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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.16 MB, 480x854, Makes HOW MUCH A Month!_ #shorts-huYZyg1rzoE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52760959 No.52760959 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52761019

Girls, you're beauty doesn't last.
OnlyFans is temporary.
Find G*d.

>> No.52761024


Nothing's free anon.

This woman's life is over and that money is the only reward she will ever get out of life

There is no husband who will love her as she ages or children who will take care of her when she's withered and feeble. When she's dying alone in a hospital the only one who will be there is some shallow himbo scheming on how to take her millions while she's flatlining in the next room

Turn away from the thots, they are damned.

>> No.52761028

why are men giving in to this

>> No.52761052

I could do her taxes. I can save her.

>> No.52761056

Next time you feel “bad” for other men, remember this shit

>> No.52761064
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Society is collapsing

>> No.52761068

She's already ugly though

>> No.52761080


I know this seems like cope but seriously...as someone who's been face to face with OF girls who made bank...they aren't winning at anything

Their lives are fcked up, empty, full of ppl trying to use them like they use the simps. Their destiny is mostly loveless hookups and then back to the grind of showing off their body to strangers

>> No.52761084

if only those simps would buy crypto everything would 100x

>> No.52761086
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How do I achieve this as a 27 year old male?
I'd make due with just 50k/month

>> No.52761095

That money is basically going back into the hands of the Jews as a woman has no clue how to use it well

>> No.52761096


>> No.52761115

I don't care what anyone says and I know this forum is anonymous so I'll just confess, I earn copious amounts of money as a SWE living with my parents (well over six figures) and have given up on looking for a girl in real life. The majority of my income I spend on onlyfans, last month alone I spent well over $4k interacting with my favourite girl. The connection I have with them makes it worth the money to spend.

>> No.52761137

^bait do not reply

>> No.52761150

this is an evil world

>> No.52761151

If I larp as a woman and text you will you give me 1000 dollars a month?

>> No.52761166


You're someone who's looking at a picture of a yacht instead of trying to get a yacht for yourself

You do the OF stuff because you suppliment money for yourself and your personality. That girl doesn't need to like so long as you are flashing the cash

Probably wasting my breathe but you're going to regret what you're doing. I promise.

>> No.52761173

Because Men are pathetic, all problems in society exist because Men are pathetic.

>> No.52761269
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met quite a few chinese autists like this

>> No.52761275

Does Uncle Sam know?

>> No.52761289
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Kazumi, a model, content creator, influencer and business owner, who was recently featured in Forbes. Her new scene “Big Win” co-starring industry legend Mick Blue releases November 11th on Vixen


Kazumi mention’s, “It’s so important to love and appreciate yourself, no matter what you do, or who is judging you. Society will paint you as a villain, if you let it. Especially women who are strong, independent, and free-spirited in their way of life.” Kazumi goes on to add that “It’s always been community over competition for me. As a completely independent creator, a lot of my support has come from building strong relationships amongst my peers. We’re not fighting for the same consumers, we’re merely sharing them. When I first started, I had no social media or influence, and grew to 0.01 making friends that would share tips and trade strategies with each other. Just for reference, in order to be considered a top 0.01% creator, the required monthly income is currently around $160K USD. Nowadays, I’m able to generate around $300K a month.

>> No.52761358

Demoralization thread, simply ignore gentlemen

>> No.52761381

I refuse to believe that any of these busted whites you’d pick up at last call at the bar/club are making $100k per month on only fans.
I think they bullshit their numbers to gain ‘clout’ and leverage that for influencer bull shit and pump out referrals to retards who actually believe them

>> No.52761406
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>> No.52761418

This. It's all fake don't believe anything you see online

>> No.52761423

Was supposed to say whores not whites*

>> No.52761619

The autocorrect jew

>> No.52761727

Why are these events mostly women, why are women obsessed with the globohomo

>> No.52761761

It's bullshit. Maybe few people are making those figures and most of them are just pumping numbers with their own money to lure in few whales willing to actually pay something

>> No.52761897

Based man blamer. It all leads back to weak men. Unfortunately that's by the design of (((subversion))) though so we n ed to dig deeper from there to fix it.

