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52759964 No.52759964 [Reply] [Original]

How do i save money on food without eating shit or cooking at home

>> No.52760008

Food bank.

>> No.52760029

I didn't see the feet for like 10 seconds
Saw the ass and was trying to confirm that's what it was
What did my brain mean by this
I actually like cold feet on my cock when I'm massaging her legs/playing with pussy

>> No.52760033

Stop being fat

>> No.52760043

How delectable. Don't mind if I do partake. Bone apple tea!

>> No.52760048

You people sicken me to the core.

>> No.52760050

Fast, have just 1 meal a day. Even a $20 meal would only be $600 a month. That's a 70% reduction.

>> No.52760137
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1668979396215789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that a fuckin toe ring? Disgusting.

I would say you need to focus on cooking your food, but I only say this because there is no way to get correct nutrition without controlling the food yourself. I'm in the same boat as you I'm considering a crock pot but my problem is I refuse to do dishes because I'm a man and that's woman's work in my mind. I bake a lot of fish and eat raw vegetables a lot which are good things to do. Idk if you've realized this but you're on 4chan so I assume you're somewhat uncucked, but the food supply is bullshit. We're supposed to be eating something that resembles the food pyramid, clean whole foods. Try and get to that and the only real way is to have a private chef or cook our own food. Which means I have to stop using plastic silverware like a black person and you need to start cooking my nigga. Good luck, it takes a couple of months but you'll end up enjoying it. A little.

>> No.52760139
File: 59 KB, 640x360, sad many such cases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, it's either this or cooking at home. You can't have it both ways (inexpensive AND not shit) without either doing a bit of the legwork yourself or drastically reducing the amount you eat. Have you considered either being less lazy or being less fat?

>> No.52760154

But if youre eating the same amount of calories a day then it's not really saving money. I been thinking about this since i started eating once a day a week and a half ago.
That said i haven't been counting my calories or anything but I'm still eating the same amount I normally would

>> No.52760198

>We're supposed to be eating something that resembles the food pyramid,
Bro are you serious even the normalest normalfags know the food pyramid is bullshit now. Even the government has responded to and updated it to some plate thing. Have you been living under a rock?

Food pyramid only exists because the government had a surplus of you guessed it grains

>> No.52760258
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That manbaby is simultaneously moving forwards towards the life he seeks and backwards as he reverts to being a toddler. So is he right or wrong? One look in his dead, soulless eyes is all that you need to have the answer.

>> No.52760297

Key word, resembles. As in a balanced diet of whole foods. Not something with a huge ingredient list that says genetically modified on the back. You want some meat, some carb like potato or rice or w/e and some kind of green leafy vegetable. That would be an ideal meal is what I'm saying. Limit the alcohol and sugar. Which resembles the food pyramid. Niggerfaggot.

>> No.52760661

>or cooking at home
Then be a slave to goyslop mongers, dumbass.

>> No.52760701

Is this an hbar thread?

>> No.52761005

unironically dumpster diving. grocery stores throw away completely fine high quality food every single day. you can eat literally their best stock for free every day

>> No.52761140

Eat rice and beans nigga. You can make them taste good just stop being a NOG

>> No.52761174

How is that even possible? There are like 25 days a month so you are spending almost 100 dollars a day on food?

>> No.52761182

he probably fell for the fine dining scam

>> No.52761270

What numbers are you using? He didn’t mention how much he spent, are you fucking dumb?

>> No.52761272

Sir, that is feet, not food.

>> No.52761288

are you? literally says it
>I spent 2k on food last month

>> No.52761294

That is the feet, not the food*

>> No.52761303

Oh shit sorry I’m Brown