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File: 332 KB, 828x859, 705F794F-AB52-4A56-91B9-2539758DB527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52765007 No.52765007 [Reply] [Original]

it’s over

>> No.52765016 [DELETED] 

I use c0inmetro instead. BUY XCM and stake in MARS for easy incomes and free big return

What are u waiting for, anon! BUY XCM from c0inmetro today!

>> No.52765047

Literally who

>> No.52765059

>I quit because ppl think Bitcoin is LE BAD
true OG

>> No.52765068

This, I've been around for 10 years never heard of this faggot

>> No.52765076

Bet he had shit on FTX.

>> No.52765080

if it wasn't for coinmetro i'd shoot my dog

>> No.52765083

I am ten years old (10) and who is this?

>> No.52765120

clean this shit up jannies

>> No.52765127

he 'worked' on bitcoin for '10 years'
but what does that really mean? He knew about it for that long and then tried to contribute-- no, I don't see a single PR from him. Okay let me guess, he made a shitty startup that made $0 and now that it completely failed he's going to go to a another random overly hyped part of the industry to try and make money there.

ding ding ding. This is typical behavior of faggots that get Physics PHDs. Their phds are worthless but they are attracted to big ideas. But they have no software abilities and fumble around in the industry pretending to be smart and contributing net negative.

Glad the retard is out of crypto. Once AI hype dies down again hopefully he leaves compsci entirely. Actually I guarantee he'll do like quantum computing next. Why are people like this such predictable NPCs

>> No.52765175

This guy is an absolute midwit.

>> No.52765180

Never trust bald men nor horse people. This IS financial advice.

>> No.52765232
File: 114 KB, 892x899, 456346346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he types out that whole thing just to end with this and totally ruin his credibility lmao

>> No.52765289

lol. lmao even. kek if you will.

>> No.52765309

he's a bsv guy
smart but schizo and bipolar
he was just about to launch a new "paymail" service and then out of nowhere abandoned it and said he was done with bitcoin

>> No.52765782

After seven years in AI I am planning to make the switch over to crypto, so that I might contribute towards the downfall of the federal reserve system

>> No.52765825

Dude put all his eggs in the "Craig Wright is really Satoshi Nakamoto and BSV is Bitcoin" basket. Obviously that didn't work out for him, so he is pivoting.

>> No.52766385

Ryan X Charles made a service callee money button, it was an embeddable wallet that could be used to make payments easily. He sold this service to Digital Coin Group, these arseholes own everything in the crypto space and try to control the narrative that everyone running a raspberry pi can revolutionise the world.
Ryan also went on some bullshit religious rant then later said it was drugs.
He was involved in the "women in bitcoin" bullshit and would have group talks with hideous blue haired wannabe women programmers, naturally they achieved nothing.
He's your stereotypical new age faggot loser male with zero business experience

>> No.52766922
File: 278 KB, 1800x948, bitcoin-fork-comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This, I've been around for 10 years never heard of this faggot
Guy was literally one of the stars of bitcoin before the 2017 pumps.
Started gaining popularity when reddit decided to integrate its own crypto and hired him to build the entire infrastructure.
He then embarrassed himself greatly. He was literally genius-level at programming, yet believed CSW was Satoshi and claimed publicly that Craig also signed for him.
I can't imagine being an OG and not knowing the guy, most OGs in the thread are probably larpers.

>> No.52766955

>I've worked on bitcoin
this guy has 0 (ZERO) pulls, even on libbitcoin, bips or alt node clients
he has never worked on bitcoin LMAO

>> No.52767013


CSW is jesus!? Fucking wack job.

>> No.52767035

>work on bitcoin for 10 years
>still think it’s about “micropayments”
How can you be so out of touch

>> No.52767082
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It is and always was.

>> No.52767089
File: 251 KB, 999x598, 1614613145470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always was

>> No.52767165

The actual code behind Bitcoin is not that complicated. Imaging spending 10 fucking years on it holy shit.
>I worked on Bitcoin for 10 years
So he worked in some shitty "blockchain startup" for 10 years and thinks its impressive?

>> No.52767208

The CEO of bitcoin just quit? its over bros.

>> No.52767217

What a faggot nobody

>> No.52767402

More like the weekend night shift manager

>> No.52767415


>> No.52767443

so basically if I bought bitcoin 10 years ago and that's it, I can claim to have 'worked on Bitcoin' for 10 years? What did this faggot do? Hold?

>> No.52767514
File: 149 KB, 1127x1316, micropayments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.52767548

he tried to build payment processors or something on btc and lightning before realizing it was impossible and moved to bsv to try other ideas
imo if bsv doesn't make it, the whole market will swirl down the drain. it's the only thing with promise
it's pretty bad that he quit it completely, he was one of the big brains

>> No.52767569

Sour grapes: The post

>> No.52767664
File: 109 KB, 1083x378, 1629490773733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi put the 1mb limit

>> No.52767702

You can claim “ you have working on bitcoin 10 years” and still be a complete nobody, tell me when Andreas M. Antonopoulos ditch bitcoin and then can we talk about it.

>> No.52767732

>he's a bsv guy
So a retard.

>> No.52767936

>muh ethics
>so anyway I'm going devote my life to creating tools (AI) capable of reprogramming your brain via info manipulation and augmented reality inputs

>> No.52768774

I think he also worked for reddit iirc...

>> No.52768842

good to see some clever anons still on here

>> No.52768940

he removed it too

>> No.52769389
File: 29 KB, 716x724, 1639508841166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literally no one says he's quitting crypto
okay and?
back to trading lads, those DEXT tokens won't be staking themselves

>> No.52769419

He's a BSV schizo.