>> No.52761933

OF is a way for sluts to launder money for prostitution and sugar daddies without sending red flags to the IRS. These women 1000% sell sex for cash and get lucrative offers ($1,000-$10,000). But if they're all of a sudden getting 'gifts' of thousands from Venmo or literal cash, the bank is going to flag the account and you're going to have the IRS doing thot patrol. So instead, rich guys will fuck a girl and 'gift' them money on OF so everything seems legit tax wise (to the tune of a 30% cut for the jew)

>> No.52761985

i read it as single white engineer

>> No.52761995

what's this hoes name and where can i go to rob her dumbass

>> No.52762051

i have a hard time believing this. she's fat and not attractive
>There is no husband who will love her
you seriously underestimate the number of beta cucks out there
>paying 4k for not even fucking her. pathetic

>> No.52762055

I hate this world so damn much.

>> No.52762097

How the fuck is money a goal for women?
A rich women isnt high value, isnt worth more. what can she do with money. she cant buy herself status. high value men arent interested in women having money. who cares if she has money.

money is for a man, to have status, to get pussy, to provide for his family. a women doesnt want to be the provider in the family, as much as she has, she needs a man who makes more. otherwise she will feel the man is useless.

the only value for women: beauty, young age, not being a whore, emotional intelligence.

>> No.52762102

Yep that’s why women are being propped up in business and everything else because the more money women make the more Jews make because women consume Jewish cooperate shit, the same goes with black people, that’s why the establishment is for welfare etc because the more money that goes to the middle men of wealth transfer the more money the Jews make, of course all this expense comes from the working class white tax payer and the subsidization of women comes at the cost of reduced salaries in men

>> No.52762115

only the shittiest of guys would put up with dating an onlyfans hoe

>> No.52762141


>> No.52762163

>Especially women who are strong, independent, and free-spirited in their way of life
Why do absolutely empty headed individuals repeat phrases like this as if they were a mantra? You may as well wear a shirt that says "I have never had a single original thought and if I ever do it would give me a fatal brain aneurysm"

>> No.52762220

young women dont give a shit about family, so money will satisfy them then

>> No.52762246
File: 258 KB, 644x768, 2C965141-C0D0-4DFE-B066-506D51B9B611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I hate copes like that lmao.

>> No.52762440


Sure its not like they can one day just quit everything and start a new life anywhere they want or anything... or even change their fucking face or body so nobody recognizes them... sure lad sure...

>> No.52762452

Fake it till you make it.
I'm very rich and I am leaving the dream.
Want these kind of tips and other advice on how to become rich?
Buy my book: "How to get rich ez"

>> No.52762475


>> No.52762609

Brother, you can fuck porn star tier and beyond escorts for that kind of money, please don't do this to yourself. If intimacy is what you want, you can have an irl woman larp as if she's interested in you as well, even that would be better than this, please think about this.

>> No.52762669

>A rich women isnt high value
Most based reply in this thread

>> No.52762712
File: 319 KB, 1600x1107, Greetings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seriously underestimate the number of beta cucks out there
This guy gets it. What you retards don't realize is the game modern women are playing. This is literally their goal. Find some spineless beta to fulfill the long term emotional support role and basically be a daily therapist for their halfbaked retard ideas/dramas while they enjoy whoring out to strangers. This literally checks all their boxes, faggota who think otherwise make the mistake of thinking that women are capable of genuine human bonds like the one you might have with your bros. Modern women are the biggest scam humankind has ever generated.

>> No.52762859

Money isn't the goal for these girls. Money is just a side effect. That's why she probably hasn't even transferred it all into her bank account. The goal is actually attention - every time you get a boner thinking about a girl, she feels it subconsciously. If she has 10,000 guys getting boners over her, she gains spiritual power. As men, we must redirect that spiritual power and channel it into our real relationships, devote it to the women who are worthy, who meet your needs as well.

>> No.52762929
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0.01% isn't going to give you cuts in the breadline when the bombs go off.

>> No.52762939

Bro you can talk to my gf for 1k a month

>> No.52762976
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I hate this socially atomized technocratic hellhole.

