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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52747029 No.52747029 [Reply] [Original]

You didn't actually think the president could forgive your debts right? You went to college, you're smart enough to know better... right?

>> No.52747042

My money is gone, my career is in shambles, I have no life. I aint paying.

>> No.52747061


>> No.52747174

Arr jeez I'd reallya lyked to help ya out kiddo but it turns out its illegal n i got the courts up my ass n I know i do a bunch of other illegal stuff yknow but this one its a tuff one kiddo I hope theres no bad feelings.

>> No.52747221

>you're smart enough to know better... right?
Liberals are bottom of the barrel in regards to intelligence and gullibility, of course they believed the bullshit spewed by a senile old man

>> No.52747228

>We need to bail out corporations in the billions for their colossal fuck ups!
>More money for Israel!
>Support the Ukraine!
>Fuck timmy and his 30k student loans lol

>> No.52747237

Aren’t like 70% of people not gonna be able to make payments come the end of the pause? What happens then?

>> No.52747259

You fucking parasites still dont get it huh? What do you think the 10 trillion dollar debt every country has is? What debt? Debt to whom? It doesnt exist. It is fake. It is more a philosophical concept. The idea/implication that living beings are inherently worthless parasites in constant need of repentance for the sin of existing. You are born in debt and bred as a slave/living sacrifice to the "Line god/free marketTM" .

Capitalism isnt just about banks, stock markets, money etc. It is mostly about slavery/domination. The consequences of this are also very easily observed in the real world too. In just 200 years 80% of Earths biodiversity has been murdered and the rest of the living beings are either cattle or slaves.

>> No.52747281

We need to vote even harder next time. I'm tired of slacking.

>> No.52747305

They day they pass loan forgiveness I am debt maxing at my local community College for free money and never attending classes or paying it back. I know others saying the same thing. If you let this genie out of the bottle then there is not putting it back in. If "debt forgiveness" becomes a thing then it's debtmaxx free money time for the masses. Next comes auto loan relief, CC debt relief and mortgage relief.

>> No.52747319




Ya commie bums

Work for a living like the rest of us and pay your own god damned bills for fuck sakes
First thing we learned when we were young and starting out was basically this,...
the world dont owe you shit. Life is hard. It's even harder if your stupid or lazy.

Fuck off.
Eat shit.

>> No.52747358
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they'll just expand income based repayment plans to cover everyone and lower the payments until they're effectively $0.

>> No.52747365

Not my problem. They'll have to pay eventually. As we they should.
They didnt "have to go to college"
They didnt "have to take out loans"
It was their own decisions
They should have been "prepared to take responsibility"

>> No.52747376
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>> No.52747411

This is not the seething response I was looking for. I was looking for an actual answer regarding the financial implications of millions of people defaulting on loans they can’t declare bankruptcy on. Please go be a seething like elsewhere unless you have something worth reading.

>> No.52747445

The same thing that happens to everyone that's never been able to pay back loans before. Why would you assume it would be any differentM

>> No.52747461

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52747490

The solution would be to just make education free, like they do it in europe.

>> No.52747506

>end of the pause
When the fuck is that supposed to be?

>> No.52747508
File: 38 KB, 470x545, #shad0wprez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.
All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens during Bidens term is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.52747515

That meme is retarded and doesn't fit. Bad analogy. You borrow, you pay back. Simple as.

>> No.52747587

There could be a solution something like this. It would only be "fair" if everyone qualified for it, and could choose whether they wanted to use it or not.
But it should be connected/dependent up on a public service requirement. Like you have to work in some form of useful productive, constructive public service capacity in order to earn the merit of education. Minimum 2yr military service should be an option.
There would need to be an intelligent redesign into the school system to fix it and to prevent it becoming worse than it already is.

>> No.52747598

They gave bailouts to cruise lines who are registered as offshore corps to avoid taxes during covid. But the stimulus checks, that made them seethe.
No one borrowed money in the example above and you guys still sperged about the stimulus checks.

