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52751562 No.52751562 [Reply] [Original]

By April-May next year i'll have some money to spend ...my only and last chance in life to make it
i hate wagecuckin'

which crypto projects will lead the next bull run?
also how much should i spend in each coin you'd recommend?


$2000 in "x" shitcoin
$3000 in "y" memecoin etc

please for once, try nof to be a troll and do not shill scams

>> No.52751628
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Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 joined up with Ted Yin and invented Avalanche Consensus
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance
>el33th4xor that farms gigabrains from top unis

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>Node hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 90% node uptime

>subnets can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 900 other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs to payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly improved
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

>> No.52751635

I was like you last year, I threw $40k into Jasmy and now its worth $5k. choose wisely.

>> No.52751648

>spending 40k on a meme
This is quite literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If you're that desperate to lose it all, give it to me.

>> No.52751667

Actual answer is just buy eth and stake it, use rocketpool if you don't want to run your own node, enjoy free money forever

>> No.52751681

its pretty obvious what you should be buying: Bit. since its not only the governance token of Bitdao giving you access to the largest decentralized treasury, but also the token of mantle a high performance ethereum layer 2 network with low fees, top-tier security, and high speed

>> No.52751692

i own avax because I like the anime girls that get posted here. I don't know anything about the chain except that it has cute girls

>> No.52751695

50% BTC, 30% ETH, 20% shitcoins

In the 20% basket for shitcoins you could do a split between FTM & AVAX. Layer 1s are lower risk but can still yield great rewards. E.g FTM (don't buy it now because it's overbought), at 20c it could be an easy 15x. Similar gains on AVAX but it's more like a 10x.

So that would look something like (at current market prices, which I think will fall still):

1.17 BTC
9.5 ETH
16000 FTM
294 AVAX

Honestly man I think that's a great portfolio and it should perform well. How you adjust that is based on your risk preferences and time frame but that's what I'd do with 40k USD.

>> No.52751733

I think btc, eth and xmr are safe bets
but BTC for example, too expensive atm...i mean , i don't want to put all my eggs (money) in one basket.
thanks for the advice tho

>spending 40k on a meme
i'm convinced the next bullrun will be the last..i don't mind waiting a few years to make it, but the time is now that everything is cheap

>> No.52751738
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you can only make AVAXchan happy if you Stake or Delegate your AVAX.

>> No.52751752

Super solid advice here

>> No.52751756
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no developments there tho.
Bridging BTC to Avalanche using a custodianless bridge is the way to go.

Lets compare ETH staking to Avalanche staking:

>ETH staking withdrawals will not be available right away
Avalanche withdrawals are available since Mainnet launch YEARS ago
>The current plan is to deploy the withdrawal functionality in a software update 6 mo - 1 year after the Merge.
essential stuff like this was never missing on Avalanche, this means you have to stake ETH for up to a year, maybe even longer while on Avalanche you can Stake for 2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum or anything in between.
>The current projected income rate (for ETH) is around ~4% APY
Running an Avalanche Node has a proven 9% - 12% APY (paid in AVAX) since Mainnet Launch 2 years ago.
If you run a Node you get Staking rewards, % of your delegators rewards and Tokens from validating several Subnets. (The Golden Subnet Bullrun has not started yet).
>Also the withdrawal system will be implemented as a queue to limit the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn per day,
there is no queue on Avalanche, its instant, sub second, its finalized faster than you can press F5. thats all transactions or smart contract interactions on Avalanche, even when you go crosschain between X Chain and P chain and C chain and other Subnets its instant. Sub Second finality.
>Transactions take 14+ Minutes until they are finalized
I repeat: on Avalanche transactions are almost instant.
>Ethereum has Slashing which means you can lose your stake due to a Hardware or Software bug
No such thing as Slashing on Avalanche.

only serves 1 usecase and like with BTC, not much development there.

>> No.52751786

Yeah ,caught my attention

Hey nigger, i'm also interested in juicy staking rewards
might consider avax too

>> No.52751798

i am staked...on binance simple earn™

>> No.52751858


>> No.52751862
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>on binance
yikes, just stake from your own wallet. why do you want more risk?

>i'm also interested in juicy staking rewards
a Validator stack only costs you 27k USD right now.
also check this out:
(calculator in the top right corner)

>get AVAX staking rewards
>get fee from delegators
>get staking rewards from other Subnets
>your coins never really leave your wallet

running a Validator is low risk, very easy and very cheap.

>> No.52751939


You're welcome

>> No.52752135 [DELETED] 

5000$ BTC
5000$ ETH
5000$ XMR
5000$ XRP
I'll let others influence you on what to do with the remaining 15k but what I listed up there gets you Normie crypto certified, privacy coin certified, iso20022 dystopia certified and WEF IoT certified, keep 10k in fiat liquidity / precious metals and use the 5k remaining to try the shitcoins, the entire crypto market moves in tandem because the liquidity in crypto is dependent on the banking system as they have essentially bear hugged the market... Not much options to escape their system as you already know since you are a fellow wagecuck, everyone who is suggesting you go into their L1 is coping with their bags and every single one of these projects ''aims to change the ---'' fill in the gap with whatever naive optimistic view these founders have , it's finance it's an auxiliary to free trade there's nothing innovative being done other than new ways to commit usury on your hard earned money... I'm a GME holder and think that's gonna be my ticket out but lots of people have the same mindset for whichever cryptocurrency they've taken a liking to. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket is probably sound advice but we're all stuck inside the monetary system basket forced to participate or starve so.... buy my favourtie investment GME join the 200,000 investors who've locked up 30% of the 7.8B$ company off of banks and brokerages and are still buyers, earnings call wednesday after market close 5pm EST , you'll see the amount of shares held in the company's transfer agent which is essentially all retail investors

>> No.52753052
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Beta finance

>> No.52753110

I would tell you but you will bring nothing but "number go up"ism to our community.

