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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52745325 No.52745325 [Reply] [Original]

How many pees do you own?

This is a thread for icp holders ONLY


>> No.52745359

Is this the new link? I see p(ee)atterns here!

>> No.52745409


>> No.52745436
File: 222 KB, 640x960, PEE ICEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52745454

3k total, 0 staked

>> No.52745462
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urinal cake reporting for duty. never eating ze bugs anymore. feels good bros.

>> No.52745547

i have over 50k and it doesnt feel like enough

>> No.52745566
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>> No.52745579
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>> No.52745640
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i just reported ICP to the SEC

it's over piss cucks

>> No.52746037

>3k total
>2.5k liquid
>400 nfts
>100 staked (bought the top)
>avg $20ish
rate my pee stack

>> No.52746154


>> No.52746379

mellow yellow reporting in

>> No.52746892

350 8y stake dissolving never ever.

>> No.52746941

Trying to get to 2k Piss myself.

>> No.52747140

Just bought 1100.
What am I in for? Should I try and get more?
Are you all bankrupting me?

>> No.52747165

4.4K prince checking in

>> No.52747170

0 because if I had bought any coin since it launched I would've only lost money.


>> No.52747191

Note to newfags icp is a psyop from delphi fags (link og's who run a node) who want you to miss the next cycle, ironically many of them also bought avax ico and paid off jannies to delete avax threads to keep it hidden. The fact I'm saying this will probably piss them off and generate (you)s but I don't care, the icp shit just isn't funny to me and fud for fun has never tickled my pickle.

>> No.52747198

0 piss. 500 turk tokens

>> No.52747218

go back to your containment thread avax roach

>> No.52747251

I don't own any avax, I'm not shilling it, I unironically think its not going to matter either (people just hopped on cause of cornell connections)
Just letting you know icp was widely known as a vc shill scam here May of 2021, but that was right about the time /biz/ was being flooded with doge and gme tourists, so delphi decided to shill them something they'd guarantee lose money on. If you were here pre 2021 bullrun you'd know this, anons were literally writing threads warning you not to buy icp just before the ico, it was widely known vc's owned massive amounts bought for pennies and would be dumping forever.

>> No.52747260

Mellow yellow here, hope you're having a good day i see piss friends

>> No.52747312

Hi guys I'm pretty new to this I have a 50 stack with a dca of 3.80 and by the way my name is Devin :)

>> No.52747340

And now VCs much less. They dumped or restaked. Dfinity has delivered on everything so far. How is this not a great investment opportunity?
It’s the best tech in crypto by far at the moment

>> No.52747363

Why not staked? Are u swinging?

>> No.52747375

600 pee urinal cake here, hoping to be mellow yellow in the not too distant future

>> No.52747393

About 25 million will be reintroduced into the market from VCs by early 2024. Less than 1% of the circulating supply a month.
Then we have VCs that restake for long periods of time. Let’s say 50% restake that’s only 12.5 million tokens reintroduced into the market by VCs in a 1.25 year span. That’s literally nothing.
Idk how anybody can still be worried about the vc shit.

>> No.52747394

Hey Devin. I heard the suicide stack is 10,000 for ICP. Make it stack is 100,000.

I need another 9000 to get my sui stack. How long will I have at these prices to accumulate?

>> No.52747409

>It’s the best tech in crypto by far at the moment
Its centralized vaporware, every L1 claims to be the best tech but nobody here knows what the trilemma is so they don't actually scrutinize these claims. It doesn't solve any novel problems either. The only blockchains that are going to matter beyond pump and dump for the next 5-10 years are most likely going to be bitcoin and ethereum, and that's only until CCIP is live and being widely used, at which point bitcoin is the only one that will be uniquely important, and the rest will just be settlement layers.

>> No.52747777

shut up
shut the fuck up

5k pees

>> No.52747853

Now this is a tier list I can get behind.

Absolutely swimming in it with 30k bags of icy piss. Staked for 7 years. Getting over 100 drops of piss a week. Still buying more every paycheck. Comfy AF.

>> No.52748210

Why would you buy that many,? Give me your hopium fren?

>> No.52748631


>> No.52750246

Complete larp, you’re obviously a lying faggot.

>> No.52750257

The tranny fatty fappy rabbi crappy jabby groomy farty glowy banny niggy faggy trappy lefty shitty janny on biz must go

>> No.52750433

Was going to link you the thread but apparently warosu wiped archives from April 2021 all the way to May 2022. But yes, anons were warning you even back then not to buy this shit. No larp, anyways it is what it is delphi niggers are still gay also I'll bet a bunch of you faggots own lpl so kek

>> No.52750472
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I Own 2 thousands pisses of jar at an average cost of 6.8 USD.

Currently buying around 250-300 pees per month and will continue until it takes off.

I will become a king in the new Web 3.0 era

>> No.52750506

400 pees... will I make it bros

>> No.52751668
File: 15 KB, 168x168, laiv954gk184lwoii5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>475 Frozen piss
>1 sns1

>> No.52751759

You'll make money lil Chad, don't sell until it moons.

>> No.52752210

Dominic Williams was an ambitious young man with a plan: he wanted to take advantage of the emerging new technology called ICP (Internet Contract Protocol) to scam people out of their hard-earned money. He had one goal in mind: to use the money he made to provide a luxurious lifestyle for himself and his gay lover.

It all began on a cold winter afternoon. Dominic had come up with a clever plan to use the ICP protocol to transfer funds from unsuspecting people to his own bank account. He had already contacted various online brokers, leading them to believe he was an authorized dealer. He then opened secret accounts with these brokers, complete with fake names, fraudulent emails and other convincing fake details.

He then gave his friends, colleagues and lovers access to these accounts, allowing them to easily transfer money from their own accounts into his. With the money from these transfers, Dominic began buying luxurious items such as jewelry, vacations and high-end cars for himself and his lover.

Unfortunately, Dominic's scheme was eventually discovered by the authorities, who arrested him and charged him with fraud. Dominic was found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison.

Although Dominic's attempt to scam people had failed, his story is one that serves as a reminder to be cautious and vigilant when using the new technologies. It also serves as a warning of the potential dangers of using ICP to transfer funds. In the wrong hands, ICP can be used as a tool to undermine the security of many people's funds, and while Dominic's attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, it still serves as a reminder of the importance of being careful and vigilant when it comes to internet payments.

>> No.52752308

It's am L0 you dirty negro.

>> No.52752404

Mellow yellow. Opened up a credit card and need to spend 3k USD for a trip to Germany. I think I'll buy a fat stack of piss

>> No.52752830

circ supply is 274,410,577. So if you get 2744 you own 1/100000th of the supply. Which is like owning 1223 ETH.

>> No.52753144
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Why do I always feel like they're gonna pull an antshare and prove all the schizo's right?

>> No.52753150

I can't bro. Spent all my cash on these pees bro.

>> No.52753162

Vaporware token not needed.

>> No.52754183
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Lucky cunt.

>> No.52754188

I really want to know the story behind this dude

>> No.52754420
File: 71 KB, 559x581, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's called naked martin on twitter (DO NOT go on his twitter). He's a massive degenerate who used to do paid shock videos like shitting in a hotdog bun and eating it or pissing in a pint glass and drinking it. I think you can still pay him to make videos. I've been tempted to pay him to promo ICP.

Anyway i saved some reaction photos of him off /b/ a while back and there's a lot of photos of him covered in shit yet somehow happy about it so i think he's a good representative for icp holders.

>> No.52754438


>> No.52754546

domiNIG benchod embezzler