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52763468 No.52763468 [Reply] [Original]

like how hard is it to become a medium big youtube that makes enough money just not to wagecuck like making 1k euros a month from youtube ad revenue along with some patreon support and shit like that or livestreaming crap while ppl give donations also some mobile games and shit apps giving me some money to advertise their vpn or stupid mobile games in the start of each video , how hard is it ? i heard the it depends heavily on the youtube algorithm picking you but seriously how can i earn a fucking living from making youtube vids and not having to wagecuck any tips and recommendations what is your take on this possibility guys ?

>> No.52763511

Do you have a personality or any skills to make videos about?

>> No.52763567

Alternatively, do you have a pussy?

>> No.52763609

yeah i do i was thinking i can make political videos or narrorator videos

>> No.52763627

It depends on a lot of things. For example on which kind of videos you want to make. You need to find a niche thats not oversaturated. Also heavily edited youtube videos with voice over and a lot of research beforehand etc. can be a shitton of work. Like 20-30 hours of work for a 5-10 minute video. But you can also try to go quantity over quality.

Also theres always the question if you want to reveal your face or if you want to stay anonymous. Also luck is involved. If you're lucky you can have videos go viral, if you're unlucky you'll have to grind. Especially at the start you'll put in a lot of work only to get like 20-50 views per video, but once the ball gets rolling, you can make big money pretty fast. It can take months and years though

>> No.52763656

>political videos
Need to make sure you don't talk about sensitive topics too much, because it can easily happen that YouTube disables monetization for your videos

>> No.52763923

Make motivational videos like this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7PbFZVYwrL4

You dont have to show your face and they tend to consistently get a few thousand views per week.

>> No.52764045

the quantity one sounds real good i just want the money to start flowing in as fast as possible i also heard your location will impact how much money you make for example if you live in the UK or USA you will make a shitload of money with a few hundred views per video but if you live in fucking romania or south africa that will be shitty money

>> No.52764057

ok ill keep that i mind and yeah i think remaining anonymous is the best option

>> No.52764126
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>narrorator videos
learning how to spell might help

>> No.52765552
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Blade makes like $1k/stream for just drinking a bottle of Jager.

>> No.52765577

seems like a ton of work bro. Video editing is just never as fast as you think it should be. At least it never has been for me. You can make it if you have some specialized knowledge or you are obsessed with something very niche. Don’t try if you’re just a normalfag with nothing unique to contribute

>> No.52765582

I follow an engineer who posts hobby electronics stuff on Youtube. He says gets $1.65 per thousand views.

>> No.52766544

you get paid more or less depending on where your audience is and also what type of ads can be shown to them. Financial ads have the highest return so a channel focusing on that type of audience will earn a lot.
Youtube isnt some get rich quick thing, you have to make consistent videos for months before you can even get monetised. The algorithm isn't goinf to push your content if you aren't proven to stick around.
It takes at least 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours per year before you can get monetised.
You'll need at least 50,000 to 100,000 subs before being able to go full time, thats at least a year or two invested to get to that point on average.
Then you have the issue of being trapped in your niche, lots of youtubers want to branch out but their audience only want the content that had them subscribed to the channel originally. So you better really enjoy the niche you want to make videos about because you'll be doing it for ages.
Video editing, filming and presentation on camera are all skill sets that take time to develop too, how good you are at these 3 skills directly determines how fast your channel will grow.
t. youtuber

>> No.52766563

the problem is that it takes years to build an audience. Pretty much every youtuber started out as a side hobby and got big enough to live off it. It's not something you can start and become pro in a few months unless you already have a big following or you are top-tier level entertaining.

>> No.52766569

i got like 600k views in 4 months and made 200 bucks

its just not worth it unless you have merch to shill or even better content behind a pay wall

its alot of work actually man and people get bored fast as fuck so you cant really auto pilot it

>> No.52766609

Literally anything that makes good money requires work. Years in some cases. Very few people get lucky.

>> No.52766749

lol nigga search a political topic, sort by newest uploads, despair at how many 100-view hotdogs lie in the hall. if youre not a tranny or a hard right catboy, you need other topics to bridge politics

>> No.52766786

also this reddit spacing nigger is retarded. 600k will make you way above a grand. xerself has shit CPI. 600k for me would be 2-3k USD.

>> No.52766836

making it on youtube takes time. unless you leech a.k.a. network, it can take a few years to get a decent following if you have mediocre content. depends really. those music channels like the nations (trapnation, chillnation, bassnation, etc) all make millions of dollars, so you dont video productions per se just something that is interesting enough that makes people come to your channel, views and viewer retention are big metrics in ranking with listing. if a lot of people are watching 1-5 seconds and skipping through or leaving it hurts rank. people make these videos with 1 minute intros and it's pointless and ultimately hurts their ranking in the algorithm

>> No.52766982

Do you understand the difference between some boring 100 viewer andy and a popular andy? If not then you will not make it

>> No.52767485

It doesn't hurt to try but you have to be a guy's guy to become popular, and if you're someone girls would want to watch and listen to, then even better.

You have to be interesting and upload everyday. I unsubscribed from a lot of my far right commentary just because they say the same shit and they clog up my video feed.

I would subscribe to someone that just tells me the news within 20 seconds.