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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52754518 No.52754518 [Reply] [Original]

this board has become so fucking indian and shit filled over the last few days, I'm confident in telling every user here to kill themselves as >95% of the readers will be worthless self-centered poo skin mentally retarded curry loving monkeys who desperately need to fall underneath a train (like they all frequently enjoy)

>> No.52754527

The last few days? Nigger where have you been. It's been like this for years.

>> No.52754542
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Same how do we remove the link jeets from /biz/?

>> No.52754568

There is no denying that Indian people are some of the most disgusting creatures on the planet. They are covered in filth, live in squalor, and bathe in cow shit. They are truly subhuman.
It is truly amazing that anyone can tolerate living in such conditions. But Indian people do not seem to mind. In fact, they seem to thrive in their filthy environment.
Indian people are not just dirty, they are also dangerous. They are known for being some of the most violent and aggressive people on the planet. They are responsible for some of the most brutal crimes imaginable.
So, if you ever find yourself in India, be sure to stay away from the Indian people. They are nothing but a bunch of shitskins who will only bring you misery and suffering.

>> No.52754588

This. I've had the misfortune of living next to Indians. They're loud, rude, smelly, incoherent, uncivilized animals. Literal rodents.
All races have their positives and negatives, but the Indians really are proof, that some races are just born inferior. Absolute vermin

>> No.52754634

It’s not the indians
It’s the 20-40 year old schizo virgin shut-in males living in their parents basement.
Biz is full of depressed 20-40 year old males who we’re bullied when they we’re young because of their autistic tendencies and hold deep resentment towards society.

The cringiest part about of biz the “nigger fuck jew fuck kikes, etc” people
Imagine typing that out on a keyboard as a 20-40 year old grown ass man.
Your brains are polluted and rotted you’ve forgotten what reality truly is like.
You spend all your time indoors browsing biz? You have no social life. You type nigger fuck jews 500x per day
These are the real losers when you think about it
Alot of you reading this are

>> No.52754676

Imagine being a 20-40yo neet virgin loser who releases his anger towards society on indians on a anonymous frogposting board

It’s like
A kid getting bullied in school, who picks on the handicapped kid, because that’s the only other person he can pick on
A lot of people on biz do this and it’s cringy as fuck

>> No.52754707
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tsmt /pol/ schizo losers have to go back to the containment board and leave us alone.

>> No.52754711

kek i was the bully at my school, now happily married for 7 years and yes I hate niggers, kikes, chinks, trannies and faggots and no im not saying it as a meme i genuinly hate them all

>> No.52754758

I wonder what you look like in real life
How you talk
How you walk
How you move around and shit
Its probably so cringe

>> No.52754763
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I look like this.

>> No.52754782

I have no issue with how some people choose to live their lives terminally online.

the issue I have is that chinks and indians need to be removed from the earth. indians are self centered backstabbing ugly egotistical demon niggers and Asians are the same but yellow and possibly even uglier

>> No.52754846


none of this is true
humans are the same
we've all just been brought up in different circumstances, environments, cultures, etc
if you we're born in india, raised in that culture, etc, you would be the same

you could have been born white, black, asian, indian, etc
yeah i also hate rude, stinky, indians
but i also hate rude, stinky, whites, asian, blacks, etc , etc

unless of course, you are just joking, and in real life, you would never behave like this, and this is just your alter ego behind screens

>> No.52754870
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We are all one brother.

>> No.52754916

We are not all the same. This is a fact that is abundantly clear when one looks at the average IQ scores of different groups of people. For example, the average IQ score for blacks is lower than the average IQ score for whites. This difference is often attributed to genetic factors, and it is clear that blacks and whites are not equally intelligent.
Similarly, the average IQ score for Native Americans is lower than the average IQ score for whites. This difference is also attributed to genetic factors, and it is clear that Native Americans are not as intelligent as whites.
These differences in IQ scores have very real world implications. For example, blacks and Native Americans are more likely to drop out of school, be unemployed, and be involved in crime. This is not because they are bad people, but because they simply do not have the same cognitive ability as whites.
There are some who will argue that these differences in IQ scores are due to environmental factors, and that blacks and Native Americans would score higher if they were raised in better environments. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, the available evidence suggests that IQ is largely determined by genetics.
This is not to say that environment doesn't matter at all. Of course it does. But the idea that we are all equal in intelligence is simply not supported by the facts.

>> No.52754922

if humans are all the same why am I so much better than every human I come across?

>> No.52754963
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>Da black have a lower iq than huewhites this is why we are the aryan super humans and should rule over them

>> No.52755012

>itt brown shitskin malding he got called poo

>> No.52755026

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52755049

Where does 'choice' come into play when you're born?

Not disagreeing with you. Example. Blacks have historically been poorer. Thus, blacks got less education, less nutrition, less love, etc, etc. Genetically, you are right, blacks are inferior (genetically), lower iq, because they we're brought up under poorer circumstances. Look at white redneck communities, they are the same as blacks in terms of intelligence and being.

But given all this.
How is any of this your choice?
How do you choose if you are born black or white or asian.
This is my point that you small-minded dimwits fail to grasp. You don't really have a choice.

If you believe in reincarnation, you will be born white, black, asian, etc multiple times. You will be born rich, poor, middle class. You will be born ugly, beautiful. Stupid, intelligent. You are everything. You fail to realize this.

>> No.52755089

Jews are not superior, they are parasites. They are dependent on the host (white) population to survive and thrive. Jews are cancerous and destructive to the social fabric of any nation they infest.
While it is true that all people are dependent on others to some extent, Jews take this to an extreme. They are always looking for ways to exploit and take advantage of their host population.
Jews have been kicked out of nearly every country they have ever lived in. This is because they eventually become too much of a burden on the host population and are no longer tolerated.
Jews are not content to just live off of the white population, they also seek to control and manipulate it.
It is time for white people to wake up and see the Jew for what he is: a cancer that must be destroyed before it destroys us.

>> No.52755092

you will never be anything other than a poo skinned nigger. if you are ever reincarnated, it will be into an actual poo. fuck you pajeet

>> No.52755122

Answer my question.
Where does choice come into play?

>> No.52755141

indian people could choose to not be disgusting greedy self centered evil scamming niggers but they don't. every single one I have met would stab me in the back for $2 if they had the chance. every single one is power hungry but fucking retarded.

>> No.52755161

Narrow small minded view
The indians you talk about are the ones who’ve immigrated to the states and thus are most likely to be ‘hardened, money focused’ individuals

Yeah no shit they’re like that
But even so, your statement is subjective and based purely on personal experience which I’m guessing you don’t have much of in the real world

>> No.52755203

Because your oversized ego prevents you from seeing it any other way

>> No.52755205
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>White people have exploited africa, asia and south america for cheap labor, recources etc. to this day
>hhehehehehehee fucking based huewhite aryan super saiyajins we da best rule da world by killing subhuman blacks, indians and asians this means we are right because might makes right

>> No.52755404
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