>> No.52747613
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>You went to college, you're smart enough

>> No.52747614

pay denbts

>> No.52747625

Cant handle the truth or the facts?
Wtf do you think happens when deadbeats dont pay their bills?
Life gets harder until they finally take responsibility.
Wtf ate you just looking for an alternate form of social welfare bailout?
It's a simple fucking problem.
And a simple obvious result

>> No.52747636


>> No.52747637

fucking ameritard
>free if you follow the education path according to standardised processes
>not free if you don't

since you fat fucks have failed so spectacularly at every other level of govt, i have no faith in your common sense either

>> No.52747646

Kek I went to a trade school and actually graduated debt free. But I still agree with loan forgiveness, because I realize education in America is a massive scam.

>> No.52747649

Sure you did cupcake. Sure you did.

>> No.52747661

>you want me to pay money back I borrowed wtf???

>> No.52747674

Now this is cope lol. If you don’t think modern college isn’t a scam, you’re a damn fool. I just consider myself lucky because if my life had gone different or I listened and hung out with other people, I could’ve fallen for the trap.
But it’s ok, you have to straw man and believe everyone that supports forgiveness is a Starbucks barista with a dance theory degree lmao.

>> No.52747708

>What do you think the 10 trillion dollar debt every country has is? What debt? Debt to whom?

Debt to the people who bought treasury bonds from the government you fucking goomba.

>> No.52747747

>I know others saying the same thing
Please update the script, I know many other people who feel the same.

>> No.52747815

They'll probably just pause payments until a republican is in office again. Why not buy votes and then do nothing about problems you created when you can pass the blame to the other side? It's political zugzwang. The winning move now is to do nothing.

>> No.52747830
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>What debt? Debt to whom? It doesnt exist. It is fake. It is more a philosophical concept.

>> No.52747831
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The only way to remove it is suicide. Oh no :)

>> No.52747838

nope, they start up 2 months after the case is decided.

>> No.52747852

Sorry you're not coping well. The answer is you will pay it back. it will be taken from your paychecks or your taxes. You won't buy a car or a house unless you make payments

>> No.52747854

Well, even that 'fake money' you wanted to and did borrow will need to be paid back. When you pay it back, think of it as the same fake money you borrowed. Maybe that helps.

>> No.52747855
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So basically Q2 next year?

>> No.52747863

Yeah, so actually they said July or 2 months after the case is decided, but since the courts took it up we'll know around Q2/Q3 next year for sure.

>> No.52747884

I have no loans to pay back though :^) but I’ll happily help my fellow American who has been scammed by the Jewish education system.

>> No.52747901
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23 is gonna be one hell of a financial ride.

>> No.52747924

They literally control congress for the next 2 months. They ended the strike and legalized buttsex marriage. Why can't they pass a law on this?

>> No.52747941

What's with conservatives refusing to look at anything beyond individual consequences? Do you think what happens to those millions of people will not affect the rest of us in any way? That our society is a perfectly fair insulator of consequences to only the people who provoked them?

>> No.52747958

>No one borrowed money in the example above and you guys still sperged about the stimulus checks.
But no one did? You're just making shit up.
>they gave
Nancy Pelosi did. Why was nancy able to do that 3 years ago, but can't do this now? You can't ever answer because the answer is they don't give a fuck about you and you were retarded for tanking the economy in hopes someone else would pay your debts.

In the first place how the fuck are there people who have significant loan debt when we had frozen loan payments and low interest rates for most of the past 10 years? How did you manage that?

>> No.52747981

How do these people even still have debt. They've had nearly 3 years of no interest accruing, they could have put $280/mo toward the principle and paid off the same $10k of debt. You're a fucking retard if you weren't attacking the principle over the last couple years and instead waiting for the government to fix your problems.

>> No.52748012

Average college debt is $35K. Unless you’re making $70K or more a year, that’s a decent chunk of change for your average person.

>> No.52748015

>government prints money out of thin air
>loans it to you to pay for tuition
>charges you an usurous interest rate
that'll be $20k plus 5% compounding daily, goyim. NO REFUNDS.

>> No.52748019

Their debts will be sent to credit collectors and it’ll follow them for life until they pay it off. They’ll never be able to apply for a mortgage until they do sort out their debt, so they’ll be renting for life, likely live pay cheque to pay cheque and never retire until their body can’t handle work anymore.

But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a debt based society goy, you should’ve been born rich like me.

>> No.52748021

no one wants to think of MMVIII and the poor companies who bought up this made up jewish debt

>> No.52748037
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>> No.52748058

Get off of 4chan, you stupid Boomer.

