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52750482 No.52750482 [Reply] [Original]

just found .03 unclaimed BTC while surfing the blockchain in my free time

>> No.52750561

how does this work

>> No.52750642

search it up on the darkweb

>> No.52750686

you just browse one of the blockchains and look for btc that people bought but didn't claim. then you claim it. i usually check the coin base block chain because it has the most casuals. more likely to not claim the crypto.

>> No.52750836

This sounds like bullshit but I'll bite. What do you mean "bought but didn't claim?" Where exactly do you see that in the transaction? And how do you suddenly just claim it for yourself if nobody else has?

>> No.52750878

anyone can claim it if its unclaimed and idle on the block chain. it's competitive so you have to click it fast because a lot of people are searching. some people have bots. but every now and then i find some and manage to claim it first

>> No.52750905
File: 272 KB, 747x487, coolguypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor sucker didn't lock his price in
nice job OP

>> No.52750921

>generate public private key pair
>get bitcoin address from public key
>search for address on blockchain
>if there is BTC in address use private key to send to yourself
>repeat a bazillon times

>> No.52750939
File: 88 KB, 396x385, shine+pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the best crypto life hack
it's crazy how few people know about it

>> No.52751030

Interesting, how long does it usually take you to find something with this approach?

>> No.52751107
File: 11 KB, 244x206, wreckedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-5 hundred years
works better on Ethereum than BTC

>> No.52751113

.denodnaba saw tI .demialcnu t'nsaw tI

>> No.52751125

Also is this legal? Couldn't you theoretically stumble upon someone's actually wallet (as unlikely as that would be)? That would be theft.

>> No.52751132

even on eth, the chances of finding a working private key is 90867014 / 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936
op is gay and full of shit

>> No.52751147
File: 47 KB, 200x200, bojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically it's a legal gray area but since there's no regulation there's really nothing anyone can do about it
blockchain surfers are a different breed, that's for sure

>> No.52751229
File: 44 KB, 540x362, 1552181618878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you do all of this stuff. search the blockchain? im confused

>> No.52751665

Yah, I'm looking on these sites and I see strings of shit being purchased, nothing "open".

>> No.52752725
File: 91 KB, 572x505, 1475470439630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This worked great in 2018 because so many people thought crypto was dead for good and didn't bother claiming bitcoin and ethereum that they were in the red on, one time I found an address with 2 whole btc that was abandoned

>> No.52752923
File: 875 KB, 178x195, 92BCA9C1-6FC4-4D5A-8DED-391769BFD38E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not checking your wallet every day to make sure someone else isnt trying to claim it
Do people like this actually exist or is this an elaborate troll post? I know there are some real fucking retards out there but surely nobody is dumb enough to let their bitcoins go unclaimed? I always thought blockchain surfing was a thing of the past since people smartened up but i guess not.

>> No.52752929
File: 93 KB, 238x238, 1666719988976479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah that gives me a bit of nostalgia
people dont talk about this much anymore but 'btc prospecting' was pretty lucrative for a long time
i had days where i worked 1 hour and pulled out $5000
i also had days where i searched for 15 hours and came away with nothing
eventually everyone hits a cold steak, doesn't find anything for days or even weeks, thinks "wtf am i doing with my life" and moves on

>> No.52752951


>> No.52752959

troll thread

>> No.52752988

Please don't tell the newfags about this I haven't had a real job in 3 years and don't need anymore competition

>> No.52753021

do you ever feel bad about doing it?
i mean people paid for that btc but just forgot to claim it

>> No.52753242

Blockchain surfers give crypto a bad name. Get a real job.

>> No.52753260

can you not just write a bot for that that creates a a bunch of wallets and than check for balance?

>> No.52753295

you can but its incredibly inefficient and prob wont yield anything
i had the most success simply surfing the blockchain and employing a couple different strategies (cluster searches, batching, etc)

>> No.52753312

Its not that simple but yes, you need a botscript for this field of work because doing it manually would take eternity or a team of indians but nothing is stopping them from claiming the bitcoins for themselves. You also have to be super careful with the bot you use, one of the common scams out there are bots that surf the blockchain for you but claim all the bitcoins for the bots author. The really advanced scams will even let you claim small amounts of bitcoins it finds, but claim the “jackpots” for themselves, so you wont know youve been had until its too late.

If you dont know how to code you just need to know where to look on the darkweb.