>> No.52763013

Aw bro that flag be good wipein ass toilet paper.

>> No.52763059

how? that bitch isnt even that hot.
Not sure if I wanna date a girl who whores herself out. if it was feet pics, maybe, but full nudes, not sure. I would maybe just for the lulz and scam some money off of her but for anything serious its doubtful. I'd be ashamed to bring her home even. little cousins asking what she does and if that bitch said OF, making my cousins look up to her because they look up to me and she's an extension of me since she has my approval her lifestyle seemingly does too

>> No.52763137

>she made 4mil of her tits but at least I have rabbi yeshua

>> No.52763174

>why are women obsessed with the globohomo
I want to know this too, every time there's some social bullshit from "BLM" and "Refugees welcome", to obsession with the latest international fad or TV show, it's always women at the forefront. Why?

>> No.52763208

While this is probably bait, you know the girls aren't replying to you unless they have only like 10 subs. Imagine rubbing one out to the chat of some filthy pajeet lmao.

>> No.52763210

Niggers and homos. I think I got it now.

>> No.52763239
File: 79 KB, 320x320, emojj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried that but I only seem to find those shady auto-generated clickbait sites that want you to do a paid survey to get the download links, and even after you do it it's full of viruses.
Any website in particular you use? For patreon, fanbox and many more paywall shit I use kemono.

>> No.52763240

Cope. She is a multi millionaire just by making pictures and videos of herself. She can easily find a husband, the dating market nowadays is extremely forgiving for women

You on the other hand need to break your back waging and spend all your time grinding and researching crypto and gambling on shitcoins

>> No.52763294

holy shit what a disgusting whore. i wanted to check on youtube who she was, stumbled upon this vid. first she says she doesnt like whites, her first gangbang was with 50 blacks.
"gonorrhea is not a big deal, you just take antibiotics"

>> No.52763303
File: 418 KB, 837x837, 1653500272501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate incels so goddamn much bros.
I'm not some psychopathic Chad either, but seeing these seat sniffing incels propelling common whores to wealth is infuriating, and someone should start doxxing OnlyFans simps and executing them, in minecraft.

>> No.52763403

>literally a fat Asian 6/10 with a lot of make up
>earns 10 times what I earn in a year in a single month

Fuck this shit. I'm gonna get diagnosed with autism so I can get NEET bux.

>> No.52763589

anti white huh. aight noted

>> No.52763647

It's the female version of comic book conventions.

>> No.52763662


u know when you pay for their gf/text/etc packages they outsource all of that? they don't answer their own messages. the write samples for a team of pajeets so they learn how she talks then they spend all day texting and responding to people for a very small commission. i hope you know if you've ever paid to send someone a message, get a text #, snapchat, or whatever it has been an outsourced man doing it. the only time you can guarantee you get what you pay for is a video chat and frankly you better be asking some specific questions to make sure that shit isn't recorded

>> No.52763666

Sloppy seconds

>> No.52763679
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>> No.52763678

Funny that you think of women as some asshole beings when you are the freak yourself. Women want a strong, dominant man. Onlyfans whores will never get that. Marrying a beta is liking marrying a fat chick, you never want to do it and do it only because you have no other choice. Being a single mom is probably the best these women can hope for.

>> No.52763694

It's from around the world. Could be glowie bullshit. You can see the demons twitching in her either way. RIP.

>> No.52763713

I agree. Or she's a glowie trying to get other women to whore out.

>> No.52763733

The good ones do. This fat chink ain't what you want anyways bros. They get so fuckin ugly with time. Japs aren't doing this I bet.

>> No.52763751

This bro. Just wait. I just just hut 30 and prime 16yos are after me. Best decision Ive ever made to hold off. Fr no cap.

>> No.52763820

>Tasty lil bod

She'd find a husband in a heartbeat. Bro, there are guys putting rings on broke bitches who have fucked half the town.
Also, I'd definitely fuck her for a while, let her treat me to a few meals and vacations. If I marry her, I'd divorce rape her. Simple as.

>> No.52763826

How do you even meet them?