>> No.52748061

nah, you'd have to be retarded to pay it off
at some point they'll give up on nullifying the debt, and just make the minimum payments so ridiculously low, plus they'll have all sorts of ancillary programs for politically favored positions
100k of teaching debt? no problem, just pay 2.5% of your income for 10 years and any remaining amount is wiped out.

>> No.52748068

>You're a fucking retard if you weren't attacking the principle over the last couple years
With record inflation that probably outpaces interest, and politicians seriously talking about potential forgiveness? No, that would have been very stupid of them.

>> No.52748091

Because in the mid-2000s Biden spearheaded a bill to prevent people from declaring bankruptcy on student loans.

>a scam
What's a scam is that we need reshoring of manufacturing and deportation of non-citizens but millennials and zoomers have a huge contingent that reee when you say that. Can't help these people. Economically it doesn't work.

And the debate doesn't make sense either- California is paying 239,000 to all each black person in the state, but can't pay the college debts? New York state has FREE college now, but Massachusetts costs 1300 dollars a credit? All these states with people who whinge about the cost are the highest cost states while places like Utah and Florida only charge a measly 200 dollars a credit. Texas is 400 bucks a credit which is more. These states with bloated university administrations are the ones fucking people in the ass but no one wants to ask why Amherst college is raping their students, they just want someone in North Carolina to pay for it.

>> No.52748109

>Average college debt is $35K

Median is much lower, $17k according to Google. The average is probably distorted by doctors/lawyers, and a small number of people who go full retard and pay $100k+ for a bachelors some scam private school.

And it's still $10k, same as Biden was promising to forgive. Point was people are shortsighted as hell for not making as massive of payments as possible during the pause when interest wasn't racking up.

>> No.52748127

Truthfully, I don’t even 100% support the forgiveness, I’m only half trolling to piss of the 65+ AARP crowd that browses this board for some reason. They need to make the loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. Then these banks and FAFSA lenders would sort out very, very fast who should and shouldn’t go to college.
Fact of the matter is, many people have been saddled by debt from an issue created by the government, and they need to fix it. And it’s either gonna be the tax payer or the bank, because the system is not sustainable whatsoever.

>> No.52748144

It’s $20K for Pell Grant recipients, AKA the poorest people attending college, which is arguably the most impacted group.

>> No.52748166
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Why would I make a single payment when the possibility of forgiveness is greater than 0? There is no benefit to doing so versus investing in the stock market or crypto

>> No.52748172


There's no banks involved, it's only federal loans that were covered under Biden's forgiveness plan. Taxpayers are the only ones that would be on the hook for the cost.

>> No.52748186

except fafsa lenders wouldn't be able to discriminate based on race.

>> No.52748214
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Thank God for Trump and the judges he appointed to the Supreme Court. I hope the decision to make the loan plan illegal comes down to ideological lines just to piss off liberals. I paid off 100% of my $180k student loans in 2018. Giving money to people that are too lazy, dumb or poor to pay it back would be unfair to responsible people like me. And it wouldn't solve the underlying problem of college costs anyway.

>> No.52748219

I meant the government in this case, my fault. Private student loans are a whole other issue that need tackled desu. Who system is a shitshow.
It’s either lend the money and not get it back or not lend it at all. I’ll tell you which one the government would much rather have.

>> No.52748241

God I think you are serious.
I mean sure, it's not 0, so you gamble on it? Cool. Biden didn't fix your shit? Well son it looks like you are on your own now.

>> No.52748264

>taking responsibility for your own decisions = boomer
gg commie faggot

>> No.52748280

Sure they will. They've already broken their promise to start repayments twice. My guess is they'll keep coming up with excuses to kick the can down the road until CBDCs get forced upon everyone and demand repayment with CBDC.

>> No.52748283

Are you stupid? The loan is literally not accruing interest right now, it makes no sense to pay it down. Even if loan payments resume I make 95k/yr and the interest on the loan is 4%, its literally nothing.