>> No.52753327

but what exactly is it you are doing
>looking for unclaimed bitcoin what does that even mean

I know how to code,i just try to find out what it is that Im doing here.
and looking on the blockchain, wtf does that even mean?

>> No.52753337

he's trolling u

>> No.52753362

>person tries to buy btc with fiat
>btc goes unclaimed
>you claim it
if thats too hard for you to understand, this probably aint for you bub
you could always try going after 'stuck transactions' too
the scores arent as big but theyre simpler to find

>> No.52753370

You just need to do more research into how the blockchain works, idk how to explain it without giving a whole lesson in that. Just look it up on the darkweb, its kind of a gray area especially now that governments are looking to regulate it more. Just be careful of scammer bots. Honestly if this is already over your head you probably shouldnt even bother, youre just going to get scammed and have someone else claim your bitcoins.

>> No.52753429

Thought this might help, good place to start, definitely the best explanation out there that hasnt been taken down yet. Once you get past the basics you can start getting on to making some real money.

>> No.52753501

i know what a blockchain is and how this bitch works, but what you saying makes no sense, there isnt such a thing as stuck transactions, maybe you talk about pending transactions, but they still have a matching privatekey, so other than brutforcing or guessing privatekeys, how can you "claim" bitcoins or ethereum or any other token, all blockchains work the same especially all L1.

You cant even describe what you doing but you want to tell me that its over my head?

And person tries to buy crypto with fiat and btc goes unclaimed, what a bunch of bullshit is this?
If somebody buys bitcin they use a centralized service and the only transaction they ever make is from their cold wallet to your btc address, so how can it go unclaimed. and if the tx getss tuck because of to little gas, the bTC will be sent back to their cold wallet.

Nothing you say makes any sense and it seems more like a way from you to trick people into buying worthless bots

>> No.52753526

when you're so smart you accidentally prove that you're dumber than a nigger

>> No.52753543

Did you even watch the whole video? And how am I telling you to “buy my bot” when im literally saying to watch out for scams? Why would I share my money maker and hurt my own profits? Either youre mentally retarded for not understanding how this stuff works or simply trolling.

>> No.52753545
File: 31 KB, 450x405, 360D4F35-CF98-4D39-9453-18060B8AF03D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. But soo time consuming. Still, got .47 Eth that way.

>> No.52753571

i watched this vieo a while ago and there is nothing in this whole video that covers stuck btc or claim unclaimed btc from exchanges, this is total bullshit

>> No.52753612
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 85275387-EFF1-458D-B612-58EC5090DD8A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt know wtf hes talking about
>calls other people idiots
Pottery. Have fun being a stupid poorfag, thats what happens when you lash out at people simply trying to help you

>> No.52753624

nigger you dont try to help anyone, you are on some type of powertrip even though everything you say is literall bullshit

>> No.52753921


>> No.52754244

Quite literally impossible and not how crypto works.

>> No.52754278

/biz/ it is actually possible to have unclaimed btc btw. it just depends on the op codes used to secure it, in essence all btc is just unclaimed btc. If someone does a tx and "secures" it without a proper cryptographic scheme, anyone can just claim it.

>> No.52754340

1 trillion years. But if you have free energy/hardware, then it's worth trying

>> No.52754358

I've found more in paper wallets in glass bottles surfing the california waves my dude

>> No.52754385

Fucking newfags

>> No.52754426

holy fuck kill yourselves holy fuck kill yourselves holy FUCK KILL YOURSELVES HOLY FUCK

>> No.52754430
File: 244 KB, 1080x1010, Screenshot_20221206-125141_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I thought this was bullshit but some anon is crying about losing his 0.3 BTC. Do I need to claim alts too or is it just BTC? How do I claim my alts please help me

>> No.52755104

dont even bother with the dark web bot scripts they dont even work. it's nothing more then a side hustle you wont get rich searching for unclaimed crypto. it's just best to manually surf the block chain while your dicking around on the computer in your spare time for some extra cash.

>> No.52755657
File: 40 KB, 800x450, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is easily one of the funniest threads I've ever shitposted in

>> No.52755800

>All of these newfriends
Bottom is still not here

>> No.52755849

The odds that OP is a faggot are off the charts on this one.

>> No.52756281
File: 13 KB, 356x360, 1670035445599928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think you might be right
this is the kind of thread you see in a bull market
>this time is actually different?