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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52763322 No.52763322 [Reply] [Original]

>i've been making $43,000 a year doing overnight security 4 days a week while living at home
>zero debt, great credit
>$28,000 saved
>$1000's in crypto
>$1000's in gold
>2021 RAM 1500
>girls I date act like I'm a billionaire because most other zoomer guys are turbopoorfags
>only 22yo
It's like the perfect balance between being a neet with no responsible but still having the benefits of a wealthy person

>> No.52763336

yeah kill yourself, hopefully that Obama bailout truck explodes on you

>> No.52763376

>>$28,000 saved
>>$1000's in crypto
>>$1000's in gold
apparently you tell them these things? you are 22, so you should know (or will learn eventually)... that is not smart. but otherwise, congrats and keep it up

>> No.52763390

>apparently you tell them these things?

>> No.52763409

Goyim is proud he drives a “grab life by the horns” meme truck. Imagine being a man and buying a Chrysler-Fiat truck

Jesus Christ

>> No.52763510

Who cares what you drive.

>> No.52763527

How much is your car payment on that Fiat peice of shit?

>> No.52763550

>not driving an ancient Japanese car with < 150,000 miles you own in full for <$5000
LMAO @ retards paying hundreds a month for a decade so they can own a """"nice"""" car

>> No.52763551

what kind of fucking fag brags about owning a dodge

holy fuck, literal cucks on the road. simp for a failed company that fucked the taxpayer and made the country worse

>> No.52763584

>2021 RAM 1500

holy shit kys why are americans like this

>> No.52763587

oooo UAW lemme slurp ur cum

mmmm twink likes his rammy ram truck with 18 cup holders, pls rip taxpayers off more thank you daddy

>> No.52763629

/biz/ simultaneously shits on somebody about what kind of car they drive and tells them it doesn't matter what kind of car they drive.

Never change /biz/sisters

>> No.52763645

nice the girls must be impressed with your parents house

>> No.52763646

this board is so whiny and negative

>> No.52763703

It’s good the dude it’s doing well for himself at 22. But the he contributes to the ills of society by buying a vehicle that was part of the problem with the 2008 financial crisis and cost American billions of dollars. Why does OP reward failure by paying his money to a company that had a hand in raping his fellow citizenry? Obviously he’s too young to remember but it’s an endemic problem of corruption and a culture of ignorance. He might as well just donate his salary to the DNC or some illegals.

>> No.52763918

checked! OP im proud of you, your next step is investing in real estate. Go on FB marketplace and look for a cheap house with a good roof you can buy on a land contract (seller financing) - fix it up and rent it

>> No.52763981

This. Also never buy a Ram again.

>> No.52764055

Ok this is a pretty good bait post. I nearly fell for it

>> No.52764123


it's the RAM
also, computer magik money is done
but this s not financial advice

>> No.52764141

>2021 ram 1500
Fuck off cunt

>> No.52764146

For those hating on RAM, what's better?

>> No.52764159

not bad, little mang. now start a roth IRA and put 6.5k/yr into VTSAX. you'll thank me in 20-30 years

>> No.52764172

>car payment
oh shit i didn't see the car year. 2021? he's got a (((car payment))) which is ultra cringe
>tfw 1997 volvo wagen (manual trans) paid $2900 cash

>> No.52764199

Nice job bro only 8 more years till wizard hood

>> No.52764205
File: 772 KB, 759x722, 1670033265487607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely seething, balding, shitting their diaper someone has made it in life and are trying to drag him back down to their low putrid disgusting level of stank and fail. Pic related for all of you pathetic poors

>> No.52764228

Kek a 22 year old doesn't have all that which isn't even much but there's absolutely no way in possible hell a twenty two year old BOY has all that bullshit.

Unless he was already well off from parents which if the case he needs to kill himself immediately because he will later on anyway and we will have to read his shitty posts until he does.
And you know what that goes for most of you stupid fucking nigger kids.

>> No.52764256

F150, Tundra/Tacoma, even the old Chevys aren't too bad. That said you are doing hotshot CDL A work Dodge is unironically the best. But beyond that? Hell no.

>> No.52764411

Cummins diesel RAMs
other than that ?
they look pretty good.
transmissions on the RAMS have a poor reputation?

>> No.52764429
File: 45 KB, 896x497, Fi-qZSpXoAINBhE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refers to him as boy when he's a 22yr old man
>keeps assuming all this stuff and running with it as fact
>telling him to kill himself cuz he doesnt see or do it your way in life
>boo hoo hoo I hate this guy that made it in life and im gonna make myself the victim and tell him to die
thats literally how you sound right now.... is weep weep fuck him he should kill himself. ok keep seething because you are and always will be mentally a poor

>> No.52764456

I stopped reading after the first paragraph, it's extremely well known the male brain doesn't fully develop until 25 years of age and wisdom doesn't usually come till around 35
Anyone under 30 is a boy a literal adult boy.

You're clearly an adult boy.
Go to sleep baby boy or you get the poison spray.

>> No.52764744
File: 64 KB, 933x733, ESk_2tUUcAEBBeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I def am not a boy. But again cling to your cute lil version of boy/man to fit your wrong narrative. And based on how hostile you are you're a fucking clown who doesnt take L's well. I love sub 90 Iq losers like you in life. I openly call you sub90 and you never get it due to being stupid. But yes assuming things about me also and run with it as fact. You did that with OP and than with me. A common online tactic to make up something in your head about something than post it online as fact and strut around as if you hit them with a world ending gotcha bitch when its just made up stuff in your head for an arguement fight only you are fighting again in your head.

>> No.52764839

>>girls I date act like I'm a billionaire

dont get cocky or showy, just do your thing. the former will come back to you at some point

>> No.52765983

Based. You have the right idea anon

>> No.52766797

I think you should invest more in crypto, especially in this dip with some amount you can afford to lose though. You may begin with low priced web3 assets

>> No.52766825

you misspelled it, they're not "zoomers" they're ziggers, or if they're niggers then they're ziggas

>> No.52766882

Your generation is fucked beyond belief, but you sir are the king of the hill. So many women your age having to contend with an ocean of losers, man children, and lazy commie men.
Keep doing what you're doing. You're way ahead of the game.

>> No.52766995

>2021 RAM
Cringe but that rest is based, good for you anon. Most guys your age subject themselves to SHITTY SHITTY JOBS. I did the same shit and transitioned to compsci while working security because I did fucking NOTHING on the job, made 70k/year with OT working 4 days a week.

>> No.52767028


Literally not impressive, was making over double that as a 22 year old and living at home paying no rent back in 2017, now in 2022 make 300k with 7 fig NW

>> No.52767032

>$43,000 a year while living at home
>only $28,000 saved

>> No.52767293

What does this even mean? Is this some kind of secretive low IQ code?

>> No.52767334

I'm thinking of doing overnight security (I'm 21) while doing web design on the side. Is it true you can just look at your laptop all night? What's the job like? Is it fun or shitty?
You're right about our fellow zoomers, they hate saving money.

>> No.52767498

Good job anon.

>> No.52768069

Yeah. Unlike grabbing life by the cock... and sucking it.

>> No.52768086

I got a girlfriend with a huge ass at the supermarket i work at

>> No.52768108


>> No.52768140

>Kek a 22 year old doesn't have all that
literal cope

>> No.52769828

I hope boomers die