>> No.52748489

there's an element of truth to this but if I take out a loan for a car, the company who made the car, its employees, raw materials, etc. deserve to be compensated for their work.

doesn't make (((their))) debt based economic scheme any more sympathetic but it doesn't make the concept of debt inherently false either

>> No.52748500


>> No.52748516

>You went to college, you're smart enough to know better... right?
No, they're still too young and uneducated(aside from school) at that age to realize they're just cattle walking to the metaphorical slaughter for bought out politicians on both sides and corporations with more wealth than you can imagine. Then they believe corporate news that's pushing lies and half truths 24/7 to benefit their advertisers and beneficiaries regardless of harm to you. They'll have you voting to suppress your rights over time and make you even believe it's a good thing until you find yourself in a society like China and wonder how it went so wrong. And by then the controls are so tight you'll never get out of it, never. They want you all fucked up on psych meds instead of solving anything, and your kids functionally retarded from growing up on smart phones and tablets instead of real interaction.
You think you can vote dem or republican and fix things? The candidates are mostly pre-decided for you, and most voters don't pay enough attention to stop voting for their own destruction. Just look at most large cities for evidence of people destroying thriving cities with bad policy, Detroit would be a good start. No college will teach you that.

>> No.52748540

going to college might unironically contribute to their delusions.
i'm not against people getting help, money is all fake anyways and we send way more to ukraine and israel, i'm just saying it was delusional to expect this to not get cockblocked.

>> No.52748642

Based, you WILL pay it all back.

>> No.52748672

you really think kagan would support something to wipe out goyim debt and interest payments? she'll write the majority opinion and make clarence thomas look like a socialist.

>> No.52748767

The dumbest people I've had apply were flashing around degrees as if it meant something on it's own.
They need as much on the job training as the next guy without a degree, and the guy without a degree isn't usually an entitled baby.

>> No.52748790

>you guys still sperged about the stimulus checks
Are you retarded? Everyone on the news left right and center is admitting inflation was caused by the stimulus checks and other trillion dollar bills from the past two years and most of them happened under Trump, dumbass.

>> No.52748803

Interest is still zero until next July at least, probably going to extend it again for another few years. Whatever future Democratic President stops the extension loses the young vote easily if they stop kicking that can.

>> No.52748849


you can blame trump, but you can't deny 100% of liberals supported stimulus checks. In fact, 100% of liberals wanted more stimulus checks than trump gave

>> No.52749331

My basket weaving degree did not prepare me for this.

>> No.52749367

All of those things were passed by Congress and signed into law

>> No.52749409

HOWWW much is it?? ahhh jeeeez i mean i got like a quarter of that in cash on me right now, but i gotta buy these PILLS, bro! i need em for some medical thing i got. and i gotta buy them in like a week! ahhh jeez, would you take this cash i got now as the full payment? its the best i can do to help ya. i guess i gotta find somewhere else to get my pill money then. . .

>> No.52749429

>The same thing that happens to everyone that's never been able to pay back loans before
wages garnished? dont have a job lol
property foreclosed? what property?
assets forfeited? i own nothing and i am happy lmao

they gonna stick me in a debtors prison? thats unconstitutional, lil nigga. surely the governemnt wouldnt violate my constitutional rights like that... right?

>> No.52749467



>> No.52749469

And you don’t owe the world shit either.
Get with the times you faggot, things have changed. It’s a lot harder to start anything in this day and age. Why is it so hard for you people to understand ?

>> No.52749571
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Repukes stole 20k from me

>> No.52749601

>you don’t owe the world shit either.
that's right. you can choose to do nothing and starve to death as a consequence.,
what kind of socialist koolaid did you drink to become so brain-rotted?

you don't "owe the world" anything. but most people realize they owe it to themselves and the ones they care about to get off their ass and do something to provide for themselves.

>> No.52749608

Debt strike coming. Good companion to rail strike.

>> No.52749626

Hire me.

>> No.52749643

not paying

>> No.52749652





how dumb are you people? If they wanted they could have passed a new law, since Ds hold both chambers, until January.

They strung you along like cucks. Enjoy being apart of the underclass, cattle. Enjoy your Biden bucks.


>> No.52749737
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You will never be out of debt ;)

>> No.52749941

They have no credit. No one buys overpriced boomer cars/houses. Banks lend to subprime buyers because reasons, markets crash. Boomers loose 80% of their 401k and call on Republicans to provide government assistance. Democrats rally against them as a conservative voice of opposition

Republicans become socialists and Democrats become the KKK

>> No.52750045

You do realize you can already CC debtmaxx with zero repercussions, right?

