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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52770026 No.52770026 [Reply] [Original]

>4.75% APY

>> No.52770040
File: 77 KB, 645x770, CD76C690-9C68-4321-BC0F-4BB56FDD870D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day I will be rich with my $130 per month. Trust based Sergey!

>> No.52770043

rent free ;)

>> No.52770251

at £100 per token i retire.

>> No.52770480

>at £100 per token i retire.

You sound just like those retards in 2017 that were wanking themselves off over Dash masternodes.

You will never fucking learn.

>> No.52770512

it gets better, if the pool's filled, apy is less than 2.5%

>> No.52770573

Reddit really is throwing a tantrum today over link. Get over it sōyboy.

>> No.52772772
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>> No.52772801

you could've sold at $50 and been halfway there. now you're waiting 10 more years

>> No.52773550

if your mother had loved you you wouldn't be in here typing this stuff every day

>> No.52773563

>cuckold caged for sergey
>calls other sōyboy

Stinkniggers are retarded cucks lmao.

>> No.52773606

It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message. Poorfags don’t need to understand.

>> No.52773626
File: 1.96 MB, 2034x1002, 786345432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending a message to who? You're paying HR Chainlink Labs roasties their monthly salary lmfao

>> No.52774229


>> No.52774269


>> No.52774317
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1D62498B-0D33-4F8D-A45C-81344E8D3EE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made more in a single day shorting link yesterday than marines will make in 2 years staking 7k stacks LMAO

>> No.52774405
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Post short :)

>> No.52774424

>Buy unregulated shitcoin
>Collect bank interest


>> No.52774727


>> No.52774860

Sources say that cut a lot of their staff recently.

>> No.52774870

Sources say your mom is a whore
Yeah I've read that article too

>> No.52774880

>4.75% APY on a token going to ZERO
lmfao linkies...

>> No.52774933



>> No.52774948

subhuman... you had 2 years
stop coping, subhuman

>> No.52774962

you seem incredibly insecure/nervous/angry.

>> No.52774970
File: 268 KB, 634x620, 423876342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you had 2 years
yeah to sell this shit LMFAOOOO

>> No.52774997

just annoyed by you trannies dilating all over the board
you had 2 years, period

>> No.52775090

you know you could just filter Chainlink and associated words lol

>> No.52775100

You act like fudders have anything better to do with their lives

>> No.52775129

I just can’t imagine being mad at Chainlink for two years, and just not filtering it or moving on.

talk about rent free

>> No.52777089


>The source said there were internal, high-level conversations in recent weeks about parting ways with the entire institutional sales team.
>parting ways with the entire institutional sales team.





>> No.52777158

So you're telling me I can get a guaranteed percentage of returns in this token? And the token is used to verify price data to ensure tokens, including itself, don't lose value due to malicious reporting? and it can verify "proof of reserves", the very buzz word that SBF said in his interview on how collapses like his can be mitigated in the future? And you're telling me there is a fixed supply of this token? Sounds like a shit investment. sage in all fields

>> No.52777180

fairly bullish restructuring and they kept the high preforming sales reps.

>> No.52777332

>there were internal, high-level conversations in recent weeks about parting ways with the entire institutional sales team.

Yeah, so bullish bro, serious talks about getting rid of the entire institutional sales team! Totally fine, Link doesn't need any more institutions on board, it already has Facebook, DocuSign, Microsoft... oh wait, they all fell through! ACK!

>> No.52777360

>The source said there were internal, high-level conversations
>my dad works at nintendo
really grasping at straws trannie

>> No.52777373

>imagine owning portion of html
Those seven sexy words made me fall for Sergey. My kids will thank me in 15 years.

>> No.52777442

the sheer fact that linkers have nothing else to do but to discuss tokenomics about their little eth token shows you how funny this is.

there is no discussion on what link actually does, it's just about
>muh 5000% returns
>muh children will be happy
>muh succulent sergey cock and his flannel shirt

nobody actually talks about what link will do, and why people will pay for their token years ahead. just about lamborghinis and buying something just to sell it to someone else. nobody even bothers to actually use it. what a joke.

>> No.52777560


>Be a Linkcel
>Believe a larping pajeet shill that called themselves 'Assblaster'
>Believe endless other paid pajeet shills that larped as 'insiders'

Who's the real fucking trannie grasping at straws here?

>> No.52777576

man fuck assblaster. he made buy link at 20 cents, what a fucking asshole

>> No.52777704

I need the link token so I can sell it to someone else and become rich

>> No.52778343


>> No.52778423

>the sheer fact that linkers
It's blatantly eth shills. Becuhse it's one of the only main competitors. And they keep shilling eth despite
>pos is going to blew it out the water.
Nothing. Absolutely zero traction.

And it being
>the blockchain "that does things" for a decade.
Like shitcoins.

And I hold zero link.

>> No.52778437


>> No.52780627



">The source said there were internal, high-level conversations in recent weeks about parting ways with the entire institutional sales team.

I am link holder since October 2017 and still have a lot of faith in the project.

Having said that, I think the sales and marketing team could use some improvement.
1. Need to do much better describing WTF chainlink is and what it does. Have gone to a few chainlink meetups and there were tech folks there and even they were like "wait, how is this different from an API where I can just get the data" Talked to a dude form advertising agency who was there and he said "look these folks are obviously smart, but they just do NOT know how to explain what this is or how it benefits a business"
2. Kind of random but I actually had a call with some folks from the "institutional sales team" and I hate to say it but was not impressed.
3. Gen Z dude reached out to me on linked in "hey I am part of chainlink team and we've been impressed with the content you are sharing and wondering if we can set up call to talk about how we might work together. Me: "wow, this is cool, chainlink noticed me, yeah sure." set up time for call -- its at 5 am my time because chainlink folks are in Europe
4. Wake up at 5 am for call. Start talking to them. Salesguy, IT sales engineer type guy, and the Gen Z guy who I guess is just there to observe
5. Salesguy is talking to me, obviously knows nothing about me (I'm a solo consultant) and just starts asking "ok, so I guess you're familiar with chainlink, my question is, would you or your company want to use it in your software." Me: "uhhhh I don't really make software, and I'm a solo guy so don't really have a company. Have been sharing some info about smart contracts because I really believe in the tech, and in chainlink."

>> No.52780689


6. Sales guy: "I see, cool, well, look, we are kind of focused on people who want to start using chainlink, so we won't take up more of your time. But uh, you maybe could check the website because I think there are some grants and stuff you can apply for, but I don't know much about that.

DESU I've been in enterprise sales on both sides, selling to institutions and also working for institutions and this felt pointless and stupid and a waste of time.

The whole thing felt half assed. They didn't know anything about me, and also asking me to wake up at 5 am my time.

Much respect for sergey but the folks around him seem to have no idea how to do institutional sales.

Still extremely bullish, but glad they are making changes.

>> No.52780751

So we won’t have sex now?