>> No.52753800




>> No.52753869

BTC and ICP.
1.5btc, 3000 icp

>> No.52753946

Oh look, a "what should I buy" thread. Surely OP and this faggot aren't sockpuppeting. No, not a chance.

>> No.52754059

Avalanche is legit and a good investment.

>> No.52754111

If you buy Crypto with that $40,000, you deserve to die young and poor.

>> No.52754182


>> No.52754209

Well, it's sure to play around with Ride, good project run by absolute genies

>> No.52754232
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>> No.52754250

40k in kaspa. but april-may might be too late, check price at that stage. if it already did another x3-x5, or so, might be too late to properly "make it".

>> No.52754274

All in CAKE
~62% APR

>> No.52754509

Pretty much this.

>> No.52755124
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Buying crypto right now can be risky, unless it is a project with massive potentials, I will suggest you get your hands-on defi projects, I think comos has some good defi projects, the likes of scrt, Loop and evmos are better options

>> No.52755128

>FTM $23.5k
>TOMB $14k (Enough for suicide stack.)
>STA - $2.5k (Enough for make-it stack.)

>> No.52755242

Which protocol are you using to stake?

>> No.52755325


>> No.52755330

The PancakeSwap contract on BSC I should say

>> No.52755439
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GTF outta here faggot. There isn't a socerer in Biz to get your ass covered. Just buy stablecoins and farm them through SpoolFi or Convex. At least your retirement wage is guaranteed from that one.

>> No.52755961

Scrt is actually a cool project, the best privacy so far, do you think loop can survive this current market?

>> No.52756005
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this is a retard move
not saying cake is bad, i have it and hold some Sylo, rfox finance and Apt, they aren't just sitting in bag, but making some bucks there
>diversification is crucial for better risk management

>> No.52756034

Umm RPL? This is like being on reddit. Same stupid shit shilled here. None of you are making it.

>> No.52756219
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Since their nft marketplace and DEX being one of the best in juno and cosmos chain, I think with their alliance with LATAM which is attracting more virgin investors, they will survive the current market crash

>> No.52756265

What's happening there anon?

>> No.52756734

What are their staking apy?

>> No.52756778

Which token is xyo and pha, I'm hearing it for the first time

>> No.52756796

Where to invest your money but I still choose stablecoins farming protocols like Curve finance or Spool finance over that one because of diversification strategy implemented there.

>> No.52756889

dont even put on crypto. it has no future. its really not needed and the whole narrative of being decentralized is not true. If you want to experience the decentralization you will have like jpegs (that are not even on chain) and some swap protocols that just serves the purpose for shit tokens that don't do nothing.

They tried hard. 2020 was the last straw.

Trust me, nothing new will come. there are no real use cases. if they were big companies would be using. But no. they are slowly backing away.

You have all the signals from big top guys warning you. You are dumb if you enter the crypto scene when it has nothing else left.

>> No.52756904

I was being facetious with "all in" but you can't effectively manage risk by diversifying into other cryptos, the markets are too synchronised with each other. It's like choosing stocks in the same industry. You have to diversify into assets that move counter to each other.

>> No.52757053

Scrt offers 22%
Loop 350% atm &
Evmos 300%

>> No.52757317

Buy land

>> No.52757843

I'm not a shill anon. I'm looking for legit answers, because once i spend that money, either i make it or stay poor forever. There's no between..
Like some basketball americans said, get rich or die trying

>> No.52758037

stake/yield farm it using stable coins until we are certain that bear market is over, when it is you can start to slowly spent them on BTC/ETH/ATOM etc, but slowly... like 10-20% at a time
alternatively you can also drop them into stocks with good dividend

>> No.52758050

Im not on it for the tech...or "utility"
As i wrote, i'm convinced the last bullrun will be in 2 or 3 years..
Also don't want to invest in scams or waiting 5 or 7 years for a coin to have some price action.
If that's the case, solid defi projects or anything with nice staking rewards should do fine.

TL:DR it's s long shot, a risk i'm willing to take.
Wage cucking cause men to do risky things

>> No.52758149

In all seriousness
20% BTC
20% ETC
You might be unsure about the doge/shib but that's why it goes only 10% in each, as for the rest of the alts, it is known that BTC loses it's domination during bullruns so investing in a lot of alts can be a gold mine if you take the right ones, also ATOM has proven itself to be incredibly resilient and reliable even during massive crashes, same goes for ETH ever since Merge happened, this leads me to belive that these two can be an absolute units in the next bullrun

>> No.52758479


>> No.52759942

I'd rather go 50% on ETH, 30% on BTC, 20% spread across MATIC, DOT, ORE and GME.

>> No.52760055

Web3 focused projects seems to be where the market is going right now, go big or go home.

>> No.52760065

ur responding to a robot

>> No.52760223

Staking on binance is a good one. Binance stake and the ORE-ETH pool got me going in this gloomy period.

>> No.52760868

Decentralised platforms are indeed a good place to put some $$$. I'd put more attention on projects offering decentralised identity and Asset management.

>> No.52760979

Regardless of what people say, I believe projects with working products and reasonable adoption rate like the ORE ID; will survive this bear season

>> No.52761036

True, diversification is an important strategy but it needs to be done right to avoid loss. Sectors such as web3, privacy, Defi and the likes are solid places to look at especially into low cap alts.

>> No.52761072

Based talk

>> No.52761372

Those Apy seems quite high for a bear season, you should be careful.

>> No.52761374

why the fuck would anyone spend more than a penny on crypto nowadays, that shit is as good as dead