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5275666 No.5275666 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck are we gonna do bros? Is it fucking over? Things were finally looking up for us linkies, then daddy Sergey had to fucking jizz right into our open mouths. We've fallen off the top #100. People are dumping their bags. We know no news is coming anytime soon.

I almost wish Sergey never made his fucking blog post, at least keeping everyone in the dark gave us something to look forward to. Now? Nothing. He dispelled the FUD and put to death the memes. Now there is nothing ahead of us and the magic is gone.

>> No.5275715

You all deserve it for shitting up this already terrible board.

>> No.5275728


what did you expect anon?
oh wait
you are autistic


>> No.5276035

LINK is literally fucking dead. How the fuck do we cope bros? Why did this have to happen? I just want to be free from minimum waging. I want to live my life. I want to take a vacation. Looks like we we're never meant to make it.

>> No.5276171
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It is always darkest before the dawn

>> No.5276223
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Hold strong, my LINK bros.

Hold strong

>> No.5276303

It doesn't make any sense, but I can just FEEL when it's pajeets shilling a coin.

LINK had this written all over it. Thank god I didn't listen to you retards

>> No.5276323

HODL and remember what made you buy in the first place. Sergey may not give a fuck about the investors, but it is a phenomenal project. This coin should 10x by 2019. I'm slowly buying up bags. I think it will bottom around $0.20

>> No.5276331

Writing on the wall for a long time. Cashed in my link for TRX two weeks ago.

>> No.5276384
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Really glad I never bought into LINK.

Was almost going to do it but had to wait a while for funds from other investments and changed my mind in the end.

>> No.5276500

>>trip 6's
>>magic gone

>> No.5276508

nice trips
also I liked the post
nothing we didn't know but he put an end to the speculation, and the market didn't react badly

>> No.5276529

I sold. Will ride other rocketships for a month or so, get more cash to put into LINK. It'll just bleed out until Q1, which is like a year in crypto time

>> No.5276607
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>those digits

Get behind me, Satan.

>> No.5276620

This is DGB all over again

>> No.5276646

I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?

>> No.5276670

Eh dgb still had a better story

>> No.5276720

Go ahead and sell you weakhanded faggot.

>> No.5276740

Every time the evil cunts pump bcash, LINK crashes. I don't give a fuck at this point, anything over 2k sats is OK with me.

Once partnerships are live and the actual moon happens, I will be S'ing on the graves of the idiots who thought the flippening was gonna happen and gave their shit to Ver.

>> No.5276759
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>trusting rajeeshcoin

>> No.5276816


Dbg pumped 150x before it crashed

Chainlink barely even went 5x

>> No.5276857
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Just put 1k in link, thanks for those cheap bags.

>> No.5276898

Digimarines, linkmarines. Dbg waited on that citibank shit, got owned and the shit died. I just think there are a lot of similarities about both its' fans and the whole situation

>> No.5277005

Lel, and now the fud starts again.

>> No.5277018
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>and the market didn't react badly
>the market didn't react
>the market

The market does not give a FUCK about a javascript parser slinged by a philosophy major retarded pajeets. KYS

>> No.5277046
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>> No.5277101


Why are you posting males in here anon? wtf is that?. shoo

TIL: PTED due to LINK holding turns you into a literal fag.

>> No.5277213

Yes! I want all your bags you weak handed faggots! Sell sell sell sell!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5277221

Welp, fudders are back time to buy 100k thanks pajeets for letting us know!

>> No.5277267
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>> No.5277383
File: 73 KB, 299x456, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY Announcement: its ogre

GTFO while there's people still buying

>> No.5277445

Aware me on what happened?

>> No.5277518


Sergey said everything we thought he would and nothing new.

Its done. This coin is now dead.

>> No.5277551

y'all niggas gonna miss the moon rocket next year and I'm going to smile knowing that I'm not selling my link until 2020 when its $100+ a link

>> No.5277553


Sergey released the EOY announcement and it basically just confirmed that Link's still on track to moon. Subhumans with speculation mindset are loosing their shit because they can't pump and dump Link like they had been planning.

>> No.5277572

Fucking retards, just deposit your link somewhere safely and dont fucking think about it. This is not some dumb meme coin.

>> No.5277651
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>> No.5277663

should have went with something that wasn't vaporware

>> No.5277675


That's no moon...

>> No.5277766

Its better than dgb dude by 100 times

>> No.5277777



>> No.5277780


>> No.5277820
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>> No.5277895

Cry more faggot.

>> No.5277931

Verge did a 10x in a week. Why should we buy this shitcoin?

>> No.5278007


You have speculation mindset. Link is a long term investment.

>> No.5278032

Wrong quote?

>> No.5278040
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>> No.5278165

Deep inside you know that it's destined to sub 1k sats

>> No.5278560

LINK is a long term flush. You get to watch your money slowly spin down the toilet while everyone else gets showered in money.

>> No.5278795


Owning Link and speculating on other volatile coins are not mutually exclusive.