self-pity. dying already sucks... now turn my brother into a depressed drunk because I died accidentally? this is what nobody deserves

>> No.52778439

Here's your word of encouragement. It's the only one you need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzfbwFVK-98

>> No.52778528
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1 a peepo coffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP come back or I'm revoking the sympathy I was gonna give ya

>> No.52778585

Can I ask you something. If you got to talk to your brother 1 last time, would he want you to end your life over this?

>> No.52778629

Everybody please pay attention right now:

>1 Post by this id.

This is an example of a BOT thread to get you to discuss and think about dumb shit i.e. VACCINES. Stop falling for bot threads

>> No.52778656

There will come a day when I will bring the dead back to life. Your brother will be there, to live once more. Make sure you will too.

>> No.52778886

>plotting Feb 23 2020-Apr 2 2021 against Feb 27 2022-Oct 22 2022
>far fewer samples to the right -> ever lower confidence
>pissweak correlation anyway
>lockdown ends/reopening over time -> traffic deaths etc rebound
>COVID related deaths of despair increase over time
>COVID damage deaths not directly attribute to COVID increase over time
Anyone who can throw together this fancy graph and argument isn't this stupid by accident. This is disinfo.

>> No.52778924

You're spending a lot of calories coming up with this convulsed denial of reality.

>> No.52778932

hehehe is it actually?

>> No.52778949

I'm really sorry OP. Thst is terrible. If you could talk to your brother now what do you think he would say?

I think he would like to see you and your mom happy. Grieving is a necessary process and you shouldn't run from it. Embrace it and it will get better. Then, you should go make your bro proud. You should do things and create stories so you can tell him all about it when you meet again.

Good luck WAGMI

>> No.52778965
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>> No.52778966

Refute just the first three, Mr Reality. A year gap, decreasing confidence as the vax hit social saturation and weak correlation.

>> No.52778978

No refunds

>> No.52779000

>My little brother died 3 months ago from an unexpected heart attack at 18
>didn't tell if vaxxed or not
0/5 bait

>> No.52779001

So how'd the Oreos taste?

>> No.52779028

your brother wouldn't want you to feel this way.

imagine if you died that day instead of him, and your brother felt the same you're feeling right now.

would you want him to feel that way?

start living your life, for your brother.

as that is what he wants.