>> No.52763834

>made ~1k a year being a whore for half a decade before making it

gotta respect the hustle

>> No.52763853

>Also, I'd definitely fuck her for a while
enjoy all the STDs, she laughed giving 9 people an infection >>52763294
it's crazy that such an ugly dumb and vulgar ho can make this much

>> No.52763857
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They are easily influenced by media and social pressure. If Nazis were in power you would have women marching in the street asking men why they didn't beat up a Jew today. Women will always be the most fervent supporters of the zeitgeist.

>> No.52763903

So they can feel morally superior to the people around them.
These are the same women who would absolutely shame and berate women who had a child out of wedlock about 30 years ago in my country.

>> No.52763909

anyone using "fr no cap" is a fucking fag

>> No.52763934

I figured it out, without your explanatory comment. don't worry so much about the details anon.

>> No.52764037

You disgust me. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're pathetic.

>> No.52764092


you don't seem to get it. it doesn't matter whether it's "bait" or not. we're all enjoying replying to the theoretical person, the archetype, if you will. it's not about whoever this individual anon is, it's about what they represent.

even if that anon is lying, that "archetype" exists in droves in the real world. that's what people are replying to, not that individual anon himself. we're all anons here so who the fuck cares about that one person? we care about ideas. get it?

>> No.52764095

Ultimately, this is correct. People calling this cope are extremely young or extremely demoralized.

>> No.52764140

so she basically paid 4 mill so far to sell her soul *thinking emoji*

>> No.52764634

better watch that video again, wiz

>> No.52764771 [DELETED] 

Holy cope, where I live there are literally blowjob bars. These girls have sucked thousands of dicks CIM for 20 bucks a pop and almost all I know find rich white husbands. Usually through their work so their past isn't even hidden. How do I know? They give me their socials after I nut in their throat. OF girls are virgins in comparison.

>> No.52764780

Don't do it anon, the system appreciates your toil very much

>> No.52764841

he spitting facts but looks salty af. why did they even stay in this interview.

>> No.52764892
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I also work as a SWE and live with my parents but I draw my own anime waifus and then fall in love with pixels and spend no money on it, I don't know if this is any better or worse than the OF simps.

>> No.52764908
File: 17 KB, 201x250, 1648998872842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better watch that video again, wiz

>> No.52764942

Christcucks can only maintain their delusions by Olympic level cope like this.
Truly pathetic.

>> No.52765082

I saw many sites like forum$.$ocialmediagirl$, just try searching it using different searching engines.

>> No.52765254
File: 97 KB, 682x1024, E0JkG7bUYAQSlmD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the people who throw money at onlyfans whores would just discover plastic wives and get it over with
it's the same thing but you can actually fuck it and it costs a fraction of the money
I seriously don't understand why people even interact with women they will never even see IRL much less give them money

>> No.52765305


>> No.52765331

pic related plastic wife is 1300 dollars and this pajeet nigger is lighting 4k a month on fire for women he will never touch

>> No.52765355

its a power revenge fantasy they love to see men emasculated

>> No.52765357

Pure fucking cope. There is no justice, there is no fairness, there is no equality. She makes more money than doctors doing a small fraction of the work. She takes advantage of the weak human instincts, there is no punishment for this because this is what is good and strong now. Keep coping.

>> No.52765377

saw an interview with her before. she said her favorite thing to do is get gangbanged by 25-50 niggers at once. 500 is easy doing this.

>> No.52765392

first you control the women, then the men follow.

>> No.52765406

Does someone have the gif of the really frustrated monkey who can only grab his head in terror and comfort rock himself from frustration after being denied food over his partner?

>> No.52765420

I would if I wasn't a rentoid.

>> No.52765459

I will tell you a secret. There are plenty of men out of there willing to take her but she hates every single one of them and when she eventually breaks down and settles for one of them she will be miserable and make him miserable.

This is not a winning game for them because they cannot be happy with just some guy and especially not women who have lived lives like this who have been constantly exposed to the guys they would actually want.

>> No.52765561

I feel bad for laughing at this

>> No.52765590

>Find G*d
Kys atheist retard.