>> No.52750050

I’ve got loans with OSLA. They say 01/01/2023. It probably depends on which company you owe your debt to.

>> No.52750300

>governments bail out corporations and banks to the tune of several trillions of dollars
>At your service father government. Take my money

>> No.52750590

education is free.
having some "professors" not teach you and a school house you so you can get some stds after getting blackout drunk 5 nights a week, so you can get a piece of paper that says "you did it" and maybe getting your prof to write a letter to prospective employers saying " they did it": not free.

Burn it all down

>> No.52750606

>based time traveler

>> No.52750635
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You’re arguing with bitter losers who are only against student forgiveness because they feel they “missed out” on partying and enjoying their youth (which they did). I make $42 an hour as a psych RN (tax free due to it being crisis pay) and wouldn’t be anywhere without my degree, this place is nothing but crabs in a bucket.

>> No.52750702

Forced conscription for debtslaves who refuse to pay, the military meat grinder will teach them not to take shitty loans.
Don't @ me silly anti-semites.

>> No.52750718

Bitch I got that REPAYE. More like NOTPAY am I right?

>> No.52750791

I would literally enlist right now if it meant it would erase my debt. Only problem is that only works for 10 years with a PSLF that will most like likely get denied.

>> No.52750941


>> No.52751014

They can't collect from me if I'm dead. My parents can have the satisfaction of dealing with that

>> No.52751029

>If "debt forgiveness" becomes a thing
what do you think bankruptcy is?

>> No.52751055

Something you can’t do with student loans currently. A loan forgiveness would imply a discharge for student loans, which is effectively impossible currently.

>> No.52751151

I'd support making student loans eligible to be discharged through bankruptcy. I can't think of a reason why anyone would argue against it.

>> No.52751166

This. If it's to make it "fair" for the taxpayers, then I just won't pay taxes. Simple as.

>> No.52751179

Only the hard-right retards on SCOTUS disagree.

>> No.52751196
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>> No.52751221

The entire education loan system as it currently stands would collapse the day after you could declare bankruptcy on student loans. It relies entirely on the debt being not being able to be discharged.
>oh but then the gov will have to be selective with who they loan to
Uh oh, that’s rayciss.

>> No.52751251
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Noooooo but i voted for him

>> No.52752610

>nu-biz doesn't even know what debt is and keeps spergin out about da joooooooooooooz every 2.23 posts
post 2008 newfags were a mistake

>> No.52752858

Only a retard would think he would. Now my only hope is after the g-20 summit he mentioned crypto regulation, that should at least come true ffs. Especially since top swiss banks have mentioned using defi tech like Allianceblock and TRM labs. That's already adoption

>> No.52752930

Free candy for everyone! Vote for me. Ooops the big bad other branch of government said you can't have the free candy. We really tried, guise, blame those assholes. Vote for me next time and I'll get you the free candy.

>> No.52753363

not gonna work chum, they'll just listen from one ear and out the other, that's how privilaged they are

>> No.52753450
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Kek fiatties. Student debt is a drop in the ocean compared to 80TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT UNDER THE COVERS COMING TO LIGHT

There are already the distant stampede rumblings online about another episode of:



U.S. wilderness edition

>Sponsored by the BIS
>Time's up, Federal Reserve.

>> No.52753544

Pretty sure getting cancer can officially get it canceled too. Time to sun tan all day with no sunscreen until I get a suspicious mole

>> No.52753669

I am a millennial who "pulled himself up by his bootstraps" and I hate both greedy boomers and lazy millennials. I am so full of hate.

>> No.52753682

people who took out student loans voting for all that

>> No.52753690
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This is the fault of whoever canceled the forgiveness

>> No.52753698
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>> No.52753711

oh great more people with useless degrees who produce nothing

>> No.52754520


No idiot. The key is to sign social value only to the hard sciences and pay the people with fag degrees nothing.

