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52757630 No.52757630 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX bros
Fantie sisters
Solana bros
ICP bros
ADA bros
DOT bros
ALGO bros
its over for us...

>> No.52757703

>our chain is slow and shitty
>let's just make another one
>2 x SPEED!
pajeets truly are lowly creatures. I was talking about AVAX btw.

>> No.52757721
File: 106 KB, 550x550, jeet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX bros
>Fantie sisters
>Solana bros
>ICP bros
>ADA bros
>DOT bros
>ALGO bros
>its over for us...

>> No.52757752
File: 187 KB, 1124x1517, cope harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder nigger

>> No.52757758

>Developing net called the MUMBAI test net
its over. the street shitters have taken over

>> No.52757765

The Hedera sissies are our only hope at beating Matic now...

>> No.52757791

What part of " I was talking about AVAX btw" do you not understand?

>> No.52757795

>be le me
>all FUD has been used and effectively been shut down
>resort to racism
>feel gud
yall cant fight FUD anymore huh

>> No.52757825

your reply made zero sense but ok anon

>> No.52757842

it's a joke about "subnets'

>> No.52757854
File: 170 KB, 1125x1395, superiority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your best move right now would be swapping for MATIC
>Hedera: shit NFT marketplace
>Polygon: one of the most valuable and active NFT market places

>Hedera: shit DeFi space
>Polygon: 4th highest DeFi TVL ($1.15 billion)

>Hedera: zero dApps
>Polygon: 53,000 dApps

>Hedera: no major partnerships
>Polygon: partnerships with fortune 100 companies

>> No.52758076

wouldn't a modified evm also be open source, basically allowing anyone to implement it.

>> No.52758102

ETH integration on ICP makes polygon obsolete

>> No.52758205

it is open source though. polygon is keeping with their promise to make everything open source, unlike others *cough* Zksync *cough*
its not an easy task to implement though

>> No.52758226
File: 197 KB, 1056x1020, real life depiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck zksync. all my homies hate zksync

>> No.52758250

except that polygon literally stole subnets lol. very fair game

>> No.52758265
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>except that polygon literally stole subnets lol. very fair game

>> No.52758288
File: 860 KB, 1191x826, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo you cant take our shitty tech and make a better version. this isnt fairrrrr!!!!!!

>> No.52758325

this right here >>52757752 is why i dont trust AVAX shills anymore
werent subnets supposed to be the best tech in this space? why is c-chain so fucking shitty?

>> No.52758346

this is so retarded and dumb
you cant just count TPS on c-chain alone. there are other subchains as well

>> No.52758370

>shills c-chain more months on end
>ends up being dog water
>uhhhh... just dont look at it... look at the other chains
this is you right now anon. you should be embarrassed

>> No.52758441
File: 8 KB, 200x202, 87F42971-1C55-499E-9C0E-4DD9AE768EFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of avalanche holders. They thought their subnets (which actually promote holding of assets other than avax because the gas token of subnets doesn’t have to be avax) was a competitive advantage. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.52758653

Having a subset of your validators also run their own chains works well on Avalanche because it supposedly supports thousands of nodes. I don't see how it can work as well on Polygon with Classical Consensus. Either way, anyone is free to do it, is not that unique a concept.

>> No.52758713

it's called RAID 0 kek

>> No.52759155

this thread stinks like curry and poo all over the place
It's just certain that 90% of posters are not white
that's it

>> No.52759226

2x 7k is 14k
you guys are still getting dunked on by solana and visa.
Not to mention 14k isnt enough for true global adoption is polygon gonna keep adding new chains to scale exponentially? itll end up devolving into a big deadlock of race conditions

>> No.52759629

Funny how icp isn’t on that list

>> No.52759722
File: 71 KB, 750x512, 1420EFF5-A088-47EE-A9AE-D56AF0B16AD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re arguing how fast you’re going.
Meanwhile ICP is literally clocking mach speeds.
>almost 100x faster than you.

>> No.52759767
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>> No.52760086

'speed' is time to finality, not TPS (which is throughput) you retard

Avalanche literally has the fastest finality of any chain. Matic's is 20 seconds optimistically, 15 mins for actual finality.

>> No.52760313

>turkvax has fastest finality
Wrong nigger. Roachvax has 2sec finality, ICP has sub-1 sec finality.