>> No.52766087

The best part of /biz/ for me is the pure distilled cope, of which we have two perfect examples here.
Very similar to:
>No one made money off of NFTs, they're just money laundering
Fascinating reactions desu

>> No.52766118

It's vastly better anon.
Unironically congrats on dodging this particular bullet.
If you want to change in the future, you are in a perfectly good position to do so if you so choose. If not, continue to avoid these kinds of traps and live for yourself.

>> No.52766229

>That's why she probably hasn't even transferred it all into her bank account.
I have a feeling onlyfans might go insolvent sometime soon and there will be a lot of unsecured creditors lol

>> No.52766299

I get neetbux and fuck over 100 high class whores per year lmao
imagine working in 2022

>> No.52766315

Women follow the group, it's their survival strategy. They're physically weak so they have to rely on others more than men do. They earn their keep socially, so they are in tune with what's popular/unpopular and try to stay up the social ladder by saying what they think everyone else in their tribe thinks.
Simps and incels are not the same.

>> No.52766419

Jew detected

>> No.52766439

unlike jesus rabbis don't teach on saturday but nice try moshe

>> No.52766507


There's a short list of things more valuable than money.

Because of what this woman has done, part of that list will forever be outside her grasp

>> No.52766603
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>> No.52766760

why are porn stars not hot anymore? They stopped being hot after 2019. We used to have 10/10s like Naomi woods or Jasmine Grey or Alex Mae. Now we just have overweight old looking women in their mid to late 20s. Where did all the petite skinny 18 year olds go?

>> No.52766818

>There is no husband who will love her
Wrong, I can save her

>> No.52766822

that's pedophilia now anon
if you aren't fucking busted milf on her mid 30's you are literally a child rapist

>> No.52766870

but they still have a lot of 18 year old pornstars, they just look like they're 27. Is it because the obesity rate is so high now in america?

>> No.52767107

>OF is a way for sluts to launder money for prostitution and sugar daddies without sending red flags to the IRS.

Silly faggot, whores don't pay taxes and the IRS doesn't know about their cash.

>> No.52767347

a woman can sell her fecal matter on the internet to men.
a woman can sell her vaginal secretions. Her piss. Her used panties. Her snot. Her skin shavings from her feet. She can sell her used shoes, socks and other items of clothing. She can dominate a slave mentally and get him to give her money and shower her with gifts just by chatting online with them.

This is what the world has come to.

>> No.52767888

islam can't come to the west soon enough

>> No.52767975

There are still some decent ones. Check out netvideogirls and exploitedcollegegirls. They shoot mostly girls who look like teens.

>> No.52768058

He was a rabbi cope more

>> No.52768079

>what is subjugation
its just paid advertising to trick more normie girls into ruining their future

>> No.52768325

Biological imperative, upbringing that idealizes simping, and desperation.

>> No.52768379

"make do" (i.e. you accomplish the "do", the action that you need to do with constrained resources)

>> No.52768393

Pathetic; but you are honest, and said this unprompted - that's at least respectable.

>> No.52768778

i know you are getting hate but honestly dude. if it gives you happiness in your life then i think you should do it . this world is cruel. And we wont be here for very long. Just enjoy it how you can with what you can and one day we wont have to worry about all this bullshit anymore. Peace

>> No.52768808


>> No.52768823

Remember all that money that was printed during covid?
I think this is probably where it's going.

>> No.52768826

anon you pay for pictures while some fag fucks her for free
you're literally a drone and a cuck

>> No.52768847

also this, I wonder if the elites test driving UBI were expecting this or if they underestimated goy subhumanity

>> No.52768852

And current EU oil cap doesn't make sense

Turkish Lira
Chinese Yuan
Russian Rouble

>> No.52768996


>> No.52769038

kys and go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.52769068

when a different tribe killed all men women had to adapt fast to the new tribe, being easily manipulated by society and the current thing is a natural instinct for women, men can't understand that because we're wired different

>> No.52769092

No... You don't know what a rabbi is

>> No.52769470

Much better, the only respectable men in the current year are Chads pull women for free like an irl gacha game or a Sigma who disregards them entirely.
Paypiggies in a pen are eternally kekked.