>> No.52754554

>just pay 80% of your income in taxes bro
>you'll get free stuff bro

>> No.52754587

/pol/ tards are so boring holy shit

>> No.52754639

How to end student debt crisis in a few easy steps:
>end H1B visa and other employment immigration programs (can't import cheapo wageslaves from abroad)
>stop issuing student loans
>bankers and greedy fucks will now offer student loans at insane premiums
>no one can afford it except rich kids
>lower labor supply = higher bargaining power
>companies have to either pay for scholarships or pay you enough to make a 16% APR usury-loan worth it.

But that will never happen because the left is too far gone sucking the intersectionality dick of open-borders.

>> No.52754644

kys. visiting a single time in 2007 does not count

>> No.52754654

tired of seeing people say this word like that. when did this meme start?

>> No.52754680

Nigger community college is petty much free you uneducated retard

>> No.52754704

>a top 10 world superpower is losing to this.

>> No.52754746

I ain't in it for the degree. Its free money time once we get the green light.

>> No.52754760

Whoa look out 1500 dollars

>> No.52754766

The problem with this is that the entire education system isn't set up for this. It would be a huge disaster in the US.

In europe, you generally have a set minimum bar to be eligible to enter university. Not everyone in europe goes through a 12 year of school program before going to university.
This varies by country, but most countries sift out the retards and everybody who wants to join a trade or do vocational training instead of going to college throughout their school life. Roughly at age 10-16 you're basically decided on what track you're going for education-wise: Want to go to university? Better go to the "A type" high school that ends with you being eligible to go to university. Want to go into a profession? Different type of school for you. Want to go into the trades? Also a different school.

Meanwhile every american sits in their high school and graduates with a multiple-choice exam. These people would literally crash and burn if they joined a european university after.
Similarly look at american professors and their qualifications. They would be woefully inadequate in teaching European baccalaureate level schools let alone at university.

TL:DR; the american education system requires reform at the K-12 level, needs a lot of teachers fired and subsequent college/uni level reforms if you actually want to have a successful education system.

>> No.52754791

Yes you are right. I did know better. That's why i didnt vote for Biden despite yelling at republicans to stop dying on this stupid hill

>> No.52754799

Or stop giving out infinity student loans

>> No.52754834

not all of that will happen, only one disaster of global scale can change such fate

>> No.52754871

I can't wait for Pinkertons to be called in on you cunts.

>> No.52754918

not really. Most school in the USA have advanced classes, AP etc It's not uncommon for these students by the 10th grade to be getting college credit or even attending community college. My brother for example started university as a sophomore because he had already completed a full year of college credits through AP classes and tests. Thats a public school in a poor state.

>> No.52754920

>He believes the Jewish media
Why do you think they ask for billions more every week?

>> No.52754935

pretty much this. We also have to repeal GATT though and re-negotiate world trade agreements. We are all in a race to the bottom until that is stopped

>> No.52755005

But those are the exception, not the rule. And still you'd have to consider the quality of both those AP classes (and teachers) AND the quality of the college education (and professors). For every student that goes straight to sophomore through his AP/honors/BI credits theres an entire class paying their way into a 101 by answering a multiple-choice-test in high school. Again, by comparison they'd be eaten alive across the pond at anything but a lesbian dance theory institute. Which is another "problem" to solve: government oversight over taxpayer money vs government deliberately creating bullshit curricula.

>> No.52755309

Nobody is striking over your debts you cuck. Pay it up now wagie.

>> No.52755402

>im going to destroy my credit rating to own da libz
I applaud your retardation.

>> No.52755514

>just file for bankruptcy
No. Dissappear my denbts. If you do it once you can do it again.

>> No.52755594

I know it's hard for you to comprehend, but the money is fake. They just give it out for free. They've been doing this for years actually and will do it again.

>> No.52755601

its free for smart people, retards like you would be kicked out before high school

>> No.52755616

Does ANYONE strike in cUckSA? I've only heard of actor strikes lol

>> No.52755672

You forgot to blame it all on Trump

>> No.52755739
File: 584 KB, 976x1054, 1667162043003017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after years of money printing and retarded ppp loan forgiveness plans and sending money overseas
>this is the breaks for boomer magatards
>muh it isn't fair
>muh devaluing the constantly inflating dollar
>where is my handout
>will continue to ignore that the average millennial pretty much owns nothing relative to what other generations owned because we have to pay for more taxes and boomer social security while housing prices go up and we lost our jobs because boomers needed to be saved from the flu