>> No.52769485

>not a code monkey
>living with parents
>spending money on OF
KYS vermin

>> No.52769509
File: 378 KB, 512x512, 1670414645836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the definition of a simp lmao
doesn't get more pathetic than this

>> No.52769647

Cope. Nobody in the real (e.g. non incel) world cares that fanatically about useless shit like how she made money 10 years ago.

>> No.52769669

Now go run a patriotism parade and watch the left murder people I'm not kidding.
Why do you think they hold these parades?
To show they can do anything without repercussions and if we attempt anything even similar they will openly murder us and the DA's will look the other way.

>> No.52769718

>The connection I have with them
99% of them pay men or an agency a percentage of their earners to chat with and develop a connection with losers like you. You are chatting with men who's job it is to keep you coming back for more, you gaylord

>> No.52769754 [DELETED] 

Shit man, I'm in the same stage here.

I get looks from 16-18 girls in school uniform when I conmute to wagecageland. I've left some numbers in cards, got some calls.

But the dating scene is FUBAR here: if they catch me with an underage, if the little whore uploads one picture with me I'm basically banned from the city. Social media sucks.

>> No.52769817

> you seriously underestimate the number of beta cucks out there
betas exist to support roasties with money and she has that. she doesnt care about being loved by beta and if she does its repulsing to her, and will never make her happy

>> No.52769900

I can see some derelict suffragette destined for Bedlam sneering approvingly at this comic saying "I should say so!"

>> No.52770537

16 is legal in most of america

>> No.52770804
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you tried bro

>> No.52770893

money laundering

>> No.52770901

In the coming years when there is widespread famine, she will be all bruised up and selling her hole for a meal at the side of the road.
Let her have her delusions for now.

>> No.52770991

And now you've removed all incentive for yourself to make a real connection with a woman.

>> No.52771637
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seethe harder moshe, just like those rabbis who arrested him

>> No.52771685

man she's not even that hot.
There's no way her networth is over 4 million.

>> No.52771693

I wish it was that easy.

>> No.52771719


If I had the cash, Id pay for a multi-lingual fun chick, the real p4oblem is most these dont know about Thailand. Youll never over pay for a western zoomer trash can bitch again when you get a taste of the caliber of females from SEA.

>> No.52771736
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x630, 1cd75ea0-e62f-11eb-9f72-4d971273db46_1200_630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just incredibly not true. If a turbo degenerate porn star who became famous for being ran through by more black guys than can be counted on two hands AT THE SAME TIME hundreds of times ON CAMERA can find a relatively young dashing fit respectable white husband, then what the fuck makes you think a woman that only engages in soft core porn will have any sort of trouble finding a lifelong partner and raising children whatsoever especially if she never becomes that famous? Pure delusion

>> No.52771812

Fuck this degeneracy man. investing in bit and investing in god. I'm the greatest, something like Ali in his prime.

>> No.52771826

oh no no no

>> No.52771830
File: 53 KB, 324x405, andrew henderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my blood pressure just shot up by about 30 points

>> No.52772238

Another yellow fever beta who thinks he's got it all figured out because he got laid by a prostitute in SEA...
Let me guess, UK/Aussie?

>> No.52772308

What else you want them to do? In the past wars and disease made sure there were enough women for men to marry. Now there is an abundance of men, and women, who are now financially independent, prefer to bang a chad once a week than an incel every day. The chad fucks every day at least once.

>> No.52772974

Meds. Now.

>> No.52773457

Got what you wished for by beating hitler.

>> No.52773475

Holy retard

>> No.52773556
File: 24 KB, 881x154, g-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheists dont write g-d retard, they aren't afraid to name him

>> No.52773840


Hi bro, i live in Cambodia, for 10k in a month i can arrange for you so much top tier pussy that your dick will want its own holiday.

And if you want a relationship sure, i can get you whatever you want, even a loyal wife if you aren't absolute scum.

Women here value if your skin is light, if you aren't a complete dwarf (anything above 5.5 is good) and income.
If you aren't a complete piece of shit character than you can easily get a good girlfriend here and still bang pros on the side if you get bored.

I mean 4k on only fans is retarded. A flight ticket is cheap. 650$ return ticket from the states and you can get all the sex, blowjob's and threesomes that you only saw on your screens.